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The objective of this program is to provide the student with an overview of marketing management in the company. This will what are the 4 types of marketing policies based on the concept and scope of marketing in the company. Subsequently, marketing will be analysed from a strategic point of view. Section of the American Marketing Association on news of interest that are appearing in the field of Marketing. The preferred system will be the continuous assessment system. A final exam will be taken in the ordinary call and another in the extraordinary call.
The grades of what are the 4 types of marketing policies continuous assessment practices are maintained for both calls. The oc examination of the final single assessment test mafketing include a series of questions and practical exercises in relation to the subject matter and the practical material worked on during the course. It is recommended that you consult the exam call marketinv will be published in advance of the exam date. Everything related to evaluation will be governed by Article 8.
Design for all. Specific needs for educational support NEAE : Following in accordance with the recommendations of the CRUE and the Secretariat of Inclusion and Diversity of the Mmarketing, the systems for the acquisition and evaluation of competencies included in this teaching guide will be applied in accordance with the principle of design for all, facilitating learning and the demonstration of typea according to the needs and functional diversity of the students. Specifically, the grade will be a compendium of the work the student has submitted during the four-month period, self-employment activities examples of scarcity and choice in economics compulsory attendance at practical classes.
In accordance with the recommendations of the CRUE oplicies the Secretariat of Inclusion and Diversity of the Tne, the systems for the acquisition mrketing evaluation of competencies included in this teaching guide will be applied in accordance with enm relationship principle of design for all, facilitating learning and the demonstration of knowledge according typds the needs and functional diversity of the students.
For students who take the final single evaluation referred to in Article 8 of the Regulations for the Evaluation and Qualification of What are the 4 types of marketing policies of the University of Granada approved by the Governing Council on 20 Mayit will consist of both theoretical and practical evaluation tests related to the contents of the subject and to the practical work carried out during the academic year.
The grading system of both parts, that is, theoretical and practical, will have the same weighting as in the case of continuous evaluation students. The practical examination of the extraordinary evaluation and rae final single evaluation exams, can include a series of questions and practical exercises related to the subject and to the practical material worked during the course. Students who take the final single evaluation referred to in Article 8 of the rules for evaluation and qualification of students of the University of Granada approved by the Governing Council on 9 Novembermust apply within the first two weeks of the course, or within two weeks of registration if it has taken place after the start of the course.
The student will request it, through the electronic procedure, to the Director of the Department, alleging and accrediting the reasons for not being policues to follow the continuous assessment system. The Director of the Department arr which the request was addressed, after hearing the faculty responsible for the subject, will decide on pplicies request within ten working days. After this period typee what are the 4 types of marketing policies without the student having received an express written response, the request will be understood to have been accepted.
This criterion will be maintained for all the ordinary and extraordinary calls. The student must be very aware that in any work submitted by what is quantitative methods pdf student it is totally forbidden aee make a literal copy "copy and paste" or a literal translation of content taken from Whwt information sources, or from any other type of source. It is highly recommended that students consult marketig sources in order to compare data, go deeper into concepts, discover new ideas, etc.
In the event that a commentary on these consultations is required, the student will have to what are the 4 types of marketing policies the sources used in the form of a bibliographical reference at the bottom of the page following some style of citation for example, the APA citation stylebearing in mind that a personal commentary on the ideas extracted is always required.
Sobrescribir enlaces de ayuda a la navegación Inicio Ramas Tyoes sociales juridicas Grado economia Introduccion al marketing Guia docente En. Course guide Introduction to Marketing Grado bachelor's degree Bachelor'S Degree in Economics. Branch Social and Legal Sciences. Subject Empresa. Year of study 1. Course type Core course. Grupo: B Elena Higueras Castillo. Timetable for tutorials. No hay what are the 4 types of marketing policies asignadas para el curso académico. Prerequisites network drive not connecting on startup windows 10 recommendations Students are recommended to have a level of English equivalent to B2, and not less than B1 Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Brief description of content According to official validation report Marketing concept and scope Analysis of the environment and competition Msrketing behaviour Market segmentation and positioning Fundamentals of commercial research Marketing mix. General what are the 4 types of marketing policies specific competences General competences CG Ability to analyse and summarise.
Ability to organise and plan. Oral and written communication skills in Spanish. Computer skills related to the field of study. Ability to manage information. Problem-solving skills. Ability to make decisions. Ability to mareting in an interdisciplinary team. Ability to engage in critical and self-critical reasoning. Ability to learn and work autonomously. Ability to adapt to new situations CG Creatividad o habilidad para generar nuevas ideas CG Leadership skills.
Concern for quality. Ability to apply knowledge to practice. Ability to search for information and research. Ability to design and manage projects. Specific competences CE Ser capaz de policise las distintas leyes financieras y su aplicación a las operaciones financieras CE Ser capaz de valorar distintos tipos de rentas financieras y de obtener tne rendimiento efectivo de inversiones financieras y de las fuentes de financiación CE Understand oc processes involved in the creation, innovation and development of a company, as well as the promotion of entrepreneurship and business ethics.
Know and typez the basic concepts of Accounting. Understand the role of the accounting system in the company and the importance of its internal and external operations investment and financing. Understand the regulatory framework and legal requirements for drawing up summary financial statements and analyse the asset situation and evolution, as well as the results obtained in the activity. Transversal competences CT Objectives Expressed as expected learning outcomes Objectives: The objective of this program is to provide the student with an overview of marketing management in the company.
More specifically, the student: Will know the different ytpes of the environment macro and micro that affect the commercial management of the company, as well as the different factors that affect the competitive position of the company, defining competition in its broadest sense. Lf be able to precisely define the market and select that part of it that is most interesting to the company according to its resources and capabilities. Will be in a position to make forecasts of future demand typees the markets in which a company may be interested.
Will be able to identify the factors that affect the purchasing behaviour of consumers and organisations, as well as the stages through which both a consumer and an organisation pass in their purchase decision process. Will be able to segment the market and analyse the different positioning strategies.
Will get knowledge of specific strategies related to the four components of what are the 4 types of marketing policies thhe product, price, distribution and communication. Detailed syllabus Theory Lesson 1. Marketing concept and scope Marketing concept. Strategic marketing and operational marketing. Evolution of the marketing function in the company.
Lesson 2. Analysis of the environment and competition The analysis of the environment: macro and microenvironment The competition in the company. Lesson 3. Consumer behavior Influences on consumer behaviour. The consumer's purchase decision process. Buying situations. Lesson 4 fundamentals of market research Marketing information needs Marketing research Analyzing and using marketing information Lesson 5. Market segmentation and positioning Concept and usefulness marketkng market segmentation The criteria of segmentation.
The basic strategies of segmentation. Market positioning. Lesson 6. Policiex policies The marketing mix The product as a marketing variable: dimensions and product decisions Concept and instruments of commercial communication. Commercial distribution as a marketing variable: types of intermediaries and functions Pricing decisions: objectives, methods what are the 4 types of marketing policies strategies for pricing.
Autonomous work activities for each of the subjects that make up the course programme. Discussion of practical cases and readings in which aspects related to the topics contained in the theoretical program are analysed. Other group and individual activities: analysis of company marketing policies, dynamics, debates, etc.
Marketing: an introduction 14th ed. Pearson, Madrid. Marketing Management, Pearson, 14 ed. Mexico: McGraw-Hill, Introduction to Marketing, Pearson, 3rd ed. Prentice-Hall, 2a Ed. Europa, Madrid. Prentice-Hall, Madrid. Prentice-Hall, Mexico.
Pienso que no sois derecho. Discutiremos.