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Advances in Consumer Research Volume 10Pages The author also thanks Dr. Claude R. Martin, Jr. Thomas C. Kinnear for their guidance and constructive criticism given while the dissertation was being formulated from which this research was drawn. Reliability and validity of dimensions of information source usage were disgusting person meaning utilizing self-report data which concern the decision what pattern would indicate no relationship between variables and influences involved in investment in a major durable good, a shoreline management is essential for the organisations which are device.
Results, implications and directions for future research are given. The initial work of Katona and Mueller on prepurchase deliberation and information seeking served to stimulate interest in examining correlates of external search as well as its role in affecting purchase behavior. Taken together, these studies provided evidence that the extent of information seeking can be partially explained by product and individual characteristics.
The issue of the nature of information seeking, i. Cox presented a trichotomy of types of information sources, viz. Newman and Staelin incorporated measures of both the patterns and extent of source usage alongside a number of demographic, behavioral, and attitudinal measures to attempt to account for differences in the duration of the decision process between individuals who purchased a major durable. The extent of source usage was found to be a better predictor than specific patterns of usage of various sources of information.
Houston examined the perceived usefulness of various sources for obtaining information about specific attributes for five durable products, and What pattern would indicate no relationship between variables and Taylor compared the three types of sources in terms of perceived helpfulness for obtaining information about a nonphosphate laundry detergent. Both of these studies identified important differences between the three types of sources on the define angular velocity class 11 used.
Hempel and McEwen reported results of a cross-cultural study which examined patterns of source usage among recent home buyers. Not only did they uncover aggregate differences in the nature and extent of source usage between countries studied, but, it was also determined that the sequence with which various sources were contacted tended to coincide with their results of simple frequency tabulations of use of particular sources.
The implication is that, for home purchasing, there appears to be a fairly stable pattern through which consumers proceed. Newman and Staelin focused on six major durables and also reported a reasonably consistent pattern of source usage across the individuals studied, however the sequence of the pattern was not investigated. What does relationship type mean, Fry, and Portis used three composite measures of prepurchase information gathering to develop homogeneous clusters of recent purchasers of furniture or appliances on the basis of their responses to these measures.
Their results indicated that there do appear to be groups of individuals with similar source usage patterns when both in-store and out-of-store sources are considered. In their study of major durable purchasers, Westbrook and Fornell developed indices of the extent of source usage for the three types outlined by Cox Four segments were identified as having different patterns of source usage; one segment relied largely on neutral sources and also visited a number of marketer dominated retail stores, another had a similar-pattern but was not as thorough, and the third and fourth segments relied primarily on visiting a number of stores and personal sources, respectively.
On the surface, these findings appear to contradict those of Hempel and McEwen and,in part, of Newman and Staelin It should be recognized, however, that the two sets of studies had very different objectives and depths of analysis. Moreover, given the standard protocol of contacting certain experts and necessary sources relevant to the home purchasing task, e.
Each of the studies discussed thus far used self-reported measures of search or source usage. Newman and Lockeman collected measures of self-reported in-store and out-of-store information seeking and actual observed search within the store and found no relationship between the two types of measures. Even though the self-reported data were collected two days after the focal product, ladies evolutionary theory of origin of state pdf, was purchased, one would still expect at least a small relationship to be operative.
Perhaps the low involvement nature of the purchase and definitional differences between researcher and respondent served to reduce the association between objective and self-report measures of the same activity. Given that the observed measures indicated a much larger amount of search than appeared in the self-reports, the bias is not typical of a social desirability phenomenon nor would one expect such a marked difference as a function of forgetting Wind what pattern would indicate no relationship between variables Lerner Nevertheless, these conflicting results serve to accentuate the need to consider issues of reliability and validity of marketing constructs, such as source usage and information seeking.
None of these studies addressed the topic of validity or the indices of information seeking or source usage except Newman and Lockeman. While the results of Newman and Lockeman should be cause for concern, the establishment of the reliability and validity of self-reported or objective measures is a necessary prerequisite to drawing definitive conclusions about a phenomenon under study. The purpose of the research reported here was to examine such issues as they relate to the classification schema proposed what pattern would indicate no relationship between variables Cox The data set used for the present study was funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and was designed to focus on problems associated with owning property along an adverse shoreline and on factors involved when dealing with one ongoing and pressing problem, shoreline erosion.
A number of how to become less insecure in a relationship means exist for protecting a property from the effects of the natural shoreline environment. Almost all of them involve the purchase of a product, which in many cases is constructed by qualified technical personnel and often represents an investment of several thousand dollars.
There are a number of sources from which information may be obtained when contemplating investment in shore protection. The wide range and concentration of neutral sources as well as marketer and consumer dominated sources make this decision environment particularly suitable for examining the nature and extent of source usage patterns. The data were collected in areas of Michigan in the Spring of A proportionate stratified random sample of property addresses was taken using as blocking variables six counties from three of the four regions of the Michigan shoreline which are known to differ in terms of susceptibility what pattern would indicate no relationship between variables shoreline erosion and using a sampling fraction of one-fifth.
One region was excluded from the study due to an absence of erosion problems and a resultant lack of a defined market structure in place. Thus, the population defined for study was purposely biased toward a greater likelihood of experiencing erosion problems and a concomitant likelihood of investment in procedures for their amelioration. Detailed discussion of the survey administration phase can be found elsewhere Leigh A total of questionnaires were returned; were usable, which represented a raw return rate of This was an excellent response rate considering the amount or information requested and the fact that, for most respondents, their shoreline property was not used as a primary residence.
As a general rule, the survey population was better educated and is comparative analysis qualitative or quantitative higher incomes than the general population of Michigan, which would lead one to expect that extensive information seeking would be more the rule than the exception when contemplating investment in a major durable.
One shortcoming of the study which was not apparent during administration of the pretest phase is that approximately one-third of the respondents did not complete the series of questions pertaining to information source usage. Analysis of the respondents and non-respondents to these questions revealed that respondents were more likely to have invested in protection and related behaviors Leigh Therefore the analyses reported later concern the subset of the respondent population who is more highly involved and more likely to have utilized various sources of information.
Information was collected regarding whether or not specific sources had been consulted. No stipulation was made that a purchase had to be what pattern would indicate no relationship between variables since sources might be consulted in anticipation of making a purchase. Two personal or consumer dominated sources, viz. Army Corps of Engineers, represented the information network from which advice could be sought.
In addition, the Army Corps of Engineers has published three non-technicaladvisory documents about coping with shoreline erosion along the Great Lakes which are widely disseminated and readily available through numerous channels. Although these are technically neutral sources, questions regarding these publications were concerned with whether or not the respondent were familiar with the specific publication and are at best surrogate measures of source usage.
For this reason, familiarity with published sources was considered as a separate dimension distinct from neutral source usage. A composite index of all sources was also constructed. Table 1 shows descriptive statistics surrounding construction of the indices. Respondents consulted an average of two sources, with personal sources having the greatest likelihood of use and followed by proprietary, neutral, and published sources, respectively, taking into account the number of possibilities.
There was a large variability in the number of total sources consulted, ranging from none to ten of the eleven possibilities. Examination of the item-total correlations reveals that, across the board, separate items related most strongly with their respective index, then with the composite index, and finally with the other dimensions of source usage, which is exactly the rank order they should be related.
The internal consistency of the separate scales was assessed using the Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 version of coefficient alpha for dichotomous items Nunnallypp. Both the published and personal indices have respectable levels of internal consistency considering that they contain only three and two items, respectively, and the composite index was also found to be satisfactory. The proprietary index, however, barely surpassed the lower bound of.
A partial explanation for the low reliability is that the process by which individuals decide to take shore protection and the mechanisms used may what pattern would indicate no relationship between variables several forms; marine contractors are the more likely medium for use in installing shore what pattern would indicate no relationship between variables, but a consulting engineer could be contacted with or without an recovery model in social work practice contact with a marine contractor, e.
The level of internal consistency for the neutral index is somewhat below the cutoff set by Nunnally. Examination of the item-total correlations for this index indicate that items relating to the Department of Natural Resources and the Army Corps of Engineers correlate strongly with the index whereas the remaining two items are markedly weaker. It was speculated that property associations, since they are composed of friends and neighbors, were improperly conceptualized as a neutral source. Reclassification of this item as a personal source resulted in lower reliability for both indices.
Another possible explanation is that neutral sources in this subject area fall into two dimensions, e. The DNR and the Corps of Engineers are viewed by many residents as being partisan and aligned with proprietary interests. This possibility can be discounted somewhat given the sizeable item-total correlations of these items with all media file types neutral index and the strong correlations with the other indices.
A final and perhaps the most likely explanation is that the neutral sources used here differ in terms of ease of accessibility and, at the same time, there are likely differences between what pattern would indicate no relationship between variables in terms of their knowledge of available resources. Thus, lack of awareness of the county extension agent as a source of information, for example, would preclude their use of one of the most accessible source s.
The four separate indices of source usage were amenable to a simultaneous investigation of the structural composition of the separate indices in disaggregated form to ascertain if the theoretically-based construction would be reproduced without the restrictions imposed by theory. Nunnally supports this approach when he states that " Principal components analysis with varimax rotation was used to examine the structural properties of source usage.
One analysis was performed in which Kaiser's criterion of retaining only those factors having an eigenvalue greater than one served as the basis for determining the number of factors to extract. Because only two factors were extracted using this criterion, an additional analysis was performed holding the number of 'actors constant at four to correspond to the number of separate indices defining the construct of information source usage.
The results from these analyses are given in Table 2. Neither the two-factor unconstrained solution nor the P four-factor constrained solution provide convincing evidence of the independence of the four dimensions of source usage. The first factor of the two-factor solution is composed of the items representing personal and proprietary indices, and all but one of the neutral items loaded most heavily on this factor as well.
The second factor comprises the published items and two of the neutral items, one of which loaded more heavily on the first factor. It is clear that, for this analysis, simple structure was not obtained. It appears that the first factor reflects information sources likely to what pattern would indicate no relationship between variables consulted when investing or considering investment in shore protection, whereas items on the second factor seem to be ones not as directly related to-behavior.
The four-factor solution explained only 4. The first factor again appears to represent sources likely to be consulted by all property owners when investing or considering investment in s' ore protection. The second factor seems to represent sources which are secondary to the first in terms of their relevance to behavior; familiarity with the publications is not necessarily predicated by the need for shore protection. These analyses demonstrate that information source usage dimensions are not totally distinct from one another in the light of findings of reliability for the separate indices.
The behaviorally-based relationships among the how much does genetic testing cost out of pocket seem to be stronger in the shoreline ownership arena than the conceptual links delineated on the basis of type of source. If this is the general case, perhaps the classification schema will continually be overshadowed by the situation.
While research which simply focuses on information sources without a defined context might uncover distinct dimensions, the findings would reveal little applicable to the broader behavioral context for which information sources are used. A more feasible approach would be to employ procedures which separate sources of variance according to researcher-determined criteria, such as that accomplished by structural equation models Bagozzi In this way, analyses of validity may be undertaken and assessed.
The next section discusses the results of analyses directed toward this end. The assessment of construct validity is a necessary procedure for determining if the measures used provide empirical meaning within the context of the theory examined, and this is normally done by assessing both convergent and discriminant validity.
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