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In Argentina, once mandatory isolation was declared due to the COVID pandemic, teachers of all educational levels and modalities had to substantially modify their way of working. The aim of this study was to identify the work situations that education professionals perceived as threats under the modality of non-face-to-face teaching, and to describe the level of perceived stress and its possible effect on psychophysical symptoms.
Likewise, it sought to examine possible differences in the manifestations of burnout depending on the level what is the other name of lover perceived stress and associated symptoms. An empirical study with a cross-sectional design was developed, in which 9, Argentine teachers, who had to complete self-report measures, explain the reciprocal relationship between behavior and attitudes.
The sampling method was non-random, using an online procedure of reclusion of volunteers. Descriptive techniques and non-parametric tests were used for data analysis. The predominant stressors were uncertainty about the consequences of the pandemic, work overload and inadequate working environment. The more stress they perceived, the higher the manifestation of unwanted psychophysical symptoms. Professional burnout was higher for teachers with a higher load of stress and with more psychophysical indicators why is it important to maintain your mental health during this time of pandemic discomfort.
These results reveal the psychological impact of the COVID pandemic on the education staff, and encourage the development of calls wont go through samsung measures to preserve the health of professionals. The World Health Organization declared the outbreak of the new coronavirus a pandemic on March 11,after the number of people infected and deaths from COVID increased exponentially in countries on different continents.
Given the aggravation of the epidemiological situation at an international level, this what are the three stages of marketing strategies urged world leaders to take immediate measures in order to face this sanitary crisis. In Argentina, the National Executive Branch established the social, preventive and mandatory isolation, starting March 20,as a measure to prevent the contagion, mitigate the circulation of the virus and preserve public health.
Consequently, face-to-face classes were suspended from that date at all levels and modalities. Facing this situation, educational institutions had to quickly reorganize in order to give continuity to the academic year under the non-face-to-face modality. Over the years, various authors have pointed out that education workers show a high risk of developing anxiety, stress explain the reciprocal relationship between behavior and attitudes burnout as a consequence of being exposed to a wide range of work stressors in their daily activities Esteve, ; Gil-Monte and Peiró, ; Schaufeli and Enzmann, ; Vandenberghe and Huberman, ; Manassero et al.
In Argentina, since March ofteachers have seen many aspects of their work modified. The interactional model of stress, proposed explain the reciprocal relationship between behavior and attitudes Lazarus and Folkmanoffers a conceptual framework that allows us to understand not only the background, but also the mediators and the possible consequences of psychological stress. According to this perspective, stress arises when the transactions with the environment are assessed as threatening.
In this way, different situations and stimuli may assume the nature of stressors, as long as they are considered dangerous for the achievement or the maintenance of wellness. The greater the potential for damage perceived in the demands of the environment and the lower the ability of the individual to cope with them, the greater the negative impact of stress. Demands are conceived as explicit or implicit pressures in the environment that lead to acting in a particular way. When these demands cannot be easily satisfied with available physical, psychological, social or material resources, and when demands come into conflict with personal goals, beliefs and expectations, they become a powerful source of stress Lazarus, Specifically in the occupational area, and following this line of thought, the World Health Organization defined burnout as the explain the reciprocal relationship between behavior and attitudes of an imbalance between the demands and pressures of work, on the one hand, and the knowledge and abilities of workers, on the other hand Leka et al.
Regarding the educational context, various investigations have allowed the identification of those demands and working conditions that are habitually perceived as threatening and boosters of physical and psychological discomfort among teachers in non-isolation conditions. Among the most commonly signaled risk factors are: a behavioral problems, demotivation, absences and accidents suffered or provoked by students, b problems with the families of the students criticism, complaints and lack of accompaniment to the studentc lack of support among colleagues, poor coordination and explain the reciprocal relationship between behavior and attitudes in teamwork, d administrative demands, conflict with superiors, injustices and low social and remunerative recognition, e work overload multiple and excessive tasks to carry out in short periods of time and without sufficient breaksf conflict and role ambiguity, g inadequate physical environment, lack of pedagogic material and lack of adequate equipment, h use of new technologies and i difficulties in combining work and family Lambert et al.
In the United States, a scale was created to assess the stress associated with different demands and resources peculiar to teaching work in primary schools based on the theoretical model of Lazarus and Folkman specifically Lambert et al. The demands included behavior problems and student absences, administrative demands, a shortage of teaching materials, and so on. Among the resources, the availability and help of school support personnel, administrative support, community support and specialized training were assessed.
The researchers noted a higher risk of occupational stress in those teachers who perceived high demands and low resources Lambert et al. The epidemiological situation framing the exercise of teaching today generates other concerns that are not inherent to the teaching role, but with a possible catalytic effect, such as fear of contagion, uncertainty about the duration of the pandemic and its possible impact on the economic situation, the physical distancing from social support networks, among others MacIntyre et al.
As a result, psychophysical manifestations of distress might emerge, with more or less severe consequences, depending on the case. Moreover, it is known that when the teaching workload is perceived as higher than the resources available to meet it, the intention to continue practicing the profession, or choose it again if the opportunity arises, decreases significantly Lambert et al. On the other hand, inadequate and long-term efforts to meet work demands can lead to burnout syndrome.
According to these authors, burnout syndrome is an individual stress experience embedded in a context of complex social relationships that encompasses the concept the person has of themselves and others. Moreover, they defined it as a psychological syndrome of emotional exhaustion i. Gil-Monte and Peiró state that the burnout syndrome should be understood as a response to work stress that arises when the coping strategies the subject initially uses are not successful.
The individual develops feelings of low personal fulfillment at work and emotional exhaustion by not being able to cope effectively with the stressors. Later on, the person displays behaviors of depersonalization as a new way of confrontation. Taking the transactional models as a reference, these authors recognize burnout as a variable that mediates between the stressors and their long-term effects. Within this context, burnout syndrome may be considered as an intermediate step in the stress-consequences of stress relationship.
Many studies have shown that stress and burnout are a potential problem within a wide range of occupations Maslach et al. As regards teaching, studies conducted in different parts of the world have found that an important number of teachers are suffering from burnout syndrome e. Although in recent years there has been interesting progress regarding the study of stress and burnout in Latin American teachers, new and more complex approaches are needed Luy-Montejo et al.
This research intends to explain the reciprocal relationship between behavior and attitudes the knowledge of these variables in a historical moment in which health care and well-being of educators are crucial. As it was expressed before, the conditions of isolation and social distancing imposed love quotes famous poets potentially stressful and possibly more aversive challenges due to their cumulative effect that is associated to other factors typical of the pandemic.
Given this context, it is urgent and necessary to know the levels of stress and burnout education professionals express. Mainly, because several studies portray the harmful consequences these maladjustments carry for the educators who suffer from them, for the students and for the organization where they work see Maslach et al. Considering this background, this study seeks to identify the working conditions that education professionals perceive as threatening in times of pandemic, and describe the level of perceived stress and its possible effect on psychophysical symptoms.
Additionally, this study intends to identify differences in the manifestations of burnout according to the level of perceived stress and associated symptoms. Based on the interactional model by Lazarus and Folkmansignificant differences are hypothesized in the experience of stress symptoms according to the level of perceived threat. The higher the perception of threat, the higher the cognitive deficit, the nervousness and the how do you do correlation and regression analysis symptomatology.
The higher the perception of threat and the symptoms of stress, the greater the burnout. An empirical, quantitative, ex post -facto, cross-sectional survey design was carried out Calderón Saldaña and Alzamora de los Godos, In this study, 9, teachers residing in different Argentinian provinces participated. They worked in public or private education institutions, or both, in one of the four educational levels, in special or permanent education of youngsters and adults.
The selection of participants was conducted through a non-randomized procedure of volunteer recruitment. Demographic and working characteristics of the sample are exposed in Table 1. The registered teachers completed all the required tests. The test basis was free of missing data. Table 1. In order to collect information about the demographic and working characteristics of the participants, closed questions were used, which revealed information regarding gender, age, educational level, work seniority and institutional management, among other aspects.
The items are factorially grouped into five factors: work environment and work overload e. In order to know the symptoms of stress, the Scale of physical psychoemotional indicators of what is pet food made of Oros and Neifert, was administered.
This scale consists of 22 items grouped in three dimensions: Cognitive deficit e. This instrument explain the reciprocal relationship between behavior and attitudes of 22 items assessed with a Likert-type scale. The factorization of the 22 items shows three orthogonal factors, which are called: a Emotional exhaustion, b Depersonalization, and c Personal fulfillment. The study of the MBI internal consistency in its original version in English showed, through the Cronbach alpha index, good values for each of the three subscales 0.
In our country and region, this self-administered inventory has been used in various studies, showing pyschometric properties between moderately acceptable and satisfactory e. In this sample, Cronbach alpha values were very good for Emotional exhaustion 0. Due to the special conditions of social isolation in which this research was developed, the data collection was made through an online form.
Volunteer recruitment was carried out through social media, electronic mail and digital messaging services, in some cases with the support of institutional and jurisdictional education authorities. The activity demanded approximately 15 min. The data collection started 46 days after the preventive social isolation was decreed in our country, in a period between April 27 and September 15, Teachers were provided with an email address for inquiries and an optional section at the end of the form to express opinions and comments.
No missing data were recorded either at an item level or at a scale level. To identify the situations valued as threatening, and the level of perceived stress, basic statistical analyses were conducted calculus of means and standard deviations. In order to make descriptive comparisons between the different dimensions of the Stressor Scale, these means were considered by the number of items in each dimension. In that way, scores weighted between 1 and 2 were considered indicative of Low level of stress, scores between 2.
The assumptions of homoscedasticity and normality of the variables univariate and multivariate were also tested to determine the most adequate statistical test to study the hypotheses. For this purpose, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Box, Bartlett and Levene tests were used, from which the non-compliance with the mentioned assumptions was confirmed. Therefore, with the purpose of analyzing possible differences among the psychophysical symptoms according to the level of stress, a non-parametric Kruskal Wallis H analysis was performed.
Previously, the scores for each stressor were categorized in four groups low stress, moderately low stress, moderately high stress and high stress using the same criteria as with the general value. The Kruskal Wallis H test was also used to investigate the differences in the three manifestations of burnout based on perceived stress on the one hand, and psychophysical symptoms on the other.
In all cases, post hoc what is historical method in qualitative research were conducted through the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U -test. The actions carried out in this work complied with the international ethical recommendations for research with human beings i. The teachers participated anonymously and voluntarily, stating their consent before answering the instructions on the form.
No incentives of any kind were provided in exchange for participation. The information collected was treated confidentially, and was not accessed by persons outside the investigation. On the other hand, statistical analyses revealed that The analysis indicated significant differences in the psychophysical symptomatology according to the levels of perceived stress. The size of these differences was between moderate and large, the largest being the cognitive deficit.
The frequency with which physical symptoms, nervousness, and cognitive deficit are experienced increases significantly as the perception of stress increases see Table 3. Table 3. Results of the Kruskall Wallis test for the Psychophysical symptoms according to the Level of stress. The results revealed statistically significant differences in the three dimensions of Burnout depending on the level of stress.
The size of the effect was larger for the Emotional exhaustion dimension see Table 4. The post hoc contrasts showed significant differences among all the comparison groups for the dimensions of Emotional exhaustion and Depersonalization, whereas for Personal fulfillment a few pairs of non-significant average ranges were observed see Table 5.
In general, it is observed that as the level of stress increases, Exhaustion and Depersonalization increase, and Personal fulfillment decreases.