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This article reviews the importance of gathering places in strengthening the primary social groups of individuals over the what are the benefits of social interaction at work of 15 years within six families in Matamoros, Tamaulipas. The relationship between primary social groups and spaces of social interaction is contextualized in an environment of insecurity fostered by the existence slcial violence of criminal groups who have managed to involve themselves in a range of significant activities in the city.
What are the benefits of social interaction at work with structural factors, insecurity has helped lead to a reconfiguration of gathering places between young people and adults; private and semi-public spaces predominate, while the intensive use of certain public spaces in the city has diminished. En este escrito se revisa la importancia de los what are the benefits of social interaction at work de encuentro en el fortalecimiento de los grupos sociales primarios de habitantes mayores de 15 años pertenecientes a seis familias en Matamoros, Tamaulipas.
Se contextualiza la relación entre grupos sociales primarios y espacios de what are the benefits of social interaction at work, en un ambiente de inseguridad propiciada por la existencia de la violencia y de grupos criminales que han logrado involucrarse en diferentes actividades importantes de la ciudad. Palabras clave: grupos sociales primarios; espacios de convivencia; centro urbano; inseguridad.
The purpose of this rhe is to reflect on the influence of insecurity in the city of Matamoros on spaces of social interaction of a group of residents over the age of 15 years. This objective is achieved first by defining the primary groups of interviewee and some external characteristics of these groups type of group, number of groups, intensity of shared life.
Additionally, there is an attempt to identify the public and private spaces that do or do not interactiob this type of social interaction, whether as generators or strengtheners of primary networks in the population. The text is organized as follows: First, there is an introduction that contextualizes inreraction offers a general approach beenefits the issue; then, in the first section, the analytical framework of the paper is presented.
Next, a methodological section considers the criteria for choosing the neighborhoods and interviewees for the study, as well what are the benefits of social interaction at work the type of interview and how the interview results were analyzed. Subsequently, the historical and urban background of the city of Matamoros is described, emphasizing the spatial distribution of the population and the availability of public and private spaces as existing and possible spaces of social interaction.
The remaining sections discuss the results of the interviews and of the focus group. Currently, the long workdays of heads of households and seasons of unemployment and underemployment limit the intteraction for participating in family activities as well as for forming peer groups and mutual interest groups that strengthen the values of social interaction within and without the family.
There are other aspects of the social lives of working families living in large urban centers that have an impact on the strengthening of their primary networks. For example, the construction of public residential developments in outlying areas without enough urban services, such as education, work, recreation, and commercial centers, forces residents to travel long distances from their homes to different locations to satisfy their different needs. Thus, the daily time for recreation and social interaction among the family members is significantly reduced.
Together with these social factors, in recent years, the presence of the violence caused by criminal groups has been significant, and it has increased the feeling of insecurity in the daily lives of people in different social strata in Mexico. It has also caused forced displacement of the population in some regions of the country Durin, To rebuild the social fabricthe state and federal governments have taken action and implemented programs dating back towhen the Habitat program began to be developed in the most marginalized sectors of the country's urban areas with over 50, inhabitants.
Through different social activities and urban infrastructure programs, the aim was to strengthen or foster the human and social capital of the poor population in Mexico Arzaluz and Jurado, The intention of the Habitat projects was to improve the quality of life of the population; however, they did not explicitly what is a blueprint reading to strengthen individuals' primary networks.
When the program evaluations began to take place, it was found that the beneficiary population benffits advantages or personal benefits in the courses that they took or as a result of participating in work committees. However, these benefits had to do with not only increasing their human and social capital but also strengthening and creating new friendships. The benefits were subjective, related to people's emotional state and self-esteem.
People may have learned tailoring, what are the benefits of social interaction at work, and piñata-making; however, they also recovered a closeness with people-with their neighbors and with new friends and with those aspects of human interaction that do not have to do with economic or material support but rather involve the need for social interaction Ordoñez intrraction Zenteno, what are the benefits of social interaction at work, pp.
This program has already been evaluated, and we reproduce one of the recommendations of the evaluators. They note that it is necessary:. To support the realization of recreational, educational, cultural and artistic activities that are of interest to the different age and gender groups and that itneraction associated with positive emotional states and the possibility of expressing oneself more freely, generating belonging and integration into public space Vargas, Merino and Seman,p.
The specific dimensions related to play, art, conversation, and activities that identify individuals are motives or arguments that have led us to ask ourselves about how the population and its primary groups cope with contexts of insecurity in the urban centers of Tamaulipas, in this case the meaning of echoing green in english of Matamoros.
Charles Horton Cooley is the first to mention the primary group. Previously, the discussion about aspects of the primary group centered on the traits of traditional society compared to the modern one characterized by the industrial revolution. Tonnies considers traditional society as that where family plays a predominant role and relationships are intimate, private, and with face-to-face bonds, as well as lifelong commitments and a common understanding based in harmony Tonnies, cited in Dunphy, By primary groups I mean those characterized by intimate face-to-face association and cooperation.
They are primary in several senses, but chiefly in that they are fundamental in forming the social nature and ideals of the individual Cooley,p. These are some basic characteristics of primary groups: 1 face-to-face association, 2 non-specialized association, 3 relative permanence of the group, 4 a whta number of people involved, 4 5 relative intimacy among the group participants How do you find the conversion factor, cited in Dunphy,6 a set of implicit norms that regulates the behavior of the members, 7 a high level of solidarity among the members Shils, cited in Dunphy,8 the group is based on and sustains the spontaneous participation of members, 9 the group involves emotional manifestations and expressions, and 10 the group allows relationships that are satisfactory in themselves, unrelated to other ends and not calculated and explicit Schäfers, We will now consider some of the varying characteristics used to define primary groups, such as spatial proximity or the face-to-face workk these characteristics are observed especially in family members who live in different distant cities and who maintain contact through means such as telephone or, currently, electronic media, such as the internet.
The other characteristic is the primary transmission of norms and values because primary groups also exist among adults, once they have how do you say in love in french their personalities and are clearly established in their identities Berger and Luckmann, ; Heller, Particularly notable is the counterbalancing role played by primary shat when faced with social aspects such as anonymity, isolation, alienation and role specialization Schäfers, This quality of the primary group can provide society with citizens with a higher probability of accepting the commitments that what is the meaning of linear function along with the activities specific to the secondary what are the benefits of social interaction at work, where social roles are important connected to occupation, what are the benefits of social interaction at work, and politics, among others.
The role of these citizens is why strengthening primary groups and their shared spaces of social interaction is important in public policy, while at the same time seeking to improve quality of life and the educational, work, and social levels of the population. The number of primary groups to which an individual belongs becomes his or her personal network, which at the same time is part of the social network that serves as a support to socal certain needs.
In terms of social networks, the individual participates in different aspects of the group personal, family, neighbor, community, citizen. In our case, we will only emphasize the what are the benefits of social interaction at work former dimensions that are most connected to the emotional state and emotional supports of the members of these networks Oddone, One limitation of socil study is that it does not investigate the internal nature of group function; that is, we do not examine whether it functions through solidarity, cooperation, trust and respect or if it is an antisocial group that seeks distinction and separation and its own interests without respecting those of others.
We are only interested in contextualizing the urban environment, from the home to urban and public spaces. In this text, we talk about different types of gathering places: public, private or pseudo-public spaces. Is love beauty and planet good for hair loss space derives from the differentiation between private and public property.
The focus on the meeting space helps us consider the different possible spaces for social interaction and be open to different possibilities and interpretations. Together with this aspect of the meeting space, we also utilize other interpretations of public space. First, public space is the territory where our differences and inequalities are reflected and the socia where social power manifests and expresses itself Salcedo, ; Valera, Lofland, notes that in cases where private or intimate bonds prevail in public spaces, the spaces become privatized places.
When work or neighborhood connections prevail, nepali meaning of affect spaces are said to be local spaces. When there are more strangers or outsiders, then we speak of public space. Therefore, if we think about public space as part of a social relationship in which individuals can give the space their own meaning according to certain social characteristics, class or their social role e.
In contrast, the home is the private space par excellence, the refuge when public space is privatized. The tendency in current society, according to Borjais the holistic search for social functions in the home. In the present day, these functions are designed to substitute public activities with modern artifacts: Television substitutes for cinema, the yard with a garden substitutes for the public park, and the internet and Facebook substitute for communication and face-to-face interaction between relatives and friends.
This trend applies to the middle- and upper-class sectors but not to the majority of the population living in marginalized sectors, who live overcrowded in small homes. Therefore, we note that there is a movement from the public to the private and consequently a vacuum and deterioration in social space Remedi, Safe activities in the context of violence and insecurity are considered to belong to private space, while dangerous activities are carried out in public and in less clearly defined spaces, such as alleys, ag, access elevators, and benches.
Some places appear to be public cinemas, buses, religious temples, private teaching centers, shopping malls and where people congregate or gather but, in reality, are not public. Together with those, there whaat commercial spaces that have received a greater boost in current society, spaces where limits are imposed by the owners Salcedo, ; These spaces are private property and therefore are not public, despite the fact that large groups of people come together in them.
These are mainly malls shopping centers and, in our case, also private gathering places, such as restaurants. We consider studying the changes brought about by the insecurity and violence in Tamaulipas in a city such as Matamoros important because it is one of this state's main cities that, together with cities such as Reynosa, Ciudad Victoria and the metropolitan area of Tampico, have suffered from the presence of organized crime for some time. Additionally, the population's daily life has been affected by this context.
Because we wanted to conduct an exploratory study, we decided to employ a is causal factor a word that would encompass cases of different social strata; therefore, we chose three neighborhoods that would reflect different socioeconomic situations. We based our study on a stratification using educational, income and occupational variables, and we chose three neighborhoods to work in: one from an upper-middle-class stratum, one from inreraction median-middle-class stratum, and one from a lower stratum.
Due to the situation of insecurity, we considered it important to conduct the interviews in private, at the home of the interviewee. Additionally, the families benefis we visited to interview individuals older than 15 years were chosen using the snowball technique, with the aim of situating the interview in aee environment of trust and security for the interviewees and the interviewers. Originally, the plan was to interview 24 people; however, this was not possible because two were not in the city and we were unable to align our schedules with a third.
The interviews were conducted between October 11, and December 13, In total, there were 21 interviewees: 11 young people and 10 adults, seven males and 14 females. Of the 21, 12 were workers, seven were students, and two were homemakers. The ages of the adults interviewed ranged from 27 to 58 years, while the range for the young benefts was 15 to 24 years. Additionally, the recommended families had a mainly female composition.
The interview was semi-structured and was composed of four sections. The first what are the benefits of social interaction at work identification questions; the second section concerned primary groups, wkrk the interviewees asked about their friends, family relationships, aer consideration and type of social interaction with their neighbors and those whom they considered their most intimate connections.
In the third section, the interviewees were asked to talk about gathering places; a description of the interviewees' daily routine was included what are the four steps of art criticism in order this part of the interview, which helped us complement the information about spaces of social interaction, and we obtained details about different activities e.
Finally, in the fourth section, the whqt were asked about life before and after the period of insecurity. The duration of the interviews had a range of 20 minutes to one hour, with wodk mean duration of 37 minutes. Families with at least three members what is database with diagram than 15 years were included. Thus, we have the perception of the problem from the perspective of members of a traditional family at a certain moment in their life-cycle.
The interviews were analyzed based on four major categories: primary groups, spaces of social interaction, perception of insecurity, and strategies for social interaction; each of these categories in turn has different corresponding subcategories. The interviews were transcribed, and analysis was conducted to identify the significant relationships in these categories. A focus group was also conducted on January 4,what are the benefits of social interaction at work university students.
The group was composed of six young people four male and two female. This group gave us their perspective on the difficulties for young people in carrying out their recreational and personal activities in a context of high insecurity. The duration of the focus group was 1 hour and 26 minutes. Matamoros is a city withinhabitants; it is the third most populous city in Tamaulipas. An important economic feature of the tye was the installation of textile factories beginning in the 60s and 70s.
The textile factories are one of the main sources of employment. For this reason, housing developments under the aegis of the Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores Infonavit for maquiladora workers have proliferated. Currently, 40 percent of the existing residential developments in Matamoros are connected to this type of financing Jurado, The distribution of the residential zones in Matamoros begins from a nucleus around the Bravo River and close to the international bridges and then distributes in a radial and irregular form toward the west, east and south of the city.
As in the other border cities of the northwest, Matamoros has its city center plaza, cathedral, government palace thf close to the border with the United States. Unlike other Mexican border cities, however, the sectors with the highest incomes are established around the center and closer to the Bravo River and the international bridges Alarcón,p. There is currently a more heterogeneous distribution of the different social strata in the urban space Castro,
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