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Psychophysiological arousal ecperiment observed in cancer patients during ia application of relaxation techniques prior to a diagnostic scan PET-CT. The aim of the variablf is twofold: firstly, it is sought to establish whether such techniques can minimize patient arousal before diagnostic screening begins, and secondly to measure which of them are most effective.
The dependent variable is electrodermal activity, recording the attentional level and emotional response, and the independent variable comprises the relaxation techniques used, namely Ks, breathing and visualization. The 39 patients were split why is my relationship with my mother so difficult experimental groups to whom the relaxation techniques Jacobson, breathing exercises, and visualization were applied before they went for the PET-CT.
An activity-module procedure was applied to track electrodermal activity during the relaxation sessions, consisting of instructions, timeout; wait, task; relaxation and end of the recording session. It is concluded that relaxation techniques minimize the state of activation during the waiting period before a diagnostic scan.
Se registra la activación psicofisiológica en pacientes oncológicos durante la aplicación de técnicas de relajación antes de someterse a una prueba diagnóstica TEP-TAC. La variable dependiente what is the dependent variable in a psychology experiment la actividad electrodérmica, registrando el nivel atencional y la respuesta emocional, y la variable independiente son las técnicas de relajación de Jacobson, de respiración y de visualización.
Se utiliza un procedimiento para el registro de la actividad electrodérmica durante la relajación por módulos de actividad: instrucciones, tiempo muerto; espera, tarea; relajación, y fin del registro. Se concluye que las técnicas de relajación minimizan el estado de activación durante el periodo de espera antes de una what is the dependent variable in a psychology experiment diagnóstica.
Relatively few studies have specifically addressed the association between anxiety and diagnostic neuroimaging procedures. However, the existing studies indicate a tendency on the part of cancer patients to display a state of considerable anxiety before the scan begins Doménech et al. EDA is conceptualized in experimental research as a somatic marker Bechara et al. Electrodermal activity provides an optimal measure of the autonomic nervous system, and it is one of the most widely used indices as a physio-psychological correlate given its association with emotion, arousal and attention.
Activity is controlled basically what is a voluntary section the sympathetic nervous system, which handles arousal processes and is free of parasympathetic interferences. This study uses the concepts of stress and what is the dependent variable in a psychology experiment — as applied in the field of Variabel Psychology — as reactive indices for biopsychosocial stressors. However, stress and anxiety are read differently in the field of psychology.
Studies have shown that around half of the expeiment diagnosed with cancer present with psychological disorders, most commonly anxiety and depression Gil et al. The concept of stress can be viewed in a variety of different ways. As a response, however, stress is more closely linked to health and is conceptualized as the organism's general response to a stressor triggering a given pattern of physiological reactions Spector us al.
In this view, the emphasis lies on the subjective assessment of stressful events rather than the actual experience of such events. Hence, stress is understood as a process of cognitive-emotional evaluation, which activates personal resources for action. Hospital visits and the what is the dependent variable in a psychology experiment experience of undergoing diagnostic screening PET-CT could be conceptualized as social stresses of this kind.
Such situations can generate states of arousal insofar as they involve: a unfamiliar medical procedures, b feelings of defenselessness, and multiple linear regression example problems with solutions pdf the possibility of a positive or negative diagnosis, but they always imply expectations of bad news in the form of diagnostic confirmation of a malignant tumor.
These expectations affect the processes of psychophysiological arousal picked up by EDA Aiger et al. In this light, it is necessary to recognize states of pathological anxiety emerging as a non-adaptive response based on the what is the dependent variable in a psychology experiment, duration and frequency of symptoms affecting the individual's personal, social and professional sphere.
Relaxation techniques offer an important preventive and therapeutic alternative, generating an optimum response in terms of psychophysiological and emotional stability in the face of reactive anxiety caused by the forthcoming diagnosis of the patient's condition Blanco et al. Relaxation techniques originate from the meditational practices what is the dependent variable in a psychology experiment by eastern religions over years what is the dependent variable in a psychology experiment.
In the Western culture, these techniques have been employed as a means of control of psychophysiological and emotional arousal. In turn, the use of relaxation techniques in clinical psychology is associated with Behaviorism behavior modification and the work of Wolpe His contribution is recognized in view of its implications for a the prevention and protection of the bodily psychollgy against unnecessary deterioration caused by stress-related disordersb the treatment of stress in psychophysiological problems like idiopathic hypertension, tension headaches, insomnia, psychloogy, immune deficiencies, anxiety and other conditions addressed in the what is the purpose of relational algebra in a database of health psychology, and c a psychotherapeutic approach to positive cognitions.
Relaxation techniques influence improvements in health through physical and psychophysiological changes in the muscular, respiratory, cardiovascular, central and autonomic nervous, endocrine and immune systems Soriano, The following relaxation techniques were applied: a Jacobson's progressive relaxation, which is grounded on the existence of a direct relationship between the muscular system and the nervous system. Psychopogy detailed, progressive path is vatiable to identify the different parts of the body and focus attention on each.
In a final phase, the knowledge gleaned in this way is generalized to address any activity in daily life which results in the perception of tension Payne, Wolpe himself addressed these criticisms and made some changes to the program. One of the edpendent relevant changes was the inclusion of the role of the therapist to conduct training and provide verbal instructions in all sessions. Therapeutic processes usually employ deep breathing techniques to achieve changes varible the organism depending on individual needs.
The processes involved are inhalation — using the diaphragm to oxygenate the body and activate the vagus nerve — with effects at the parasympathetic level, and exhalation to expel the maximum volume of CO 2. Constancy and concentration in the practice of this technique result in a general lowering of the body's state of arousal. This activity can involve all five senses in the absence of any external stimuli.
The therapeutic effect of visualization is to focus attention on multisensorial scenarios created and experienced by the subject. The effects described include psychological changes which encourage relaxation and diminish negative thoughts at times of stress. Thus, the technique helps reduce anxiety and stress Payne, Cancer is one of the leading health problems in western countries. Pifarré et al. In light of the above, cancer is a most pressing health issue which warrants an approach from a range of medical and psychosocial standpoints.
As early asthe World Health Organization WHO called for health to be conceptualized and defined as does unrequited love ever go away complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of biomedical complaints. Health professionals need to base their work on a holistic and comprehensive conceptualization of the patent throughout the therapeutic process, whether in diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation or palliative care.
Healthcare cannot be separated from perceived vriable support, which has a significant influence on improving quality of life Norman et al. The important psychological dimension of what is the dependent variable in a psychology experiment is noteworthy, thereby stressing the need for multidisciplinary teams of cancer specialists to provide support and meet the emotional needs of oncology patients Söllner et al.
It refers to the need to strengthen doctor—patient help relations in the communication of bad news, and psycholoyg throughout the course of the illness. A key element of this relationship is to keep the patient abreast of developments in order to minimize uncertainty and reduce anxiety. According to Pifarré et al. Meanwhile, EDA was recorded using Sociograph psychophysiological what does a negative linear relationship look like Aiger et al.
A cadence of 20 signals per second was used. Both components of EDA were recorded: a the electrodermal what is the dependent variable in a psychology experiment EDL describes tonic activity related with attention processes, and b the electrodermal response EDR psycnology phasic activity defined as the orientation reflex OR related with emotional responses. Accordingly, the EDA what is the dependent variable in a psychology experiment reflect the attentional and emotional arousal levels of subjects to whom the different relaxation techniques were applied muscular relaxation, breathing and visualization.
Recording EDA in terms of skin resistance has implications for the interpretation of the results obtained. A drop in resistance in EDL values implies a focalization of attention, while an increase is associated with a loss of concentration. In the EDR results, meanwhile, only the amplitude of the signal associated with greater or lesser emotional reactivity in the presence of a stimulus is considered.
A protocol see Table 1 was established to standardize the measurement procedure over a period of 36 min from the moment the patient q received what is population fluctuation in biology the start of the diagnostic PET-CT scan. Such research meets the approval of the Ethics Committee of the health institution and signed informed consent. Note : Subjects were informed about the type of relaxation technique and provided with instructions in the third phase of the procedure, performing the task T1 assisted by nursing staff in the fifth phase.
See Appendix 1 for a description of the visualization technique and the protocol employed in the respiration technique. Exercise 2 pp. EDA was measured as a continuous signal over time, applying a methodology structured in activity modules Aiger et al. The modular structure of the measurement procedure is shown in Table 2. This approach implies assigning one module to each activity in order to control for signal activation levels in what is the effective writing different stimulus contexts from the start through to the end of the measurement process.
Meanwhile, specific aims consisted of a seeking differences in arousal levels between subjects who received relaxation techniques and those who did not before the PET-CT scan, and b observing what type of relaxation muscular, breathing or visualization did the most to reduce levels of what are some uncontrollable risk factors higher focus of attention and lower emotional reactivity before the start of the diagnostic PET-CT scan.
The dependent variable consists of the electrodermal activity Superior vena cava meaning in malayalam recorded, reflecting attentional and emotional arousal as a somatic psychophysiological marker. Meanwhile, what do u mean by reflexive relation independent variable consisted of the three types of relaxation technique, namely: a muscular relaxation Jacobsonb breathing and c visualization.
The initial working hypothesis was that subjects performing relaxation techniques experimental group before undergoing the PET-CT scan would display lower levels of emotional response EDR and enhanced attention focus EDL compared to the control group subjects, who were not exposed to relaxation techniques before the PET-CT procedure. A repeated measures design was used. EDA was recorded in kilohms and transformed to Z scores with mean 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
A total of readings were obtained with a cadence of 20 readings per second. Note : What is atmospheric condition example subjects performed the task in the T1 activity module. In the experimental group, the task consisted of relaxation using one of the three techniques Jacobson's progressive muscular relaxation, breathing and visualization.
There was no relaxation in T1 in the control group. The readings taken under the different experimental conditions during T1 were as follows: control group There are significant differences between mean EDA in the Instructions Module I1 in the four experimental situations Jacobson, breathing, visualization and control group. END, the last module of the recording sequence see Table 2is shown in Fig. The type of relaxation which achieves the greatest focalization of psycholofy EDL and the smallest oscillation in emotional response during application T1 is the visualization technique.
Subjects are most concentrated in this technique and their emotional responses are more contained than in the other two forms of relaxation Jacobson and breathing. In view of the similarity of effects between subjects, visualization appears as the most consistent technique in terms of both attentional and emotional arousal. The results indicate that the least effective technique is Jacobson's muscular relaxation, in which subjects experience most difficultly focusing attention, while its effects are the most variable during application.
However, these findings change when the recording sequence module observed is END see Table 2. Comparing the different relaxation techniques in this module, the subjects exposed to Jacobson's muscular relaxation achieved the highest level of attentional focus EDLalthough it was what is the dependent variable in a psychology experiment evenly spread among them all, and the lowest levels experi,ent emotional reactivity EDR together with the visualization technique.
Nonetheless, in this case the results were more dispersed see Fig. Pschology light of the foregoing, we may conclude that the two most effective relaxation techniques are visualization and Jacobson's muscular relaxation depending on timing. The former produces a quicker relaxation effect, whilst the latter takes somewhat longer to help the subjects concentrate at similar levels of emotional response.
Meanwhile, the effect of visualization is more evenly spread. The breathing technique does not achieve appreciable effects either on attentional focus or emotional containment in patients compared to Jacobson relaxation and visualization see Fig. In fact, it only has any effect during the instruction period see Fig. Applying relaxation techniques What is the dependent variable in a psychology experiment helps patients to focus their attention Variab,e but it does not have a significant influence on emotional containment.
The subjects exposed to relaxation EG displayed a more contained emotional response during the wait prior to the application of the technique than did those who did not perform the procedure.