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What is a meaning of impact resistance

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On 14.04.2022
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what is a meaning of impact resistance

Design pressure DP. We have also improved the description of the experiment in the figure legend, and the Results and Materials and methods sections to better convey the idea that plasmid-bearers and plasmid-free populations were subjected to antibiotic treatments separately. Elige un diccionario. It is well known that a small amount of reactive liquid rubber what is a meaning of impact resistance greatly improve the fracture toughness of Ia by forming discrete rubbery particles chemically bonded to the matrix. Reprints and Permissions. The lightness of these pipes allows their handling and installation without mechanical aids such as cranes, feathers, etc.

Thank you for visiting nature. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. To obtain the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser or turn off compatibility mode in Internet Explorer. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles and JavaScript. Efforts to eradicate tuberculosis are hampered by the rise and spread of antibiotic resistance.

Several large-scale projects have aimed to specifically link clinical mutations to os phenotypes, but they were limited in both their explanatory and predictive powers. Here, we combine functional genomics and phylogenetic associations using clinical strain genomes to decipher the architecture of isoniazid resistance and search for new resistance determinants. This approach has allowed us to confirm the main target route of the antibiotic, determine the clinical relevance of redox metabolism as an isoniazid resistance mechanism resistznce identify novel candidate genes harboring resistance mutations in strains with previously unexplained isoniazid resistance.

This approach can be useful for characterizing how the tuberculosis bacilli acquire resistance to new antibiotics and how to forestall them. Inan estimated best tacos los angeles infatuation, people contracted drug-resistant tuberculosis and a furtherpeople died from it 1. Resistance to antitubercular drugs has been present ever since their introduction decades ago but it is now becoming a pressing problem, as it hampers our ability to control and eradicate the disease.

Drug-resistant tuberculosis requires longer treatments, has lower cure rates, and spreads in the population, particularly in high-burden countries 1. Licensing new antibiotics is not a definitive solution as the bacteria can develop resistance to those antibiotics as well 23. A new approach is needed what is a meaning of impact resistance which a thorough understanding of the evolutionary forces shaping resistance helps us understand how it is acquired what is a meaning of impact resistance how it can be reversed.

Most of what we know of tuberculosis drug resistance comes from genetic association studies in meainng a particular mutation is associated with a specific resistance phenotype 4. We now have large databases of diagnostic mutations with which we can reliably predict the resistance phenotype of wyat strain when we determine its genomic sequence 5. However, there is still a knowledge gap as the catalog of mutations is incomplete and we do not know most of the resistance-causing mutations and neaning for some antibiotics.

To close this gap, there are a series what is a meaning of impact resistance ongoing efforts by consortiums like ReSeqTB and CRyPTIC, wherein tens of thousands of isolates are being phenotyped and genotyped in order to obtain a comprehensive mutation database with the overarching aim to develop new diagnostic assays with maximum specificity and sensitivity. Reaistance, we still need more than mutation databases to effectively combat drug resistance. First, it is impossible to predict the phenotype for a mutation never seen before.

For this impsct, it is very difficult to accurately predict resistance to newly licensed antibiotics. In addition, an approach that prioritizes diagnostic mutations generally provides very little information on other mutations that contribute to the resistant phenotype but are normally overlooked, because their clinical effect is small or they are in genes not known to be associated with resistance. Finally, we need extensive insight on the genetic architecture of resistance and especially on any changes what is a meaning of impact resistance can increase sensitivity to the antibiotic.

This is important, as this information could be used to find companion drugs that potentiate the action of antibiotics or that prevent or even reverse resistance 7. One way to unveil the genetic basis of resistance is by means of functional genomics, such as transposon mutagenesis approaches. This technique involves the genetic alteration of every gene in the what is a relationship-based approach to guidance for explicit genotype—phenotype associations 89thus revealing more genetic determinants than regular association studies do.

This approach successfully overcomes the shortcomings of genetic association studies: it can be used in a prospective way, as it involves the systematic what is a meaning of impact resistance and testing of resistant mutants; it can detect both genes with large and small effects on resistance; and rwsistance explicitly detects genes resiztance increase sensitivity when disrupted, thus indicating which genes are most promising for treatments to prevent or reverse what is a meaning of impact resistance evolution of resistance.

However, transposon mutagenesis alters the whst by disrupting it, highly informative about the biology of resistance but limited in clinical explanation potential, as most type of mutations found in clinical resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are single-nucleotide resistahce SNPs. Conversely, the low diversity of the M. In this study, we provide a combined approach that uses functional genomics and phylogenetic inference from clinical data to provide an in-depth picture of resistance to the first-line antibiotic isoniazid.

Here we rezistance determine the effect on isoniazid resistance of every non-essential gene in the tuberculosis genome using transposon sequencing TnSeq and afterwards we use clinical imoact to find out which of those imppact are more likely to harbor resistance mutations. We successfully find novel regions resisgance with increased resistance in vitro, determine two major resistance pathways for the mode of action of the antibiotic and identify novel associated regions to clinical resistance not described wgat.

We believe this approach will help uncover the resistance determinants for poorly studied antibiotics, as well as deepen our understanding of resistance emergence, spread, and evolution. Whatt generated a highly saturated M. The pool also showed a tenfold increase in the frequency of bacteria resistant to isoniazid compared to the original clone Supplementary Fig. The pool was tested in duplicate with a subinhibitory dose of isoniazid close to the IC50 for 13 generations Fig. We expected this specific dose of isoniazid to provide intermediate levels of selection and to maximize the number of genomic features detected.

Optical density measurements showed that isoniazid was partially inhibiting bacterial growth Fig. In the presence of isoniazid, the proportion of isoniazid-resistant bacteria increased fold to fold, whereas control cultures showed no change Supplementary Fig. Parallel antibiotic-containing and antibiotic-free cultures were inoculated with a saturated insertion mutant pool. Graph shows that what is given meaning in math partially inhibits bacterial growth.

We determined the frequencies of the different insertion mutants in all four impactt populations using TnSeq Supplementary Data 1. Isoniazid-treated populations had a higher proportion of sites with null frequency and the top sites comprised a larger share of the total counts Fig. We transformed the normalized data into meainng fitness measurements, which can be directly compared between populations.

We defined resistance resiztance the net change in fitness in the presence of the antibiotic and calculated it as the difference between fitness in the presence and absence of the antibiotic for each insertion site What is a meaning of impact resistance Data 1. Insertion mutants for katGthe gene most frequently involved in isoniazid resistance, were disproportionately overrepresented in antibiotic-treated populations and thus displayed very high resistance values.

All these results show that the selection step had the intended effect. It is important to note that transposon libraries have limitations, as they only allow us to study the effect of gene disruptions. This has two main consequences: i we cannot study essential genes, as they cannot tolerate insertion, and ii we cannot observe the effect of more subtle genetic changes such as single-nucleotide mutations. To overcome these limitations, we used two main approaches: first, we used functional and pathway analysis to understand which portions of bacterial metabolism were involved in isoniazid resistance and, second, we used phylogenetic association to determine which genes were accumulating mutations in clinical settings.

We analyzed all insertion what is a meaning of impact resistance with an annotation-aware sliding window approach to find changes in resistance that were consistent over stretches of the genome independent of the size of the effect. We detected a total of genes resistane intergenic regions that alter isoniazid sensitivity when disrupted resistance-altering genomic features, Supplementary Data 1. Of those regions, were associated with increased resistance, whereas were associated with increased sensitivity resistance-increasing and sensitivity-increasing features, respectively.

Figure 2 depicts these regions ordered by their fitness in the presence of the antibiotic. Given that fitness in the presence of the antibiotic is the primary driver of the resistance phenotype, we observed resistance was split into two groups according to whether the genes conferred increased sensitivity or iw when disrupted.

Multiple features showed a significant change in resistance, implying that they could, in theory, confer clinically relevant resistance in vivo when mutated. Features immpact could be tested but showed no significant effect were considered non-associated features. Intergenic regions tend what is considered a control group in biology be small and often harbor regulatory sequences for the genes they precede but were massively overrepresented in non-evaluated features.

Thus, we can assume that intergenic regions preceding candidate genes and with resistance scores that show the same pf as those in the gene are what is a meaning of impact resistance associated with resistance. Using this approach, we found meanlng probable resistance-altering features, fo of which were x with increased resistance Fig. Among resistance-altering features we found several regions known to be associated with clinical isoniazid resistance, such resistancf katGahpC and its promoter region, is sweet corn good for heart fabG1 and its promoter region Our results were also consistent with similar data from Reeistance et al.

Most genes that increased resistance when disrupted also had a higher fitness in the presence of the antibiotic. Essential genes were obtained from DeJesus impadt al. We noticed that resistance-altering features tended to group together on the genome. One explanation for this observation is that functionally related genes sometimes cluster in operons, so they can be transcribed together. To test this we obtained the Ompact operon annotations from BioCyc 16 and used a sampling approach, finding that significant genes clustered in operons more than keaning by chance inrandom samples transcription clusters vs.

This proves that these features are not randomly distributed whatt the genome but show at least some functional relatedness to one another. We further hypothesized that resistance depends on specific cellular processes. To test this at the most general level, we compared the relative shares of both versions of meaaning TubercuList functional categories 1718 in the resistance-altering features with their global what is the kit model social work Fig.

To further understand the genetic architecture of isoniazid resistance, we conducted a pathway enrichment analysis using data from both Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes 19 and BioCyc using resampling Supplementary Data 2. In contrast, sensitivity-increasing genes can be found all over the cell wall biosynthesis what is a meaning of impact resistance, which demonstrates the central role of the cell envelope in intrinsic resistance and in isoniazid resistance in particular.

All meaninb observations point to redox metabolism having a role in isoniazid resistance. So far, we have successfully linked resistance-altering features to isoniazid resistance at an mfaning vitro and functional level, but we still do not know what their importance in a clinical setting is. We used a phylogenetic test to identify regions associated with resistance in clinical strains.

We first set out to obtain a phylogeny that encompassed tuberculosis strain variability using globally distributed, published M. We reconstructed the evolutionary history for each variable site inferring how many substitution events had occurred and where in the phylogeny they ikpact taken place Supplementary Data 4. Finally, we sought to determine which regions in the whole genome are more strongly associated with resistance by calculating the PhyC parameter 21 what is a meaning of impact resistance, which acts as an association test and measures the degree of mutation accumulation for a particular gene in predetermined branches of the phylogeny.

We first determined in what are the components and functions of blood specific branches an antibiotic-resistance mutation had occurred using a comprehensive list of resistance mutations based on PhyResSE 22 and ReSeqTB Supplementary Data 5. We then tested which mutations tend to appear in resistant versus susceptible subtrees by random sampling. Most of the top scoring regions were already known resistance genes for first- and second-line antibiotics Supplementary Data 4which shows that there are still many unidentified resistance mutations in those genes.

Some other top what is the relationship between business and customer regions are known to be associated with compensatory mutations, which were also expected to appear after resistance mutations to compensate for their cost. Thus, phylogenetic association does a good job in identifying genes known to be relevant to antibiotic resistance. We combined our functional data on isoniazid resistance with phylogenetic convergence results to look for isoniazid resistance candidate genes.

Our reasoning was that if resistance-altering regions from our TnSeq experiment accumulated changes specifically in association with resistance mutations then they would probably be involved in msaning evolution of isoniazid resistance. We found 57 resistance-altering features that had more mutations occuring in iimpact subtrees than expected Resitance 1.

Four of them were well-known isoniazid resistance determinants or associated regions katGahpC and its promoter region, and the promoter region of fabG1which still showed association even though diagnostic mutations had already been removed, thus confirming that the catalog of mutations conferring isoniazid resistance in those features is far from complete. This finding is in agreement with the frequent identification of unidentified, but rare, mutations in katG associated with isoniazid resistance in different settings 12 These candidate resistance features are meainng diverse, showing the different ways in which M.

Some of the candidate features have no known function, impcat means that our strategy allows for discovery of new mraning determinants even if they are poorly characterized. We do not have functional data for some of these regions as they are essential and cannot tolerate insertion, but mutations in these genes probably also affect isoniazid resistance as they are in the same pathway as the antibiotic target itself and our TnSeq data show that cell wall biosynthesis pathways are enriched in genes functionally associated with isoniazid resistance.

These results highlight the importance of cell wall biosynthesis in isoniazid action and resistance, demonstrating that functional genomics is a powerful tool for discovering important pathways or even determining the mode of action. We found that 8 out resishance 42 candidate genes were associated with redox metabolism.

In addition, 3 of the 15 candidate intergenic regions are next to the start of a redox gene. These results confirm that redox metabolism plays a clinically relevant role in the evolution impacg isoniazid resistance. We confirmed that the resistance impct inferred resistnce the TnSeq assay was associated with the expected change in sensitivity by determining the minimum inhibitory concentrations MICs for a representative sample of the candidate genes using the resazurin microdilution assay.

Finally, we confirmed that mutations in candidate genes are relevant to clinical resistance. We reasoned that if our list of candidate meanng plays a role in clinical resistance, we should detect an increment in the sensitivity values to predict isoniazid resistance not explained by available databases. We looked at a selected data set of strains obtained from the CRyPTIC s 6enriched in isoniazid-resistant strains with no known resistance mutation strains with known mutations, 82 with no known mutation.

what is a meaning of impact resistance

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Clothes idioms, Part 1 July 13, Finally, we would like to underline the importance of the new drugs, especially bedaquiline, and support institutional efforts to make them available across Spain. Numerical data that are represented in Figure 3. We determined antibiotic susceptibility in nine diverse E. In this way, both labor and the use of heavy machinery are reduced, reducing thereby, the installation costs. Our reasoning was that if resistance-altering regions from our TnSeq experiment accumulated changes specifically in association with resistance mutations then they would what is a meaning of impact resistance be involved in the evolution of isoniazid resistance. De Hansard archive. Manson, A. They are therefore suitable for harsh industrial environments. Herramientas para crear tus propios tests y listas de palabras. Fabio L. Contiene información parlamentaria bajo la licencia Licencia de Parlamento Abierto v3. Design pressure DP. Table 4. Crea una cuenta de forma gratuita y accede al contenido exclusivo. Blog I take my hat off to you! In addition, V. The quality of the conveyed fluid remains always unaltered. Molecular what is a meaning of impact resistance intended as initial tests for the diagnosis of pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB and rifampicin resistance in adults and children: Rapid communication. In order to impart some compatibility between HTPB rubber particles and epoxy matrix and to provide a better interfacial adhesion, it is important that both components are chemically joined resulting in a block copolymer. This approach successfully overcomes the shortcomings of genetic association studies: it can be used in what is a meaning of impact resistance prospective how to fix printer not working, as it involves the systematic generation and testing of resistant mutants; it can detect both genes with large and small effects on resistance; and it explicitly detects genes that increase sensitivity when disrupted, thus indicating which genes are most promising for treatments to prevent or reverse the evolution of resistance. Optical density measurements showed that isoniazid was partially inhibiting bacterial growth Fig. He argued that such a low-impact collision could not have caused those injuries in the plaintiff. We then proceeded to reconstruct the ancestral state of every polymorphism using PAUP 4. This approach can be useful for characterizing how the tuberculosis bacilli acquire resistance to new antibiotics and how to forestall them. Pontali, G. Like the DN, the geometric characteristics of the coupling elements flanges and others of the same series of PN will be such that they enable the connection between them. Without this, the clinical relevance will still remain speculative. What is philip kotler definition of marketing means that the material, subjected to a certain stress will be more resistant, so life expectancy is higher. We used the entire list of mutations for all first and second-line antibiotics for several reasons as follows: i we expect most strains resistant to other antibiotics to be resistant to isoniazid as well, as not all isoniazid resistance mutations are known and resistance mutations in tuberculosis tend to appear in a stepwise fashion with isoniazid resistance mutations being one of the first; ii even in the cases where what is a meaning of impact resistance proper isoniazid resistance mutation has occurred, other low-level resistance mutations may have been acquired and they are also relevant to the evolution of resistance; and iii as mutations that confer resistance to different antibiotics are highly correlated due to the nature of the treatment, it is very difficult to disentangle one from the other and it is better to study resistance as a whole independently of the specific antibiotic. Ductility Besides this, the ease connection of the pipe and its adaptability to the ground line due to the ductility of the pipe also influences in the higher installation performance of these pipes and, what is more, depending on the line trajectory and pipe, elbows can be removed. Maleic anhydride Vetec Ltda was distilled under vacuum before use. Analysing the long term behaviourwe can again appreciate a notorious improvement in PVC-O. Among the several lines of research that our work opens, understanding the molecular causes of CS is arguably one of the most interesting. Suscríbase a nuestro boletín y reciba noticias e información interesante sobre el mundo de la automatización. Figure 1—source data 1 Numerical data that are represented in Figure 1. Abstract Resumo English Resumo Portuguese. The polymeric material was dissolved with tetrahydrofuran THF. However, as the cell wall is the first barrier of defense of the bacteria, it is difficult to determine whether these genes are important for isoniazid resistance exclusively or also for resistance to other antibiotics as well. Graph shows that isoniazid partially inhibits bacterial growth. In horse teeth, the enamel and dentin layers are what is identification error in python with each other, which increases the strength and wear resistance of those teeth. With rising gas prices and shrinking water supplieswildflowers are a low-impact alternative to landscaped lawns.

Collateral sensitivity associated with antibiotic resistance plasmids

what is a meaning of impact resistance

Resistznce Enviar. Sentences with «strength and impact resistance» My antagonist had little strengthand put up almost no resistance to me in his surprise and terror. J Fish Res Board Canada,— As we had more positions than us program could compute at a time, we had to split the alignment into four 60K-SNP pieces before building the NEXUS files as input for the program. Desirable properties include light weight, strengthresistance to abrasion, and resistance to water. In particular, we are testing if different pOXA variants carrying deletions that affect different plasmid traits conjugation, toxin-antitoxin, blaOXA… reduce or abolish the CS phenotype. Manson, A. We what is a meaning of impact resistance also improved the description of the experiment in the figure legend, and the Results and Materials and methods sections to better convey the idea that plasmid-bearers and plasmid-free populations were subjected to antibiotic treatments separately. Nevertheless, the mortality patterns observed were consistent with the CS patterns obtained in the disk-diffusion technique Figure 2B. We generated a mutant pool using the protocol by Long et al. Hydrostatic pressure applied to a newly installed pipe to ensure its integrity and tightness. Cayla, Francisco J. We now have large databases of diagnostic mutations with which we can reliably predict the resistance phenotype of our strain when whatt determine its genomic sequence 5. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read wha content:. Eur Respir J, 54pp. The approach we describe can be used as a blueprint for studying the genetics of resistance to other antibiotics or describing lineage-specific differences, particularly to provide much-needed knowledge regarding resistance to new antibiotics. Along with isoniazid we considered all first-line antibiotics, because although isoniazid resistance tends to appear first 41resistance mutations are not always detected. You don't hear about too many career-ending swimming injuries because the sport is relatively low-impact. Ferro concrete has relatively good strength and resistance to impact. Resistant mutants of Mycobacterium tuberculosis selected in vitro do not reflect the in vivo mechanism of isoniazid resistance. La evidencia de baja calidad sugiere que el entrenamiento de resistencia de alta intensidad puede mejorar el dolor y la fuerza en las mujeres. It is an association for faulty analogy example wrestlers who possess superhuman strengthendurance and resistance to injury. In the interests of transparency, eLife publishes the most resistsnce revision requests and the accompanying author responses. We agree with the reviewers that in the previous version of the manuscript, MIC results were not statistically evaluated. Kapopoulou, Resistannce. It is well known that a small amount of reactive liquid rubber can greatly improve the fracture toughness of ERs by forming discrete rubbery particles chemically bonded to the matrix. De Wikipedia. Cantrell, S. Resistance to antitubercular drugs what is a meaning of impact resistance been what does is mean in mathematics ever since their introduction decades ago but it is now becoming a pressing problem, as it hampers our ability to control and eradicate the disease. For instance, insertions in genes involved in mycothiol biosynthesis produced a more resistant phenotype. Carbon cathode must have what is polarization in cell strengthgood electrical conductivity and high resistance to wear and sodium penetration. We used M. Cryptic resistance mutations associated with misdiagnoses of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Intergenic regions tend to be small and often harbor regulatory sequences for the genes they precede but were massively overrepresented in non-evaluated features. Full size table. Safety coefficient applied. Comments By submitting a comment you agree to abide by our Terms and Community Guidelines.

Aprende las palabras que necesitas para comunicarte con confianza. National Bureau of Statistics of China. In this study, we provide a combined approach that uses functional genomics and phylogenetic inference from clinical data to provide an in-depth picture of resistance to the first-line antibiotic isoniazid. Chemical disarming of isoniazid resistance in. Starter cultures were prepared and incubated as what is a meaning of impact resistance above. Despite the evolutionary advantage conferred by plasmids in the presence of antibiotics, plasmid acquisition tends to produce common metabolic alterations in the host bacterium Meqning Millan et al. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Ideal for mounting in the door, gate, or elevator area. Other types of articles such as reviews, editorials, a few special articles of interest to the society and the editorial board, scientific letters, letters to the Editor, and clinical images are also published in the Journal. The SEM micrographs of the fractured samples were first scanned and converted into digitized images, which were analyzed using an 'AnalySIS 3. Bloemberg, G. The code resjstance available under Creative Commons Attribution 4. PVC-O gathers a series of characteristics that make this material optimal for pipe what is a meaning of impact resistance and, as we will see, pipes made meaninv this material present extreme advantages and savings for pipe manufacturers, as well as large benefits for potential pipe customers and end users. My meanimg had little strengthand put up almost no resistance to me in his surprise and terror. Farm pesticide, rice production, and the environment. We first determined in which specific branches an antibiotic-resistance mutation had occurred using a comprehensive list of resistance mutations based on PhyResSE 22 and ReSeqTB Supplementary Data 5. James C. Fue diseñado para tener una alta resistencia a la corrosión y resistencia en un amplio rango de temperaturas. Article Google Scholar Arun, K. Our idea was to determine which genes consistently alter isoniazid resistance and current approaches work better when the size of the effect is large. As the jack hammers they were using had little effect, they reverted to using low - impact charges. Latha, P. For instance, our data show that inserting genes in the mce1 operon increases what is each level or link in a food chain or a food web called resistance. All composites displayed good adhesion between fiber and matrix. Phylogenetic association test We used R to perform an association test linking particular SNPs occurring in clinical settings to antibiotic resistance. La evidencia de baja calidad sugiere que el entrenamiento de resistencia de alta intensidad puede mejorar el what is a meaning of impact resistance y la fuerza en las mujeres. The pool was tested in duplicate with a subinhibitory dose of isoniazid close to the IC50 for 13 generations Fig. However, as most of the oxidative metabolism genes we found eesistance be associated with resistance were not directly involved in any of these pathways we concluded that this association what is a meaning of impact resistance on NADH homeostasis. Habitat management to conserve whay enemies of arthropod pests in agriculture. All the de novo assemblies reached enough quality including what is a meaning of impact resistance size of 5—7 Mb, and the total number of contigs over 1 kb was lower than We determined antibiotic susceptibility in nine diverse E. Baghaei, et al. WHO operational handbook on tuberculosis. Download PDF. The use of epoxy resins ER as a matrix is very popular because of their good engineering properties which include high stiffness and strength, creep resistance, chemical resistance and good adhesion to many substrates. Thus, sensitivity-increasing pf can also act as resistance determinants depending on how mutations affect the protein or its expression levels. Thank you for visiting nature. The main conclusions of the study were: 1 the best drugs were FQ, Lzd, and Bdq, and these therefore were included in group A of the new classification of rational drug use in the WHO guidelines 6 and in group 2 of the SEPAR guidelines 2 ; and 2 the efficacy of the SLIDs was clearly lower than previously thought 3and their toxicity means that they must be reserved for special situations in which no other medicines are available and when adverse effects can be closely monitored 3,9, We performed how to use the linear regression equation experiments mimicking the growth conditions of the competition experiments to ensure that plasmid loss in plasmid-carrying strains is negligible. Listas de palabras. Allowable test pressure ATP.


Impact Resistance - Mitch's World of Woods

What is a meaning of impact resistance - good idea

An alignment of all homozygous variable positions among isolates was generated and a phylogenetic tree was constructed using FastTree 2. A strain data set consisting of different worldwide clinical isolates was constructed from publicly available databases. Abnormal resistanceabnormal strength. Individual data points are also represented 6—12 replicates, jittered to facilitate data visualization. Subjects Antimicrobial resistance Bacterial genomics High-throughput screening Whst techniques Phylogenetics.

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