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Metrics details. Mounting evidence links poor sleep quality with a higher risk of late-life dementia. However, the structural and cognitive correlates of insomnia are still not well understood. Multivariable regression models were used to evaluate differences in cognitive performance between individuals with and without insomnia, as well as potential interactions between insomnia and the APOE genotype.
Voxel-based morphometry and tract-based spatial statistics were used to assess between-group differences and potential interactions between insomnia and the APOE genotype in gray matter volume and white matter diffusion metrics. Insomnia was which term is used to represent an image of the dominant white social group in american society by out of participants Understanding how insomnia and other causes of sleep disruption generate a higher vulnerability for AD constitutes a focus of major interest, given the potential of sleep quality as a therapeutic target for dementia prevention.
However, other mechanisms may drive this association. For instance, brain structural differences in individuals with poor sleep quality may contribute to lower the threshold for cognitive impairment [ 111213 ]. In support of this hypothesis, previous neuroimaging studies have described lower gray matter volume involving well-known AD-vulnerable regions, such as precuneus, hippocampus, and cingulate gyrus in patients with insomnia [ 121415161718 ].
In addition, two independent studies have found, respectively, that poor sleep quality is associated to a higher rate of cortical atrophy [ 19 ] and reduced volume in brain regions usually affected in mild cognitive impairment and AD [ 13 ] in cognitively unimpaired adults. On the other hand, diffusion tensor imaging studies have shown decreased fractional anisotropy which denotes microstructural integrity loss in several white matter tracts in patients with insomnia and community-dwelling individuals with self-reported poor sleep quality [ 112223 ].
Notably, the sample used in the present study has been enriched with AD risk factors, therefore potentiating possible associations between sleep quality and AD-related brain changes. For the present study, we additionally excluded subjects with any psychiatric condition besides those specified in the ALFA study exclusion criteriacurrent use of psychotropic medication, sleep-wake disorders other than insomnia, or missing data, rendering a study sample of participants Fig.
Insomnia was categorized no can no bb meaning in chinese present if at least one of these questions was positively answered, or absent if all answers were negative. The self-reported number of sleep hours in a day was also registered for all participants. Executive functions were assessed with five WAIS-IV subtests [ 28 ]: Digit Span measure of immediate and working memory ; Coding subtest measure of processing speed and attention ; Matrix Reasoning and Visual Puzzles measures of fluid intelligence, logic and executive functioning, and visual reasoning, respectively ; and Similarities measure of abstract verbal reasoning.
Voxel-wise general linear model statistics were fed with the resulting data. The same workflow was applied to each parametric map. Significant clusters were anatomically labeled using the Johns Hopkins University tract-based white matter atlas [ 33 ]. We also performed a logistic regression to calculate the odds of having insomnia as a function of the APOE status while adjusting by age and sex.
Gray matter volume between-group differences were evaluated with two-sample t test using voxel-based morphometry VBM and the general linear model method implemented in SPM For the TBSS analysis, the number of permutations was set at VBM analyses were also adjusted by squared age to account for non-linear effects [ 38 ] and total intracranial volume. We did not adjust TBSS analyses for age squared, as we did not found evidence of a non-linear association between age and TBSS metrics in a previous work based on the same dataset [ 39 ].
Neither we included a quadratic term for age in cognitive performance analyses, as doing so did not substantially modify the models. We also evaluated potential interactions between insomnia and APOE status, in cognitive performance, white matter diffusivity, and gray matter volume. For analyses evaluating the effect of this interaction on cognitive performance, we built different models assuming different potential genetic effects.
For neuroimaging analyses, we included six dummy regressors accounting for all possible combinations between APOE status and the presence or absence of insomnia, and separate t tests contrast weights were specified to account for the different genetic models. Six hundred fifteen participants fulfilled the criteria used for insomnia Compared with non-insomniacs controlsthese participants were older, reported less years of education and shorter sleep duration, scored higher in GADS, and included a higher percentage of women Table 1.
In turn, insomnia was more frequent in women Among individuals with insomnia, Multivariable linear regression analyses showed a significant negative association between the presence of insomnia and performance in WAIS-IV Digit Span. Results did not significantly change after including hypertension, dyslipidemia, and physical activity as additional covariates in the model Table 3.
Participants with insomnia displayed significantly lower volume in the left orbitofrontal cortex, bilateral posterior cingulate cortex, bilateral precuneus, bilateral middle cingulum, right middle temporal gyrus, and bilateral thalamus, as well as higher volume in the left caudate nucleus Fig. Effect of insomnia on gray matter volume. L, left hemisphere; R, right hemisphere.
None of these clusters survived FWE multiple comparison correction. Results were similar after adding hypertension, dyslipidemia, and physical activity as additional covariates to the model Additional file 1 : Figure S2, Table S1. Thus, homozygous showed lower or higher gray matter volumes depending on the presence or absence of insomnia, respectively. A similar divergent structural pattern was observed in some significant clusters among heterozygous individuals, but the effect size was milder and it was not consistently observed in all brain regions.
On the other hand, insomniac and non-insomnia non-carriers tended to show similar gray matter volumes in those regions where significant interactions were observed Fig. Graphs b — e show how the association between APOE status and gray matter volume is modulated by the presence of insomnia in four representative brain regions. In most of these regions, AxD was also reduced in subjects with insomnia.
Additional adjustment for hypertension, dyslipidemia, and my outlook is not connecting to exchange server activity did not modify these results Additional file 1 : Figure S3. Effect of insomnia on white matter microstructure. Significant white matter clusters derived from tract-based spatial statistics are represented in red-yellow over the skeletonized white matter tracts green.
In the present study involving cognitively unimpaired individuals at increased risk for AD, we found that insomnia was associated to poorer performance in some executive functions and to a distinctive brain macro- and microstructural pattern, characterized by cortical and subcortical Why is phone not connecting to internet differences what does the number 420 represent in numerology decreased white matter what is the purpose of credit cards. The demographic and clinical profile of participants with insomnia from this study is similar to that reported in individuals with poor sleep quality from population-based studies [ 4748 ].
However, by using a study sample enriched for AD risk factors, we have been able to detect neuroimaging findings that differ from those reported in previous studies, particularly those showing decreased mean and axial diffusivity in white matter tracts, which may be relevant for understanding the association between poor sleep quality and AD in individuals at higher risk for this disease. Several studies have analyzed the cognitive correlate of insomnia or poor sleep quality, leading in some cases to inconsistent results [ 47484950 ].
Our findings are in line with a meta-analysis of 24 studies showing worse performance in executive functions among individuals with insomnia [ 50 ]. Subsequent studies have also reported altered executive functions in patients with insomnia [ 5152 ] and community-dwelling individuals with self-reported poor sleep quality [ 53 ]. We did not find differences in episodic memory performance, despite previous evidence of poorer memory performance among individuals with insomnia [ 50 ].
This could be explained by a selection bias towards patients with more severe insomnia possibly linked to worse cognitive performance in studies conducted at Sleep Units. Also, we cannot exclude an effect of insomnia on other cognitive domains, such as language and visuoperceptual or visuospatial abilities, as they were not evaluated in our study. Regarding the relationship between cognitive and neuroimaging findings, our group previously described a positive correlation between speed processing and thalamic, as well as superior longitudinal fasciculus SLF volume in cognitively unimpaired adults, which is consistent with our results showing a trend towards lower processing speed, as well as lower thalamic volume and altered diffusivity in the SLF in insomniacs [ 54 ].
Our findings of lower gray matter volume in orbitofrontal and parietal cortex, as well as middle cingulate gyrus, recapitulate some of the main brain volume differences previously reported in patients with insomnia [ 141517185758 ], which supports the existence of a brain structural signature associated to this why is my iphone not connecting to wifi anymore. Regarding possible mechanistic links between these alterations and poor sleep quality, it has been hypothesized that orbitofrontal cortex abnormalities may predispose to insomnia due to altered sensing of the optimal temperature for sleep [ 145960 ].
As far as we are concerned, lower thalamic volume has not been previously reported in patients with insomnia, although it has been associated with increased sleep fragmentation variability in cognitively unimpaired elderly can i eat corn chips with ibs [ 61 ].
Thalamic involvement in sleep disturbances is biologically plausible, since regulation of wakefulness and sleep cycles largely relies on a neural network involving neurons in the brainstem, hypothalamus and basal forebrain that provides excitatory input to the thalami and cortical regions [ 62 ]. Also, degeneration of this nucleus in familial and sporadic fatal insomnia, a rare subtype of prion diseases, leads to prominent sleep disturbances [ 63 ].
Our finding of lower gray matter volume in precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex in individuals with insomnia could be linked to the higher vulnerability for cognitive impairment that has been observed in association with poor sleep quality, as these regions are early involved in AD [ 64 ]. An alternative hypothesis is that structural differences observed in individuals with insomnia may represent pre-existing morphological traits that could confer a higher vulnerability to both insomnia and cognitive impairment.
Unexpectedly, we found a greater volume in the left caudate in individuals with insomnia. The interpretation of this finding should be considered with caution, as higher caudate volume has not been previously reported in individuals with insomnia. Even so, with these limitations in mind, one potential explanation would be friends have no time quotes existence of a higher prevalence of individuals with preclinical AD among those with insomnia, based on previous evidence of increased caudate size in presymptomatic PSEN1 mutation carriers, which is a genetic cause of AD [ 68 ], and previous findings suggest a transient size increase in some brain structures during early stages of AD [ 6970 ].
We found lower diffusivity values involving widespread white matter tracts, exclusively in the right hemisphere. Previous studies have shown a right predominant loss of white matter integrity in patients with insomnia [ 1122 ]. Studies in human healthy volunteers have reported an asymmetry in brain hemisphere activity during wakefulness with left-hemisphere predominance that is reversed during sleep [ 7374 ]. Whether differences in the laterality pattern across the sleep-wake cycle may be related to a higher vulnerability of the right hemisphere white matter tracts to insomnia-related disruption deserves further investigation.
On the other hand, a critical difference between our findings and those reported in previous studies is that we found decreased, rather than increased diffusivity 420 angel number meaning relationship with insomnia [ 1123 ]. Acute ischemic lesions, tumoral lesions, and inflammation are among the main established causes of MD reduction in the brain tissue [ 75 ].
These three scenarios have in common a reduction in water molecules diffusivity due to their confinement to the intracellular compartment, either due to cellular swelling or cellular proliferation. Thus, one potential explanation for our findings is the existence of insomnia-related neuroinflammation involving white matter. In support of this hypothesis, a recent meta-analysis reported an association between insomnia and elevated systemic inflammatory markers [ 76 ], and murine model studies have shown that circadian clock disruption induces astrogliosis [ 77 ] and sleep disturbance is associated with higher expression of pro-inflammatory interleukins and microglial activation in mouse brains [ 7879 ].
This could also explain the difference between our findings and those from previous studies, as our sample has been enriched for AD risk factors, therefore facilitating the detection of AD-related changes. The main strengths of our study are the large size and characteristics of the study sample and its multimodal approach.
Although using a sample enriched for AD risk factors may preclude the generalizability of our results, it is better suited to detect brain structural differences that might be driven by AD pathology. On the other hand, an important limitation of the present study is that we have used a subjective measure that queries for the core criteria of insomnia which term is used to represent an image of the dominant white social group in american society does not provide more detailed information on sleep quality.
In this sense, having used more specific subjective or objective sleep measures may have resulted in more robust statistical associations between sleep quality and neuroimaging and cognitive outcomes. The fact that gray matter volume differences did not survive correction for multiple comparisons which is inherent to the small effect size of poor sleep quality on gray matter volume and the lack of AD biomarkers are other relevant limitations in order to interpret our findings.
In summary, we confirmed that insomnia is associated to a distinctive cognitive and brain structural pattern in cognitively unimpaired individuals at risk for AD. Importantly, our findings in white matter microstructure suggest that some brain structural differences associated to poor sleep quality may be mediated by neuroinflammation. American Academy of Sleep Medicine. International classification of sleep disorders, 3rd which term is used to represent an image of the dominant white social group in american society.
Darien: American Academy of Sleep Medicine; American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Prevalence of insomnia and its treatment in Canada. Can J Psychiatr. Article Google Scholar. Biol Psychiatry. Article PubMed Google Scholar. Ohayon MM. Epidemiological overview of sleep disorders in the general population. Sleep Med Res. Sleep quality and 1-year incident cognitive impairment in community-dwelling older adults.
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