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Herramientas para la mejora del desempeño empresarial. Caso de una empresa comercializadora. Revista Colón Ciencias, Tecnología y Odes. Abstract: Continuous improvement programs are a necessity for any business organization that wishes to survive and develop in a highly dynamic environment such as the one that currently prevails in global scenarios. Consequently, there are multiple improvement approaches for administrative what is core competencies in marketing Therefore, the objective is to develop a procedure to improve performance in a company that markets products for animal consumption that contributes to a better achievement of its levels of efficiency and effectiveness.
The methodology used is made up of four phases and nine steps where a series of proposals are incorporated such as the comprehensive analysis map of the indicators, the analysis of customer satisfaction with variable desired states, the method to determine deficit losses or exceedance of inventories, among buziness aspects. In the same way, it provided workers with more efficient methods for the development of their activities, the analysis of suppliers what does function mean in business the what is a nonlinear function table that originate it as a fundamental improvement solution.
The proposal of an inventory management system was considered viable where the company's managers will be able to obtain results in a time established for the company under study. Businwss Process approach, administrative systems, business performance, performance indicators. Palabras clave: Enfoque de procesos, sistemas administrativos, rendimiento del negocio, indicadores de desempeño. Since Fayol established the basic functions of the administration, these have become the main way of understanding the administration as an object of study.
The ib of the functions and their scope vary among some authors, but generally most reduce it to four basic functions: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. However, there is a fifth function that many authors wuat independently, this is the improvement. These are not assumed independently, but, in general, in organizations both types of objectives must be developed; In other words, it is not possible to improve on all the criteria at the same time, for some control standards fujction defined and the improvement is concentrated on those most critical aspects that require the greatest effort and demand the greatest number of resources while generating the necessary resources.
Usually we talk about continuous improvement, but continuous improvement is not possible in all respects. The improvement can only be continuous when it is oriented to the systemic quality of the organization. Likewise, the why teach cause and effect quality of profit-making organizations is expressed in terms of the profits generated and in non-profit organizations according to the level of satisfaction produced.
Only these two indicators should be subjected to the search for continuous improvement, the rest of the organizational variables should improve or not depending on how they can contribute to the improvement of the systemic quality. For the reasons, it can be affirmed that the search to improve business performance is a constant in any type of what does function mean in business sector or geographical area. Starting from recognizing the whst of processes related to food in general, and those what does function mean in business with the production of poultry products, it is interesting for humanity to delve into how these processes can be improved and identify what efforts are being made by administrative sciences to contribute to this purpose.
In the Scopus database, a total of 2, publications functtion poultry production are reported until January The subject is approached from different sciences with a predominance of agricultural, veterinary, immunology, environmental or medicine sciences. However, from the administrative sciences only four publications are reported Halvorson, ; Sayda, et al. From the foregoing it can be concluded that there are research opportunities on improving business administration in the sector, linked to poultry production.
In accordance with all the above, the objective of this research is defined: to develop a methodology to improve performance in a livestock services company to contribute to a better achievement of its efficiency and effectiveness levels. As ofwhen Fayol published his book General Administration of Industry, the five functions of the Administration were enunciated: Provide, Plan, Organize, Direct and Control; and whose functions derived in the center of the Administration.
This nomenclature has evolved and has been presented in different ways, in Table 1 it is exemplified by two relatively modern authors related to Administration. Table 1 General functions of the Administration. The points of view in favor of one or the other are varied. The foresee function exposed by Fayol is recognized as part of the planning activities.
The integration that Koontz points out is seen as part of the management function, and it is not always exercised since it only applies when a new worker joins the organization. The functions accepted by a great variety of authors are those exposed by Stoner These functions have characteristics that distinguish it, among them are: They are exercised cyclically; the development of one may make it necessary to retake some of the others, which makes it recursive; each what does function mean in business them can be developed as a result of a new internal management cycle applied to it.
Although the functions of the Administration Cycle what does function mean in business recognized throughout the 20th century, in recent years the need for continuous improvement to face the high busniess of the environment and those inherent in the very process under administration became evident. For these reasons, authors such as Juran and García Vidal defend continuous improvement as a fifth function of the Administration.
Both authors state that what does function mean in business management process is developed to ensure the achievement of two types of objectives: the control objectives to guarantee maintaining the performance achieved and those of improvements to increase the performance of some of the process parameters. Since the available resources are rarely enough whar improve, all managers must establish improvement only towards one of the aspects, while the other elements must be objects of having no time for someone quotes. Regarding Administration, the publications in Scopus one of the most internationally recognized scientific databases experience a tendency to increase from the 80s of the 20th century with a total ofpublications until Of busijess total of publications previously considered, onlypublications refer to some of the classic functions of Administration, that is, As shown in Table 2and according to this information, the most explored function is control, followed by planning, while the improvement function it is the one in which the least has been deepened.
Table 2 Administration functions in scientific research Administration functions Total investigations Percentage Planning 39, According to the authors, by performance should be understood: Exercising the obligations inherent to a profession, position or trade or acting, working, dedicating to an activity. In business administration this definition is tacitly what is a neutral wire electrical wiring. However, the research carried out what does function mean in business the subject can be conceived from two different points of view: aiming to identify the actions necessary to optimize the achievement of performance results by planning work methods and ensure busiiness means for its materialization, including the competent human resource for the activity, or aiming to evaluate performance through the results that originate in each of the operations and maen.
In other words, performance is not the object of study per se, but it iss approached proactively or reactively and not simultaneously. Investigations on organizational performance are objects of investigation of different sciences Figure 1. Among these, the administrative sciences for obvious reasons are the ones that address it the meann, although it is also strongly treated by other social sciences or by more specific sciences such as medical sciences.
In the latter case, based on the particularities that it presents for the health sector in charge of the science; and for similar reasons it is treated by another great variety of sciences. Figure 1 Percentage of investigations by area of knowledge on organizational improvement Source: From Scopus considering existing information until January These investigations are approached from different disciplines of administrative sciences.
Figure 2 represents a concurrency analysis of the research on organizational performance, in which two large groups are distinguished towards which the research is directed. The group where the colors vary and which delves into the different variables associated with human behavior and that affect performance, and the group with a predominance of red color where variables that condition performance and that present a more holistic nature are what does function mean in business.
Figure 2 Co-occurrence analysis on research related to organizational improvement Source: From Scopus considering existing information until January As has already been analyzed, organizational performance is generally assumed from the administrative sciences control function, since it seeks to measure the results generated by performance, evaluate the causes that limit it and what does function mean in business actions to mitigate the limitations.
According to Pérez-Campdesuñer et al. As can be seen, the control can be equally ignored, limited than enhanced; In these brief im it is intended to expose some of the theoretical foundations related to control, as well as to address some of the particularities that arise what does function mean in business respect to it. In turn, it was pointed out as one of the ailments of Strategic Planning in its first proposals, which is why it subsequently led to Strategic Management, thus contemplating the entire administrative cycle.
Another challenge that controls faces in its practical development is the opposite tendency to maximize it, converting what does function mean in business only from means to end, and conditioning the development of processes to the conservation of the eoes quo at all costs, preventing the development of the organizational businrss Carnota Lauzan, The most widespread mechanism what does function mean in business measure, understand and communicate the degree to which a process achieves control is through indicator systems.
Indicators are used to express the relationship between the whqt and achieved state, hence many indicators are established based on the relationship between what was achieved Real and what does function mean in business was gusiness Plan. These indicators can be expressed in absolute terms, being more in line with the reality they measure; or in relative or percentage terms with which they are more understandable and generalizable, but subject to a greater probability of distorting the information they contain by allowing more easily to what does function mean in business the reference point with respect to which it is compared.
In administrative practices, indicators are generally oriented ahat measure the degree to which results are achieved, resources are used, or to measure the impact that the results generate in the environment to which they are oriented. In this sense, the indicators are grouped under the terms of efficiency aimed at measuring the use of resources or effectiveness and efficacy relative to the degree of achievement of the objectives.
In the Spanish language, Administration specialists tend to establish differences between effectiveness and efficacy, without dpes full consensus between them. Something similar happens with the terms administration, direction, or management in the administrative field. Table 3 shows an example of possible indicators used for control. Despite being the least researched function of the administrative functions, the number of investigations carried out on this topic is still abundant.
In Scopus, a total of 5, publications on organizational improvement are reported and, like the rest of the functions, the number of these investigations also shows a growing trend since the end of the 20th century. Organizational improvement is the object of research in various geographical latitudes, observing investigations that are reported from each of the continents Aichouni et al.
Similarly, research on the issues is developed in a wide variety of social or productive sectors such as construction Willar ; Zhu et al. A co-occurrence analysis of the research on organizational improvement was made, in which two large groups or clusters are distinguished towards which improvement is concentrated. The first group where the improvement is concentrated what is the importance of impact factor what does function mean in business of processes and or systems; and the second group where improvement is sought over human competencies and management styles.
The methodology includes four phases allowing to achieve the objective and described below. The objective of this phase is to ensure the existence of the necessary conditions to fnuction able to successfully develop each of the phases gunction steps provided by the methodology in such a way that it is guaranteed to achieve the objectives set for the methodology itself.
It includes creating commitment and characterizing the organization. Its objective is to characterize the performance of the organization to identify what problems limit it, as well as what are the causes that condition it. The steps that are developed are the identification men the problem and the analysis of the causes. The research started from the analysis of the general performance indicators, considering the monthly performance during the last two years and Among the assessed indicators were utilities, expenses, income, productivity, and inventory level.
In addition, the degree of knowledge that the organization has about its clients was characterized, what database on clients it has, what data it has registered, what percentage of clients have managed to register, the degree of updating of the data. Also, the systems for collecting and processing customer information will be analyzed, and the degree of customer satisfaction will be evaluated.
The composition what is the meaning of historical cost concept the product portfolio was characterized, for each of the product lines. For each of the products the following indicators what does function mean in business be evaluated: inventory turnover level, contribution margin, income, and storage costs.
It is not desirable that all indicators show the same trend, there are indicators such as income that it is desirable that its trend be upward, while other indicators such as cost must tend to decrease to be satisfactory. Similarly, it is reasonable to predict that the same indicator must show markedly different behaviors in its behavior between one product and another; Finally, sometimes organizations do not want to offer direct information on the behavior of their indicators.
For these reasons, standardized information was used for this purpose. It is recommended to use what does function mean in business information provided in expressions 1 and 2. To carry out a comprehensive analysis of the product portfolio, considering all the indicators and products, a main correspondence analysis is carried out, using SPSS 20 version. For the analysis, competitors must be characterized.
What does function mean in business strengths of each of these what does function mean in business with respect to the organization, as well as the aspects in which the organization exceeds them. To obtain this information, group work sessions are held with sales, marketing and businews public relations personnel. Once the entire environment has been characterized, as well as the results or main what does function mean in business of the organization, the state of the process is characterized.
For the analysis of the processes, it is recommended to functkon from tools already used such as what does function mean in business process map, the flow diagrams. For each of the processes that make up the organization, the state of its technology, the availability and quality of work methods, and the quantity and quality of human resources available to the organization must be characterized.
Concluded with the analysis of the processes, the state of the relationship with the suppliers should be evaluated, assessing the satisfaction with them in terms of quantity, quality, opportunity, and variety. Once the status of the different aspects evaluated in the previous tasks has been characterized, an integration with the results is carried out, identifying the strengths and weaknesses.
To achieve a comprehensive evaluation of the results, the level of performance must be determined by expression 3. From the problems identified in the previous step, an analysis of the causes that generate them should be carried out. For the analysis of the causes, group work sessions are carried out where, applying brainstorming, a list of possible causes is listed.