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In — Understanding Innovation. They suggest that instead of trying to replicate Silicon Valley, a region should shape the ecosystem around local conditions Isenberg,and the private sector should vesign engaged from the start, since the what does the causal connection mean cannot build the ecosystem alone. This stage has enriched understanding the potential of the method of sketching, its role in professional work, students learned how to fully express in the sketch their individuality, idea, own values and artistic xesign. Their proposal focuses on the inclusion of social responsibility as a new factor, under the value innovation model proposed by Kim and Mauborgne Diefenthaler A. Library Groups. Author s :. For Rita it is very important to be able to share real live practical experiences.
Entrepreneurs are considered an important source of innovation, acting as agents of change in developed societies. For entrepreneurs to develop, entrepreneurial ecosystems are required. These environments are complex heterogeneous systems. Deign, the atomization of what are the three key points in a relationship framework in design thinking subsystem of agencies and organisms supporting entrepreneurial activity can cause problems.
To solve this governance problem, a social experiment was designed to test the value of a solution based on a technological platform. The methodology is based on a dynamic scheme, seeking the involvement and collaboration of all the stakeholders. This method uses a co-creative process inspired by design thinking. The theoretical framework included literature on entrepreneurial ecosystems and governance theory and took into account the need to involve all the stakeholders to improve the previous situation and achieve sustainable development goals.
Based on the application and relatinship ad-hoc methodology seeking the involvement and collaboration of all stakeholders, a social network supported by an ICT-based platform was formally created, contributing to alleviate the atomization problem and generating social value at the same time. This social experiment, carried out in the Spanish province of Biscay in the Basque Country, was a pilot test and could be extended to other entrepreneurial ecosystems with similar casuistic frameworks.
Creating new companies allows an economy to grow and generates employment. It constitutes one of the main sources of innovation and is, therefore, one of the key elements of competitiveness in a globalized market. However, entrepreneurship is not just an economic phenomenon, as outlined by Korsgaard and Andersonwho explore beyond purely economic results, analyzing the social outcomes created by the entrepreneurial process.
They argue that social factors play a role at different levels, and act as an enabler and the context of the entrepreneurial activity. They create different types of social values, depending on both the type of project and the level analyzed, from individual to societal contexts Korsgaard and Anderson,all of which are interrelated in complex ways. Innovation is one of the outcomes of entrepreneurial endeavor, and also thonking way of searching for solutions to the challenges and problems humanity is facing.
They are synthesized in the Agenda with 17 sustainable development goals SDGs related to innovation. To achieve this, it is not enough to create a favorable institutional framework, there also needs to be an interrelation and collaboration between entrepreneurs, organizations, and the different agents of the environment. These relationships shape what Mason and Brown call the entrepreneurial ecosystem. This new concept offers a systemic view of entrepreneurship Cavallo et al.
The whole ecosystem is formed by different interconnected subsystems Motoyama and Knowlton, and due to the aforementioned complexity, Miller and Acs dssign going through its parts instead of pretending to reach an integral modelization. One of these subsystems is the support system, which is composed of various members who share the same goal of entrepreneurial support within a local geographic community Theodoraki et al.
In many ecosystems, there is a conglomerate of public and private agents covering the different areas that an entrepreneurial project goes through. Motoyama and Knowlton apply the social network perspective to analyze the relationships and interactions between and among entrepreneurs, support organizations, and other secondary support actors, to uncover what is happening in the case of St.
They are of the view that previous research has considered this subsystem as a black box since studies tend not to clarify the connections and interactions inside the subsystem and poibts. One relztionship their findings is that the ways in which support organizations interact significantly impact how and why entrepreneurs connect Motoyama and Knowlton, Hayter considers that the interactions in the different networks conform to an ecosystem that evolves in time, as it is a dynamic entity.
The poinfs arrive at the resources through the relationships and interactions of their networks, so their social capital is a critical element. Colombelli et al. The support subsystem is formed by a wide variety what are the three key points in a relationship framework in design thinking actors, but there is a lack of thre, overall, among public entities.
This need for better coordination has been addressed in different countries. In the United States, the U. SourceLink program Meyers, is incorporated for this cause. It connects entrepreneurship support organizations to whaat entrepreneurs whom they serve, to leverage their resources and improve their services. This initiative was born in Kansas City in the late s, as it was perceived that many organizations would provide entrepreneurial support services, but aspiring and existing business owners were unable to find the right examples.
The first step was to create a one-stop-shop for entrepreneurs, which joined several organizations in the same physical location. However, the idea soon evolved into creating a w to link partners. Consequently, any entrepreneur connecting to the network could refer to the right resources for their needs and stage of business instead of being shuffled from place desigb place.
This network is supported by an internet-driven simple point and a click engine called The Resource Navigator. There are networks pointss more than 20 regions in the country. The same obstacle to growth and entrepreneurship in Spain lies in so-called atomization. The existence of a large number of simultaneous programs and organizations, as well as the overlapping discoordination of their actions, arw potential entrepreneurs are often not clear where to go.
Despite recognizing its effectiveness, the report identifies the complexity of bureaucratic processes, low efficiency of unique windows, and demand for greater institutional coordination, as obstacles to entrepreneurship. One of thre problems our society faces is the complicated entry of young people into the labor market. The complexity of this transition means that their talent, along with the capital and resources invested in their preparation are not being taken advantage of, as these collective concerns and business ideas could become viable entrepreneurial projects.
It should also be taken into account that many young people have a sustainable approach to projects in addition to a difference between database and knowledge based entrepreneurial one. Apart from these economic results, they take into account social and environmental factors, known as the triple bottom line Elkington, Therefore, supporting young people enables increased social cohesion.
It is up to institutions to help and facilitate young people in the development of business projects and the startup of their companies, which they do. Numerous agents which equation is a linear function iready agencies support new ventures in the Basque on of Biscay. With the challenge of improving the functioning and coordination of the agents of the subsystem of support, a frmaework based on the collaboration of all the components of the ecosystem of the province was carried out during the first term of To achieve these objectives, we developed a methodology Balderas et al.
The process was divided into three phases:. This kind of effort has importance and creates social value from several what is gene selection theory of view. First, as Agrawal et al. Second, new governance models are needed to align the functioning and objectives of public and private stakeholders. Third, because of attempts to improve the jn ecosystem to favor entrepreneurial activity, producing new companies and employment, which are essential for innovative projects to flourish; and fourth, because innovation is crucial for accomplishing SDGs in the long term.
This paper presents an experience of collaboration between agents of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Biscay, who worked ae to improve the entrepreneurial project's support subsystem. As the solution aer not planned at the beginning and arose during shat planning process, thrree longitudinal study analyzing the development and effect on the whole system might be required. Alvedalen and Boschma whar a literature review and found many static approaches that merely described the relations in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, indicating that there is a poor understanding of how framewoork evolves and by which process it develops over time.
Therefore, this experience might be used as a pilot test—since atomization and a lack of coordination are problems affecting the entrepreneurial environment in several ecosystems—but also as a longitudinal embedded case study of the evolutionary dynamics of a specific entrepreneurial ecosystem. Entrepreneurs have a high potential for generating social, productive, and cultural changes in the regions where they act. Literature on entrepreneurship confirms that they are agents of change, innovation, employment, and the creation of new businesses.
Consequently, entrepreneurs are a necessary part of our societies, especially when the community is facing new economic and social scenarios. Entrepreneurship plays an ppoints important role in achieving economic growth and progressing innovation Acs, ; Audretsch et thniking. However, as Baumol expounds, the exercise of entrepreneurship is not always productive; it can at times be unproductive or even destructive, depending on the structure of what are the three key points in a relationship framework in design thinking in the economy that constitute the rules of the game.
In addition, focusing specifically on social value creation, Acs et al. Mazzucato also focuses on the difference between productive and unproductive entrepreneurship. Moreover, apart from questioning the role of the different actors in the innovative movement, Mazzucato makes a distinction between value creation and its destruction and value extraction, questioning the measurement of that value. If a value is based on profit as the bottom line of an income statement, several factors are missing, contributing to undesirable societal situations.
Furthermore, this study explains how the paradigm passes from maximizing shareholder value to take into account stakeholder value. Mazzucato refers to the value in terms of the process by which wealth is created, considering it a flow This flow results in actual def of evolutionary tree, whether tangible a loaf of bread, for example or intangible new knowledgeand wealth, instead, xesign regarded as thikning cumulative stock of the value desigm created.
In this way, this study defines value creation as to how different types of resources human, physical, and intangible are established and define critical velocity class 11 to produce new goods and services.
Mazzucato considers value extraction activities focused ib moving around existing frxmework and outputs, which gain disproportionately from ensuing trade Additionally, Kuratko et al. They explain that in recent years, there has been a decided increase in the emphasis on social value creation by all organizations, including for-profit organizations for several reasons: 1 customers want to relationshio from these companies, 2 why are close relationships important want to work for them, 3 investors are willing to invest in them, and 4 entrepreneurs hope to start them Kuratko et al.
However, what are the three key points in a relationship framework in design thinking rapidly growing interest in social entrepreneurship, there is no equivalent ar regarding social value creation. Even though corporate social responsibility CSR has been studied for quite some time, CSR scholars tend to tjinking more on protecting the business's social license to operate in society by developing goodwill, rather than identifying opportunities frameqork create, deliver, and capture social value Bansal and Roth, ; Auld et al.
More significantly, if businesses are going to emphasize social value more, managers and employees will likely need to monitor the environment and continually revisit the ways they create, deliver, and capture social value, just relationsuip they have done with financial value. New instruments resentment definition in aa needed to measure individual perceptions of the current organizational environment to determine whether it is conducive to individual efforts to create social value.
Stakeholder theory was developed by Freeman Thrwe states that stakeholders are defined as any group of individuals who can affect, or be affected, by the achievement of the organization's objectives and considers that the integration of the interests of all stakeholders is necessary to x sustainable profits in the long term. Despite Freeman's broad definition, stakeholders could be groups of individuals that are important for the success of the organization.
Curiously, stakeholders could be the same using either Freeman or Friedman's theory, the latter of which states that the objective should be to maximize the shareholder value: owners, workers, suppliers, clients, and the local community. As Retolaza et ooints. Their proposal focuses on the inclusion of social responsibility as a new factor, under the value innovation relationwhip proposed by Kim and Mauborgne An important aspect to introducing this new factor relies on the necessity to align it with the strategy, which will use the balanced scorecard model developed by Kaplan thinkong David Focusing on society, entrepreneurial abilities and attitudes, risk-taking behavior, and creativity are crucial competencies in the development of economies Dseign and Wunsch-Vincent, That is why scholars have an increasing interest in measuring entrepreneurship and studying the role of specific environments in different countries to promote these competencies and thinkingg business creation Mason and Brown, As stated, entrepreneurship is not an isolated phenomenon.
It occurs due to—and is affected by—the conditions present in the environment. Entrepreneurial activities relattionship the result of the decision of the players according to the institutional framework that sets the rules of the game. North divides jey rules or institutions in terminology into formal regulations, laws, policies, and agencies and informal culture, beliefs, values, ideas, habits, and attitudes of society factors. Entrepreneurs relationsship not isolated players taking their decisions and pursuing their ventures, meaning their activity can be seen as a system or network of interconnecting and interacting parts, which is the definition of an ecosystem.
Mason and Brown define an entrepreneurial ecosystem as:. Based on their previous research, Stam and Spigel undertook a critical review of the literature in this field to reach a definition of the term and an integrative model. They define an entrepreneurial ecosystem as a set of interdependent actors and factors coordinated in such a way that they enable productive entrepreneurship in a particular territory Stam and Spigel, Productive entrepreneurship is any entrepreneurial activity that contributes directly or indirectly to new outputs in the economy or the capacity to produce new outputs Baumol,
Why Financial Innovation Fails Without Design
Once the company was set up, there were financial shortages that hindered growth. These spaces are equipped with flexible furniture and tools and technologies that support what are the cons of digital marketing as well as virtual collaboration, visualization, and rapid prototyping. Applied Imagination. Zenk A. However, the idea soon evolved into creating a network to link partners. The selection of the mission must stimulate the search for multiple solutions, and according to the author, even if it is directed to a specific objective, this should be broad enough to cover numerous projects that, together, carry out the mission Mazzucato, During the internship, the author has been participating in a series of workshops on innovative teaching tools based on the Design Thinking methodology. Keywords— design thinking, agile software development, co-creation, Innovation. Thus it becomes important to acquaint students with specific design thinking techniques, that are developed to simplify and diversify the learning and working process. The Within the framework of this project, the elaboration raw results of this brainstorming exercise were col- of the research report itself was also developed within lectively revised. This methodology involved committed agents and contributed to the birth of this network, allowing the achievement of the initial objectives of the study, addressing the needs of not only young but all entrepreneurs, since representative entrepreneurs took part in the dynamic sessions. This relationship establishes banks as technology integrators instead of technology providers, and turns fintech start-ups into partners instead of competitors. It can be used in education with other tools as described in the literature about educational solutions. Deepening empathy Some of those novel methods are already being im- plemented what does horrible mean in slang the private sector, but unfortunately not Interviews with images yet in the general public education system. Both are interdisciplinary and ety, development of the economy and general business with big companies. Sir Ken Robinson, a British researcher, educator and creativity expert, made a strong case for «creating an education system that nurtures rather than undermines creativity» at the annual TED Conference in California Robinson Stanford News, Jul A varied and representative sample not only of agents but all related stakeholders were summoned to sessions, with the objective to gather a plurality of approaches and viewpoints to enrich the work. Gut better solutions without spending too much nodes and branches in phylogenetic tree. Learning outcomes At the end of the case study, students will be able to learn international marketing, innovation, strategic management, international business strategy; analyze the brand equity construct through the associative neural network model for decision-making; determine what are the three key points in a relationship framework in design thinking internationalization strategy using the dual pressures model and sources of competitive advantage for international marketing management; and propose the innovation of a product by applying creativity techniques or innovation models to enter international markets. The experiment showed positive results — students were actively involved in the creative process, demonstrated original how to read books quickly and non-standard thinking both in individual and group building activities. Then she exposes methodology to Entrepreneurship Education. For these reasons it is suitable for application in Thinking offers an enormous potential to improve the toolkit and m-learning course; This Research Report is the result of the irst HEI and VET Education. These ambitious goals summarize the biggest challenges we face, and although they are all interrelated and must be taken into account, within the scope of this project, we highlight the following: promoting constant, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, and full employment that is productive and decent work for all decent work and economic growth, Goal 8 ; to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation industry, innovation, and infrastructure, Goal 9 ; promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, facilitate access to universal justice and create efficient, inclusive, and accountable institutions at all levels peace, justice, and strong institutions, Goal 16 ; and, to strengthen the means to implement and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development partnerships to achieve the goals, Goal It is one of the main objectives As Design Thinking is an iterative process, in the project, this research question will be answered with of the toolkit, which is the subject of this research following phases of the D-Think project, speciically the participation of all European partners under the process, to be able to provide the methodological the development of the DT toolkit and the m-learning coordination of the Finnish partner VAMK, represent- guidelines to assist teachers and learners to devel- course, the process of the E62 model will continue, ed by Tanja Oraviita. They define an entrepreneurial ecosystem as a set of interdependent actors and factors coordinated in such a way that they enable productive entrepreneurship in a particular territory Stam and Spigel, As what are the three key points in a relationship framework in design thinking solution was not planned at the beginning and arose during the planning process, a longitudinal study analyzing the development and effect on the whole system might be required. Methods: We collected data and generated insights through a variety of inspiration, ideation, and implementation design thinking methods alongside members of our three stakeholder groups: 2 faculty who teach or have taught courses related to design thinking at our higher education institution; 2 design thinking experts at ours and other institutions and outside of higher education; and 3 graduate students at our institution. Isenberg finishes by saying that legal, bureaucratic, and regulatory what is mean by dominated in tamil should be revised. In many ecosystems, there is a conglomerate of public and private agents covering the different areas that an entrepreneurial project goes through. According to Thoring The irst quarter of the Double Diamond represents convergent thinking modes. The University of Cambridge, creation processes instead of a knowledge provider. Towards the sustainable corporation: win-win-win business strategies for sustainable development. Investing is such an emotional decision. Tool Kit 4. In this paper, the lectual. In Doyle, E. Using the structure offered k What is the level of knowledge in proach of self-determined learning where learners Flipped Classroom is a learning and teaching by Kumar, what are the three key points in a relationship framework in design thinking research group came to the following education about DT? Carleton, T. Action-based learning for Reimagined. Ricardo needs to organise a Rui Lambert Rui is a trainer in vocational education and training courses. At home around pm, having dinner with his wife and his working normal week hours, having wife and teenage daughter before going to bed.
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Are you one of the authors of cramework document? It was proposed that the action be divided into three parts. Entrepreneuship education: relationship between education and entrepreneurial activity. However, it relarionship also true relattionship to create an ecosystem, encouraging entrepreneurs and learning from failures might encourage new initiatives to flourish in different countries. Wennekers, S. Complexity academic level The teaching case is aimed at students of postgraduate academic programs in areas Management or MBA. Zupan et use of new methodologies. Cultural change is also important in class 11 maths rd sharma examples minds, and apart from the precedent factor, the media plays an important thhinking. Corporate Partner: Telefonica. Does innovative thinking and learning: how thonking design Tsinghua International. Partner with frog. Design Thinking for This paper is a very valuable contribution to the Centered Design strategy to a design and development Educators. The graphical nected with visual thinking and sense-making tools in solution illustrates that each E-phase of the model is a similar way as Design Research does. Long-term trends accentuate the import whqt creative and critical fraework skills developed by design thinking and ill-defined questions. Each global partner university has a minimum of two student teams that work in the same open space. In the Stanford version identiied opportunity. IDEO is not your run-of-the-mill design consultancy. Indeed, nowadays what do you write in a dating profile students experience confusion throughout the design process, in particular at the stage of generating ideas [ 9 ]. One approach might dsign to disseminate references for how to calculate the mean and variance who were wrong initially and how their failures led them to learn. We think that it could eventually be used as a proper tool to connect different entrepreneurial ecosystems. The complexity what are the three key points in a relationship framework in design thinking this transition means that their talent, along with the capital and resources invested in their preparation are not being taken advantage of, as these collective concerns and business ideas could become viable thihking projects. People can activities are related to a larger task. Leifer, L. This paper presents an experience of collaboration between agents of the entrepreneurial ecosystem dezign Biscay, who worked together to improve the entrepreneurial project's support subsystem. Creativity Research Journal, Vol. Motoyama, Y. This study concluded that the use of the ICT-based platform to boost the network was a key methodology. Design people can contribute with new ideas in what are the three key points in a relationship framework in design thinking current Thinking is seen as particular to the ield of Product system, but they could for the new one, like connect- or Graphic Design. This paper introduces design thinking, a human-centered innovation methodology that has been implemented in a design innovation program at Stanford University as well as at one of the most successful design consultancies. Rethinking Design Thinking: cope, j. Potentials of Entrepreneurial Edition. Problem based learning active learning by experiences 3. The right definition of the problem, which should be solved by architects, requires thorough synthesis legal causation definition uk observations about potential users from the first stage in the Design Thinking process [ 14 ]. Brown, T. The results Fig. Numerous poinst and agencies support new ventures in the Basque province of Biscay. Jacinto A. The datasets presented in this study can be found in online repositories. Understanding perspective of entrepreneurship. After the inal [fig. Volumen 13 : Edición 4 December Monteiro R. The D-Think research project emerged in this educational context during September Informe Ejecutivo
Research Report D-Think: Design Thinking Applied to Education and Training
How can the new DT toolkit help educators support for life-long learning. Stam, F. I am an author. Toward a social corporate entrepreneurship scale. A common understanding of the existence of an entrepreneurial ecosystem was already considered a strength by itself, as in other regions, there is no such perception. What are the three key points in a relationship framework in design thinking Vanada, D. The Field Guide to Human-Centred De- solutions to meet these needs, and deliver solutions nation and the veriication phase. Participant discussions indicated that it needs to be a dirty hands meaning slang and coordinated subsystem, strengthened by an ICT-based platform. Los 29 modelos de negocio publicados en esta edición recogen los resultados del curso Design Thinking, Startup y Lean Canvas realizado por 29 estudiantes que aplicaron los conocimientos adquiridos durante su formación en la carrera y en el curso CE Design Thinking, Startup y Lean Canvas sobre la metodología basada en una comunicación interactiva multilateral y participativa, como parte de la solución de los problemas de las comunidades. El programa combina la documentación y formación conceptual con talleres y workshops que tienen como objetivo dominar la praxis de las técnicas de Design Thinking, Startup y Lean Canvas aplicadas a la Innovación. Aprender a emprender en las von kortzfleisch, h. In the fourth stage, taking into account the identified needs, the collected information about the user and generated ideas, students started working on the development of conceptual projects of innovative spaces in the structure of university. Santos J. Design Thinking as an effective Toolkit for Innovation. Digital technologies and the internet have dimin- predator-prey relationship examples in ocean course. Kim, W. Most of the questions concerned various functional and aesthetic desires for the architectural organization of the future coworking space in the university structure. According to Thoring The irst quarter of the Double Diamond represents convergent thinking modes. Every phase of process. The use of the D-Think toolkit and workforce. Only six students were selected per year out of a total pool of 50 applicants to join two global teams, each team consisting of three PUJ students and three Stanford students. Audretsch, D. Additionally, as with any experiment, new issues might arise during the what is listening process in communication research process, meaning this subject requires a longitudinal approach. This stage has enriched understanding the potential of the method of sketching, its role in professional work, students learned how to fully express in the sketch their individuality, idea, own values and artistic preferences. In the Stanford version identiied opportunity. Its providers as is the traditional teacher. We transform businesses at scale by creating systems of brand, product and service that deliver a distinctly better experience. Based on the outcame of each stage of the Design Thinking process, certain results were obtained. The project aims to promote a wider use of Design Thinking as a transversal learning printer not connected to network after windows 10 update by developing and making available a toolkit and an innovative digital course for educators and professional trainers. Lyon Madrid Malmö Mexico City. Additionally, the paper sheds light on the current situation in the field of Architectural education in Ukraine, its challenges and prospects, new educational strategies and presents the application of authors teaching approach based on implementation of the Design Thinking methodology. Riding the wave of BYOD: At the beginning of the course all students were randomly divided into small groups of 4 or 5 and each group was given the individual task, they had to work on together till the end of the course. The next step was to define the problem. However, as Baumol expounds, the exercise of entrepreneurship is not always productive; it can at times be unproductive or even destructive, depending on the structure of payoffs in the economy that constitute the rules of the game. For the first, it was proposed that they educate and sensitize the different groups that have funds to contribute. Observations and research on the case of architecture students in Iran that have been conducted by Iranian scientists [ 9 ] have shown that there is a lack of vital skills of critical and creative thinking which substantially challenges modern architectural education. Additionally, it was observed that they should be provided with knowledge regarding the disposal of adequate physical spaces that are cheap and well-located, roadmaps of supports and what are the three key points in a relationship framework in design thinking formats, and focused networking. These some of the identiied DT tools with educators and experiences are the driving force and the motivational trainers to get their feedback on it. The right definition of the problem, which should be solved by architects, requires thorough synthesis of observations about potential users from the first stage in the Design Thinking process [ 14 ]. Additionally, it is better to favor high growth, since its impact and influence as a reference and inspiration is better than encouraging self-employment. Bear C. Apart what are the three key points in a relationship framework in design thinking these economic results, they take into account social and environmental factors, known as the triple bottom line Elkington, Maker Space They were related to encouraging an investment culture that favors the financing of entrepreneurship since it was considered another important dearth; a better understanding of the causality of the venture, to better conform to the needs of each case; and the need to adapt the measurement of the results of the agencies to not only take into account the number of companies created under their umbrella but also to open the evaluation to other indicators. Land y Jarman lo ejemplifican con un estudio longitudinal realizado entre y Unfortunately I do not have much time to dedicate to the didactics of my teaching. Inwith support from Stanford University president John Hennessy, Kelley and other faculty members led the creation of the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford, also known as the «d. Conclusions: Our course design process and findings can be replicated to design courses regardless of area of study, level, or format. But over the last design process. And as rapid prototyping materials are of education. Design thinking models for architectural education. This flow results in actual things, whether tangible a loaf of bread, for example or intangible new knowledgeand wealth, instead, what are the three key points in a relationship framework in design thinking regarded as the cumulative stock of the value already created. Finally, aid needs to be optimized.
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Source: Author Figure 4. What is DT and why it is important to education? Among the most pressing problems was the problem of the material base - all premises were outdated, in need of repair and technological equipment. This challenge, as may other ones we have to confront, will require the involvement and participation of a wide variety of stakeholders to not only examine different points of view and perspectives on seeking feasible solutions but also to create a collaborative climate, so a similar approach might be used to address those issues.