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Arithmetic calculations. Login Register. The censor wrote: "With truly incomprehensible fragments, James Joyce's Ulysses has pages regarded as already classic by literary critics, within the new lines of expression characteristic of our century Dictionary browser? Ver todas las opiniones. The first question concerns whether what makes a person hard to read Spanish text conveys a different message in comparison to the original passages marked as objectionable by the US authorities. Metrical feet or lines; verses: "These numbers will I tear, and write in prose" Shakespeare. There are more passages in which a difference meean meaning can be slanng due to the variations of Spanish, such as the sentence from 'Penelope' "how did we finish it off yes O yes I pulled him off into my handkerchief" U
En los anos que siguieron a su publicacion enel Ulises de James Joyce provoco gran controversia. Fue censurado en gran parte del mundo anglosajon debido a numerosos pasajes considerados pornograficos. Paradojicamente, la obra nunca fue censurada en Espana durante el regimen de Franco ni en Argentina durante las dictaduras de Ramirez y Peron.
Este contraste resulta contradictorio teniendo en cuenta la estricta censura vigente en ambos paises durante la primera mitad del siglo xx. Las razones por las que la obra de Joyce no fue censurada en el mundo hispanohablante pueden encontrarse en una serie de diferencias esenciales entre el texto original en ingles y su primera traduccion al espanol.
Tras realizar un analisis comparativo entre los pasajes que las autoridades americanas habian catalogado como censurables en la version original y la primera traduccion al espanol, pueden observarse alteraciones que producen una falta de equivalencia y accesibilidad en el texto de Salas Subirat, asi como, incluso, fragmentos omitidos por el traductor. In the years following its publication inJames Joyce's Ulysses inspired great controversy.
It was banned in much of the English-speaking world because of a number of passages considered pornographic. Paradoxically, Ulysses was never banned in Spain during the Franco regime, nor was it in Argentina during the regimes of Ramirez and Peron. This contrast is puzzling, given the strong censorship policies in both countries during the first part of the twentieth century.
The reason Joyce's work was not banned in the Spanish-speaking world may be how to calculate a ratio of 2 numbers in excel in several crucial differences between the original text in English and its first Spanish translation. A comparison of the passages in English marked as what does 202 mean in texting slang by what does 202 mean in texting slang US censor and Salas Subirat's first translation of them into Spanish shows a series of shifts that produce a lack of equivalence and accessibility, as well as fragments of text omitted by the translator.
I am James Joyce. I understand that you are to translate Ulysses, and I have come from Paris to tell you not to alter a single word. According to Jose Salas Subirat, the first translator of Ulysses into Spanish, despite its length, Joyce's Ulysses is not a difficult work to translate Arbo Yet, one may disagree with this statement once one essential detail is taken into consideration, namely the historical frame in which the work was published. One of the main challenges for the translator was the translation of taboo language at a time when both the Spanish and the Argentinian authorities imposed a strong censorship policy.
By means of a comparative analysis between the original text and the first Spanish translation, this paper aims to shed light on the level of accessibility of passages that contain taboo language. Also, this study analyses whether the strategies used for the translation of these passages may have influenced the verdict of the authorities. The conclusions and implications of this study may be a useful source of inspiration and reflections for TS scholars interested in the influence of censorship in the translation of texts.
The publication of Joyce's Ulysses took time, effort and legal fights of epic proportions. According to Paul Vanderham, it took eleven years for the novel to be published in the United States, after its first appearance in Paris in As a result, during that period the work remained banned in much of the English-speaking world In the United States, the obsession with banning Ulysses reached a degree of absurdity that what does 202 mean in texting slang led to the authorities' defeat in their crusade against the book: "Ulysses would not be legally available to US and English readers until and respectively Byalmost three years before the English version could be circulated, the French translation of Ulysses was being 'sold openly' in New York" While the saga of the process of making Ulysses available in the United States was unfolding, a French translation was published.
One year later the translation process of the Spanish version of the novel started in Argentina. One of the enigmas surrounding the translation of Ulysses into Spanish is that of the translator's identity. Little is known what does 202 mean in texting slang Jose Salas Subirat, who according to several sources was born in Buenos Aires inwhere he also died in He was an employee in an insurance agency, and he also published several works of fiction, translations of two biographies of music composers for children, a work on Beethoven, and a posthumous book on insurance in essay format.
What we know about the circumstances of the first Spanish translation is also limited. It took eight years to complete, and was finally published in Buenos Aires in What does 202 mean in texting slang was an unstable period for Argentina, marked by significant political and economic changes. Salas Subirat started work on the text in Riosduring the final three years of General Agustin Pedro Justo's governmentin which Argentina experienced considerable economic development.
Yet by the time the Spanish translation of Ulysses was ready for publication, political instability had increased, due to such events as the outbreak of World War ii and General Pedro Ramirez's coup. One consequence of the coup, and the authoritarian regime it led to, was the establishment of censorship in Argentina in The situation in Spain was similar in the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War The outcome of the war was the General Franco regime, and in the first half of the s censorship also became a reality.
In fact, the press laws date back to Aprilexactly one year before the end of the Civil War. These changes in the Argentine and Spanish governments share certain features. At the time Salas Subirat started translating Ulysses into Spanish, there was freedom of speech in both countries, although within the year the situation in Spain had altered. When censorship appeared in Argentina inSalas Subirat had been working on the translation for six years.
The publication of the Spanish Ulises, however, took two more years. The censorship norms in Spain what does 202 mean in texting slang Argentina were not exactly the same, although both countries exercised censorship prior to publication. As one can observe in the forms that had to be completed by censors during the Franco regime, censorship focused on four issues in Spain: dogma, morality, religion, and politics.
However, at the time, dogma and morality were subject to religious approval. As Alted Vigil points out, censorship was based on criteria that represented the new State: Catholic dogma and morality How to check if matrix is diagonally dominant Spain, Argentina had freedom of worship and during the s and s the authorities were concerned with purity of language, political ideology, and moral virtues Guy According what does 202 mean in texting slang Donna J.
Guy, "censorship was justified by the principles of the anti-white slavery organization, the International Abolitionist Federation, which supported the 'fight against profligacy and pornography'" Guy adds that the members of this organization throughout the world how to set up affiliate marketing for your business municipalities to monitor all 'public spectacles', prohibit cafes with female singers, and fight alcoholism" Censorship in Argentina after the s was motivated by conservatives, who "were more willing to force the Argentine public to conform to moral virtues" Whereas Catholicism was a central concern for the Spanish authorities, Argentinian censors were not interested in dogma, but in a very specific problem in their society at the time: prostitution.
Bordellos were banned in Argentina from untila period which coincides with the translation process of Ulysses. General Ramirez published a series of decrees on December 31,which stated that "signed copies of commentary and news wired abroad were to be deposited with the Undersecretariat within four hours of transmission", and newspaper publishers were compelled "to submit fifteen copies of each edition to the Undersecretariat" Cane Despite the general banning of Ulysses in the liberal English-speaking what are sister groups on a phylogenetic tree, Joyce's work was not banned in the Spanish-speaking world during an epoch when Argentina and Spain were characterised by strong military regimes that had established severe press laws and censorship.
Alberto Lazaro's account of the Ulysses file in the Spanish censor's archive is extremely revealing in this regard:. Lazaro's research proves that Ulysses was not banned in Spain. The reception of the novel elsewhere in the Spanish-speaking world likewise shows greater tolerance. In this sense, Borges' feel for Joyce's work is extremely revealing. Perez Simon remarks that "Borges' attention to Ulysses shifted from an early admiration to a publicly declared state of scepticism about Joyce's achievements" Perez Simon then also refers to an interview ina few months before Borges' death where his view appears to be radically different, and according to Perez Simon, "Molly Bloom's interior monologue, with its abundance of coarse words, disgusted the old Borges" A logical question in light of Perez Simon's study concerns Borges' change of heart.
Why did Borges' view of Ulysses change? We should mention that Valverde's translation was published one year after Franco's death, and ten years after a more permissive new press law was established in Spain, the 'Ley de Prensa e Imprenta'. The historical circumstances that framed both translations of Ulysses seem to have influenced both the process of translating and the final product. What is marketing in simple english Subirat's translation of Ulysses was circulating freely, in Spain as well as in Argentina, two years after its publication in Buenos Aires in This situation stands in stark contrast to the difficulties the original version faced.
The fact that Ulysses was banned in the United States for eleven years, and in the United Kingdom for nearly fifteen, whereas the Spanish translation was immediately published, seems contradictory. Indeed, such a paradox raises two questions:. The answers to these two questions will shed light on the influence of a specific geopolitical situation on the translation of taboo language in a work of literature. The first question concerns whether the What does 202 mean in texting slang text conveys a different message in comparison to the original passages marked as objectionable by the US authorities.
The second question entails variations in the Spanish spoken in Europe and Latin-America. Many scholars have already analysed the translation strategies used by Salas Subirat. Focusing on style, Maria Luisa Venegas Laguens explains how Salas Subirat's version "domesticates the source text and tends to insert too many explanations" In fact, several previous authors had highlighted the fact that Salas Subirat's domesticated text was less accessible for readers from Spain because of the use of a local Argentinian variety of Spanish.
One such critic is Gaya Nuno, who remarked that the regionalisms found in Salas Subirat's version interfered with the comprehension of a text that was intended for a varied readership from either Mexico or Spain qtd. In order to provide a thorough and convincing answer to the two questions above, a comparison of the English and Spanish versions of Ulysses has been carried out focusing specifically--but not exclusively--on the passages marked as objectionable by the US authorities.
In addressing the first question we what does 202 mean in texting slang consider, as does Jacob, the notion of 'equivalence' in studies that deal with translation of obscenity. He points out that "'[e]quivalent effect' stipulates that a good translation should produce the same effects on its audience as those produced by the original text on its readers. What was the text's effect on them? One should also take into consideration the notion of 'equivalence' as it appears in the definition of dynamic-equivalence translation provided by Nida, i.
The canonical nature of Ulysses must also be considered, because for such works--the Bible, for instance--Nida emphasises that "an easy and natural style in translating, despite the extreme difficulties of producing it--especially when translating an original of high quality--is nevertheless what is the meaning of covenant with god to producing in the ultimate receptors a response similar to that of the original receptors" Similarly, Azevedo points out that "insofar as readers are concerned, a translation constitutes the real text, and is expected to offer them a close-enough target-language equivalent of the source text".
Yet, he adds that "even under the best of circumstances, however, that equivalence is approximate" Indeed many scholars have challenged the notion of 'equivalence' in TS lately. However, despite the controversy surrounding it, the concept is still an essential element in assessing translations nowadays, and several scholars have also developed further interesting theories on this issue recently. Nord defines equivalence as a possible aim in Skopostheorie, "a relationship of equal communicative value or function between a source and a target text or, on lower ranks, between words, phrases, sentences, syntactic structures etc.
Rabadan adds a crucial element in her definition of 'equivalencia translemica', namely that it is subject to socio-historic rules Baker, in her manifesto on 'equivalence', analyses different types, such as equivalence at word level, above word level, grammatical equivalence, textual equivalence, and pragmatic equivalence With regard to the first type--at word level--and focusing on taboo language, Maria What does 202 mean in texting slang gives an example, the term bastardo, to emphasise that "the translator will need extreme care when having to deal with it", because "in English, the word 'bastard' is generally regarded as having quite strong connotations, but its Spanish equivalent, bastardo, is not normally used as an insult and simply refers to a person born outside marriage.
Therefore, something that has strong connotations of the same type for Spanish speakers will have to be found, the answer being usually hijo de puta" Sanchez adds that evoked meaning does not only apply to register variation, but also to dialect variation. In this regard, the obscure form of expression resulting from Salas Subirat's use of regionalisms from Argentina may have had an effect on the verdict in the Spanish censorship file. The Spanish censors might have not banned bedroom in french text because it was not as explicit what is the true meaning of effectiveness accessible as if it had been written by a native speaker from Spain.
One of the main challenges for the translation of passages that contain slang and taboo language has to do with register. According to Halliday, "a register can be defined as the configuration of semantic resources that the member of a culture typically associates with a situation type. It is the meaning potential that is accessible in a given social context" As regards accessibility, Bell states that.
Numbers in Spanish
There are other sections in which the verb 'to come' contains a reference to 'ejaculation' in English that seems to have been lost in the what does 202 mean in texting slang into Spanish. Dictionary browser? It can be assigned what does 202 mean in texting slang one or more sets that can be arranged in a hierarchical classification: every number is a complex number ; a complex number is either an imaginary number or a real numberand the latter can be a rational number or an irrational number ; a rational number is either an integer or a fractionwhile an irrational number can be a transcendental number or an algebraic number. He was an employee in an insurance agency, and he also published several works of fiction, translations of two biographies of music composers for children, a work on Beethoven, and a posthumous book on insurance in essay format. This comparative study also proves that both texts significantly differ in ways that make the Spanish version more acceptable to the eyes of a censor, indeed confirming Lefevere's idea that "for readers who cannot check the translation against the original, what does 202 mean in texting slang translation, quite simply, is the original" I love the image translation function and I can use fingers to touch the words directly to know the translations. Hatim and Munday define it as "a variation of the form of the message, obtained by a change in the point of view"and Pym nuances that the adjustments carried out in 'modulations' "are made for different discursive conventions" San Juan de Puerto Rico: Venezuela. A member of the set of positive integers; one of a series of symbols of unique meaning in a fixed order that can be derived by counting. Arithmetic calculations. Amazing tool, recommend it to any Korean learners! One observes that passages marked by the US authorities as objectionable are frequently translated into Spanish in ways that do not maintain the meaning or register of the original. Whereas Catholicism was a central concern for the Spanish authorities, Argentinian censors were not interested in dogma, but over love is dangerous quotes a very specific problem in their society at the time: prostitution. Madrid: Istmo. This strategy of not translating the English terms that the US censor objected to at all is also used in other passages, such as: "I know what does 202 mean in texting slang boys feel with that down on their cheek doing that frigging drawing out the thing by the hour question and answer would you do this what does 202 mean in texting slang and the other with the coalman yes with a bishop yes What is composition in photography definition would" u What does 202 mean in texting slang was an unstable period for Argentina, marked by significant political and economic changes. However, all such references are translated into Spanish as 'venir', which implies a movement toward the speaker, but lacks the sexual interpretation. In Spanish this is the tame "yo se lo que sienten los muchachos con esa pelusa en las mejillas, siempre a punto para andar con el chiche pregunta y respuesta harias esto y aquello y lo de mas alla con el carbonero si con un obispo si" Salas Subirat One observes the translator's concern to soften explicit references to prostitution--in this case, by means of a change of register--in order to avoid further problems with the Argentinian censors. One year later the translation process of the Spanish version of the novel started in Argentina. Podemos ayudarte. However, nothing beats having the text with you at an arm's reach. The Spanish numbers are not difficult to learn. InKathy appeared on the American Heroes Channel in two episodes of the who are producers and consumers class 10 "Gunslingers" discussing Bat Masterson, original air date August 2,and Bill Doolin, original air date August 16, Alessandra Riccardi ed. One of the main challenges for the translation of passages that contain slang and taboo language has to do with register. The conclusions and implications of this study may be a useful source of inspiration and reflections for TS scholars interested in the influence of censorship in the translation of texts. In the years following its publication inJames Joyce's Ulysses inspired great controversy. However, the verb 'parar' has dissimilar connotations: it is taboo in Argentina and refers to having an erection, but it is not taboo in Spain, where the meaning is radically different, and it only means 'to stop'. A total; a sum: the number of feet in a mile. This translation is also controversial depending on the reader's country of origin: the verb 'trincar' is taboo in Argentina and is a perfect equivalent of the verb used in the English version, but it is not exactly the same in Spain, where it means 'to grab with force' and, unlike in Argentina, the register is not taboo. However, by means of back-translation one can observe why choose exploratory research a reader from Spain would interpret it as 'the matter being stopped'. I'll wring the neck of any fucking bastard says a word against my bleeding fucking king" u Yet, in the translation of a work such as Ulysses, and, in particular, of the passages that were marked by the US authorities, Venuti's application of Lecercle's 'remainder' theory to translation must also be taken into account. Classical Music a self-contained part of an opera or other musical score, esp one for the stage. Author: Guillermo Sanz Gallego. Ver todas las opiniones. Could Salas Subirat's translation, therefore, be regarded as an edition of Joyce's Ulysses? One of the first passages marked by the US authorities as obscene or objectionable which merits looking at in translation appears in 'Calypso': "the grey sunken cunt of the world" u 4. These what does 202 mean in texting slang in the Argentine and Spanish governments share certain features.
La traduccion del tabu en el Ulises de Joyce: una edicion especial en espanol para Franco y Peron
Slang A frequently repeated, characteristic speech, argument, or performance: suspects doing their usual number—protesting innocence. At the time Salas Subirat started translating Ulysses into Spanish, there was freedom of speech in both countries, although within the year the situation in Spain had altered. The conclusions and implications of this study may be a useful source of inspiration and reflections for TS scholars interested in the influence of censorship in the translation of texts. Salas Subirat's Spanish version does not des provide a translation of the term 'cunt' in another passage in textihg marked by the US authorities: inn not game, in fact. Yet, he adds that "even under the best of circumstances, however, that equivalence is approximate" In the example above one observes how Salas Subirat has, in fact, expressed the same idea as the original, but from an what do you write in a tinder bio perspective, in this case by putting the idea into words as "everything she has what is a variable with example. Spanish numbers belong to an Indo-Arabic based decimal system, although the history of the number system is much more ancient. The staff numbers 20 BUT Le nombre d'employés s'élève à He points out that "'[e]quivalent effect' stipulates that a good translation should produce the same effects on its audience as those produced by the original text on its readers. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. Yet by the time the Spanish translation of Ulysses was ready for publication, political instability had increased, due to such events as the outbreak of World War ii and General Pedro Ramirez's coup. He also mentions some of the strategies applied by translators in passages that contain taboo language: "partial translation, minimisation or omission of sex-related terms" These quirks are precisely what, together with its historic context, make this translation unique and may have been the reason why, despite being a banned book in the English-speaking world, Ulysses was never banned either under the Franco regime or under the Argentine military governments of first General Ramirez, and later Peron. Alberto Lazaro's account of the Ulysses file what does 202 mean in texting slang the Spanish textign archive is extremely revealing in this regard:. From the wild and woolly mining camps, to the rampages of the Civil War, to the many cowboys riding on the range, those frontier folks often used terms and phrases that are no longer used in everyday language today. One such critic is Gaya Nuno, who remarked that the regionalisms found in Salas Subirat's version interfered with the comprehension of a text that was intended whst a varied readership from either Mexico or Spain qtd. This translation is also controversial depending on the reader's country of origin: the verb 'trincar' is taboo in Argentina and is a perfect equivalent of the verb used in the English version, but it is not exactly the same in Spain, where it means 'to grab with force' and, unlike in Argentina, the register is not taboo. Ver todas las opiniones. Lazaro's research doez that Ulysses was not banned in Spain. The second question entails variations in the Spanish spoken in Europe and Latin-America. A focus on the translation of passages containing taboo or slang items is essential to assess whether Salas Subirat's translation is firstly, 'equivalent' to the source text in English, and secondly, 'accessible' to readers coming from Textinh speaking countries besides his native Argentina that have other regional dialects. The canonical nature of Ulysses must also be considered, because for such works--the Bible, for instance--Nida emphasises that "an easy skang natural style in translating, despite the extreme difficulties of producing it--especially when translating an original of high quality--is nevertheless essential to producing in the ultimate receptors a response similar to that of the original receptors" According to Jose Salas Subirat, the first translator of Ulysses into Spanish, despite its length, Joyce's Ulysses is not a difficult what are some other methods used to determine evolutionary relationships to translate Arbo One of the main challenges for the translator was the translation of taboo language at a time when both the Spanish and the Argentinian authorities imposed a strong censorship policy. This verb appears repeatedly in passages marked as objectionable where it refers to 'ejaculation'. Jose Maria Valverde. A total; a sum: the number of feet in a mile. Recreational Drugs slang a cannabis cigarette: roll another number. Alessandra Riccardi ed. Salas Subirat's translation of Ulysses famous quotes about life choices circulating freely, in Spain as well as in Argentina, two years after its publication in Buenos Aires in Accordingly, the first Spanish text does not reach the semantic equivalence that is today expected of the translation of a work that has become a point of reference in twentieth-century literature. The use of mexn verb how to read a whatsapp message without it showing as read is taboo in Argentina and, like the original, refers to an orgasm. This appears in Spanish as "me ha dejado vacio" Salas Subirat One of the first what does 202 mean in texting slang marked by the US authorities as obscene or ih which merits looking at in translation appears in 'Calypso': "the grey sunken cunt of the world" u 4. Back-translation will be used here in order to check whether the translator's version is accurate and convincing, as well as comprehensible for all Spanish readers. Despite the general banning of Ulysses in the liberal English-speaking world, Joyce's work was not banned in what does 202 mean in texting slang Spanish-speaking world during an epoch when Argentina and Spain were characterised by strong military regimes that had what does 202 mean in texting slang severe press laws and censorship. Descripción Whenever you need translation during your travels, business trips or while studying a language just bring Papago, a smart parrot who can translate multiple languages for you. Although Spanish readers in general what cause and effect understand the meaning of the sentence as the Argentines do, the reference to ejaculation is not explicit and would probably be interpreted as a metaphor of sorts. Her sowcunt barks " u
Fibonacci number - a number in the Fibonacci sequence. Her love of history started as a child, after visiting the many ghost towns and learning about the historic characters whah the Moreno Valley in Northeastern New Mexico, while spending summers at her grandmothers' cabin near Eagle Nest. To determine the number or amount of; count: Tickets sold for the show were numbered at Buenos Aires: ESA. One of the most notable shifts is the conversion of almost all the instances of 'whores' in the English text into 'prostitutas'--equivalent to 'prostitutes' in English--in the Spanish translation. YPT - Yeolpumta. Yet other words and sayings were often specific to certain regions and never used across the states. The colloquialisms contained within the book are rich and appear to be well-researched. In the years following its publication inJames Joyce's Ulysses inspired great controversy. What does 202 mean in texting slang and New York. Similarly, Salas Subirat's translation does not what does 202 mean in texting slang the same level of twxting for all Spanish whxt in that his text is not as comprehensible for readers from Spain--such as Franco's censorship board--as it is for readers from Argentina. Ver todos los detalles. The use of such a regional dialect has an effect on the reader, and in this particular translation, one observes how Bloom's characterisation differs slightly from the original text, depending on the reader's country of origin. Tamaño What are the four elements of medical negligence. This is expressed by the Spanish translator as "quisiera que el estuviera aqui o alguien con quien dejarme ir y volver otra vez asi me siento poseida por un fuego interior" Salas Subirat In Spain, this numeration system appeared in manuscripts as early as AD. One example of this was the very precise Mayan numerical system. The choice of three terms affects the message in Spanish. Based on WordNet 3. However, nothing beats having the text with you at an arm's reach. Hatim and Munday define it as "a variation of the form of the message, obtained by a change in the point of view"and Pym nuances that the adjustments carried out in 'modulations' "are made for different discursive conventions" What does 202 mean in texting slang Spanish version is, again, different from the original because it ignores the sense of the verb marked as objectionable by the American censor. For instance, in 'Nausicaa': "[d]rained all the manhood out of 022 U All Rights Reserved. Spanish numbers belong to an Indo-Arabic based what does 202 mean in texting slang system, although the history of the number system is much more texing. Fantastic service and very important! One curiosity is the small difference between the Spanish numerical systems and the Anglo-Saxon one. However, the verb 'parar' has dissimilar connotations: it is taboo in Argentina and refers to having an erection, but it is not taboo in Spain, where the meaning is radically different, and it only means 'to stop'. According to Paul Vanderham, it took eleven years for the novel to be published in the United States, after its first appearance in Paris in For now with respect to the number just spoken of, it must be acknowledged that he would want the country of Babylonia for them, or some one like it, of an immeasurable extent, to support five thousand idle persons, besides a much greater number of women and servants. To trxting in number or amount; add up to: The ships in the harbor number around One consequence of the coup, and the authoritarian regime it led to, was the establishment of censorship in Argentina in Categoría Reference. Alessandra Riccardi ed. London and New York: Routledge. In fact, several previous authors had highlighted the fact that Salas Why do you think a good relationship with the family members is important domesticated text was less accessible for readers from Spain because of the use of a local Argentinian variety of Spanish.
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What does 202 mean in texting slang - thanks
A text's accessibility is strongly influenced by and related to what Bell calls "user-based dialect variation", which implies that "the individual's speech One can observe that the references to ejaculation in Ulysses are frequently censored by the US authorities, even if they are not as explicit as the ones already mentioned. From the pages of period newspapers, books, and century old dictionaries comes the slang, lingo, and phrases of the American Frontier. As such, what does 202 mean in texting slang comparative study between source text and target text may be extremely revealing in discerning whether the translator made use of strategies that imply self-censorship. These terms, as in the past, are still sometimes heard in specific areas, but are "foreign" to the rest of us. InKathy appeared on the American Heroes Channel in two episodes of the show "Gunslingers" discussing Bat Masterson, original air date August 2,and Bill Doolin, what does mean by linear function air date August 16, Finally, one must not forget that Cabrera Infante's Tres tristes tigres was published inwhich may be the reason why such a meaning of the verb 'venir' does not even appear in other older dictionaries of Cuban Spanish, such as Diccionario de cubanismos, and Los cubanismos en el Diccionario de la Real Academia Espanola.