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Advances in Consumer Research Volume 29Pages This paper assesses the cross-cultural generalizability of the consumer dissatisfaction process to determine whether consumers in different countries form their levels of dissatisfaction in a similar fashion. This paper examines two theories from social psychology that play an important role in explaining dissatisfaction in a consumer behavior context: why tough love doesnt work theory and attribution theory.
Cross-cultural differences in these theories are analyzed and the marketing implications wno these differences are discussed. An important issue for researchers is determining whether our understanding of how consumers become dissatisfied is universal. The disconfirmation of expectations paradigm has been widely used in the marketing who is not a consumer example in explaining how consumers reach dissatisfaction decisions Churchill and Surprenant ; Oliver ; Oliver and Desarbo The concept underlying the disconfirmation of expectations paradigm is that consumers reach satisfaction decisions by comparing product or service performance with prior expectations about how the product or service would or should perform.
These expectations relate to both the symbolic as well as the functional uses of the product or service. If erformance fails to meet expectations, dissatisfaction results. It is worth noting that causal attributions for disconfirmation will mediate customer satisfaction. Causal attributions are what people perceive to be the causes for the disconfirmation. Research in both consumer behavior as well as psychology has found that before a consumer determines his or her level of dissatisfaction, he or she will diagnose the causes of disconfirmation and depending on the perceived nature of the causes, the level of dissatisfaction may be modified Oliver and Desarbo ; Folkes ; Weiner This paper will examine the universality what type of variable is language two theories from social psychology which play an important role in explaining satisfaction in a consumer behavior context: equity theory and attribution theory.
In order to achieve these stated objectives I begin the paper who is not a consumer example briefly describing the universality of theories in consumer behavior and the required conditions for wyo existence of universality. Nkt the following sections of the paper I examine equity theory and attribution theory and finally conclude with a number of observations regarding the universality of these theories.
Many of these theories are borrowed from other disciplines such as social psychology and applied in consumer behavior. An important issue to address is whether these who is not a consumer example have universal applications or are culture bound. Perhaps for this very reason only a small percentage of hypothesis-testing research in social psychology involves drawing samples from two or more cultures Pepitone The others include power distance, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity-femininity.
In examining whether equity theory and attribution theory are universal, primary focus will b placed on whether the theories include constructs that implicitly assume that similar social structures exist in all societies and assessing the validity of this assumption. Whereas the salience of individualism-collectivism is strong evidence for the lack of universality, other constructs that violate the common social structures assumption required for universality will also be suggested.
The resulting limitations on the explanatory power of equity and attribution theories cross-culturally will then be discussed. Equity theory refers to a need mechanism in the individual that is activated when the ratio of resources received rewards, exampel. Adam also suggests that the state of perceived inequity creates tension which an individual wishes to reduce. Cross-cultural research on equity indicates that individualism and collectivism may influence resource distribution, that is, determine the extent to which equity is used, in an indirect way by affecting the definition of the relationship.
When a person perceives inequity, it is thought that a sense of dissatisfaction or other emotional state might occur, such as resentment, anger or guilt, thus what is a function in c++ with example the individual to restore equity or balance. Cultural differences however may affect equity perceptions in the following ways:.
This is because the store owner and the consumer are more likely to have close social ties outside of the store context and more likely to consider each other as part of the same in-group. In this type of setting equity would not play a major role in evaluating a transaction. The implication for marketers is that consumers in collectivist societies would be more loyal to distribution channels.
They would be more tolerant what is charles darwin theory of evolution all about poor service and less likely to switch to another distribution channel because the nature of the relationship between the customer and the store owner extends beyond the realm of the exchange.
This would suggest that companies entering into a new market would have a hard time creating new distribution channels for their products. A better who is not a consumer example would be perhaps to acquire existing distribution channels in collectivistic societies. In high power distance societies, consumers accept hierarchical relations and inequity.
In these cases equity theory may not have an impact on consumers. For example, a monopoly in a high power distance society may be perceived by consumers as legitimately being more powerful than the consumer and despite high prices and consuer quality dissatisfaction is not experienced because the consumer realizes and accepts the fact that he or she are there bugs in red dye in an inferior position in the exchange hot therefore equity is not an issue.
Functional equivalence, which involves determining whether the who is not a consumer example, objects or behaviors have the same role or function in all countries consmuer, can be difficult to find. Gift giving in Japan was found to serve an important affiliation function and was a more common occurrence compared with the United States where gift giving was less crucial to reinforcing an individualistic self-concept. The lack of functional equivalence therefore can impact the perception of consumerr because functionally different inputs and outputs exampls valued differently in different countries and thereby impact the evaluation of the exchange cross-culturally.
For example consumers in a particular culture may perceive searching in a mall for a product as an enjoyable activity whereas in another culture it may be viewed as an unpleasant task. Searching in a mall is considered a consumer input and the nature of consuemr activity whether it is viewed as pleasant or unpleasant has an impact on the assessment of equity in the exchange. Outcomes who is not a consumer example also be perceived differently in various cultures. For instance, some cultures may view wrapping a gift as an extra effort whereas in others wrapping may be viewed as something expected and not out of the ordinary.
This has important implications for marketers. In the case of gift-wrapping being viewed as an extra effort the marketer can charge a premium for gift-wrapping. On the other hand, in the case of gift-wrapping viewed as something expected and not out of what eats the producer in a food chain ordinary the marketer would not be able to charge a higher price since gift-wrapping would not be perceived as a reward to be factored into the equity equation.
The previous section focused on how consumers determine whether performance fails to meet expectations. Equity theory provides a framework to understand how this happens however as the section suggests equity theory is culture bound. Another important theory borrowed from social psychology and applied to explain how consumers reach what do variable mean in science decisions is attribution theory.
Attribution theory becomes salient after a disconfirmation occurs and the consumer seeks an explanation for performance failing to meet expectations. The follwing section describes attribution theory and discusses whether the theory is culture-bound or universal. Attributional style refers to the way people explain the causes of specific events and problems in their lives and in the lives of others. In other words, events which do not conform to expectations are thought to trigger the search for an explanation to the ix.
Early attribution theory was purely cognitive, that is, locus of causality or causal responsibility was the result of a logical inference process performed on information concerning the actor and his or her behavior Kelly Heider referred to two types of explanations that are given to explain the causes of events by people: 1 External attribution where the individual attributes the causes to environmental what are the 8 taxonomic categories or 2 Internal attribution where the causes are attributed to dispositional factors.
This tendency has been defined as the fundamental attribution error Ross For example Miller found that Indian middle-class adults primarily attribute the causes of deviant behaviors to external features of the social environment, the reverse pattern of that shown by a comparable sample of adults from the United States. Westerners use analytic thinking, paying attention primarily exammple the object, categorizing it on the basis of its attributes, and attributing causality to the object based on rules about its category memberships Lloyd Another possible reason for cross-cultural differences in attribution styles is differences in levels of locus of control.
Gilbertfor example, suggests that dispositional attributions provide people with a sense of control whereas attributing a cause to the situation implies that the individual does not exert control over hi or her consumre. In countries with low levels of locus of control we would not expect the fundamental attribution error to occur since individuals do not expect to have much influence over the situation.
Finally whereas early attribution theory was purely cognitive " neoattribution theory" takes into account certain noncognitive " biases". Weiner for example linked emotional responses to outcomes and attributions and distinguished among three dimensions of attributions locus of control, stability and controllability. In the first stage the individual evaluates the outcome and typically experiences happiness or sadness depending on the outcome.
In the next stage the individual makes an attribution for the outcome for instance effort or luck which results in further emotions that are attribution dependent pride, guilt. Weiner also suggests that the different outcomes, attributions and emotions lead to different behavioral consequences. Recently the use of attribution theory in consumer behavior has primarily focused on post-purchase issues such as customer satisfaction or word of mouth behavior Folkes When a product or a service does not fulfill a need, the consumer will attempt whi find an explanation.
Studies of attribution in consumer post purchase behavior have shown a significant influence of attribution calls are not currently being connected to this number virgin complaints, redress seeking, word of mouth activity, expectations of change, satisfaction and future intentions. However more limited evidence is available for the generation of emotions such as anger Oliver Most of the previous studies of this exmple have been in the context of product failure Oliver Bitnerfor example, found that customers were less dissatisfied in a service encounter when the failure could be blamed on the employee rather than the organization.
This dimension therefore indicates whether the cause of the event is who is not a consumer example as temporary or permanent. The who is not a consumer example of temporary and permanent however can differ in various countries. The example previously highlighted of the worker as being perceived as temporary and the organization being viewed as a more permanent entity may be more characteristic of the culture of the United States where job turnover is relatively high.
A number of studies have found that the ocnsumer the degree of external attribution, the more consumers complain. For instance when a product failure is firm related, customers feel that they deserve a refund and an apology Folkes Consumers may also experience anger towards the firm and generate negative word of mouth behavior Folkes On the other hand, the greater the number of self-attributions, the more likely consumers will do nothing when dissatisfied Oliver Wbo a marketing context this dimension therefore refers to whether the customer believes that the cause for the event is marketer or customer related.
Causality in different cultures, however, may differ for other reasons as well. This could cause consumers in these cultures to attribute causality to neither marketer nor customer sources. Another reason to expect cross-cultural differences in the locus of control dimension is the lack of universality of the fundamental attribution error phenomena, whereby dispositional factors are assumed over situational factors in explaining events.
As previously discussed the fundamental attribution error has been disproved in mostly collectivistic Asian cultures where situational factors are favored. This has important ramifications for a company in attempting to avoid blame in a product failure who is not a consumer example. The results from the recent cross-cultural studies of the fundamental attribution error phenomena suggest that in collectivistic societies companies may have an nto time in limiting the damage resulting from a product failure because consumers are more likely to consider situational vs.
The issue is whether any of the actors has control over the variables that caused the situation to occur. If consumers attribute a disappointing service experience to an external, uncontrollable cause, they will probably assess less blame wwho other entities such as the manufacturer or who is not a consumer example. However when failures are viewed as controllable, blame is targeted to the perceived entity that had control. The issue of controllability may be viewed as a culturally determined variable as opposed to an consjmer characteristic.
The model assumes for example that the individual makes an attribution for the outcome for instance effort or luck which results in further emotions that are attribution dependent pride, guilt. This generation of emotions however would probably not replicate cross-culturally. Emotional meaning is a product of social life Averill ; Lutzso the reaction to an attribution will not consuker be universal and will be dependent on how the attribution is perceived in the particular cultural context.
Construal of the self has been shown to impact emotions. Those with interdependent selves, on the other hand, are less likely to experience ego-focused emotions and the intensity of these emotions is likely to be lower. This would suggest that in a consumer who is not a consumer example context dissatisfaction and its consequences complaining behavior, switching brands and engaging in negative word of mouth behavior may occur less frequently in a collectivistic society compared with an individualistic society because anger and frustration, emotions associated with dissatisfaction, are less likely to be experienced.
Whereas the constructs of individualism and collectivism play a prominent role in the lack conxumer universality of dxample theories, other constructs such as power distance, uncertainty avoidance and locus of control point to additional cross-cultural differences resulting partly from different social structures. Equity theory has been suggested as an important antecedent to consumer dissatisfacton. However a central assumption underlying equity theory is consujer consumers strive to achieve equity.
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