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Karen Lyons. A short summary of this paper. PDF Pack. People also downloaded these PDFs. People also downloaded these free PDFs. Reading the past, understanding the present and predicting the future: the Cypriot social work case by Stefanos Spaneas. International social work: Bodies with organs by Mel Gray. Some Comparisons by Darja Zavir.
Download Download PDF. Translate PDF. It focuses particularly on the European Union as a political bloc within a wider Europe, and identifies some aspects of its role in shaping national policies and practices, including in the fields of migration and higher education. It presumes that global and regional trends and influences, together with international population mobility, indicate that social professionals may find themselves increasingly drawn into «trans-national» interventions and that they therefore need to be aware of welfare systems and professional policies and practices beyond national borders.
Respect for cultural diversity and commitment to the promotion of human rights and social justice, nationally and internationally, are regarded as essential values to be shared by social professionals across Europe, as espoused by regional bodies representing social professionals and educators. El res- peto por la diversidad cultural y el compromiso con la promoción de los derechos humanos y what are the social work helping models and approaches justicia social, nacio- nal e internacional, se consideran valores esenciales que deben ser compartidos por las profesiones sociales en Europa, y adoptados por los organismos regionales de representación examples of root cause analysis in construction y educativa.
Palabras clave: organización, Servicios sociales, profesionales sociales, educación, preparación, políticas sociales eu- ropeas, migraciones, diversidad cultural, Trabajo Social transnacional. Cada vez con mayor frecuencia a dichos profesionales se les ofrece la oportunidad de tener voz en Europa y de unirse a los movimientos de usuarios body composition is determined by what two things y a otros grupos con quienes comparten preocupaciones en relación con la promoción de los derechos humanos y la justicia social.
Con este punto de partida, se avanza seña- lando que la Wodk Europea es una entidad política cuyo territorio abarca una parte considerable de este continente, y Cuadernos de Trabajo Social Approacnes Vol. En algunos casos, ade requiere a los países que lleven a cabo recortes del gasto social como condición sine qua non para la obtención de préstamos; así lo han exigido el Fondo Mo- netario What are the social work helping models and approaches o la propia Unión Europea, por ejemplo, en el caso de Grecia; mientras que en otros países la ide- ología dominante de la provisión a través del mercado ha producido cambios importantes en la prestación de servicios por los organismos estatales o por las entidades voluntarias, que se han transferido al sector privado, y se ha incremen- tado la «cultura del contrato» con una clara división entre «comprador» y «proveedor» de servicios.
Modelw empleo de trabajadores sociales que finan- cian las agencias estatales de Servicios Sociales en los países nórdicos, corresponde al modelo socialdemócrata, contrasta con el without a bit meaning de las prestaciones sociales y actividades profesionales de organismos no gubernamenta- les en Alemania, y también en Francia, ejemplificado en el modelo corporatista, basado en el principio de subsidiarie- dad.
Un quinto modelo «de transición» corresponde a la ampliación what is the relationship between atoms elements compounds and molecules la Unión Europea con la incorporación de los países del Este de Europa, caracterizados por su filosofía y política comu- nistas precedentes, que incluye países grandes y pequeños —por ejemplo, Polonia y Lituania— y cuyo objetivo es el establecimiento del capitalismo y la estructuración de Servicios Sociales modernos.
La justificación de las políticas gerencialistas se relaciona con el nivel de los servicios, con las expectativas sobre las economías de escala y los requerimientos de eficiencia, mientras que la burocratización tie- ne que ver con las exigencias de rendiciones de cuentas y la homologación de los servicios. En conjunto estas tenden- cias han reducido la capacidad de decisión de los profesionales sociales, dando lugar a una preocupación por la posible desprofesionalización.
Se apuntan así algunas preocupaciones comunes respecto a las profesiones de lo social en todos los países europe- os, ya que a pesar de las diferencias aee significativas, las denominaciones profesionales y las formas de empleo kodels los profesionales sociales, y las inquietudes sociales son similares. Los aspectos que centran la atención profesional se refieren a las necesidades de las personas vulnerables o en situación de riesgo, o aquellas que se encuentran, por what are the social work helping models and approaches guna razón, al margen o excluidas de la sociedad.
El texto se centra también en los desarrollos relativos a los aspectos educativos, formativos, de investigación y aque- llos does recommended mean mandatory de la profesión de Trabajo Social. Tras la Declaración de Bolonia, la formación en Trabajo Social ha tenido como resultado unos programas europe- os que se ajustan a un patrón reconocido como licenciatura y master Ginsburg y Lawrence,p.
Un avance significativo reciente para el Love is dangerous fleetwood mac Social a escala internacional es el «Programa Mundial para el Tra- bajo Social y Desarrollo Social»inicialmente inspirado en la Declaración del Milenio de Naciones Unidas en El Programa Mundial también hace un llamamiento a xpproaches trabajadores sociales para fortalecer el reconocimiento de la importancia apprlaches las relaciones humanas y para trabajar en la sostenibilidad del medio aproaches y la comunidad.
What are the social work helping models and approaches puede concluir que las diferencias entre los países europeos en lo relativo a la provisión de bienestar social y las diversas profesiones referidas como Trabajo Social son una manifestación de la diversidad cultural, política e histórica de la región. Sin embargo, parece probable que las instituciones de la Unión Europea y el Consejo de Europa sigan per- durando en el futuro; y, en un mundo globalizado e interdependiente, los organismos regionales tienen un papel impor- tante que desempeñar.
Referencia normalizada: Lawrence, S. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 26 2 : Summary: Introduction. The European context. The changing organisation of Social Services. Social nonlinear equations worksheet some what are the social work helping models and approaches concerns.
Developments in Education, training, research and regulation of Social Work. Concluding comments. Introduction which they relate have always been recog- Social welfare services are a well-established nisable. Further, the migration nal groups including social pedagogues e. These trans-national social work including across Euro- variations can be attributed to differences in pean borders and there is also increased labour national cultures and histories as well as to mobility of social professionals themselves, not current financial resources and political ideo- least within the European Union.
However, it can be argued that simila- In these circumstances, although most so- rities in the values and practices of social pro- cial professionals continue to practice prima- fessionals and in the client- or user-groups to rily at local level and within national policy 1 The term, social professionals, was coined in the s in the context of ERASMUS exchange sche- mes and evaluation and was referred to in print, e.
Spain, various and the issues in education, research and regu- Mediterranean IslandsEast e. Turkey and lation of social professionals at a pan-Euro- West e. There is also considerable pean level. In this article we therefore aim to diversity in terms of landmass, demography, sketch in some of these variations and simila- and settlement patterns.
Europe includes some rities and to illustrate the ways in which Euro- of the most densely populated and urbanised pean networks, research and literature can con- countries in the world e. Apart from its role at the social evolution, roles and concerns of social services policy what is mean by industry analysis, the European Union has played a and professions Lyons and Lawrence, Europe, comprising 48 countries.
The Council draf- IFSW and social initiatives supported by the ted the European Convention on Human Council of Europe, whose 47 member coun- Rights and established the European tries form the constituency of the European Court of Human Rights, the findings of which Association of Schools of Social Work have implications for national social policies. Whatever their form and origins, It aims to «create a common democratic and various formal and informal organisations have legal area throughout the whole of the Conti- afforded social professionals hleping opportunity nent ensuring respect for its fundamental va- to share knowledge about national issues and lues: human rights, democracy and the rule of developments and, more recently, to establish law» and its objectives include the promotion trans-national comparative research soxial in of Europe's cultural identity and diversity; and the fields of social welfare and social profes- seeking common solutions to current chal- sional roles.
Increasingly, it is also possible for lenges Council of Europe, The European Union itself was for- mally established in with the ratification 1. Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments. Authors' italics added. A major rity populations sometimes established since expansion of the EU occurred in with the the s have traditionally come from for- addition of 10 approacbes, including eight from mer colonies, including a number of African the former «Soviet bloc» the Accession states, countries: once established, such patterns tend A8 with Romania and Bulgaria joining in to persist Lyons and Huegler, a.
These sition of immigrants into the area, forging policies are important in relation to national agreements between states through the Lisbon immigration policies and trends in European Treatynot signed by all members and migration Lyons and Huegler, a. In establishing FRONTEX, an agency concerned addition, 17 countries currently share a com- with strengthening the EU's external borders mon currency the Euro although there are Spencer,emphasising the earlier significant variations between the GDPs of epithet of «Fortress Europe».
However, the both established members whether or not in boundaries of what is the overall purpose of the study EU remain «porous» in the Euro zone, e. Sweden and Greece and places, with migrants attempting to gain entry, relative to those of some of the more recent legally or illegally, e.
Norway and Switzerland are two what are the social work helping models and approaches across the Balkans, to Greece. Some migrants the wealthiest countries in Europe, while Bela- may be seeking economic opportunities pri- rus is one of the poorest. There tends to internal movements, particularly, most recen- be a correlation between the economic and de- tly, from the A8 countries to Western Sociall.
However, migration flows 38 percent came from Latin American coun- are complex and vary according to the «types tries but the largest proportion came from of migrants» so, for example, Spain receives other EU countries Martinez Brawley and large numbers of immigrants from poorer Gualda, Migration flows are has been noticeable in all areas of employment, also a function modesl national histories, so, for ins- including of social professionals themselves.
Cuadernos de Trabajo Social Vol. The employment of social workers in relative to those from the Commonwealth zre well-funded state social service countries e. Australia, Canada. This trend agencies in the Nordic countries modls reflects both changes in national legislation but ponding to the Social Democratic model can also in the training and employment of be contrasted with the dominance of social qualified social workers in the «sending provisions and professional activities by non- countries» e.
Franceexemplifying the Social Insurance or Corporatist model based on the principle of 2. The changing organisation of social subsidiarity. In the UK social workers have services been predominantly employed by the state The deterioration in the economic conditions according to a liberal model but they approavhes of virtually all European countries and creasingly find themselves offering residual populations has had significant implications services to a stigmatised minority, or seeking for social welfare provisions, since, although employment in «projects» with short term increasing numbers of people are unemployed funding in the voluntary sector; or engaged in or otherwise in need of welfare and social some form of individual or corporate private services, most countries have been attempting practice.
Denmark or on the funding avai- still far more in evidence in countries such as lable to services provided through the volun- Ireland, Spain and Greece, with relatively tary sector e. However, spending limited opportunities for employment of social on social welfare and the organisation of workers in the local state what are the social work helping models and approaches state-funded welfare services — welfare benefits, housing, voluntary agencies.
Global trends and institutions have a and governance as countries large and small bearing on social policies and expenditure in e. Poland, Lithuania embrace capitalism the European region and there is evidence that and aim to establish modern social services. In increasingly right-wing, «free market» policies these situations, sometimes assisted by Euro- influence welfare provisions, including social pean Union funding, social workers and social services.
In some cases, countries are being pedagogues have been striving to re-kindle required to cut welfare spending as a what are the 5 key promotional strategies pre-existing national traditions; to identify of getting a loan, for example from the which «helping models» appfoaches other countries International Monetary Fund IMF or the might be useful; and to determine their own European Union itself e.
Greece ; while in directions for educational programmes and others the dominant ideology, that «the market social service developments e. Poland, see should provide», has seen major shifts from Pawalek, Approachew the opportunities for the provision of services by the state or social work training have increased, these have voluntary agencies to the private sector and the not necessarily been matched by sufficient growth of whah and the «contract expenditure on social services whether culture» with the split between the «purchaser» provided by the state or the voluntary sector and the «provider» of services.
Esping- Andersen, are evident across a number of countries, Cuadernos de Trabajo Social Vol. The rationale for managerialist poli- which have led to decreased job opportunities cies is related to the scale of services, with in many sectors and worj of social expectations about economies of scale and services, alongside the increased needs of requirements regarding efficiency, while bureau- groups and communities worst affected by cratisation relates to calls for accountability moeels and poverty.
Social enterprise and uniformity of services. Taken together schemes are also supported by national poli- these trends have reduced the discretion of cies which encourage self-help and community social professionals, leading to concerns about based initiatives whether on ideological or deprofessionalisation. In such users, despite the approahces rhetoric and some circumstances, social professionals are among efforts to put the client at the centre of services those who have taken the initiative with local and shift responsibility for choice and groups to establish a wide range of projects, expenditure to the «consumer» e.
The two schemes or community cafes. These provide fundamental principles of the personalisation training and employment for local people in an agenda are to enable service users to choose enterprise that offers goods or services which a the services they need and to have control over local community wants. The motive is social, those services, by utilising service user self- since, although such projects are expected to assessments and, in some cases, by devolving cover their costs, they not driven by the profit personal budgets for service users to «spend» motive in the same way as commercial on their own choice of services Needham, undertakings.
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