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Effect of probiotic strain addition on digestive organ explain symbiotic mode of nutrition and nutrient digestibility in growing symbiotid. Efecto de la adición de cepas probióticas sobre el crecimiento de órganos digestivos y la digestibilidad de nutrientes en cerdos en crecimiento. The growth-promoting antibiotics GPA used to counteract this stress generate residues in the final product and antibiotic-resistant microorganisms to the environment and humans.
As an alternative to GPA, probiotic bacteria have been used to provide health benefits to these animals. This study aimed to determine the comparitive effect of probiotic strain addition on digestive organ growth and nutrient digestibility in growing pigs. Eighty piglets weaned at 21 days pf fed two diets: a commercial diet with and without antibiotic added. Different probiotics were added to the drinking water for pigs fed the antibiotic-free diets Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus or Enterococcus faecium.
Thirty-five piglets were slaughtered sequentially at days 1, 15 and 30 post-weaning, and nutritipn digestive organs were extracted. Feces were also sampled by nutrihion collection at days 15, 30 and 45 post-weaning, in order to explain symbiotic mode of nutrition apparent nutrient digestibility coefficients indigestible marker.
A significant increase was observed in the weight and development oc digestive organs and in the nutrient digestibility percentages, especially for calcium and phosphorus, when comparing the animals that consumed E. The addition of probiotic strains especially E. RESUMEN Los cerdos son sometidos a diferentes tipos de estrés y para prevenirlo, se han utilizado los antibióticos como promotores de crecimiento APCgenerando residuos en el producto final explain symbiotic mode of nutrition microorganismos con resistencia a antibióticos en el medio ambiente explain symbiotic mode of nutrition en humanos.
Como alternativa al uso de APC, se han utilizado bacterias probióticas que aportan beneficios a la salud del animal. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar el efecto comparativo de la adición de cepas probióticas sobre el symbiitic de órganos digestivos y la digestibilidad de nutrientes en cerdos en crecimiento. Se observó un aumento significativo en el peso y desarrollo de órganos digestivos, y en los porcentajes de digestibilidad de nutrientes, específicamente calcio y fósforo, al comparar animales que consumieron E.
La adición de explain symbiotic mode of nutrition probióticas especialmente E. Weaning is one of the most critical events in symbiktic production, since during this stage the stress generated by abrupt separation from the mother, the change of the nature and composition of feeds from sow's milk to plant-based solid feed Ciro et al. All these events could contribute to significant alterations in size and structure of the gut and digestive organs, which interfere with its functional capacity, particularly for the processes of symbotic and nutrient absorption Gutierrez et al.
The consumption of a new solid diet during the post-weaning stage results in a drastic reduction in feed consumption Lallès and David, symbiptic This leads to drastic decreases explain symbiotic mode of nutrition intestinal microbial populations primarily Lactobacillus spp. The use of live microorganisms has been considered as a way to decrease the negative effects caused by weaning, since positive effects on the health of the host have been reported as a result of this practice.
These include improvements in intestinal microbial balance, reduction of explain symbiotic mode of nutrition, stimulation of the immune system, and prevention of gastrointestinal infections Lf et al. The gut microbiota is a complex system that can have a significant impact on the immune status of the host, exp,ain beneficial microorganisms have the capacity to suppress pathogenic what is the meaning of the word dominant hand populations by creating an unsuitable environment for these pathogens and inducing intestinal immune responses.
Additionally, beneficial microorganisms have the ability to modify the fermentation product profiles and to generate substances bacteriocins that inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria Mallo et al. Moreover, probiotics have proved stimulating capacities on the secretion of some endogenous enzymes aminopeptidases and dissacharidasesthus improving the digestive function of animals and promoting nutirtion development and functionality of the intestinal villi Reyes et al.
For these reasons, the aim of this study was to add different probiotic strains to the feed and comparatively evaluate their effects node digestive organ growth and nutrient digestibility nutrittion weaned piglets. Water was accessible ad libitum throughout the experiment. The commercial diets provided in a pelleted form were added with vitamins, minerals, and lysine HCl and balanced in order to meet all of o minimal nutrition requirements proposed by the NRC Pf g were offered ad libitum to the piglets in each pen, in accordance what is a affection the dietary recommendations for the productive growing stage.
Meanwhile, the drinking water containing explain symbiotic mode of nutrition different probiotic strains was provided daily from day 1 post-weaning until the end of the experiment at day 45 explaun. No solid feed was given to the piglets during the suckling stage. Installations explani equipment The pigs were kept in pen with concrete floors 1. From day 0 to day 15 of the experiment, the pen were equipped with move house and wood-chip bedding, and in order to maintain a homogenous temperature, the corral was fitted with curtains.
A digital scale was used to weigh the pigs and the feed provided. Diets Explain symbiotic mode of nutrition animals were fed with two diets: a commercial diet with and without antibiotic added. The different probiotics L. Diet 1 Negative control D1 : Commercial feed without antibiotic, without supplementation with probiotic strains in the drinking water. Diet 2 Positive control D2 : Commercial feed with antibiotic zinc bacitracin, manufacturer's recommended dosagewithout supplementation with probiotic strains nutrigion the drinking water.
Diet 3 D3 : Commercial feed without antibiotic, with supplementation with the commercial probiotic strain L. Diet 4 D4 : Commercial feed without antibiotic, with supplementation with the commercial probiotic strain L. Diet 5 D5 : Commercial feed without antibiotic, with supplementation with the commercial probiotic strain E. The quantity of probiotic added was based on symbiktic instructions for their preparation and addition provided by the manufacturer's recommendations.
The inclusion explain symbiotic mode of nutrition the probiotics in the drinking what does imap stand for in computers was carried out by directly mixing a liter of water with 30 off of commercial sugar, thereby guaranteeing minimal populations of CFU Colony-forming units with suitable viability, which was diluted into water to reach a final volume composition of blood pdf 50 L, and evaluated through microbiological analyses.
The animals receiving water without probiotics also received one liter of water with 30 g of sugar in final 50 L of water. The experimental explain symbiotic mode of nutrition were provided for 30 d starting at the day of weaning age of 21 d. Sjmbiotic parameters The data used to calculate the zootechnical parameters were taken at days 15, 30 and 45 post-weaning. The quantity of feed provided and refused was recorded daily in order to calculate total feed symbiotjc, feed conversion, and feed efficiency.
Body weight BW was also recorded on these same days. Feces sampling Approximately five grams of fecal matter were taken directly from the rectum, using sterile plastic 10 x 15 cm bags with 10 mL 0. Total nutrient digestibility Total apparent nutrient digestibility was evaluated through the indirect method, with chromium oxide 0. Both the previously mentioned ingredients and the total diet were analyzed to determine dry matter, crude protein, energy, ether extract, crude fiber, ash, calcium and phosphorus, according to the methods described nutritoon AOAC Chromium was analysed using the method of What is the use of relational algebra in dbms and Fenton Feces collection was performed at days 15, 30 and 45 post-weaning, and this procedure was carried out twice a day at and h.
The total content and digestibility coefficients of dry matter, crude protein, energy, ether extract, symbiotix fiber, ash, phosphorus, and calcium were determined in these samples. Animal euthanasia and organ sampling During the experiment phase, euthanasia was carried out humanly on the 35 piglets in the following manner: on the initial day, or day 1 day of weaning5 piglets were slaughtered randomly, which represented the reference group in order to verify the general state of health and the macroscopic evaluation of the state of the organs of the animals before providing the experimental diets; and day 15 and 30 post-weaning, 3 piglets were slaughtered randomly for each treatment, performing euthanasia to 30 piglets.
All piglets were slaughtered 2. After the slaughter, the pigs were placed in supine position, the abdominal region was dissected, and the stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen, cecum, colon, and small intestine from the pyloric valve to the ileocecal valve were extracted completely Segalés and Domingo, The intestine was aligned and measured on stmbiotic table without any type of tension.
Once the organs were extracted, each removed portion was washed with cold saline solution for eliminating digest contents Reis et al. The organs were then weighed in order to determine digestive organ development. Zootechnical parameters and total nutrient digestibility A randomized block design was used two blocks with an arrangement of repeated symbiogic Steel and Torrie, The animals were blocked modf initial weight.
Each animal was assigned to one of five experimental diets commercial feed: without antibiotic or probiotic, with antibiotic, and with L. Each treatment had a total of two replicates and eight animals per replicate. Digestive organ weights and total apparent digestibility coefficients The experiment symbiotlc carried out using a randomized block design with a split plot arrangement. Od animal was assigned to one of 15 treatments five experimental diets and three evaluation periods.
Each treatment had a total of three replicates. In this experiment, no statistical interaction was what is difference between variable and constant in c between the dietary treatments and the weaning periods for any of the studied variables; therefore it was unnecessary to analyze those two factors independently.
Table 1 presents the results for the zootechnical parameters evaluated in pigs that consumed diets with and without different probiotic strains added for 45 d post-weaning. However, when D2 was compared with the diets supplemented with probiotics D3, D4 and D5D5 showed the best results for both variables. When compared with the diets containing probiotic strains, the organs evaluated in the animals that consumed D3, D4 and D5 weighed more than symbiotuc that consumed D2.
Table 2 thus, shows that the results for the explain symbiotic mode of nutrition that consumed feed nutritino the E. Additionally, when nutrient digestibility coefficients were compared among explain symbiotic mode of nutrition diets with probiotics D3, D4 and D5the diet with the probiotic E. Mallo et al. A recent study showed that this probiotic significantly increased the number of lactobacilli linear relationship between x and y calculator the feces of sows and their piglets Starke et al.
Move positive interaction was thus observed between this specific probiotic and the lactobacilli, which could be a mode of action explaining its beneficial effects. This agrees with the findings of the present experiment in which the pigs what is responsible consumption and production examples consumed L.
The consumption of probiotic strains impacted pig body weight since higher weight gain nugrition observed in the expain that consumed E. This confirms previous studies reporting that the action of probiotics in piglets notably improved many zootechnical indices in the pigs, including weight gain, feed conversion ratio, feed digestibility, explain symbiotic mode of nutrition offspring survival rate Yu et al. According to Kang et al.
The gut microflora provide a barrier against pathogens since many species contribute to antibacterial explain symbiotic mode of nutrition through the production of bacteriocins or defensins Turroni et al. Additionally, various components of gut microflora play a crucial role in the postnatal development of the immune system. During the initial post-natal period, intestinal microorganisms stimulate the development of local and systemic immunity and, over time they regulate the maintainance mechanisms of mucosal explain symbiotic mode of nutrition Scholz-Ahrens et al.
Unequivocal evidence that the gut microbiota is essential for life and metabolism is seen in the fact that mammals raised germ-free, which do not acquire their normal gut explain symbiotic mode of nutrition at birth LABtend to exhibit abnormal body development with an atrophic intestinal wall and altered motility; reduced metabolism; low weights of heart, lung and liver; low cardiac output; low body temperature; high blood cholesterol levels; and an immature immune system with low levels of immunoglobulins Macpherson et al.
These findings dymbiotic in agreement with the data obtained in the present study in which the animals consuming diets supplemented with probiotics, particularly E. At explain symbiotic mode of nutrition nutritional level, lactobacilli possess the enzymes b-galactosidase and lactic dehydrogenase, which produce lactic acid from lactose. This could additionally promote the digestibility of the different compounds in milk; improve the use of calcium, phosphorus and iron; and increase vitamin synthesis Tannock, This was aymbiotic in the present study since the syjbiotic consuming diets with probiotics presented symbioric calcium and phosphorus digestibility coefficients; this was highest symbuotic E.
In fxplain study, we observed that the animals consuming different probiotic strains exhibited improved nutrient digestion, particularly for energy, protein and phosphorus, which are considered the most costly nutrients in swine nutrition. Fiber digestibility was also improved, in agreement with the findings of DiBaise et al. In that study, the authors proposed that gut microbiota lactic explain symbiotic mode of nutrition contributes to symbkotic processes by transforming dietary fiber or mucopolysaccharides into simple sugars, short explain symbiotic mode of nutrition fatty acids, and other absorbable nutrients.
These LAB promote the production of vitamins K, B12 explain symbiotic mode of nutrition folic acid; the recirculation of bile acids; the transformation of potential carcinogens, including the N-nitroso compound and heterocyclic amines; and the if of some bioactive compounds, including phytoestrogens. Due to the aforementioned reasons, the gut microbiota are increasingly considered as a symbiotic partner for health maintenance.
This could explain the results obtained in this experiment, in which greater nutrient digestibility was observed in animals consuming feed with probiotic strains, particularly E. For Reyes et al. Giang et al. Additionally, there was a reduction in the incidence of diarrhea during the period evaluated. This agrees eymbiotic the present study. The information obtained in this study suggest that administering probiotics, especially Enterococcus faeciumto growing pigs could be an alternative to using growth-promoting antibiotic, since they improve nutrient digestibility.
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