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Accueil Volumes and Issues Vol. FromNSP data collection included rural and urban poor populations of disaster prone food and nutrition courses in bangladesh of Bangladesh. Sinceit evolved into a nationally representative nutrition surveillance system in rural Bangladesh and also continued assessing trends of malnutrition in urban poor areas. Over the 16 year period, the NSP produced plethora of information that was packaged and shared as bulletins, in peer reviewed journal articles, food and nutrition courses in bangladesh presentations at conferences, seminars, workshops.
The NSP had a flexible framework that allowed it to assess trends and underlying factors of malnutrition, monitor and evaluate selected programs and conduct special studies related to current and emerging issues. NSP findings were available to contribute to program development and supported policy discussions in-country and internationally. The NSP continuously highlighted the importance of monitoring, which is not only an indispensible element for a successful program, but also helps prioritization and decision making to maximize utilization of limited resources for developing countries burdened with numerous problems to address.
The NSP provides an coursses of a technically sound surveillance system with rapid turnover of data and findings, which is imperative to bqngladesh program planning, policy formulation and tracking progress toward developmental goals. De àla collecte des données du NSP a porté sur des populations pauvres, rurales et urbaines, des régions du Bangladesh exposées aux catastrophes.
Depuisle projet a évolué vers un système de suivi de la nutrition, représentatif de la politique nationale dans les régions rurales du pays, et a continué à évaluer les tendances de la malnutrition dans les zones urbaines pauvres. Le NSP est un exemple de système de suivi techniquement satisfaisant, impliquant une rotation rapide de données et de food and nutrition courses in bangladesh, ce qui est impératif pour mener ffood bien la planification des programmes et l'élaboration de politiques adaptées, et pour suivre la progression vers les objectifs de développement fixés.
A lo largo del período de 16 años, el PVN produjo una plétora de información que fue recopilada y compartida en forma de boletines, en publicaciones de periódicos revisadas por expertos, y como presentaciones en conferencias, seminarios y talleres. El PVN tuvo un nutrotion flexible que le permitió evaluar las tendencias y factores subyacentes de la desnutrición, controlar y evaluar programas seleccionados y llevar a cabo estudios especiales relacionados con las cuestiones actuales y emergentes.
Las conclusiones del PVN se pusieron a disposición para contribuir al desarrollo del programa y apoyaron debates políticos a nivel local e internacional. El PVN destacó continuamente la importancia de food and nutrition courses in bangladesh vigilancia, que no es sólo un elemento indispensable para un programa de éxito, sino que también ayuda en la priorización y toma de decisiones para maximizar la utilización de recursos limitados para países en vías de desarrollo cargados con numerosos problemas para resolver.
Inworld leaders were gathered in commitment to set the Millennium Development Goals MDG including the targets of halving food and nutrition courses in bangladesh level of hunger, poverty, and child and maternal mortality nktrition from the levels United Nations Development Programme These targets were set at the international level; and each country would need courzes data to assess current status, trends and evaluate program performance to accelerate progress in achieving MDGs.
These types of data are critical for effective policy formulation and shaping programs to reduce poverty, and to improve health and nutrition. It was determined that there was a need to be able to assess the impact of the many natural disasters in Bangladesh on nutritional status of children and women through an established system to example of evolutionary theory in sociology current, pre and post disaster situations, in comparison to non-affected areas.
FromNSP continued bi-monthly data collection rounds among rural and urban poor populations of disaster prone areas of Bangladesh. Sinceit evolved into a nationally representative nutrition surveillance system in rural Bangladesh and continued assessing trends of malnutrition among mothers and children in urban poor areas until HKI Because of the importance and utility of the system, inthe NSP was revised based on the current and future data needs in Andd and has been re-implemented by HKI in to institutionalize the system within a new local partner, BRAC University, to sustain it for another extended period.
Data on a broad range of indicators based on the UNICEF conceptual framework of malnutrition UNICEF were collected including anthropometry height, weight, mid-upper-arm-circumference or MUAC of children and their mothers, socio-economic, food consumption, morbidity, and access to health care data, as well as cluster level information such as price of major food items and distance to amenities to assess and analyze the nutritional status in relation to the underlying factors that enhance or aggravate the situation.
Each NSP data collection round, a two month cycle, coincided with one of the Bengali weather seasons to capture the seasonal variation that might influence prevalence of malnutrition. Data were collected from 28 rural sites, four sub-districts from each of the six divisions in Bangladesh and an additional four sub-districts in the Chittagong Hill Tracts CHTwhich is a marginalized minority area. Households were predominately Muslim with exception to the CHT, and cultural norms and the level of conservativeness were more or less consistent across the country.
The NSP data collection teams, one in each of the sites, were comprised of two people with at least one being female. Anthropometric measurement required two people Figure 1and having a woman in the team built rapport with the mother and facilitated posing sensitive questions regarding pregnancy and maternal health. Precision measurement of the height board was accurate to 0.
For each round the questionnaire was reviewed and may have been food and nutrition courses in bangladesh slightly based on the need for new indicators because of an additional interest or special study by HKI or IPHN, other government agency or stakeholder request. After pre-testing, the data collectors Data Collection Officers of partner NGOs food and nutrition courses in bangladesh government personnel would food trained or retrained on the method and questionnaire.
Experienced data collectors received a two-three day refresher training on changes to the survey tool and any butrition data collectors received an extended basic training of about two weeks Figure 2. HKI Monitoring Officers visited teams on-site and provide support as food and nutrition courses in bangladesh. Data entry staff of partner NGOs received training to enter how to draw a line graph in excel sheet using a standard entry package developed by the experienced HKI data management team.
Data were sent to HKI in batches, which were then merged and cleaned and then reviewed and analyzed by the Analysis and Reporting Unit team. Key indicators were analyzed and compared food and nutrition courses in bangladesh each round and special analyses were done as well. A Round Report was produced and disseminated soon after each data collection round.
Starting indata were combined on an annual basis and findings shared related to the whole year. In addition, special bulletins were regularly produced to highlight interesting findings. The NSP operated with a high level of cooperation between the units food and nutrition courses in bangladesh the NSP system and with implementing partner NGOs, which ensured rapid turn-over of high quality data and timely findings shared with stakeholders regularly, making the system extremely responsive and essential Chopra et al.
Food and nutrition courses in bangladesh findings of NSP were shared for policy discussions at the national level and in response to queries for external information on a range of different topics. The NSP bulletins presented findings drawn from technically sound statistical analysis, presented in a format simple to understand and use, and distributed on nutritioh regular basis to public and private sector national and international organizations and non-government partner organizations.
They drew attention to issues of concern and informed and updated readers on current nutritional status of women and children courwes trends over the period Figure 3. HKI also regularly produced a yearly data set on Food and nutrition courses in bangladesh and freely distributed it with the vourses report, welcoming others to utilize this resource to understand how malnutrition prevails in developing countries, its nature and determinants.
More recently, the bnagladesh data sets bangladwsh NSP have been product positioning definition by philip kotler available through public access for any further analysis by outside parties. Figure 3. For instance, the co-existence of the dual burden of malnutrition, overweight and under-nutrition among mothers in Bangladesh was observed while analyzing NSP data, and published in Shafique et al.
The findings were also shared in national and international conferences, such as at the 8th Commonwealth Congress on Diarrhea and Malnutrition instimulating discussions to tackle the dual burden of malnutrition in Bangladesh Shafique et al. Food and nutrition courses in bangladesh findings of the special study showed that disasters increase the adverse impact of concurrent and subsequent non-disaster shocks and negatively affect household asset food and nutrition courses in bangladesh, livelihood, food security, health and nutrition.
The study published as an HKI disaster report HKI also reflected that the impact was different for landowners and landless households, and that the recovery time for households was proportional to the severity of the impact of the disaster. In addition, NSP data was used to identify the potential of macroeconomic food policies in reducing malnutrition when data analysis showed the association of increased rice prices and higher food and nutrition courses in bangladesh rates in Torlesse, Kiess, and Bloem, The paper argued that because rice is the main staple of the Bangladeshi population, the consumption per capita butrition to remain stable and therefore an increase in the price iin rice would result in less money available for households to buy other quality, micronutrient rich foods.
This lack of purchasing power would result in children from more households becoming underweight. This paper stressed the importance of macroeconomic policies to keep the price of staple foods affordable so poor what are the four key objectives of marketing communications marginal households would not experience increased hunger and malnutrition. An NSP system such as HKI implemented in Bangladesh is ideal to follow such change and its impact on the food and nutrition security among the most vulnerable.
However, this type of system is not present in most countries Swan, Hadley, and Cichon, Earlier findings of NSP were used to emphasize the role of and need for universal VAS coverage among children to prevent night blindness Bloem Presentations of NSP data on factors associated with non-receipt of vitamin A capsules banglafesh Bangladeshi months old children encouraged participants of other countries in the region with poor VAS coverage Akhter et al.
Coverage of micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy and post-pregnancy period was also assessed by NSP, and disseminated at other forums Akhter et al. NSP findings on malnutrition at national level allowed for assessment of the impact of nutritjon program against secular trends in malnutrition. Further in-depth analysis done using NSP data in NNP areas found that the program performance varied widely by area, by implementing banglsdesh HKI ; and that coverage of the intervention and targeting coursea inadequate.
In most cases, evaluations assessing NNP did not measure program performance, but assessed the impact on reduction of malnutrition only. A lesson learned was that when assessing impact of programs, an assessment of the quality of program service delivery such as targeting and coverage should also be included in order to use the data to improve strategies to meet program objectives.
The system allowed for addition of modules to the routine questionnaire to collect data from regular data collection sites of NSP or for extending the system to new sites, as well as adapting the system to implement special studies at national level. For instance, a special module was added within the NSP questionnaire to investigate strategies that were effective in increasing vitamin A capsule coverage among children. These what is the unit of classification in biology were then shared with GOB to help improve coverage in low performing areas.
The NSP system also allowed for expansion of its data collection area to accommodate special interests, such as was done after the flood to include flood affected areas outside the regular NSP sites in order to assess impact of the severe flood in different parts of the country HKI The NSP findings on the alarmingly high level of anemia in Bangladesh raised much debate, and the national policy on prevention and reduction of anemia was developed following these discussions. The NSP findings showed that infants in Bangladesh are given other foods at ages below six months and the complementary diet is not adequately diverse.
The ensuing discussion at the national conference on breastfeeding and complementary feeding also raised the issue of the need for comparable indicators within the country Akhter et al. Because of the independence of the system, the high quality of the data, and the timely analysis and reporting, NSP findings guided evidence based food and nutrition courses in bangladesh formulation and program development in the country.
The NSP acted as a technically sound surveillance system built on strengths of local and international staff that operated smoothly over 16 years. NSP results were packaged and disseminated to a wide audience in-country and abroad. Although a good number of donors were convinced of the need for this system in Bangladesh, it became large and too costly to be easily funded by a single donor.
In cojrses, because of these discontinued rounds, and also because changes to the questionnaire were frequently made, some indicators were changed that food and nutrition courses in bangladesh it difficult to do certain trend analysis for the whole 16 year period, and therefore selected analysis had to be limited to those rounds when data was collected using the same indicators among comparable target groups.
Reviewing this experience has helped Inn to structure the questionnaire and to choose variables carefully so as to ensure that future trends analysis will be possible from the NSP dataset for many years to come. Careful analysis of changes in nutrition status of the target population over time and its relationship to underlying factors can highlight past wnd emerging trends and can shed light on gaps in both policy and programs to retarget assistance where it is needed most. NSP continuously highlighted the importance of program monitoring as well, which is not only an indispensible element for a successful program, but also helps decision making to maximize utilization of limited resources particularly important for developing countries burdened with numerous health, nutrition and economic problems to address.
Poor coverage of micronutrient supplementation among pregnant and postpartum women in Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh. Varying definitions of exclusive breastfeeding result in different jutrition need for a national consensus. FACTS report Vol 1, issue 1. Bloem MW The role of universal distribution of Vitamin A Capsule in combating vitamin A deficiency in Bangladesh.
American Journal of Epidemiology ; Singapore: Helen Keller International. Trends in health and nutrition indicators in the urban slums of three cities in Bangaldesh, compared to its rural areas. What primates are humans closest cousins of mid-upper arm circumference Z-scores in nutritional Assessment.
Lancet ; letter. Helen Keller International Monthly reports Helen Keller International, Bangladesh. Helen Keller International a. Special Report: May 2, Cyclone. Helen Keller International how social workers work with clients. How Ready Were We? Preparedness, Damage and Management of the May Cyclone. Impact nuutrition food and nutrition courses in bangladesh Floods on Rural Households inBangladesh.