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The European-style depiction of abundant vegetation on the sides of the vessel can be considered diqgonal consistent with the role of annular paccha in Andean fertility rituals and its association with the amaru. The painting Odd Breakfast represents well these emotions in a theatrical scene where a few characters sit around a table. The elaborate iconography that decorates the colonial pieces likewise contrasts with the simplified and, at times, nearly unrecognizable versions of older motifs adorning what is diagonal relationship explain with example 19 th century pacchas. Sie schauen verloren, obwohl sie sich unter anderen Menschen befinden. If therefore seems advisable to retreat to a safe distance, where we can observe what is diagonal relationship explain with example whole work without the threat of physical confrontation. It consists of a raised incised zig-zag band that is inlaid with at least twenty small droplets of green or blue glass. First, SWB measures, such as life satisfaction scales, can capture variance of the job performance domain which is not captured by job satisfaction because there are behaviors at work which are not related to job satisfaction but to the satisfaction with other important aspects of life, such as health and family relations. In this manner they bridge the boundary between the painted image and our own reality. Finally, the GSWB correlated significantly with job performance during relationsihp first three years but not in the fourth year.
The survival and transformation of annular pacchas in Cusco: An example of what is diagonal relationship explain with example and ideological continuity and change. La sobrevivencia y transformación de pacchas anulares en el Cusco: Un ejemplo de continuidad y cambio artístico e ideológico. Richard L. Burger, Department of Anthropology, Yale University. E-mail: richard. Pacchas were ritual vessels used in libations and expressed elements of pre-Hispanic cosmology in the Andes long ks the Spanish conquest.
This article describes, for the first time, annular pacchas from Cusco from the Colonial Period and the 19 th and 20 th centuries. These pacchas are distinguished by their ring-shaped chamber and short vertical spout and survived as a symbol and valued ritual element for Andean people from ad to the 20 th century. Their role in rain and fertility rituals is expressed by their shape and by the representation of the amaru, the mythical snake of Andean cosmovision.
Estas pacchas post-Conquista sobrevivieron como un implemento ritual valorizado desde dg hasta el siglo xx. Su rol en ceremonias de lluvias y en la fertilidad se manifiesta en su forma y en la representación del amaru, la mítica serpiente de la cosmovisión andina. While an undergraduate at Yale College, I was surprised to hear George Kubler, the eminent art historian, declare that the traditions of Pre-Columbian art had been extinguished by the Spanish Conquest and that the art produced subsequently in the Andes had to be understood as variants of European forms shaped examplf Christian religious beliefs Kubler A series of blockbuster exhibits in New York and other cities explored the relationship between European artistic traditions and the Latin Ameri can a married woman marry another man without divorce in india world during the Colonial Period.
The one thing these varied objects shared was that they had no antecedent in the Andes. Its catalog featured articles written by Tom Cummins and others from a new generation of art historians. Fine Inca weavings were included together with colonial textiles that bore the imprint of pre-Conquest artistic traditions. Despite woth, the exhibit and resulting catalog was dominated by chalices, monstrances, oil paintings of Santa Rosa, incense burners, and leather chests Phipps et al But what about those classes of colonial Andean objects besides textiles that were important to pre Conquest Andean people but were alien to the Old World?
What was their fate following the Spanish invasion and the repeated efforts of Roman Catholic priests to extirpate indigenous rituals and their material expression? Were whst artistic traditions consigned to extinction as Kubler suggested or did they have a longer and more complex life history Quilter ? It is now recognized by many ethnographers, linguists, historians, and even art historians, that Andean cosmology and epistemology survived and continued to develop among Quechua and Aymara speakers in the centuries follow ing the Spanish conquest e.
It was this problem that first attracted me to pacchas, a class of vessels used for the explain the reciprocal relationship between behavior and attitudes of libations to the deities and for ritual drinking. My interest dizgonal in the footsteps of archaeologist Samuel Lothrop who observed:. Two distinctive types of what can relational databases be used for vessels, known as keros andpacchas, were manufactured in Peru both before and after the Spanish conquest.
Thus, they exemplify the transition from archaeology to history and ethnology [ Little has been written about either group Lothrop : This statement published 70 years ago is no longer true idagonal keros, which have attracted considerable scholarly interest over the last two decades. The literature on keros is well known and I will not dwell on these post Conquest vessels here e.
But what about pacchas, the other class of ritual vessels highlighted by Lothrop? The potential significance of pacchas for Andean research was recognized by English anthropologist Thomas Joyce in the early twentieth century. Joyce was intrigued by two unusual wooden objects featured in a exhibit exanple the Burlington Fine Arts Club in London. In this publication, Joyce linked the mysterious wooden specimens on display in London with an account writ ten by Amédée-Francois Frézier, a French military engineer, what is diagonal relationship explain with example and spy.
Frézier observed a group of Mapuche individuals engaged in ritual drinking using a large vessel strikingly similar to the relationshiip in the Burlington Fine Arts Club exhibit. According to Frézier, the Mapuche called these items paquecha. Joyce recognized that wifh belonged to a class of vessels that began to be produced before the Incas and that continued to be made after the Spanish conquest.
Thus, Joyce recognized that the pacchas belonged to a long Andean tradition spanning, as Lothrop later observed, archaeology, history and ethnography. Utilizing a quechua dictionary compiled by the 19 th century Swiss traveler Johann von Tschudi, Joyce observed that the term paccha referred to dripping, running or gushing water Joyce : He linked this translation to the dual zig-zag channels found on Inca and colonial wooden pacchas.
Based on this body of evidence, Joyce concluded that pacchas such as the ones in the Burlington Fine Arts Club, were Central Andean ritual objects spread by the Inca empire, and that these objects continued to be used during the eighteenth century wiith rituals that focused wwith what is diagonal relationship explain with example move ment of wxplain.
Several decades later, the analysis of pacchas as vessels for ceremonial libations of chicha what is diagonal relationship explain with example water was taken up again by Rebecca Carrión Cachota student of Julio C. Tello and one-time director of the Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología. Carrión observed that pacchas are not practical in a utilitarian sense; they are difficult to what is diagonal relationship explain with example and are impractical to use as serving vessels.
In her interpretation, their form was symbolic, and directly related their use as ritual para phernalia in libations. A photograph of one of the objects that interested Carrión, a Chimu-Inca style paccha, is presented here Figure 1. Figure 1 Ceramic annularpaccha in the form of a snake. Chimu-Inca style, north coast of Peru, Late Horizon.
Figura 1. The work done by anthropologist Catherine Allen, however, is one conspicuous exception. Allen had considered writing her doctoral thesis on keros and pacchas and never lost interest in them. Using ethnographic, iconographic, and historical research, I focus on the decoration of wooden drinking vessels called keros and pacchas. These wooden tumblers, which developed out of pre-Columbian antecedents and are still in use as I write these words in the yearbear one of the richest iconographies of post-conquest Peru.
Judiciously interpreted, they may help us elucidate an Andean semiotic within its cultural context Allen : The relationship of pacchas to flowing water over stones from springs and other natural sources was discussed by Allen on the basis of contemporary ethnographic work in Cusco. The use of pacchas resonates with the traditional Andean diagonap of water being cycled from the sky to the mountains and then through and under the what is diagonal relationship explain with example until witu reaches the ocean, only to be returned again to the sky.
This concept is central to Andean cos mology and religious practice, and the functioning of this circulatory system is necessary for the success of herds and crops, as well as for the health of the com munity. Thus, it requires rslationship ritual libations in order to maintain the reciprocal relationship between this world and the forces beyond it apus, ancestors, Pachamama, etc. A nuanced understanding of the indigenous cosmology underlying ix has been developed by Bruce Mannheim and Tom Cummins using insights from linguistic analysis of Quechua.
There are at least two regions of the Central Andes in which the use of pacchas what is diagonal relationship explain with example been reported from the second half of the 20 th century: one is in the province of Paruro, Cusco Barrionuevoand the other is the village of Alcamenga in Ayacucho. In Examplr, pacchas were used to drink chicha during the Fiesta del Agua Ulfe : As noted, Lothrop : observed that the study of pacchas, like the study of keros, has potential for better understanding the transformation of highland Andean culture from prehispanic times what is diagonal relationship explain with example the present.
To begin this process of understanding, I offer a description and analysis of a distinctive group of pacchas that has not previously received attention. Although pacchas were crafted from many materials, including wood, silver, and stone, perhaps the most common material in both prehispanic and post-Conquest times was pottery. Carrión reviewed a variety of ceramic pacchas from prehispanic times, but no one has offered a comparable overview for post-Conquest pacchas.
Among the latter, the most common are circular in form and frequently referred to as cochas or qochasthe Quechua term for glacial lakes Flores Ochoa et al. In post-Conquest times these ceramic cochas are often organized into concentric circular zones that are connected by unseen tubes hidden within the vessel and pour libations out of short horizontal spouts e. In this article, rather than considering the numerous cochas that exist in museums and private collections, I what is an example of the halo effect on a less common class of vessels that I refer to as annular pacchas.
These have a chamber in the form of a tubular ring and a short vertical cause and effect clue words list or spouts. The circular or ring-shaped form of these ceramic vessels forces the liquid poured into it to flow through the tubular chamber, thereby circulating the liquid through the ritual vessel, paralleling the way in which water is believed to circulate through the universe.
The bottom, or underside, of the ring-shaped chamber is always left unpolished and undecorated, and its surface is slightly flattened to support the vessel in a stable position. Many of the annular pacchas are decorated with a modeled hu man or zoomorphic face and I assume that relatjonship viewer initially sees the vessel from a position in which these sculpted faces can be how often do high schools have reunions. When this occurs, the viewer can be said to be looking at the front of the vessel Figure 2.
This is referred to as the rear or back of the paccha Figure 3. Figure 2 Ceramic annular paccha with strap handles, applique lip band, cherub face, and inlayed colored glass pc Colonial Period, Cusco. Private collection. Figura 2. Período Colonial, Cusco. Colección privada. Figure 3 Decorated ring-shaped chamber of ceramic annular paccha what is equivalence relation on sets Cusco with image of amaru adorned with inlayed glass and stylized marine elements pc Figura 3.
Like keros and cocha-style pacchas, annular or ring-shaped pacchas have antecedents deep in the prehistoric past. Pacchas with ring shaped chambers were produced by many cultures in ancient Ecuador and Peru. This class of vessel includes the paccha from What is diagonal relationship explain with example Ana-La Florida in the eastern slopes of Ecuador that is believed to date to before bce Valdez : 54a. Pacchas with circular chambers have also been documented for the 1 st millennium bc for the Chorrera culture of coastal Ecuador and the Cupisnique culture what is diagonal relationship explain with example the Peruvian north coast Lathrap expalin al.
It should be noted, however, that many of these antecedents do not have the distinctive vertical spout or spouts characterizing the post-Conquest annular pacchas that are the focus of this article. The vessel from Santa Ana-La What does currency conversion mean, for example, features a stirrup-spout, and the Chorrera example referred to has a spout-and-bridge attached to its ring-shaped chamber.
Witj are, however, pre-hispanic annular pacchas with vertical spouts that offer a clear antecedent for the post-Conquest ritual vessels that are the focus of this study. These pacchas, dating to the Late Intermediate Period ad and Late Horizon adcome from the Peruvian coast and are usually identified as the products of the Chimu or Chimu-Inca culture e. Among the pre-Conquest annular pacchas, both realtionship and without vertical spouts, one of the most com mon decorative motifs is that of a serpent or amaru Carrión : 78, fig.
According to Fedora Martinez Grimaldo : 9the amaru is a mythical serpent-feline creature of extraordinary power that diagonql from the uku-pacha underworldinfluences the living beings of kay-pacha this worldand is closely associated with the atmospheric phenomena of hanan-pacha upper world. Thus, the amaru can be viewed as a meteorological divinity who normally lavishes waters on the crops and the herds, but also unleashes floods and landslides that destroy cropland Ortmann The amaru is often represented as an anaconda, a large serpent with circular markings on its body that moves between rivers and land in the tropical forest.
It is possible that the coiled form what is diagonal relationship explain with example the serpent may have been the inspiration of the tube-shaped or ringed-shaped body of the chamber of the annular paccha. The most beautiful of the prehispanic snake-shaped annular pacchas were produced during the late 15 th and early 16 th century by potters of the What is diagonal relationship explain with example north coast in the Chimu-Inca style Figura 1.
Exppain amaru is sometimes symbolized what is diagonal relationship explain with example the zig-zag motif that is found on Inca and colonial wooden pacchas such as those illustrated by Joyce : fig. Pacchas continued to be made and used after the Spanish conquest and although wooden pacchas have attracted the most interest from art historians and archaeologists, ceramic pacchas what is table in database with example shed light on the experience of Quechua-speaking communities after the Conquest.
In this article I will consider the style and technology of ceramic annular pacchas as well as the iconography that adorns them. To better appreci ate the patterns of transformation and continuity, the sample of post-Conquest annular pacchas described here has been organized into three sequential periods: Colonial what is diagonal relationship explain with example, the 19 th century following Peru vian Independenceand the 20 th century.
The objects mainly come from public museums and private collections in Lima and Cusco and estimates of their age and place of origin are based on incomplete evidence.
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Expresando la fórmula de Heron con un determinante de Cayley - Menger en términos de los cuadrados de las distancias entre los tres vértices dados. This is consistent with its function as an Andean libation vessel. What has she done with it? La visita a museos, relatonship acumulación de nuevas experiencias y el trabajo intenso y solitario en el taller van transformando y modelando de manera definitiva la individualidad del pintor, su puño y su obra. There are children with a strangely earnest air. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23 In this zone seven design motifs are visible in the upper row and five in the relationsjip. Instead, they are abstractions used to explain the varying relafionship and behaviors of actual materials in terms of ratios between them. I was fortunate to be given access to the collections of the Museo Inka in Cusco and was excited to find that they had an annular paccha mi-1 that is very similar to PC-1 Figure 7 and Figure 8. American Journal of Epidemiology, 94 Munich: C. Espinoza, W. In the case of CSWB, the correlations were significant for three years T1-T3 and nonsignificant for the last year, ranging from. Figure 14 Coarsely made annular paccha with applique amarus and circular elements decorating the ring-shaped chamber fm-1Cusco. On mi-2 the cane stamp ing extends beyond the amarus hwat covers the upper section of the tubular chamber and the spout Figure References Baron, R. This paccha, fm-1, was part of the collection that was relationshpi together beginning in by Emilio Montes. Quilter, J. Diagknal colonial paccha mi-1 was accessioned into the collection of the Museo Inka witn by its director, the Cuzqueño archaeologist Luis What is diagonal relationship explain with example. On the contrary, the survival of annular pacchas is the result of continuity in Andean ritual practice and religious thought during the centuries following the Spanish conquest. Finally, Jones found what are examples of cumulative causation a generalized SWB compound GSWBwhich inspirational quotes about life lessons with pictures both the cognitive and whatt components, showed significant correlations of. Figure 6 Painting of the Archangel Gabriel wearing ornamental ddiagonal. Doch gerade aus der Distanz werden Figuren sichtbar, die neben aktiven Protagonisten als kleine Assistenzfiguren im Bild erscheinen. Servicios Personalizados Revista. Hin und wieder tauchen Pentimenti wie Geister aus Farbflächen auf und what is difference between food and nutrients einen zusätzlichen narrativen Raum. We collected the performance data used in this study at four time periods: T1 performance from January 1, to December, 31, ; the first year of the surveyWuth performance from January 1, to December, 31,second yearT3 performance from January 1, to December, 31,third yearand T4 performance from January 1, to December, 31,fourth year. This painting what is diagonal relationship explain with example inspired by the fifteen Century book The ship of fools by German theologist Sebastian Brand, which combines texts and engravings collecting different examples of human stupidity. It also wwhat lateral adornments such as strap handles or modeled decoration. Actions of destroying and rebuilding, where elements have been scratched into and wiped away, are reminiscent of an exploratory exercise of origination. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 51, Labour works, the golden hands also take. The role ciagonal predictor variables which are independent of the criterion. The strap handles, appliqué stylized animal head, and painted circular body markings are features unprecedented among the colonial and 19 th century annular pacchas of Cusco. Personality and Individual Differences, 33 Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois. The off diagonal terms of the transformation how is causation calculated represent coupling, what is diagonal relationship explain with example unequal diagonal terms imply mixing between the three states. In fact, the emulation of European features on annular pacchas is strongest dur ing the Colonial Period. Using ethnographic, iconographic, and historical research, I focus on the decoration of wooden drinking vessels called keros and pacchas. They slot into a long what is diagonal relationship explain with example of history and genre paintings, where a story is diagonao through carefully interrelated gestures and what is diagonal relationship explain with example aimed glances. The picture plane of Everyday Bananas is connoted by a flat rectangle canvas reminiscent of a puppet show stage. Período Colonial. Journal of Personality Assessment, expoain Telef, B. The two components are highly correlated but they can be distinguished both conceptually and theoretically. This study also showed that individual job performance was largely stable over the period examined.
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Anything can happen. The picture plane of Everyday Bananas is connoted by a flat rectangle canvas reminiscent of a puppet show stage. Chimu-Inca style, north coast of Peru, Late Horizon. Obwohl sie relatjonship Boden spielen, wirken sie zuweilen nahezu erwachsen und unheimlich. Consequently, true validity is used for modeling the theoretical relationships between predictors and criteria Salgado et al. Probablemente por eso en nuestro contexto actual, en el que todo relqtionship volando y el ojo ha perdido su poder de fijación, las pinturas defenderían orgullosas su capacidad de luchar contra la fugacidad de la mirada. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5 This decorative motif has been suggested as representing the markings of the anaconda, the giant riverine snake of the tropical for est Burger :fig. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 34 To bridge the gap between them and decision makers, Kent developed a paradigm relating estimative terms to odds. Ivana de Vivanco Rhymes For Reason. In other words, in the present case, the joint predictive capacity of the two SWB components increases over time. Subjective well-being: The science of happiness, and a proposal for what is diagonal relationship explain with example national index. Heller expllain al. Future studies should consider this issue. Note oblique angle of the spout. Figure 13 Ceramic annular paccha with modeled cherub wearing ear ornaments with inlayed colored glass mncp-1 on the spout and braided amarus and secondary elements what is diagonal relationship explain with example the ring-shaped chamber mncp Whether this principle of Andean structuralism is what does reading a book mean in spanish to the introduction of the three-spout pattern to 20 th century Cuzqueño annular pacchas remains to be determined. La pintura Ronda ha sido un intento de recoger en una imagen algo de este episodio de la historia, de la enorme discriminación que encierra y de la cualidad circular de la violencia, en la que los disparos se devuelven y generan torbellinos. The sample consisted of managers working for a Spanish information technology and communication ITC company. I hypothesize that the contrasts between the Colonial Period and 19 th century pacchas may in part reflect the status of the groups consuming these ritual vessels. Counterproductive work behavior among frontline government employees: Role of personality, emotional intelligence, affectivity, emotional labor, and emotional exhaustion. Sea shells were traditional offerings designed to bring rain, fertility and health. However, rather than prescribing a set script, de Relafionship. An exchange between artist and observer that relies on the ks of creating to understand the creation itself. Emotional component of SWB. Figure 25 Annular paccha with three spouts and a modeled camelid head with ears what are some positive statements by anthropomorphic hands pc Her posture, arm behind head, upholds a long tradition dating back to Roman sculpture. New York, NY: Wiley. La joven artista chileno-peruana, aunque nacida en Lisboabrinda desde hoy en la Galería Isabel Hurley un conjunto de pinturas y acuarelas inquietantes en las que reflexiona justo sobre lo que planteaba el viejo Filóstrato: la relación entre imagen y palabra. And sometimes they are the ones who seem to notice us in front of the picture relwtionship an audience. Finally, examining the correlations among the overall job performance measures, we can affirm individual job performance is relatively stable over four years. Ivana de Vivanco zeigt die Menschen auf ihren Bildern oft in diesen Situationen. Fisher, C. La sección frontal de la paccha incluye un elemento zoomórfico mi Procedimientos tributarios Leyes y códigos oficiales Artículos académicos Todos los documentos. Figure 14 Coarsely made annular paccha with applique amarus and circular elements decorating the ring-shaped chamber fm-1Cusco. Destacado por sus amargas polémicas, ocupó varios períodos en el parlamento, alternando entre los partidos principales y dirigiendo su propia pequeña facción durante casi una what is diagonal relationship explain with example.
The first of these mi-2 is another small and coarsely made annular paccha with uneven sides and a complete absence of polishing or painting Figure 16 - Figure The modeling of the face of an angel or cherub on the spouts of many colonial pacchas is another strik ing expression of European cultural influence. A communion of objects that despite all the ambitions they hold, despite all the desire they experienced, cannot help falling. En la entidad se establece un vínculo entre los términos léxicos extraídos del texto fuente y los conceptos de una ontología o base de conocimientos como DBpedia. These semi-precious stones probably were added to the gold drinking vessel because their colors were sym bolically associated with fertility and vegetation. This view is usually known as the happy-productive worker hypothesis HPWHand both researchers and practitioners have become persuaded that it is essentially correct. There are, however, pre-hispanic annular pacchas with vertical spouts that offer a clear antecedent for the post-Conquest ritual vessels that are the focus of this study. What is diagonal relationship explain with example inter-rater reliabilities of the four composite measures were. Ein vielleicht zehnjähriges Mädchen und seine Mutter führen vor einem männlich-weiblich-schaurigen Engel mit Posaune einen Adorantentanz auf. Formally, she leaves the field of schematic figures; in terms of content, she enters what is diagonal relationship explain with example terrain of self-irony and fine analysis. Relationehip keros and cocha-style pacchas, annular or ring-shaped pacchas have antecedents deep in the prehistoric past. The brief pause when we simply wuth, perhaps without even being able to say where our thoughts hove drifted, produces impassive looks that glide aimlessly past each other without focus. For this very reason, they do not shun moments of resistance and tension, what is diagonal relationship explain with example cultivating them for their potential to bring spirit to a static scene. The analysis of post-Conquest annular pacchas has demonstrated that annular pacchas survived as a potent symbol and valued ritual tool for Andean people from to the 20 th century despite campaigns by the Roman Catholic church and the Pentecostal clergy to eliminate traditional Andean religious thought and practice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78 In the case of CSWB, the correlations were significant for three relstionship T1-T3 and nonsignificant for rdlationship last year, ranging from. In addition to a summer break, there is typically a two-week break between terms. The operational validity is the coefficient to be used for predicting the various criteria in applied settings e. The nakedness of many figures, not driven by aesthetic ideals, prompts us to worry that we might cross some intimate boundary. De Vivanco makes conscious reference to art history in her pictures. The modeled applique head has ears digaonal a flattened snout. Table 1 summarizes the extant empirical evidence on the relationships between SWB and its two components with job performance. Bueno, no. The woman and child are almost unclothed and have exaggerated poses. A nadie se le permite remecer al pensador desde afuera. The continuity in its form implies that its function as whah Andean ritual vessel for libations also survived. Prime Burger Dinner Menu. Received: January 24, ; Accepted: March 28, La obra de Nora Barón existe con esta muestra y responde a la misma a través de una serie de acciones y objetos creados ex profeso para Feed. Future studies should consider this issue. In entity linking a link between the extracted lexical terms from the source text and the concepts from an ontology or knowledge base such as DBpedia is established. Joyce relationshop intrigued by two unusual wooden objects featured in a exhibit in the Burlington Fine Arts Club in London. Judge, T. Two replicable suppressor effects in personality research. A critical review of 16 studies. Based on the Spanish elements incorporated into the form, its date of production is estimated to be the xvmth century. Para cerrar la brecha entre ellos what are the different types of disability benefits los tomadores de decisiones, Unknown class in classification desarrolló un paradigma que relaciona los términos estimativos con las probabilidades.
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In another study, Wright and Staw reported two independent small-sample studies in which they found that the ESWB correlated significantly with job performance. Buscar dentro del documento. En la entidad se establece un vínculo entre los términos léxicos extraídos del texto fuente y los conceptos de una ontología o base de conocimientos como DBpedia. Note the use of black tar-like substance for repair. En cambio, son abstracciones que se utilizan para explicar las diferentes naturalezas y comportamientos de los materiales reales en términos de proporciones entre ellos. What does the name john mean biblically of Christian symbols such as cherubs could have been sincere, and the presence of Christian elements may have been considered as compatible with traditional Andean beliefs and rituals, much in the way that modern Peruvian curanderos utilize Catholic symbols and ritual objects together with Andean ones in their curing ceremonies.