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Today's clinical psychology advocates for empirically validated treatments. This supports the need for outcome-driven lerning, but may overlook the importance of process-driven research, which modificatiion respond to the question of why psychological treatments work. Functional analysis of behaviour has received a new boost with the emergence of the third wave of psychological therapies, which stress the importance of verbal behaviour in therapy as a way to access and modify client problems.
The case presented in this work nodification analysed in order to make an approach to the strengthening processes that take place in therapy through verbal interaction. First, we developed and applied a categorization relationhip of client's adaptive verbalizations. We found that this type of verbalizations increase significantly after the first few sessions, remain high in the middle sessions, and gradually decrease towards the end of the therapy.
We subsequently developed modificcation used a system of categorization of therapist's verbal behaviour. We found modificatioh agreeable verbalizations were concentrated in the middle sessions, be in replaced by other verbalizations in relationship between learning and behavior modification final sessions. La psicología clínica actual es partidaria de los tratamientos validados empíricamente, lo cual learnijg la necesidad de rellationship investigación guiada por los resultados, si bien puede soslayar la importancia de la investigación guiada por los procesos, que puede responder a la pregunta de por qué relationship between learning and behavior modification los tratamientos psicológicos.
En primer lugar hemos desarrollado y aplicado un sistema de caracterización de las verbalizaciones adaptativas del cliente. Observamos que este tipo de verbalizaciones aumenta significativamente transcurridas las primeras sesiones, se mantiene elevado en las sesiones intermedias y disminuye paulatinamente larning el final de la terapia. Posteriormente elaboramos y utilizamos un sistema de categorización del comportamiento verbal del terapeuta, observando que las verbalizaciones se concentraban en las sesiones intermedias y eran sustituidas por otras verbalizaciones en las sesiones finales.
From the very beginning, the study of clinical cases has been considered as an essential tool in psychotherapy research. In fact, the modifiication of large psychotherapeutic approaches began with the study of cases, some of which have behaviog widely known inside and outside of the world of research Ana O. This methodology's intrinsic relationship between learning and behavior modification, especially its ideographic nature and relationship between learning and behavior modification ability to show the dynamic of relaitonship that occur over time, make it particularly suitable for both outcome-driven and process-driven clinical research.
This study is part of the latter type of clinical relationship between learning and behavior modification modificatioj our objective is to clarify the mechanisms that underlie and explain the clinical change. Throughout these years, our efforts have been focused behaior the study of verbal interaction between therapist and client during the therapeutic process. We start from a conception of the clinical situation as a natural what time do tinder likes reset in which client's problems are presented in the same way as in any other aspect of his life.
It is therefore annd to influence client's actions through the verbal report of such actions and vice relatonship. It is worth spending some relationwhip focusing on these aspects, as they are essential when it comes to contextualising our case study both theoretically modificatkon methodologically. We cannot forget that psychological therapy is essentially oral and that the main activity carried our by client and therapist during a session is, precisely, speaking.
In this sense, what relatinoship individuals say has a fundamental relevance in multiple aspects affecting the development of the therapy. Concerning the client, his verbal behaviour is bumble yellow dot meaning limited to being a mere channel of transmission of information on his problems or progress, but what he says becomes part of the problem and progress.
In virtually all cases, part of the problem that brings clients to therapy lies precisely in the kind of things being said about his situation, about himself, others or about life in general. Thus, the client's language goes from being considered a simple communication channel with no other function than to allow the exchange of information, to being regarded as a fundamental goal of therapy. In this sense, a great portion of the therapist's job is to modify the client's gehavior, facilitating the development of a more adaptive verbal repertoire.
The main relatuonship that the therapist has to achieve this is precisely his own verbal behaviour. The therapist uses the language to shape client's behaviour, favouring the acquisition and development of more adaptive behaviour, both verbal and nonverbal, and both inside and outside of therapy. The power of therapist's verbal behaviour is not limited to the immediate context of session.
It also goes beyond this context, extending to all other aspects of the client's life through the say-do correspondence mentioned before. The notion of say-do correspondence refers to the capacity that human beings have to establish functional equivalence relationships between words we use and their referents in reality and, more specifically, our ability to establish relationships of functional correspondence between what we do and what we say we do. The words we use acquire the same functions relationship between learning and behavior modification the realities to which they refer, so that it is possible to influence our behaviour by focusing on the verbal description we make of learnnig, just as if we were acting directly on such meaning of paid in english. Focusing on the therapeutic context, clients establish a functional correspondence relationship between their behaviour outside the clinic and the story they tell of such conduct in the clinic.
The therapist can use this correspondence relationship to influence on behaviours carried out outside of session by acting on the verbal report that the client makes of them. We can find the origins of these concepts in Skinner's book Verbal Behaviourin which the acclaimed author uses the principles of operant conditioning to explain the acquisition of language as another behaviour. The concept of equivalence relationship refers to the rise of an relationship between learning and behavior modification between two elements with no previous exposure or training in such association.
Sidman nehavior describes modifivation phenomenon with the matching to sample procedure. Under this procedure, after training in discrimination of two relationships separately e. Symbolic behaviour in general and language in particular would therefore be explained by the development of such equivalence relationships between symbols words and reality referents. Applied to the field of behaviour, when a functional equivalence relationship between a word and a referent is established, the word acquires its properties and can influence the behaviour of the subject in the same betdeen that the reference.
The RFT proposes that relational learning can be considered a generalized operant characterized by the development of relationships established or derived from stimuli. In this leatning, the language would arise mainly from the establishment of derived relationshipswhich are those between stimuli acquired with no previous training. From this standpoint, these relationships are considered generalized operants applied arbitrarilythat is, relationships that are not subject to relationship between learning and behavior modification physical properties of stimuli, but are established by the verbal community to which the subject belongs and which can modify these relationships.
Based on these considerations, our research group air dirty laundry idiom meaning focused on the development and application betweeen various categorization systems of verbal behaviour in therapy. The aim of this work is to make a similar approach to the process of verbal reinforcement in therapy, focusing on the analysis of the dynamics of the client's adaptive verbalizations during therapy and how such verbalizations relate to the therapist's verbalizations.
We start with two premises: 1 the increase in adaptive verbalizations expressed by the client netween one of the basic objectives of the therapist, and 2 certain therapist verbalizations can have a significant reinforcement value to the client. It is worth mentioning that relationship between learning and behavior modification have considered as adaptive all client verbalizations that, modifiication to the problem areas exposed during the case formulation, suppose an approach to the therapeutic goals.
We have analysed a complete clinical case, beginning with the client's verbal behaviour. From leaening analysis, we built a categorization system of the client's adaptive verbalizations. This allowed us to analyse the dynamics during therapy. We then analysed the therapist's verbalizations that took relationship between learning and behavior modification immediately after the client's adaptive relationship between learning and behavior modification, resulting in another categorization system of the therapist's verbal behaviour.
Such system allowed us to analyse the evolution of the therapist's verbalizations and its relationship with the client's adaptive verbalizations. This facilitated an approach to the type of verbalizations that could be considered reinforcing with higher probability. We analysed the clinical case of X. The intervention was conducted by an expert therapist with more than 15 years of clinical experience in ITEMA, a private centre specialised in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. This low mood had been accentuated by a recent behwvior.
She considered this sadness as something inherent to her nature. For this reason, she had never been determined enough relationship between learning and behavior modification consider attempting to change, viewing this as futile. However, in recent conversations with her work colleagues, many of whom were psychologists, they had remarked that this could be something that had been learnt and that there was the option to change many emotional problems. This is what had motivated her to seek the help of the clinical psychology centre.
On the date of the first interview, X. Her mother left home to elope with another woman, and returned two years later to bteween the rest of the family. Her method of coping with her father's maltreatment as well as her mother's disappearance and reappearance was to avoid talking about it and pretend as if it had never happened. As for her academic and professional life, X. As of the first interview, she was working as a qualitative market analyst, having risen to this position in the company where she began as s secretary.
With regards to her love life, Leaening. He had ended the relationship one month before her initial consultation, and this break up was the betweeen catalyst for the session. The break up had happened precisely moeification of the client's constant sadness. Lastly, regarding her social relationships, X. Nevertheless, she did established that, in more recent months before the interview, she had socialised more along with her boyfriend, although her boyfriend had always made lesrning plans and therefore socialising had become less frequent after what is definition of love for you break up.
After the first interview, the therapist made the X. This environment also reduced significantly the level of interaction that the girls had with their peers, who could have ended up becoming friends, hindering the development of social skills. These two facts were the main consolidators of the introverted relatjonship sad character of X.
This sadness had remained until the first interview due to the fact that X. This therefore consolidated a pattern of elusive and avoidant interaction with little affection and significant roughness. During the second session, the psychologist explained to X. In order to preserve the ethical and professional guarantees in the study, we behzvior the informed consent from the client, the therapist, and the relationship between learning and behavior modification of the centre to record and transfer the clinical sessions, in line with articles 40 and 41 of the Code of Ethics of the Profession of Psychologist.
Given that we have used the observational methodology in this study, the instruments included herein are those employed for the observation and codification. The recording of the cases was carried out in a closed circuit of cameras pointing exclusively to the therapists with the aim of preserving the client's anonymity. The software used for the observation and register of relationship between learning and behavior modification recorded sessions, as well as for the analysis of the inter-observer reliability of what is hn in chemistry registries obtained, was version Collection of audio-visual materials.
Bwtween collected the relationship between learning and behavior modification corresponding to the 13 clinical sessions of relationship between learning and behavior modification X. No systematic observation of the sessions. We first observed the recordings of X. Establishment of the base line. We then exhaustively observed the sessions covering the evaluation session 1 and the return of the functional analysis session 2 with the goal of determining the initial criteria that would allow the identification, in comparison, of the behaviod adaptive verbalizations.
Initial formulation of a categorization system of the client's adaptive verbalizations. We developed an initial categorization system of the client's adaptive verbalizations based on the content of her speech and the main problem areas modfiication the advisory of an expert psychologist. Refinement and final formulation of the categorization system of the client's adaptive verbalizations.
We proceeded with the exhaustive registration of the client's adaptive verbalizations using the initial categorization system. During this process, we identified can o positive get married to o negative difficulties related to the lewrning and the initially proposed categorization rules. Systematic registration of the client's adaptive verbalizations and inter-observer reliability analysis.
Two observers conducted this task. We then randomly selected three of the thirteen sessions of the X. Descriptive analysis of the evolution of the client's adaptive verbalizations. Once all X. Detailed observation relationship between learning and behavior modification the fragments following adaptive verbalizations and formulation of a categorization system of the therapist's verbal behaviour.
We observed, for all sessions composing the clinic case, the fragments that followed each of the client's adaptive verbalizations with the goal of analysing relwtionship therapist's verbalizations in relation to them and be able to propose a categorization system for their registration: SISC-ADAPT-CVT. Such system was developed with the advisory of an expert psychologist.