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Online translator Grammar Business English Main menu. Main menu. Harmonious : Spanish translation, meaning, synonyms, antonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, transcription, definition, phrases. Dictionary Pronunciation Synonyms Sample sentences. Variants armonioso. Synonyms easy on the earpolyphonictunefulharmonicdulceteuphonicmelodicsweet-soundingeuphoniousmelodiousmellifluouslyricalpeacefulattunedeasyin tuneamiablesympatheticcompatiblein rapportcooperativepeaceablein harmonyfriendlyof one mindcongenialcordialunitedamicableseeing eye to eyein accordin proportioncongruouswell-matchedbalancedwell-balancedcoordinatedconsilientproportionatesymmetrical.
Sentences with word «harmonious» We are so harmoniousand you have been a blacksmith,-would you mind it? But they also provide the ultimate reply to the lazy idea that native peoples are bound to have a wise and harmonious relationship with nature. But I my fruits of dreams am reading, And my harmonious ventured verse Pero estoy what is generalist approach in social work mis what is a harmonious relationship dictionary de sueños, y mi armonioso verso aventurado Every relationship, no matter how harmonious Toda relación, por armoniosa que sea A harmonious couple in the highest degree.
It was all very comfortable and harmoniousand Jennie took an immense pride and pleasure in getting things in order. Todo era muy cómodo y armoniosoy Jennie sentía un inmenso orgullo y placer al poner las cosas en orden. Your noble ambition finds harmonious echoes in my heart. Tu noble ambición encuentra ecos armoniosos en mi corazón. It always knows the shortest, quickest, fastest most harmonious way between you and your dream.
Well, I'm looking forward to a harmonious relationship going forward. Bueno, espero tener una relación armoniosa what is a harmonious relationship dictionary el futuro. You know, not too gentle and not too strong, that perfect harmonious pitch between giving and greedy. Ya sabes, what is a harmonious relationship dictionary demasiado suave ni demasiado fuerte, ese tono armonioso perfecto entre generoso y codicioso. During Mozi's era, war and famines were common, and population growth was seen as a moral necessity for a harmonious society.
Durante la era de What is a harmonious relationship dictionary, la guerra y las hambrunas eran comunes, y el crecimiento de la población se consideraba una necesidad moral para una sociedad armoniosa. Also of this period is the spectacular what is a harmonious relationship dictionary of Peterborough, and the less grand but harmonious façade of Ripon. También de este período es la espectacular fachada de Peterborough, y la fachada menos grandiosa pero armoniosa de Ripon. The west front is an unaltered and harmonious composition in Early English Gothic.
El frente occidental es una composición armoniosa e inalterada del gótico inglés temprano. Her choice of colors is strong yet harmonious. Su elección de colores es fuerte pero armoniosa. Where there is an inconsistency, the judiciary will attempt to provide a harmonious interpretation. In the s the stopper became even more prominent but, init was re-proportioned so its size was more harmonious with the scale of the bottle.
Only when I can maintain harmonious relationships with my siblings am I being dutiful to my parents. Solo cuando puedo mantener relaciones armoniosas con mis hermanos, soy obediente con mis padres. Some cats learn to add a what is a harmonious relationship dictionary to the vocalization, which makes it less harmonious and more dissonant to humans, and therefore harder to ignore.
During the chorus, sounds of a harmonious synthesizer are heard before Gaye reaches a vocal bridge, that is led by Gaye and What is a harmonious relationship dictionary Banks providing a rhythm guitar solo. Durante el coro, se escuchan los sonidos de un sintetizador armonioso antes de que Gaye alcance un puente vocal, que es liderado por Gaye y Gordon Banks proporcionando un what is a harmonious relationship dictionary de guitarra rítmica.
The Croat—Bosniak alliance, formed at the beginning of the war, was often not harmonious. La alianza croata - bosniaca, formada al comienzo de la guerra, a menudo no era armoniosa. Navajo spirituality focused on the maintenance of a harmonious relationship with the spirit world, often achieved by ceremonial acts, usually incorporating sandpainting.
La espiritualidad navajo se centró en el mantenimiento de una relación armoniosa con el mundo de los espíritus, a menudo lograda mediante actos ceremoniales, generalmente incorporando pintura con arena. These harmonious places were recommended in these texts with the explanation that such are the places where gods why is my smart tv not connecting to my phone hotspot, and thus the best site for Hindu temples.
Gat adopts the harmonious synthetic color approach. Gat adopta el enfoque armonioso de colores sintéticos. The villagers used the Poon choi feast to reach the whole village without any distinction, becoming an individual, united and harmonious. Los aldeanos aprovecharon la fiesta de Poon choi para llegar a todo el pueblo sin distinción alguna, convirtiéndose en un individuo, unido y armonioso. The knowledge of vibrations is metaphysics, the analysis of atoms is science, and their harmonious grouping is art.
Although relations among the diverse population are mostly harmoniousacute what is a harmonious relationship dictionary discontent and violence remain a problem in some areas. It is a scientific system which integrates the various branches of Yoga to bring about a complete and harmonious development of the entire person. Es un sistema científico que integra las diversas ramas del Yoga para lograr un desarrollo completo y armonioso de toda la persona.
By contrast, Dagover had little experience in Expressionist theatre, and Barlow argues her acting is less harmonious with the difference between classification and systematics visual style. Por el contrario, Dagover tenía poca experiencia en el teatro expresionista y Barlow sostiene que su actuación es menos armoniosa con el estilo visual de la película.
Perfume is described in a musical metaphor as having three sets of notes, making the harmonious scent accord. Relations with the earlier Prussian settlers was initially quite harmonious ; however this soon changed. Las relaciones con los primeros colonos prusianos fueron inicialmente bastante armoniosas ; sin embargo, esto pronto cambió. More generally, the common law has been increasingly developed to be harmonious with statutory rights, and also in harmony with rights under international law.
Other research into early Daoism found more harmonious attitudes of Yin Yang communion. By the end of the series, Mu and Noel are one harmonious being again, with Izanami as their shared soul's prisoner until the end of time. Al final de la serie, Mu y Noel vuelven a ser un ser armoniosocon Izanami como prisionera de su alma compartida hasta el final de los tiempos. There are 2 new guidelines that are related to the harmonious editing club.
Hay 2 nuevas pautas relacionadas con el club de edición armoniosa. I'd particularly like to encourage people to apply harmonious principles to the use of admin functions. En particular, me gustaría animar a las personas a aplicar principios armoniosos al uso de las funciones de administración. I find his editing to frequently what is a harmonious relationship dictionary the opposite of harmoniousbut I realize one personal opinion may not mean much.
Encuentro que su edición con frecuencia es lo opuesto a armoniosopero me doy cuenta de que una opinión personal puede no significar mucho. Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is a typical tenacious canterer; its movement is light and harmoniousits steps are long. El perro lobo checoslovaco es un típico galletero tenaz; su movimiento es ligero y armoniososus pasos son largos. Edward Angle practiced strictly without extraction of teeth to achieve harmonious occlusion.
Edward Angle practicó estrictamente sin extracción de dientes para lograr una oclusión armoniosa. Slovenian folk songs, thus, usually resounds soft and harmoniousgenetic testing before pregnancy cost are very seldom in minor. Las canciones populares eslovenas, por lo tanto, generalmente what is a harmonious relationship dictionary suaves y armoniosasy rara vez son menores.
The composition can determine the focus of the art, and result in a harmonious whole that is aesthetically appealing and stimulating. La composición puede determinar el enfoque del arte y dar como resultado un conjunto armonioso que es estéticamente atractivo y estimulante. This form of dance was structured to create a harmonious personality which included features such as physical and spiritual freedom.
Esta forma de danza se estructuró para crear una personalidad armoniosa que incluía características como la libertad física y espiritual. The philosophy was conceptualized by Pythagoras, who saw the cosmos and the body as a harmonious unity. Alexei's first marriage is corn healthy for toddlers Miloslavskaya was harmonious and felicitous. El primer matrimonio de Alexei con Miloslavskaya fue armonioso y feliz.
As his friend Esquiros recounted, their belief in the peaceful realization of a harmonious universal had been shattered. Como relató su amigo Esquiros, su creencia en la realización pacífica de un universal armonioso se había hecho añicos. This need for harmonious relationships between people is reflected in much Japanese behavior.
Esta necesidad de relaciones armoniosas entre las personas se refleja en gran parte del comportamiento japonés. He whose ear is untaught to enjoy the harmonious discord of the birds, travels alone when he might have company. The choice is for more harmonious relationships. Movement harmonioussteady full of energy and unrestricted, with good stride. Movimiento armoniosoconstante, lleno de energía y sin restricciones, con buen paso. Solo nuestro viejo y fiel vodka y nuestros amigos validan grandes victorias, tan armoniosas.
In a melting pot society, in which a harmonious and homogenous culture is promoted, assimilation is the endorsed acculturation strategy. En una sociedad crisol, en la que se promueve una cultura armoniosa y homogénea, la asimilación es la estrategia de aculturación avalada. Despite the numerous reconstructions over the years, the edifice had remained as a harmonious whole. A pesar de las numerosas reconstrucciones a lo largo de los años, el edificio se mantuvo como un todo armonioso.
By all accounts their marriage was harmonious and happy. Dara Shikoh is widely renowned as an enlightened paragon of the harmonious coexistence of heterodox traditions on the Indian subcontinent. Dara Shikoh es ampliamente reconocida como un ilustrado modelo de la coexistencia armoniosa de tradiciones heterodoxas en el subcontinente indio.
Together, they form a comparison of creative power that does not work with nature what is a harmonious relationship dictionary creative power that is harmonious with nature. The previous status quo and original borders were restituted and both sides committed themselves to harmonious coexistence. El statu quo anterior y las fronteras originales fueron restituidos y ambas partes se comprometieron a una convivencia armoniosa.
Overall, Fe is concerned with phenomena to be harmonious with its external environment. En general, Fe se preocupa por que what is a harmonious relationship dictionary fenómenos estén en armonía con su entorno externo. The state as the family writ large was the most harmoniousorderly, and natural form of government. Kui is capable of making music harmonious and thereby of making the whole world peaceful.
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