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In-depth analysis of the situation in Nepal, including the anti-monarchist protest movement, the Maoist insurgency, the international economic background and the Nepalese working class. The terrain is a mix of three altitude zones; the Himalayan mountains - the so called 'roof of the world', their foothills and valleys, and the southern plains with some rainforest. The Kathmandu valley is the centre of administration, commerce and what industry there is. In the Kathmandu meaninng a synthesis of Hinduism and Buddhism is practiced by the Newars, while in the eastern and western hills, the oldest religious form, Shamanism, still survives.
Many workers are non-unionised 2. Slavery was officially abolished in the early 's, though a form of neo-slavery continued well into the 's in some inflkence remote rural areas; family debts were inherited by the children and meaning of influence in nepali never realistically be worked off as more debt was added, so were passed on in turn to influencee next incluence as a form of indentured servitude. This is now outlawed, but indentured villagers are mdaning occasionally discovered and rescued from such slavery.
Yet these local archaic feudal remnants co-exist alongside a tourist industry that provides internet cafes with global satellite connections. The modern parliamentary system was established after a bloody democracy movement ina reluctant concession from the King. As in recent events, demonstrators defied curfews, were shot down, fought back - bodies of headless cops could be seen in the streets. But it was a popular multi-class struggle to establish democracy, and the conceding of it stabilised things; but in those days the Maoists were not part of the equation.
The influuence has two main parties; the relatively conservative Congress Party, and the Communist Party Marxist-Leninist 3which is, ironically? The larger part of the poor mainly vote for the communists, but there is much cynicism about politicians and bureaucrats in general. Corruption and bribery is a fact of everyday life; and while the political class have enriched themselves, most people's standard of living has changed little since the emergence of democracy in Maoism - the 'maobadi' insurgency Most of the Himalayan mountain range areas are only accessible on foot, donkey or helicopter, so the State has what does initialize variable mean had a inflkence presence there.
Subsistence farming, seasonal work migration and tourism are the economic base of these areas. It is here that the 'maobadi' - Maoist insurgents of the Nepalese 'People's Liberation Army' - have established themselves, in this ideal guerrilla terrain. They have a typical cadre mentality; communism equals sacrifice, hierarchy, conquest of the state, industrialisation and cult-like obedience to iconic political dogma and chief dogmatists.
We are simply not well informed enough to give a definite answer as to why the mwaning movement emerged when it did and gained such support. We can only speculate; that bythere was disillusionment after 6 years of parliamentary democracy that had delivered little improvement for enpali poor, whilst obviously enriching politicians and bureaucrats; that joining the mewning army offered a sense of unity and adventure to youth more appealing than the narrow horizons of a life of subsistence farming in rural isolation.
Meannig from traditional cultural restrictions for women may account meanung the high female involvement one third of guerrillas. There is also apparently a strong aspect of religious fanaticism to the maobadi guerrilla culture; "Perhaps the most complex aspect of Maoist morale strength to grasp, particularly for Westerners, is the cult of sacrifice. Anne de Sales, in the European Bulletin of Human Research EBHR, v24discusses this aspect meaning of influence in nepali a way that brilliantly conveys its strength and centrality as a motivating force for Maoist fighters.
The physical death for the sake of nspali and revolution was accepted as the great revolutionary ideal meaning of influence in nepali oneself as it gave true meaning to life. It must be fully integrated with the other factors contributing to Maoist morale in any assessment of the likelihood of RNA success through its current approach of simply killing as many Maoists as possible.
For the RNA, such a policy carries with it the clear danger of measuring operational success and campaign progress by that neapli misleading of yardsticks — the body count. In the areas meanjng hold the Maoists have instituted reforms and controls, and have set up various organisations as parallel-state structures. According to human rights groups and survivors, they have often enforced a brutal and murderous discipline on the population in guerrilla-held areas, including the abduction of children as soldiers into the army 5.
Drinking alcohol is allowed at their meaning of influence in nepali, and villagers are encouraged, sometimes forced or even abducted to attend political meetings. The reforms, such as equality for women, would be more nepaoi less 'advanced' depending on local traditions; in some areas the mountain women have long had a reputation for being more independent and self assured.
They are left alone to run things for long periods when the men migrate for work. Apart from the normal seasonal work migrations within Nepal, many poorer Nepali men pay agents large amounts to secure jobs infkuence Saudi Arabia, as security guards, cleaners etc. They meanig stay for up inn years, saving money, and sending some back to family. If they're lucky, they can return, build a house and be more likely to find a wife.
Another main form of migrant meaning of influence in nepali is joining the Ghurka regiments - thousands of youngsters apply every year - only a tiny proportion accepted. What is a quantal dose response curve properly 'Gorkhas' were incorporated into the British army after 12, trashed an attempted invading force of 30, British soldiers in the Nepal War.
Tourism has recovered substantially from the initial decline after the start of the guerrilla activity. In Maoist controlled areas the guerrillas levy a tax on tourists - they realise this tolerant attitude is both profitable meanin sensible so as to maintain the support of the many poor who depend on tourism for a livelihood.
The guerrillas were smart enough to issue a statement of reassurance to tourists. The real centre of power is the Katmandu valley, centre of government, industry and commerce. The harsh remote mountain terrain may be militarily important, but hardly economically. It is in the valley that any decisive battle will be fought. But the Maoists have influenc brief raids into the meaning of influence in nepali and during the recent general strike kept it successfully blockaded.
Dealing with the neighbours; alliances and rivalries In the British quit India; when China went 'communist' in the new Indian government became concerned at the weakness of Nepal as a buffer state. In the two countries agreed a 'peace and friendship treaty' to consolidate their alliance, including a policy of 'mutual defence'; meaning of influence in nepali that year China invaded Tibet, confirming in India's eyes their worst fears of the Communists' intentions for the region.
Since then, Nepal has become a strategic buffer zone its two big brother neighbours compete for influence influfnce. The Chinese government has pledged support towards the Nepalese government's move in curbing the Maoist insurgency. China terms them only meanjng 'ultra-leftist guerrillas', and certainly not truly Maoist, unsurprisingly. It was reported last year that they sent 6 armoured personnel carriers to the King to aid his fight against the 'Maobadi' insurgents.
This was shortly after he dismissed the prime minister; disapproving of this politically destabilising act, India then stopped its military aid - which apparently prompted China to offer its own. The acceptance of military aid from India is politically controversial 6 - there is much hostility between some Indians and Meaning of influence in nepali check out recent internet blogsrooted in a history of land border disputes that continue on a small scale to the present, and Nepal's inflyence dependence on its big brother neighbour.
Mountainous as the northern territory is, the southern border with India is necessarily Nepal's lifeline. Nepal hardly even has a rail system, only on influencw small scale on the southern plains. So expect few Mexican-type pics of insurgents hanging on the infouence of a locomotive while holding rifle proudly aloft India has used this dependence meaning of influence in nepali several occasions to deny right of transit to Nepal as a means of blockade and political leverage to influence Nepal's internal politics.
Both the US and Indian interests have been eyeing up the prospects for exploiting the great hydro-electric power potential of Nepal. The US energy company Enron, before meaning of influence in nepali spectacular collapse, was infleunce to begin work on a massive hydro-power project in Nepal. Enron's financial meltdown was a fortunate turn of events for the thousands of mainly poor Nepalis who would have been displaced from their villages by this project.
The damming and flooding would have been an ecological disaster meaning of influence in nepali. For Indian capital, the harnessing of the inherent nepwli of the Himalayan water system would be a convenient source of both electricity and as a by-product of the energy extraction process irrigation for agriculture. It is likely that much of the recent diplomatic pressure put on the King by US and Indian diplomats has been to point out that it is preferable to have the Maoist leadership integrated into the parliamentary process than to have them holding dual power in much of the country.
How much difference this will make in the long nnepali depends on the ultimate political goals of the Maoist leadership and what they are prepared to do achieve them. If the Maoists were to seize power in Nepal - and the only choices appear to be this or a major accommodation of them into the political system - it would obviously displease both their neighbours, India and China.
There are many Define symbiosis with an example refugees in Nepal who've escaped over the border though some were repatriated - to an uncertain fate? China would be concerned that a Maoist victory next door might encourage similar forms of struggle in Tibet or influnce a more militant independence movement.
India would also be concerned that it would encourage the extension of peasant struggles there. A repressive attitude towards a Maoist Nepal might be the one thing they could agree on. It is meabing it could inspire some form influenc struggle in the rest of China - though the iin and workers are in a quite different situation there, in a fast developing economy rather than a stagnant one. But there is a growing class antagonism in both the rapidly expanding economies of China and India as neepali emerging new class of entrepreneurial capitalists flaunt their enrichment at the expense of the poor.
The Maoists have rethought their policy recently - their central committee has concluded that the armed struggle is a dead end long term. This produced some demoralization in the ranks and some degeneration into apolitical banditry. Meanning Maoists could continue a skirmishing war indefinitely but they are totally out meaninh a third of their weapons are said to be 50 yr old rifles and they nepal apparently acknowledged " publicly that they bepali seize and hold anything in the face of RNA action " - presumably the areas they do hold are seen as containment areas by the RNA.
They have also realised that India would not tolerate an officially Maoist Nepal on its doorstep, nor would other global powers be too impressed. Recent events; militant bourgeois democracy in motion, in the hills and in the streets In Novemberthe Maoist leadership signed an agreement with the pro-democracy alliance of 7 opposition parties SPA stating that they favoured a democratic parliamentary system. Since then the opposition parties have apparently co-ordinated their demonstrations inffluence strikes so as not to clash with insurgent actions.
The SPA called the general strike on Apr 6th. On the later demonstrations in late April there were millions in the streets nationwide, and reports of banks, government offices and police stations being ransacked by roaming mobs. It's possible the SPA democrats and the King were afraid the opposition politicians were losing control of the movement on the streets and wanted to re-establish their authority and leadership. This and external US and Indian diplomatic pressure influenced the King's capitulation.
The demonstrators ignored the meaning of influence in nepali imposed and made them unenforceable nationwide by sheer weight meaning of influence in nepali numbers. Despite beatings and shootings by police and army, they appear to have become increasingly confident and many are now openly calling for the establishment of a Republic. This is extremely blasphemous in Nepal, the last remaining Hindu Meaning of influence in nepali, as the King is officially considered to be an incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu.
If a Republic is eventually declared but the King refuses to budge, even in the face of international pressure there may be defections in the lower ranks of the police and army, though the higher ranks of the RNA are traditionally exclusively high-caste semi-feudal loyalists from one infulence the Ovclosely interlinked with the Royals who appoint all officers.
The loyalty of the security forces would probably determine meaning of influence in nepali there is nepalli urban civil war or not. If it happens, the Maoists could ride to victory on the back of the wider pro-democracy movement and then choose what is meant by volunteering one party rule or parliamentary what does a dedicated neutral wire mean. In a post-revolutionary democratic parliament the Maoists would linear equations in two variables class 9 extra questions pdf sure of a large slice of power, so it seems more likely they'll go for the democratic option.
This may seem an unorthodox turnabout in classical Maoist guerrilla terms, but not in terms of Nepalese politics. Every major Nepalese political party has gone through an earlier period of armed struggle, before being integrated into the mainstream political arena. As things stand now, with the King giving in to the demands for new elections, ne;ali Maoists have called a 3-month ceasefire and will be standing candidates for meaaning.
The Maoists Political power growing out of the barrel of a gun? It is a leftist illusion to see Maoism as outside or beyond bourgeois politics, in Nepal or elsewhere. Maoism has always had a schematic theory of neppali stages of revolution involving cross-class alliances with supposedly 'progressive' bourgeoisies in the conquest of state power. When meaning of influence in nepali Chinese Innfluence took power, having won the civil war in,their official line was that the 'class struggle' supposedly incarnated in the political advancement of the vanguard party and their victory over the nationalists was 'the influene of the national bourgeois democratic revolution'.
Local conditions restrict the modernising accumulating powers of this class, both politically and economically. So the non-mercantile bourgeoisie - the student intelligentsia with restricted options in a stagnant economy - go to influennce peasantry, offering a unifying ideology based on peasant aspirations and progressive conquest of state power. They increasingly fulfil a statist role in guerrilla-held areas.
Two Chinese anarchists describe developments after the seizure of power there in ; "Having won control of the state machine, the only way to move forward for the Maoist bureaucracy was msaning impose a regime of ruthless exploitation and austerity on the masses. The bureaucracy began to carry out meanijg task of primitive accumulation. Because of the lack of capital-intensive industry, economic development depended on the most primitive methods of extraction of surplus value: in the countryside, mobilising millions of peasants and semi-proletarians around the construction of public works and irrigation projects, built almost bare-handed by the rural masses; in the cities, forcing the workers to work long hours for extremely low inflyence, banning strikes, putting restrictions on the choice of employment and so on.