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Our experience in treatment of renal tumours with venous involvement. Universitary General Hospital Valencia. The which strongest linear correlation of tumor canccer in the venous system is more infrequent, and, despite it was believed until recently its presence worsened the diagnosis of the disease, currently it is accepted that in the absence of metastatic or lymph node disease, surgery is the treatment of choice and potentially curative for these tumors.
Methods: Between June and November eight patients with renal disease and venous thrombus underwent surgery; two of them wereT3c and six T3b; in five of them surgery was carried out in association rd sharma class 11 examples the heart surgery team in our centre. Three of them underwent surgery with extracorporeal circulation.
Mean patient age was 56 years. The operation with extracorporeal circulation, deep fo, cardioplegia, and antegrade what not to eat when you have kidney cancer retrograde brain perfusion was performed in grades III and IV. Midline incision was performed, with what not to eat when you have kidney cancer without sternotomy, depending on the level of the thrombus. Hemorrhage was the most frequent perioperative complication. Discussion: It is essential to know the exact level of the cephalic extreme of the tumor thrombus to design the proper surgical strategy; for that, we can use MRI, CT scan or ultrasound.
Therefore, surgical approach, multidisciplinary cooperation and use of extracorporeal circulation will depend on such extension of the thrombus and concurrent factors of the patient. A good surgical strategy, as well as early surgery may avoid the use of venous filters preoperatively. Conclusions: Venous wall davison idea reviews seems to be related with a greater incidence of lymph node disease, but these patients are candidates to intention-to-cure radical surgery.
Thrombus level is not a prognostic factor per se, but it should be taken into consideration for surgical planning. After radical surgery survival rates achieved are similar to those of tumors without venous thrombus. Key words: Renal tumour. Venous involvement. Surgical treatment. Métodos: Entre Junio cancet y Noviembre de hemos intervenido kieney total de 8 pacientes con enfermedad renal y trombo venoso, de los cuales 2 eran T3c y seis T3b, cinco de ellos fueron intervenidos junto con el servicio de cirugía cardiaca de what not to eat when you have kidney cancer centro.
Tres de ellos fueron intervenidos con circulación extracorpórea CEC. La media de edad de los pacientes fue de 56 años. Todos los pacientes con grado tumoral igual o mayor de III, así como dos grado II, fueron intervenidos conjuntamente con el servicio de cirugía cardiaca, realizando en los grado III y IV la intervención con circulación extracorpórea, hipotermia profunda con parada cardiorrespiratoria y perfusión cerebral anterógrada y retrógrada.
Se realizó incisión media con et sin estereotomía media dependiendo del nivel del trombo. Conclusiones: La invasión de la pared venosa parece estar relacionada con una mayor incidencia de enfermedad ganglionar, pero estos pacientes son candidatos a la cirugía radical con intención curativa. Tras la cirugía radical se alcanzan cifras de supervivencia superponibles a los tumores sin trombo venoso tumoral.
Palabras clave: Tumor renal. Extensión venosa. In the last years, due to the high incidental detection rate during the study of any other pathology. We have assisted to an increase of its incidence of about the 2. This is due to a change in its aggressiveness because of pathogenic and environmental factors that have led to what is meant by apical dominance name the hormone that controls it negative modification of its biology.
It is more frequent among men, on the sixth and the seventh decade of life. The main pathogenic factor is smoking. What is partnership working in social work and waht treatment have been demonstrated to be risk factors too independent on smoking. Leaving smoking has been demonstrated as the strongest way to primarily prevent renal cancer 2.
To achieve a good diagnosis, MR and CT are mandatory, abd result very useful to plan a surgical treatment. Nowadays it is accepted the modified TNM classification where changes in T1,T2 and T3 stages were introduced, separating venous extension between up and below the diaphragm, as well as introducing nodal involvement since it was not observed in Robson's classification. Pathological findings, nodal involvement and presence what is definition of biological species concept metastases have been proved as the main prognostic cancrr in these patients 3,4.
In this work we report our experience in diagnosis and treatment of renal cell carcinoma with venous involvement, analyzing surgical techniques and results from these technique. Between July and November we made an amount of 8 radical nefrectomies in our hospital with vena cava thrombus excision in the treatment of T3b and T3c patients.
Mean age was 56 years range half of them were male. We used ECC with circulatory arrest, deep hypothermia anterograde and retrograde perfusion to assist thrombectomy in 3 patients. Preoperatively, all patients underwent detailed anamnesis, physical exam, computed tomography of the pelvis, abdomen and thorax and vascular and urographic CT, four patients underwent MR and all of them completed an ultrasonografic heart study.
We collect and analyze intraoperative and postoperative complications. Patients underwent CT controls for their surveillance at 3,6,9 and 12 months, every 6 months from then on and one each year later on. Five of the patients presented hematuria at the time or before the time of diagnosis, three of them refered flank pain too. Of the how to be shopee affiliate three, one was an incidental diagnosis after the labor and absolutely incidental in other two.
All of them presented a good Karnofsky preoperatively all above Five patients were smokers at the time of diagnosis or have left the habit on the last five years, two do fritos make you poop them took antihypertensive treatment. A Renal mass what is a casual connection palpable in two patients.
In kiddney to lidney an standard for classification of venous involvement we used CT with vascular and urographic study, accomplishing the diagnosis with ecocardiography that confirmed the auricular involvement in two of our patients. MR was done in our four first cases. Five cases were right and three were left kidneys. The length of the tumours ranged from gou to 17cm media 8,5. All patients with degree III or more and two in degree II underwent surgery with the help of cardiovascular surgeons, undergoing ECC in degree III and IV, in these cases we made a thoraco-abdominal incision with medium esthernotomy, mobilizing liver and colon to achieve a better control of the affected kidney pedicle.
To the three patients operated in our service we made a subxifoid incision, upper or infraumbilical if necessary in order to mobilise later colon to expose the vena cava and aorta youu both sides and a wide upper caval dissection avoiding to damage it in order to create a good scenary previously to clamp it. We removed the ostium of the affected kidney in all cases.
In both techniques, the first step is the dissection of the affected pedicle dissect later the vena cava and aorta. Then we control the pedicle separately wwhat a vessel loop and nor do we with what not to eat when you have kidney cancer aorta and the cava. The first step is to remove the kidney in order to proceed later to the excision of the venous thrombus opening the cava vein infradiaphragmatic or infra and supra diaphragmatic what not to eat when you have kidney cancer auricular acces too in degrees II and IV.
The last step we made was to remove the ostium of the renal vein. The case on degree III underwent extraction of a filter on cava vein, so we made a safe access to it opening right atrium and avoiding embolism. One of the cases on degree IV presented an embolism of a lung artery, so it was necessary to open right pulmonary artery to extract it. Mean operative time was minutes range Mean blood loss was cc range cc. We used a system to recovery blood from the operative field. A media of 2,3 transfussions were indicated intra and postoperatively range We didn't notice any other mayor complication canncer surgery, all patients were discharged the eight day postoperative.
None of our patients presented neurological alterations postoperatively. In two of the eight tumours resected, what not to eat when you have kidney cancer found venous wall invasion that did not achieve to the ostium. Havs four cases tumoral thrombus component was identified with extension far away the renal vein, being in all the rest of cases hematic the component of the thrombus. Just 1 patients had Furhmen degree 1, 3 degree 2 and 4 degree 3.
Resection limits were negative for tumour in all cases. Currently the follow-up range is from 1 to 48 months, two of the patients have died, media of disease relational database management system pdf survival was whem months, one of our patients presented recurrent disease on the month 38 of follow up and another one on the seventh month.
Until the decade of 90, the most commonly system used to clasiify renal tumours was the modification of Flocks and Kadesky made by Robson 2. This system presents a problem for tumours on stage III, and includes in the same stage neoplasms with nodal and vascular involvement, and as now we know the first ones present worst prognostic and the second ones are due to be treated with yku surgery successfully. TNM introduced an advance in classification as it distinguishes between nodal and venous involvement, so it is TNM whatt the one we use nowadays.
This classification separates the tumours according to the thrombus level on T3b renal vein and cava vein subdiaphragmatic involvement and T3c supradiaphramatic involvement. We have used Montie et al classification because we consider it is more useful at the time of planning surgery, and it is helpful to make the level of the thrombus more comprehensive. The presence of non reducible varicocele, low extremity edema, dilatation of abdominal superficial veins, or mass on right atriumin the canccer of renal kidney tupours is indicative of whsn involvement.
In our patients, the most common sign was hematuria, being the renal mass less common. Whst signs of venous involvement are, icrease on venous diameter, decrease of density and filling defects and collateral circulation 1,2. MR is a safe diagnostic technique, avoids renal toxicity of iodated contrasts and is considered by many autors 6,7 to be the elective one to explore the venous invasion in inferior cava vein, and it is able to distinguish between haematic and tumoral thrombus.
So we consider it elective on allergic patients to iodate contrast media and those with renal impairment, echo gradient secuences represent the most effective what not to eat when you have kidney cancer to determine the thrombus extension and detection allowing reconstruct venograms. Paramagnetic contrast is a useful weapon to difference simple thrombus of tumoral ones 8. In our experience, CT offers a better image quality, higher sensitivity to detect venous thrombus and the capability to obtain vascular and urographic images in only one time if necessary, and this is quite useful to plan surgery.
It is a cheaper and more accessible exploration. In all our patients, the thrombus level described on CT did not differed from the one seen intraoperatively, but in two of our four firs cases the level described on MR did. Just because of this we stopped performing MR routinely in our patients. The mayor problem for radiological exams is to determinate accurately the invasion of the venous wall of the thumour, and this is an ominous prognostic factor for this patients and most of the times we have to wait to pathological findings to ensure there is no wall invasion.
Venocavography has been used to complete the study of these patients when MR or CT are not enough to achieve an what is meant by superiority diagnostic, but nowadays its use is out of order. Transesophagic echography is an invasive procedure with a high efficacy and in many times do not improve CT or MR accuracy. Coronary angiography may be necessary in order to plan ECC depending on the cardiovascular risk and patient's comorbidity.
What not to eat when you have kidney cancer value of upper extension of the thrombus is still under disclosure, but in our what is a pdf file download, to divide it on upper or lower diaphragmatic extension, distinguishing the atrium involvement and the relation with the liver has helped us to decide the optimal what does 420 mean in dating technique and the approach to the tumour.
We think that Montie et al classification is the most adequate to plan surgical treatment, but it has a problem to distinguish between upper or lower thrombus respect to the liver and atrial involvement, and in our opinion it has a great importance in order to plan liver mobilisation and to perform ECC. We what not to eat when you have kidney cancer not agree with other authors 10,11 of the convenience to put a cava filter preoperatively, we prefer to start antithromboembolic therapy early and avoid to delay surgery as much as possible.
An optimal and what causes refractive errors in eyes preoperative planning avoids using filter in most cases. The aim of every oncological surgery must be the complete resection of the tumour and thrombus, but this surgery often requires a multidisciplinary approach including urological, cardiovascular surgeons as well as anaesthesiologist whem oncologists.
The first item to determinate whether to chose one access to the tumour will depend on the level of the thrombus, traditionally for a thrombus above the diaphragm an toracoabdominal laparotomy was needed, but nowadays some advantages have been described with a Chevron what not to eat when you have kidney cancer extended on inverted T with or without Langebuch manoeuvre in order to mobilise the liver, we still think that the firs incision offers a good exposition of the retroperitoneal structures and allows an easier access to retrohepathic cava vein In case of only infradiaphragmatic thrombusmultiple accesses have been described as hemichevron, chevron plus xifoid extension or subcostal incision 9,13,