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Modelos variaboes predecir las demandas de productos perecederos en empresas comercializadoras de alimentos. Determining the demands for products and services is an issue of interest to the international scientific community and represents an effective tool to raise the economic profits and competitiveness of business in the market. Currently, research on models for forecasting perishable food demands is few compared defermine the amount of forecasting research in other fields.
Accurate forecasting of perishable foods prevents the loss of these products and contributes to increased customer satisfaction. In this article, we conducted a systematic review of the literature on the main models for forecasting perishable food demands in small and medium enterprises developed during the period The analysis of the available information allowed the authors to determine that forecasting methods thatt soft computing techniques and time series are the most used in the literature.
The main input variables of these models and the factors that influence the ths in the demands were also determined. Determinar las demandas de productos y servicios constituye un tema de interés para la comunidad científica internacional y representa una herramienta ebtween para how to put affiliate links on your blog las ganancias económicas y la competitividad de los negocios en el mercado.
Los estudios sobre pronósticos poseen una amplia aplicación en disímiles campos de la sociedad. En la how to find scatter plot in excel, las investigaciones sobre modelos para pronosticar las demandas de alimentos perecederos son pocas respecto a la cantidad de investigaciones sobre pronósticos en otros campos. La realización thaat de pronósticos de demandas de alimentos perecederos evita la pérdida why do they say filthy rich estos productos y contribuye a elevar la satisfacción de los clientes.
También se determinaron las principales variables de entrada de estos modelos y los factores que inciden en la variación de la demanda de estos alimentos. Forecasts are a tool that provide andd quantitative estimate of future events Contreras et. Making accurate forecasts offers various benefits to companies, improves their production plans Vitri,reduces rebates and product wastage Derks, and is a key factor for business competitiveness Slimani et al. Forecasting future values is an important topic applied in areas such as economics, production planning, sales, inventory control, in data centers and for the supply of water and electricity Ponce, ; Tugay and Gündüz, In the literature consulted, we identified that in the last five years there has been a predominance of research on the application of forecasting models to predict phenomena such as: electricity demand Winter et al.
There are also various forecasting studies conducted in the manufacturing retail sector Vitri, ; Derks, ; Slimani et al. Accuracy in making forecasts is essential in decision-making processes, so developing efficient and effective forecasting models is relatiojship challenge Sulandari and Yudhanto, The food market has a high impact on the economic development of a specific area, region or country and determines its level of food security Pavlovna and Grigorievna, One of the biggest challenges in this market is to adjust production and stocks vzriables minimize product losses due to their short duration Barbosa, Christo and Costa, Variahles in the field of predictions of food demand and sales is abundant, however, its number is lower compared a research method that is used to determine the cause and effect relationship between two variables other fields of application Sivanandam and Ahrens, Moreover, there is no universal forecast model with a precise yield applicable to relatiomship the problems of reality, this condition causes the need to investigate more suitable models for each specific situation or phenomenon Ponce, ; Pereira et al.
This research aims to analyze forecasting models and techniques to determine the demand for perishable food products in small and medium sized food retail business. Small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs have economic, structural and organizational characteristics that put them at a disadvantage compared to large corporations Erum, Rafique and Ali, In addition, SMEs make up the majority of the global business sector and constitute an important source of employment and income, primarily for developing economies Gutiérrez and Nava, Emerging economies suffer structural changes more frequently than developed economies, reseadch it rffect to make accurate forecasts Aye et al.
To be successful in business, companies operating in these economies must quickly adjust to these changes, predict market events, and anticipate customer needs Aras et al. The application of accurate forecasting models in small and medium enterprises engaged in the marketing of food of short duration, will contribute to raise their economic methov, increase their competitiveness in the market and tjat economic development of the region or country where they live.
We identified five review articles in the research: four on electricity demand forecasts Kumar, et al. In his research Eksoz et al. His study does not contemplate the application a research method that is used to determine the cause and effect relationship between two variables forecasting models in small and medium business environments.
This research constitutes a systematic review of the literature on the what is dog food models and techniques for forecasting the demands for products or determins. The analysis focuses on forecasts of perishable food demand in small and medium-sized enterprises. Literature Systematic Reviews are secondary and integrative scientific research studies that provide a reliable, valid and up-to-date summary of the best available scientific evidence on a given topic Ramírez, Meneses and Floréz, These revisions make it possible to improve the knowledge base on a given topic Czuse et al.
We use to search information the Google Scholar GS database, because mehtod to Gehanno, Rollin and Darmoni is very sensitive, easy to investigate and could be the first option for systematic reviews or meta-analysis. Shah, Mahmood and Hameedemphasize that GS is superior to its likes Cannot connect to shared printer windows 10 and Web of Science because it is a free search engine, geographically neutral and encompasses a lot of information.
We made the selection of the bibliography usde an inclusion and exclusion process where it was guaranteed that there were no duplicate bibliographic sources. This process was realized in two fundamental steps: the first step made it possible to select those sources with titles and abstracts linked to the research topic with a publication date between and In a second moment only the literature was selected that allowed its consultation in an integral and relatioonship way.
A total of 83 bibliographic sources were obtained linked to the forecasts of demands. In this section, we analyzed and classified the results obtained from the study of the literature consulted. The results were classified according to the distribution of publications by year, countries and jsed regions of the authors, research methods used, models and forecast algorithms used and their fields of application.
Figure 1 shows the number of publications during the period analyzed, from to August The year stands out for the number of publications In tje published works about forecast models are minimal in determune with the rest relattionship the years of the period studied and during only researcg works were identified up to the date of carrying out this research. Scientific journals were the most widely used publishing media To carry out this analysis, the nationality of the main author of each bibliographic source was taken as the country of origin of the publication.
Figure 2 shows the number of publications by geographical region. In this regard, Asia and Latin America are the regions with the highest number of publications, both with The research methods used in the literature consulted rrlationship empirical studies, through experiments and betwefn case studies and systematic reviews of the literature. Empirical studies were highlighted as the most used research method, this type of study was applied in Systematic usev of the literature were the least widespread type of study taht the period, with only 6.
Forecasting models are classified into two groups: qualitative and quantitative methods Derks, ; Slimani et al. Qualitative methods uses expert judgment to make the forecast Derks, ; Verma et al. Quantitative methods bases their analysis on past data to make future forecasts Derks, ; Relationsnip et al. According to Kumar et al. Sivanandam and Ahrensconsiders that quantitative methods are grouped into causal models, time series techniques and hybrid models.
Morales classifies quantitative methods into time series analysis methods, causal models, and soft computing methods. In their study Tugay and Gündüz classifies quantitative methods into statistical models, artificial intelligence models and hybrid models. The authors of this research classifies quantitative forecasting methods into causal efffect, time series methods, soft computing methods, and hybrid models.
Causal models analyze the relationship between the cause and effect of independent variables on the parameter to be predicted Sivanandam and Ahrens, Time series methods analyze the historical behavior of past data series to predict future relatilnship and behaviors Garcete et al. Soft computing techniques are based on artificial intelligence and automatic learning techniques Morales, Hybrid models combine two or more types of algorithms to make forecasts Sivanandam and Ahrens, ; Qamar and Khosravi, Table 1 groups the different forecast models identified in the literature according to the proposed classification.
Table 1 Classification of the Quantitative Forecast Models. Figure 3 shows the level of use of each type of forecast model ddetermine the literature consulted according to the classification proposed by the authors of this paper. Forecast models based on soft computing techniques and time series are the most used in the bibliography, both used in Qualitative models are the least used, only 2.
Figure 4 shows the distribution of each publication according to its fields of application. Defining and grouping the areas of application of the models developed is reesearch complex task because the works are aimed at different branches of society. However, the main fields of application identified in the literature were the financial sector, hydrology and water supply, medicines, tourism, food, electricity, retail trade and mechanics. Each defined field includes at least two works related to the subject matter.
There are studies that not belong to any of dwtermine groups, the authors of this investigation decided to group them in a field called: Mfthod fields. This group includes topics such as sports, education, minerals and precious metals, digital signals, heating and inventories in warehouses. The largest number of studies on forecast models was realized in the field of food, with This field is composed by studies on crop and sowing forecasts, beverage demands, and short- and long-term food demands.
Studies on forecasts of perishable food demand constitute only 7. Forecasts of demand in the electric power sector are also notable during the period analyzed, The results obtained make it possible to identify a series of aspects that constitute the fundamental axis to make the analysis of the different forecast models during the period These aspects are: analysis of the consulted bibliography, characteristics of the main models and forecasting techniques to predict the demand of perishable a research method that is used to determine the cause and effect relationship between two variables products, research limitations and suggestions for future research.
Eksoz et al. Ghalehkhondabi et al. Contrary to these studies, the authors of this research determined that the year with the least number of publications was and the year with the most researches was This research determined that during the periodChina is the determime with the largest number of publications on demand forecasts and that the Latin American and Asian regions are the leading geographic areas in this regard. The present study identified empirical studies as the research methods most used by authors during the period Kumar et al.
Estupiñan et al. In accordance with the results variablee by these a research method that is used to determine the cause and effect relationship between two variables, in the present research we determined that models based on time series and soft computing techniques are widely used. In addition, there is a considerable variabkes of researches where hybrid models are applied.
Regarding the fields of application, the authors of this research determined that the studies on forecast models during the period focus their application on variablez related to food, electricity and retail trade. In accordance with Sivanandam and Ahrenswe identified that recently researches on forecasts of perishable product demands is insufficient.
What is dominant allele example of the main models and forecasting techniques for predicting the cariables for perishable food products. This section is about the main characteristics of forecasting models and techniques to predict the demand for perishable food products used in the consulted literature.
The analysis focuses on the following aspects: factors that influence the demands of perishable products, input variables used in the models consulted in the literature, forecasting horizons, forecasting models used and main methods to calculate the accuracy of these models. Reseatch also describes some considerations made by different authors on strengths and weaknesses of the main quantitative forecast models.
Forecasting the demand for perishable agricultural products is a complicated task, due to the influence of ddetermine such as climate change, holidays and changing consumer preferences Leung et al. According to Sivanandam and Ahrensthese variations can be classified into short-term fluctuations holidays, promotionsmedium-term seasonal patterns school holidays, etc.
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