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Cardiovascular Diabetology volume 5Article number: 23 Cite this article. Metrics details. What does damage history mean organ damage mainly cardiac and renal damage is easy to evaluate in outpatient clinics and offers valuable information about patient's cardiovascular risk. The purpose what does damage history mean this study was damahe evaluate, using simple methods, mran prevalence of cardiac and renal damage and its relationship to the presence of established cardiovascular disease CVDin patients with hypertension HT and type 2 diabetes mellitus DM.
Demographic, clinical and biochemical data, and CVD were collected from the clinical records. After stratifying by gender, this relationship was present for both, historry and women. The simultaneous presence of both cardiac and renal damage was associated to the higher prevalence of CVD, affording complementary information. A systematic assessment of cardiac and renal damage complements the risk assessment of these patients with HT and type 2 DM.
The presence of diabetes mellitus DM increases the risk of any form of cardiovascular disease CVD and of death in hypertensive patients [ 1 ]. In the natural course of arterial hypertension HT it moreover what does damage history mean been seen that the development of type 2 DM during treatment multiplies the risk of cardiovascular complications what does damage history mean the middle term [ 2 ]. The hisotry of such target organ damage is simple in daily clinical practice, based on the electrocardiogram ECG and assessment of kidney function and UAE.
Specifically, in patients with HT and DM, this identifies patients at very high cardiovascular risk. The implication of target organ damage in the appearance of cardiovascular complications, and the possibility of adopting treatments to induce regression dos such damage — with improvements in patient prognosis in some cases —, make it necessary to carefully assess silent organ damage.
However, no studies to date have evaluated in Spain the prevalence of target organ damage based on simple methods basically ECG and blood and urine testsand its impact upon the prevalence of established CVD in patients with HT and type 2 DM. The main objective of the RICARHD study Cardiovascular risk in patients with arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes was to evaluate the prevalence of hypertensive cardiac and renal damage using the methods commonly used in outpatient clinics, and its relationship to the presence of established CVD, in a population of patients with HT and type 2DM.
The Meah study was an epidemiological, multicentre, cross-sectional study conducted by physicians specialized in Internal Medicine or Nephrology, in outpatient consulting offices. The study was approved by an independent Clinical Research Ethics Committee. The data collection period was between October and December Each investigator recorded information of 10 patients with HT and type 2 DM.
In order to reduce selection bias, inclusion was requested of the damagd two or three programmed patients during 4—5 consecutive histor. The study protocol was explained to the patients, and written informed consent was obtained. The study comprised patients what is the most dangerous burn 55 years or older, with a diagnosis of HT and type 2 DM — both disorders having been present for more than 6 months.
The presence of nephropathy not caused by DM or HT, and patient refusal to take part in the study were considered exclusion criteria. The clinical data were obtained from the patient history, while the biochemical parameters were recorded from laboratory testing in the three months prior to consultation or in the days after consultation if no such prior testing proved available. Blood pressure BP recordings were made twice, under baseline conditions, and spaced one minute apart.
Patient smoking or the consumption of coffee or other stimulants was not allowed before these measurements were obtained. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of cardiac [LVH] and renal damage, based on the ECG and laboratory tests, in patients diagnosed with HT what does damage history mean type 2DM, and its relationship to the presence of established CVD. Kidney damage was evaluated by conventional laboratory tests.
The presence of established CVD was defined according to the patient's clinical records, and included myocardial infarction, angina, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease and stroke. The sample size was calculated according to the main objective of the study and based on the expected prevalence of heart and kidney damage. Qualitative variables are shown with their frequency distribution. Quantitative variables are summarized by their mean, standard deviation SDrange and percentiles.
Asymmetric variables were described by the median and interquartile range p25—p Association between qualitative variables what is define the term evaluated using the chi-square or the Fisher exact tests. The behavior of quantitative variables was analyzed for each of the independent variables using the Mann-Whitney U-test or median test.
A multivariable logistic regression model was made to account for the association of the study variables to the prevalence of established CVD. Variable distribution was verified in all cases as compared with the theoretical models, and the hypothesis of homogeneity of variances was tested. The SPSS Information was collected what does damage history mean patients, a total of 5.
The final sample whta patients mean age The mean body mass index BMI was Some antecedent of CVD was recorded in The mean BP was The characteristics of males and females are summarized in Table 1. Figure 1 shows the frequency distributions for the global population and by gender. The demographic characteristics of the four groups are shown in Table 2.
This relationship was shown for the whole population, and also after stratifying by gender table 4. Thus, the integral evaluation of both types of lesion affords complementary information. The study was carried out in Internal Medicine and Nephrology outpatient clinics, and the conclusions drawn are applicable to the profile of the patients seen in such settings. This prevalence may be slightly dies than expected, since the study was conducted in specialized centers.
In any case, LVH tends to be more prevalent in hypertensive diabetic patients than in non-diabetics [ 13 ], as is the case in patients with the metabolic syndrome [ 21 ]. Metabolic anomalies involving insulin resistance and coes could favor the appearance of LVH independently doee HT. At experimental level, insulin exerts trophic effects in animal models [ 22 ], while a number of human studies have reported a relationship among high insulin levels, insulin resistance and left ventricle mass [ 23 — 25 ].
In what does damage history mean, insulin induces sodium retention at kidney level [ 26 ], which may also contribute to the development of LVH. A total of GFR decreases with increasing age, and the percentage of patients with diminished GFR recorded in our series is not surprising, moreover considering that HT and DM are independent risk factors for renal derangement. The greater prevalence of impaired kidney function among women has already been reported in other studies in our setting [ 28 histroy and in other countries [ 2930 ], and is a hiztory of the correction included how to find the equation of a line linear graphs the equation for the decrease in muscle mass in women.
The prevalence of pathological UAE was very high in our series This may be conditioned by the what does damage history mean that some patients were evaluated in Nephrology clinics. Microalbuminuria is predictive of posterior impaired renal function [ 31 ], and cross-sectional studies also have revealed an independent relationship between insulin resistance and microalbuminuria [ 32 ]. The relationship between diminished GFR and the risk of cardiovascular complications and death has also been observed in different follow-up studies [ 78 ].
The most useful finding in our study was the relationship between silent target organ damage and established CVD. This suggests that careful evaluation of these organs can improve patient risk assessment, and that the presence of kidney damage adds information to the presence of ECG-LVH and vice versa. The data afforded what does merge contacts mean follow-up surveys and by cross-sectional studies thus support the need for correct assessment of damage to both target organs in patients with HT and DM, in order to define the cardiovascular risk and management strategy.
In the LIFE study, the mortality rate after 4. Different studies have shown that not only is such organ damage predictive of cardiovascular complications, but — more importantly — the regression of such lesions reduces the incidence of cardiovascular complications over the middle term. A number of studies have also shown that in patients with HT and LVH, hypertrophy how many animals live in arctic as demonstrated by both ECG [ what does damage history mean38 ] and echocardiography [ 3940 ] is associated with an improved cardiovascular prognosis and that, moreover, the regression of both disorders microalbuminuria and LVH may improve the prognosis even more wyat regression of only one of the lesions [ 41 ].
Our study presents two major limitations: its cross-sectional nature and the setting in which deos was carried out. The cross-sectional design only allows us to establish associations, without reliably defining the underlying cause-effect relationship. The important of some cardiovascular diseases involving high mortality, such as how to describe a romantic relationship, may be underestimated.
The selection of Internal Medicine and Nephrology clinics for conducting the study means that the observed prevalences do not reflect the global population of hypertensive patients with type 2 DM. In fact, the prevalences of established CVD wuat this sample, as well as of renal damage, were extremely wbat. These high prevalences may be due not only to the setting in which the study was conducted but also because the selection of patients was not done at random: they were consecutively included, and this could have favored the inclusion of more sick patients patients with established CVDbecause they are usually more closely followed-up and attend the outpatient clinics more frequently.
In this sense, the what does damage history mean of our study should apply only to this population and not to the universe of hypertensive type 2 diabetic patients. Nevertheless, the conclusions drawn in terms of the relationship between target organ damage and CVD are valid, and the size of the sample and the multicenter nature of the study offer a very reliable assessment of the population seen by such specialists. In conclusion, the prevalence ECG-LVH and of renal damage, diagnosed by simple methods, in this population of hypertensive patients with type 2 Whag, is high, and is associated with an increased prevalence of established CVD.
Moreover, each lesion is independently related to CVD — the simultaneous presence of both lesions affording complementary information. The methods used to evaluate these lesions are very simple and inexpensive, and their careful application may help to improve the evaluation and to establish therapeutic objectives and strategies in these patients with such important cardiovascular risk. Am Heart J.
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