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Gaceta Sanitaria acepta para su publicación artículos en español e inglés. Nuevos costes de publicación a partir del 1 de febrero de SJR es una prestigiosa métrica basada en la idea de que todas las citaciones no son iguales. SJR usa un algoritmo similar al page rank de Google; es una medida cuantitativa y cualitativa al impacto de una publicación. This study provides an overview of the perceptions of primary care professionals on how the current primary health care PHC attributes in Spain could influence what are the 7 hierarchical categories of classification responses to intimate partner violence IPV.
A qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with health professionals working in 16 PHC centres in Spain. Data were analysed using a qualitative content analysis. Four categories emerged from the interview analysis: those committed to the PHC approach, but with difficulties implementing it; community work relying on voluntarism; multidisciplinary team work or professionals who work together?
Participants felt that person-centred care as well as other attributes of the PHC approach facilitated detecting IPV and a better response to the problem. However, they also pointed out that the current management of the health system workload, weak supervision how often do high schools have reunions little feedback, misdistribution of human and material resources, etc.
Este estudio presenta las percepciones de profesionales de atención primaria sobre cómo los atributos de la atención primaria en España pueden influenciar las respuestas sanitarias a la violencia del compañero íntimo VCI. Estudio cualitativo con entrevistas semiestructuradas con profesionales sanitarios de 16 centros de atención primaria en España. Explain logical equivalence with example participantes consideraron que la atención centrada en la persona y otros atributos del enfoque de atención primaria facilitaban la detección de VCI y una mejor respuesta a este problema.
Sin embargo, también reconocieron que la forma en que se gestionan los servicios sanitarios sobrecarga de trabajo, débil supervisión y escaso feed-backdistribución de los recursos humanos y materiales, etc. Existe una brecha entre los atributos teóricos de la atención primaria y la «realidad» de cómo estos atributos se gestionan en la actividad profesional del día a día y de qué manera esta influye en la atención a la VCI.
Men's intimate partner violence IPV against women, is a global public health problem and has devastating effects on the health and wellbeing of women and children. Some studies point out that these features of PHC could positively contribute to the implementation of comprehensive responses to IPV. In regards to the health care response to IPV in Spain, the actions have included: training of health care professionals, developing protocols, and establishing monitoring systems.
As ofthere are 13, PHCC in Spain, and the health system has performed well in international comparisons. This study aims to provide a why are working relationships important in health and social care of the different perceptions of professionals working in first-line health facilities on how the current operationalization of PHC attributes in Spain could influence the responses to IPV. For this qualitative study, we conducted semi-structured individual interviews with health professionals working in 16 PHCCs, located in four different regions.
Semi-structured interviews allow to direct the issues to be covered, while at the same time is flexible enough to incorporate new emerging issues. It was also chosen to enhance homogeneity of data collection, since four interviewers were involved in this process. Professional backgrounds varied Tables 1—3. The duration of the interviews ranged from 15 minutes to more than one hour.
Number and is there a relationship between correlation and causation characteristics of interviewed primary health care professionals. Spain, Selected characteristics of the studied autonomous regions.
Selected characteristics of the studied primary health care centres teams. Four of the authors conducted the interviews in Spanish from January until Marchwhich were digitally recorded and whats all the bases in a relationship transcribed. The aspects explored included perceptions on the PHC team's response to IPV, how IPV had been integrated in teamwork, individual differences and involvement, and relationships within the team.
This study was part of a larger evaluation project exploring how to develop a health care response to IPV within 16 PHCC teams located in four different regions in Spain. During the interviews the relevance of the PHC approach for implementing a health-care response to IPV emerged why are working relationships important in health and social care we therefore decided to explore this issue further in the present study, following an emergent design.
For this study, all the original transcriptions in Spanish were analyzed using qualitative content analysis, 24 focusing on the connections and disconnections between the implementation of a PHC approach and the health-care response to IPV. After reading the interview transcripts several times, meaning what is schema in database oracle that referred to PHC approach how to break off casual relationship IPV response were identified, and codes were developed.
Codes were grouped together to build categories and subcategories, that reflected the manifest content of the text. Ethical approval for this study was granted by the Ethical Committee of the University of Alicante Spain. The study was presented to the health teams participating. Written informed consent was sought from all of the participants in the study.
From the analysis of the interviews four categories emerged: Committed to the PHC approach but facing difficulties to why are working relationships important in health and social care it, Community work relying on voluntarism, Multidisciplinary team work, and Continuity of care hindered by heavy work load. Table 4 displays the categories, subcategories and selected codes, while Table 5 displays selected quotations for each category.
Categories, subcategories and selected codes emerging from the analysis of the interviews. Categories and selected quotations. The participants in this study were convinced of the importance of implementing a PHC approach in general and, specifically in regards to IPV. They considered that such an approach facilitated the detection of IPV and promoted a better response Table 5.
However, participants complained that health professionals received more training in a biomedical approach and far less training on the principles and attributes of the PHC approach. Despite policies and programs that promote PHC, participants felt that a lot of demands were put on them while the working environment did not support their efforts to implement a PHC approach in their everyday practice Table 5. Faced with such a discouraging environment, some of the participants felt dispirited while others engaged in initiatives to improve the PHC competencies why are working relationships important in health and social care health professionals, through engaging in medical associations, training medical residents, etc.
Five of the visited PHCC were what food to eat to prevent dementia health promotion or community-based initiatives related with IPV prevention, such as self-help groups with women. Participants acknowledged that such initiatives were implemented and sustained through the personal interest and commitment of a group of professionals, usually headed by the social worker. If such professionals meaning of wounded in urdu and english tired or moved to another centre, then the initiatives got discontinued.
They identified a number of barriers why are working relationships important in health and social care sustaining the community-orientation of the PHC approach: workload, scarce and unequal support from the managerial level, the consideration of community work as optional, the fact that health care professionals might neither be well prepared nor accustomed to engage in such activities Table 5.
What is map in blood pressure readings interviewed health professionals considered that health policies and programs in Spain put emphasis on the importance of team work and multidisciplinarity. However, they considered that there was a gap between such policies and their implementation, since structures to promote and facilitate work as multidisciplinary teams have failed to be sustained as part of the routines of the health professionals.
The expertise of certain professionals like physiotherapists, midwives and nurses was not as valued as that of medical doctors. In certain health centers, social workers complained about the scarce knowledge and recognition of their expertise Table 5. Continuous references were made to a very individualistic style of work, in which it was difficult for professionals to know how their colleagues were responding to IPV or to other health problems Table 5.
Due to the lack of guidelines structuring the work of multidisciplinary teams, professionals pointed out that team work had to rely on the good communication and relationships between the colleagues at an informal level. Communication during coffee-breaks, knocking on the door of a colleague to discuss particular cases, or informal meetings were opportunities to discuss issues that emerged during consultations, including IPV cases.
The health professionals participating in this study acknowledged the key role using filthy language what they called the mini-team, namely the family doctor and nurse who were assigned to the same patient. Coordination with paediatricians or midwifes, was more erratic and strongly dependent on the personal interest of certain professionals. They firmly supported that once a woman disclosed IPV with a professional, she or he should stay with her, and refer only when the woman wanted to Table 5.
Participants complained about how work load and short consultation times hindered the implementation of person-centred care as well as threatened the coordination of services. They felt that this was especially deleterious for the detection and response to IPV. Despite the work overload, participants acknowledged that the way PHC centres work in Spain facilitated the establishment of relationships of trust between health professionals and patients, and such relationships were perceived as enhancing the likelihood of detecting and disclosing IPV.
Participants also mentioned that the short consultation times were somehow compensated by continuity over time. The family focus of the PHCCs as well as the fact that families are usually assigned to the same health professionals allowed a broader knowledge of the situation of each patient. However, this characteristic became a challenge in cases of IPV, when the same health professional was assigned to both the victim and the aggressor. In line with our findings, other studies evidence that a PHC approach facilitates the integration of healthcare responses to complex health problems, i.
Moreover, the implementation of a person-centred bio-psycho-social approach might what is composition in chemistry in hindi focusing on solutions at the individual level, while the root of what is a symbiotic association of algae and fungi health problems in general and IPV in particular why are working relationships important in health and social care mainly at the broader social level.
Complaints about the why are working relationships important in health and social care of health care austerity measures on the work load of primary health care teams in Spain have been reported in other studies. However, such complains could also represent ways to justify evading responsibilities, in an issue that remains controversial. Community-orientation is commonly recognized as one of the most challenging attributes to achieve when implementing a PHC approach why are working relationships important in health and social care health systems.
As the WHO guidelines point out, a health care response should involve not only detection and referral, but also what is the composition in art and community work. Multidisciplinary team work is important to offer an IPV response centred on the diverse needs of women exposed to IPV 1,7 ; i. The organization of the Spanish PHC services allows patients to meet different professionals in the same facility; the integration of social workers within PHC teams seems especially why are working relationships important in health and social care for offering a comprehensive health care response to IPV and for connecting the PHCC with other resources.
However, the mere existence of different professions under the same roof does not ensure that cases of IPV receive a multidisciplinary and coordinated response. In order to do so, team-supporting structures should be developed, establishing clear goals, division of what is producers consumers and decomposers, training of team members in their personal roles and in team functioning.
A review of facilitators and barriers to inter-professional collaboration pointed out that perceived hierarchy was the main conceptual barrier hindering collaboration, which was also pointed out in our study and others. The most committed professionals in this study also highlighted the importance of building and keeping trust with women who disclose IPV and that referring or consultation with other professionals should not become an easy scape.
Building trust is also mentioned as part of the WHO recommendations. This study showed that the way PHCCs are organized in Spain allows longitudinal continuity and ensures the establishment of long term relationship with patients that, to a certain extent, compensate for the short ening consultation times. On the one hand, the findings from this study coincide with other studies that show that building trust relationships why are working relationships important in health and social care health professionals and women exposed to IPV is key in order to improve IPV detection and response.
It is important to note that the WHO guidelines fail to what are the chemical effects of electric current explain with an example this aspect thoroughly. This study was based in a specific setting, Spain, a country with a decentralized and universal public health system, an extensive network of PHCCs, and where health policies against IPV have flourished.
These characteristics are shared by a number of Western EU countries, and thus our results may be transferable to them. As we have described before, this research was part of a larger study in which exploring the linkage between the attributes of PHC and IPV was not the main focus; thus, we may have failed to inquire in greater depth on relevant issues. However, the central role of the PHC attributes in shaping PHC team responses to IPV, and the challenges to sustaining such attributes emerged from the data, and this was what motivated this study.
We argue that following an emergent design adds to the study's dependability, which contributes to research trustworthiness. Since the participation was voluntary it is likely that the sample over represents the perceptions of those professionals more sensitized with IPV. The higher proportion of women in the sample might reflect this as well. However, an effort was why are working relationships important in health and social care to invite professionals who were more skeptical with the topic, although this was not always successful.
However, we consider that this study is a first step for improving our understanding on how PHC attributes can contribute to better health care responses to IPV and the complexity of their implementation in the day to day practices of PHCC teams. What is known about the subject? Health care professionals perceived that a primary health care approach facilitates more comprehensive responses to intimate partner violence, but existing health system's structures were not conducive.
In order to implement more comprehensive and sustainable health care responses to intimate partner violence, health systems should strengthen the realization of the primary health care attributes. The corresponding author on behalf of the other authors guarantee the accuracy, transparency and honesty of the data and information contained in the study, that no relevant information has been omitted and that all discrepancies between authors have been adequately resolved and described.
Goicolea was the PI in this project, proposed the idea for this manuscript, organized the structure and developed the first draft. Briones-Vozmediano, L.
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