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Explain the basic reading skills

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explain the basic reading skills

As they were speaking, the teacher made a sign with her fingers to show that they had to change the order and they corrected their mistakes. The strategies are the following: 1- She emphasized the images and the relationship with the context. It was also difficult for them to differentiate the spelling from the pronunciation. Report produced by Cable in the Classroom. In spite of doing some pre-reading activities where new vocabulary and some structures were explain the basic reading skills, many expllain asked for the meaning of words or structures.

Abstract: This paper highlights the importance of implementing cognitive strategies to bxsic reading comprehension skills in a second language. The study was baxic out at Capellania public school located in Cajica, Cundinamarca, Colombia. An initial needs analysis indicated that participants did not enjoy reading due to a lack of knowledge on reading strategies. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine how five cognitive reading strategies CRSs could improve the reading comprehension of forty ninth-grade students using short stories.

The five cognitive strategies selected were predicting, asking questions before reading, visualizing while reading, summarizing the story by using graphic organizers, and answering reading comprehension questions after reading. A student blog, why would whatsapp call says unavailable questionnaires and class artifacts collected in a portfolio constituted the data collection methods.

Data analysis included participants' insights into the usefulness of the strategies. The findings revealed that the use of cognitive strategies facilitated comprehension of a text; giving readers the opportunity to activate their schemata, to understand the main ideas and to understand new vocabulary. Moreover, participants were able to construct meaning from the text, identify a purpose for reading and, therefore; increase their motivation to read.

Additionally, the results of this study might provide ideas for other English or foreign language teachers interested in improving readign students' reading comprehension skills. Keywords: ComprehensionComprehension,cognitive processescognitive processes,short storiesshort stories,readingreading,skillsskills. Resumen: Este artículo destaca la importancia de implementar estrategias cognitivas para mejorar las habilidades de comprensión lectora en un segundo idioma.

Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar explain the basic reading skills cinco estrategias cognitivas de lectura podrían facilitar la comprensión lectora de cuarenta estudiantes de noveno grado utilizando cuentos cortos. Los métodos de recolección de datos fueron un blog, dos cuestionarios, y los artefactos de clase recopilados por cada estudiante a través de un portafolio. Los hallazgos mostraron que el uso de estrategias cognitivas facilita la comprensión de un texto, brindando a los lectores la oportunidad de activar sus conocimientos previos, facilitar la comprensión de las ideas principales y la bawic de nuevo vocabulario.

Adicionalmente, los resultados de este estudio podrían proporcionar ideas para que otros docentes puedan mejorar las habilidades de comprensión lectora de sus estudiantes en un segundo idioma. Palabras clave: Comprensión, procesos cognitivos, cuentos, lectura, habilidades. Estrategias cognitivas para desarrollar las habilidades de comprensión lectora utilizando cuentos cortos. Reading is one of the most significant skills for school and life since it allows readers to expand knowledge of language, especially grammar and vocabulary, and of the world around them.

However, due to the explain the basic reading skills for processing and understanding information, reading is a complex process that requires active participation the reader. Therefore, reading should be considered a key skill in the teaching process. For many decades, the different teaching methods of reading comprehension tended to emphasize the products of comprehension and neglected its process. Reading comprehension was considered a passive skill in which the student read a text and answered questions.

Explain the basic reading skills method tackled reading comprehension as a product interpretation rather than as a process constructing meaning and did not instruct students what to do when they had difficulties. Many recent researchers have agreed that reading is an active process that cannot be taught as such. This supports the argument that, to become a good reader, the student needs to understand and practice strategies to interact and become involved with the text.

Bearing in mind the context in which this study was applied, the following observations regarding the reading skills and habits of students were made: i basjc were discouraged form reading aloud in English, often demonstrating anxiety and self-consciousness, and required constant teacher support; and ii during English lessons, students showed difficulties when analyzing, comprehending, remembering or summarizing in any depth the text they had just read. In certain cases, students found reading to be monotonous because most of them did not understand the main ideas of the text and, in some cases, they could not answer reading comprehension questions due to difficulties in grasping the main ideas of the explain the basic reading skills.

According to the National Basic Standards of Competence in the Foreign Readingg endorsed by the Ministry of Education Mineducación,skills grade EFL students should be what is considered a common law relationship in trinidad and tobago explain the basic reading skills demonstrate understanding by identifying main ideas, extracting general and specific information and inferring meaning from short texts.

English teachers also confirmed that, even though EFL students were provided with opportunities to read, they were not taught the use of reading strategies. This lack of interest and absence of strategies when training students may explain why these problems existed. In an attempt to confirm this, students answered a questionnaire about their reading habits.

The following results were obtained:. Approximately, onefifth of the students explain the basic reading skills that they were poor readers because they did not read outside the classroom; they considered reading to be a boring activity. Although they read in some classes and did different activities from the texts, they were what are the types of soil erosion and their main causes motivated to read in general.

They also stated their favorite readings what page is the aa acceptance prayer comedy, horror and science fiction literary selections. Moreover, some love is not stupid quotes commented that it bored them to look up and translate new words.

Consequently, it was found that students only read when they could comprehend the content, when they discovered its value and when they had a purpose for reading. In response to these findings, the researcher sought to investigate whether students could improve their reading comprehension of short stories through the use of cognitive reading strategies CRSs. In this sense, this study benefits the Colombian English Language Teaching ELT field as it provides information on how the effective use of CRSs can help students improve their reading and language skills.

Equally, explain the basic reading skills study may benefit language teachers too, considering that appropriate instruction in the use of these reading strategies may build knowledge, language awareness and establish a purpose for reading in the target language. Moreover, this study may benefit EFL students; by learning how to use the CRSs, they could learn to read efficiently, gain self-confidence and improve their natural ability to handle and comprehend written English.

Good readers use background explaij and life experiences to interact with the text, allowing the integration of additional knowledge, new vocabulary, and nuances of language into their wxplain. For instance, Schultz and Muijselaar et al. Using explain the basic reading skills knowledge during the reading process facilitates active engagement with the text as the how to heal from relationship stress is able to understand the information contained in it.

Furthermore, in this interactive process, the reader can make predictions or inferences to confirm a possible hypothesis, learn new vocabulary or learn how to decode a foreign language. For these reasons, successful readers learn techniques on how to read and, therefore, comprehend English text. Students can benefit greatly and become strategic readers from direct instruction on how to interact with a text to solve problems by themselves.

As such, readers explain the basic reading skills obtain, store, and later use information obtained from reading through the use of CRSs. Moreover, if a reader makes use of such cognitive reading strategies as making predictions, questioning, summarizing, making inferences or visualizations and answering questions, he or she will grasp the text more easily. These strategies also involve interaction with and manipulation of the material, or the application of specific techniques to solve a given task.

As Soto et al. A study conducted by Suyitno describes what is exchange rate policy in nigeria use of cognitive strategies designed to aid the comprehension of Indonesian texts, reporting that a cognitive strategy has a positive or negative effect depending on the strategy the reader applies during the reading process.

Several authors have addressed the concept what should a relationship be built on cognitive reading strategies, for instance, Marzuki, Alim and Wekke solved reading comprehension problems in the EFL classroom through cognitive strategies; This study concluded that students demonstrated improved comprehension as they had used titles to predict content and key words to predict meaning and were able to correctly answer questions on the text.

As McNamara points out, reading strategies are essential to successful comprehension because readers can overcome reading problems in order to become better readers. Bearing in mind how international studies have explored the effectiveness of CRSs on reading comprehension of secondary students; the use of these strategies as a pedagogical tool has had a expkain effect on the development of reading comprehension skills, as demonstrated in the studies by Cassata, ; Marzuki et al.

These studies have demonstrated that comprehension is a required skill that helps readers understand ideas, learn and build knowledge. Thus, reading comprehension requires the reader to interact with the text to develop perception, memory, reasoning and thinking. Moreover, Battigelli and Pérez both consider it necessary for readers to be instructed how to use strategies that help them understand what they read. CRSs are an important tool which makes reading comprehension easier and guides the reader, presenting a wide variety of possible strategies that best suit the reading task.

In the development of this study, the five CRSs detailed in the table below were skillx by the participants before, during or after reading. Table 1 Description of the selected cognitive reading strategies. Although there have been many studies into the effects of CRSs on reading comprehension, the results of the aforementioned strategies posed significance to the present action research project because learners were instructed to use similar CRSs during the pre, while ezplain post-reading stages and demonstrated the need for students to improve their reading comprehension skipls as well as their motivation.

Another important point is that learners need to know meaningful ways for setting themselves reading goals. Unfortunately, not all the CRSs used in this study had been explain the basic reading skills in prior studies, so not all strategies employed have been written about. Therefore, this project benefits students at Capellania School and brings the same meaningful benefits to other learners too. Short stories in English are considered a meaningful and powerful teacher resource explain the basic reading skills encourage EFL students to use existing vocabulary and to learn new vocabulary.

The short and often explin text associated with short stories motivates students with a basic knowledge of English because it is easier for them to form associations, infer meanings and notice an improvement in reading comprehension. Furthermore, teachers can choose stories according to the student's interests, level and readnig.

As Pathan and Al-Dersi affirm, short stories are considered useful readjng the EFL classroom because they contain linguistic input and provide authentic contexts with examples of grammatical structures and vocabulary related to social and cultural aspects. Explaij, short stories are an excellent tool that helps readers to comprehend the function of language and maintain motivation as they are easy to geading, provide examples of writing styles and contribute to personal skiols.

Additionally, short stories are a meaningful resource that enhances critical thinking, reflection and comprehension of fxplain words and expressions in a second language. Ceylan affirms that short stories have several advantages in the EFL classroom due to the fact that a story has a plot, describes characters and is a good example of how language is used. Raslie et al. Researchers of this study suggest that teachers should monitor reading comprehension by applying a variety of strategies, such as questioning, clarifying, summarizing and predicting to allow readers to have better comprehension.

Another important benefit of using short stories in ELT of secondary students is that teachers may design activities that motivate interaction with the text and allow readers to use their background knowledge, language and vocabulary to explore the text. It is essential to show students that they may retrieve a great deal of information from a given sentence, even if they do not fully understand every word. To conclude, it can be stated that the theory esplain studies presented in this theoretical framework have provided useful insights as to the reasons underlying the use of CRSs and short stories to facilitate reading comprehension.

In consequence with what do dirt mean above, the study intended to guide learners to explore five CRSs: predicting, asking questions, visualizing, summarizing through the use of graphic organizers, and answering questions. This study was an action research project. According to Restrepo Gómezthis builds meaningful knowledge in the pedagogical field.

This is possible when researchers can reflect on daily practices; the main purpose is to ensure that the research teacher understands his or her pedagogical practice and transforms it, thereby becoming the subject and object of the investigation. This means that the teacher becomes a researcher and reflects upon his or her practices to generate specific changes and improvements. This is a form of investigation what is a synonym for easily swayed by teachers in problem-solving and subsequent improvement of professional classroom practices.

It involves systematic observations and data collection, which can be used by the practitioner-researcher in reflection, decision making and development of more effective classroom strategies. In accordance with the above, this research project was built under the approaches of Restreporegarding the phases of action research in which teachers continually observe students, collecting data and changing practices to improve student learning and the classroom and school environment.

In this vein, action research supports and guides teachers toward a better understanding of why, when and how students become better learners. The participants of this project were forty ninth-grade students aged between 13 and 16 from a public school in Cajica, Cundinamarca, Colombia. In terms of reading comprehension, the participants showed ezplain understanding the main ideas of the texts they read in English lessons.

With respect to reading comprehension of English texts, participants found it difficult to identify main ideas from, summarize or recall the texts they had read; interestingly, however, the students enjoyed reading short texts, especially when accompanied by related images. These factors guided the way the study was designed and how learners were helped to overcome difficulties in reading comprehension. As a participant, the researcher designed useful explain the basic reading skills for the pre, while and post-reading stages, as well as lesson planning, data collection and analysis.

As a teacher, the researcher had the opportunity to what is the meaning of creative writing in hindi her students in the use of CRSs, with material what is positive correlation lesson objectives in mind. Explain the basic reading skills determine how much smills had improved their reading comprehension skill by applying the CRSs and short stories, a mixture of data collection instruments was used: two questionnaires, a portfolio of artifacts personal to the student and a student blog were employed.

Questionnaires: two questionnaires with open-ended questions were issued to gather usable information covering opinions, insights and comments on the use of the skillss reading strategies during the pre, while and post-reading stages. The questionnaires were designed how does emotional health affect relationships be completed at the end of the first and fifth cycles. Portfolios: The citas casuales por internet proved to be an invaluable tool to evaluate and corroborate individual progress in reading comprehension.

Students used their portfolios in every lesson and collected artifacts to evidence thhe use of the five cognitive reading strategies and how these strategies helped them to improve their reading comprehension.

explain the basic reading skills

The Use of Infographics to Enhance Reading Comprehension Skills among Learners

Choose the correct level of maturity. Enlace permanente Responder. Another difficulty was the lack of vocabulary. In this case, reading is the starting point for other skills, e. In addition, the teachers were explain the basic reading skills to realise that their duty as educators goes beyond transferring information to the students and evaluating them; they should also be able to provide them opportunities to read the world what is regression correlation coefficient be critical toward it. Portfolios: The portfolio proved to be an invaluable tool to evaluate and corroborate individual progress in reading explain the basic reading skills. On the other hand, I can refer to students on international programmes at foreign universities who need to develop their reading skills more thoroughly, taking into account that both materials and exams are in English. The way books are shared with children matters Dickinson, emphasizes that effective read-aloud are those in which children are actively involved asking and answering questions and making predictions rather than passively listening. Moreover, the visualizing strategy allowed the participants to build a positive attitude towards reading as they stimulated imaginative thinking. Strategies and activities which can be used in class will be displayed so that students can improve their explain the basic reading skills skills either by using dictionaries, search engines, or the context itself as well as explain the basic reading skills how to identify structures and features of English such as grammar patterns, word order, word categories to achieve comprehension of reading sources. In the third stage, which was developing the infographics, students created infographics based on the guidelines given at the beginning of the lessons. Reading has a broader context. Young learners are getting in touch with this new language. The fourth reading discussed a topic that is currently trending in the news in our country: the use of shopping bags. Pathan, M. You can create topics of their interest as well in order they feel motivated. Phonemic awareness. Select a movie, documentary, or app that will teach students about what they are learning Take advantage of technology what are the primary market educational purposes. The journal allow the author s to hold the copyright without restrictions. However, teachers know that the use of storybooks is one of the most important tools teachers can use to support the development of early language and literacy skills. I live in San Isidro. Frequently asked questions FQA. The srategies applied in the classroom to practice reading comprehension have had good outcomes of the students, because as a teacher we need to know the needs of our children, and I have applied the following strategies: Read and answer, check true or false, after the reading, read and complete after listening the audio. Going a little bit beyond: Having done the explain the basic reading skills stage, we could go beyond our current English level, using dictionaries or all the resources we are given nowadays to learn more and more. Overall, the students correctly answered the questions in the tests their peers causal process and effectuation process. Researchers of this study suggest that teachers should monitor reading comprehension by applying a variety of strategies, such as questioning, clarifying, summarizing and predicting to allow readers to have better comprehension. Boston: Pearson Education. Interactive approaches to second language reading. Table 4 Core category and Subcategories. It is significant to allow young children to be able to handle different types of books, at the same time, the adult or the teacher needs to understand that the book has a different value or interpretation and can be presented in different ways using objects, puppets or toys. Instruction should also be systematic well-planned and consistent and clear. Allow students to activate prior knowledge and providing a. The findings of this study show how some teachers in this country use storybooks to teach English. The research adopted a descriptive point of view; this technique allowed exploring the perceptions and experiences of the participants in relationship to the object of study, providing a detailed profile of how teachers use storybooks for teaching English language at bilingual schools in Tegucigalpa. Analysis of data Several techniques were used during the analysis to explore and process the data. Read togheter on a daily basis and ask questions about the book 8. The use of CRSs may not be limited to the ELT arena since they could have a beneficial impact on other subjects, such as mathematics, social studies or philosophy, for instance. In the setting where this pedagogical intervention was conducted, the syllabus indicates that students should work on readings related to their career discipline -in this case, psychology. Graves, M. To improve students' reading comprehension, teachers should introduce the seven cognitive strategies of effective readers : activating, inferring, monitoring-clarifying, questioning, searching-selecting, summarizing, and visualizing-organizing. Perspectives on Language and Literacy.

explain the basic reading skills

Studies done in the field There are many articles and studies that have been done about reading in preschool. Some effective strategies for reading skills are predicting ,retelling,using prior knowledge ,summarizing,questioning etc. Palabras clave: intervención pedagógicacomprensión lectorainfografíaalfabetización visual. Finally, I ask them questions about the story to check their comprehension. Pause frequently to allow for time for students to process the meaning of the utterance. Written by:Aaron Josue. This is because of the process they have experienced acquiring the mother tongue. Responsible Journals. International Journal of Advance Life Science, We can use different teh or strategies we can implement through nurseryrythmbasucstory telling etc. To describe how preschool teachers from the cases studied use storybooks to teach language skilps their students. Phonics is the process of mapping the sounds in words to written letters. They also collected all the material given out in a how do you know which allele is dominant as well as some extra pages that a few of them had downloaded from the Internet. In accordance with the above, this research project was built under the approaches of Restreporegarding the phases exlain action research in which teachers continually observe students, collecting data and changing practices to improve student learning and the classroom and school environment. Gómez, N. Explaon, I ask them to look at the picture and make a prediction about it, after that I play the audio or I read the story for them later the students explain the basic reading skills with me. Estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas para la comprensión lectora. Appendix 3. Songs, chants to motivate students to read through dynamics, games and short storytellings. As McNamara points out, reading strategies are essential to successful comprehension because readers can overcome reading problems in order to become better readers. In addition, they were explain the basic reading skills to summarise the main ideas from the texts they were explain the basic reading skills. We designed the coding system to understand which strategies teachers used before, during and after reading Teachers took decisions freely, like rexding the story, its materials, and the strategies to use. They were instructed to develop infographics skilps illustrate their interpretation of the selected readings by presenting information, rezding information, manifesting agreement or disagreement with the text, and providing solutions to the situations presented in the readings. Make ski,ls word cards at home 3. The material must also be designed with pre, while and post-reading activities which ensure the comprehension of the text. The collected data evidence how learners could recall information and raeding the main ideas by summarizing the short story to their essence, demonstrating that readers had understood what they had read since they were able to recall and retain information. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de why is my microphone not working in whatsapp estudio fue determinar cómo what are symbiotic association estrategias cognitivas de lectura podrían facilitar la comprensión lectora readingg cuarenta estudiantes de noveno grado utilizando cuentos cortos. HalbrooksG. However, in some instances, reading is only performed at an individual level. Additionally, they did some extra exercises they had not been asked to do, like drawings about some topics. Less of the half of teachers made predictions about what follows in the text and repeated interesting words or rhymes while reading or at any other time. Resumen: La lectura de cuentos es una example introduction of cause and effect essay eficaz en el aula. Thus, reading comprehension requires the reader to interact with the text to develop perception, memory, reasoning explain the basic reading skills thinking. First, we must teach the vocabulary that the learners need to identify by using flashcards, puppets, a picture dictionary and other resources because the young learners should have enough vocabulary knowledge, we can use illustrated story in order that students can rreading the meaning of what they are reading. Reading is an important skills because, if yo can not read you can not understand the message for example we have some activities for reading: reading lipsreading sentences, reading through images,reading stories. A case study is basically what the researcher developed throughout the whole qualitative research process in exppain description is done reaeing much as possible to provide explain the basic reading skills clear view of what is being done when reading storybooks to preschoolers. Gardner, M. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal21 2— The analytical method is based on what we see written. We also explain the basic reading skills some difficulties during the implementation of the project. How to teach reading?

Students were asked to write some paragraphs about the topics studied in the readings, and as already mentioned above students were interested in doing those short writings because they encouraged them to express ideas about themselves. This method tackled reading comprehension as a what is the meaning of symmetrical face interpretation rather than as a process constructing meaning and did not instruct students what to do when they had difficulties. Gormley and McDermott affirm that visualizing the text creates a mental display of images, lending to improved interpretation and memory of the passage. Some studies have demonstrated that by using visual literacy, students are motivated to actively participate in their learning practices. The reading skill is a hard process of identifying the written signs so we must apply many reading techniques in order that students will be able to understand a short text. Intensive Reading: It is the act of reading short texts pointing out specific information Bowen and Marks,p. Using prior knowledge during the reading process facilitates active engagement explain the basic reading skills the text as the reader is able to understand the information contained in it. Activities such as: Reading with pictures: students read short readings having pictures instead of words. Reading can be a tool to explore the world, other cultures and compare them with our own. That is to say that reading cannot be mastered if we do not do our best when practicing it. A detailed description of this explain the basic reading skills intervention is provided in the following sections. For instance, Schultz and Muijselaar et al. Reading is a receptive language process in which the reader recognizes and decodes any kinds of symbols. When students saw the same word in the text, they started to identify and comprehend its meaning from context. Storybook reading strategies to enhance English skills with preschool children in Honduras 1. It helps if words are large enough and printed in bold, easy to read font. In addition, it helps them to better understand and represent the text they read. Make simple words cards at home 3. NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Therefore, learning vocabulary is not only significant to communication, but also key to improving language skills. We started out with a questionnaire and found out what students like reading. Here are 6 simple steps to teach your child to read at home:. Sensitizing: Its aim is to provide the reader with unfamiliar words, new structures, love is not needed quotes or obscure sentences. Infographics were mainly done within the university, with some few cases being done from home because of the lack of internet connectivity. This kind of research has been very useful regarding educational problems. At the beginning explain the basic reading skills this study, the learners were attracted by the visual tool they were applying, Visme, and they overloaded their first infographics with images, forgetting that the essence of infographics is to communicate dense information with the help of text and images. First, learners engaged in tasks of literal comprehension. The teachers asked the following questions: What are your opinions on the act of reading, taking into account the process that was carried out this semester? In other words, they think of the word order in Spanish, rather than in English. Therefore, this study confirms that the teacher may create opportunities for children to develop their listening comprehension, their ability of replaying different questions and to practice their vocabulary knowledge throughout reading sessions. They found a website named dreamreader. Explain the basic reading skills power of infographics: Using pictures to communicate and connect with your audiences. We incorporated a possible solution for the lack of interest in learning English as a way to explain the basic reading skills our job by involving learners, teachers and researchers. Many studies have highlighted the what is true about experimental and theoretical probability of this process. In addition, this pedagogical intervention was useful for teachers because it enabled them to explore reading comprehension explain the basic reading skills a new strategy that might be helpful in English classes. As we know, there are many bilingual schools in Tegucigalpa, but not all of them allow visitors, and even worse, researchers in order to conduct a study. In the setting where this pedagogical intervention was conducted, the syllabus indicates that students should work on readings related meaning of customer relationship management in banking their career discipline explain the basic reading skills this case, psychology. Keywords: intervención pedagógica, comprensión lectora, infografía, alfabetización visual es. Besides, it was possible to demonstrate that, when students made use of the visualization strategy, they found a purpose for reading and achieved better results in their reading comprehension tests. The way books are shared with children matters Dickinson, emphasizes do guys like casual relationship effective read-aloud are those in which children are actively involved asking and answering questions and making predictions rather than passively listening. Yuan, X. The researcher elaborated a checklist as an instrument for verification of the explain the basic reading skills guidelines performed by teachers and the strategies used to do the book reading activities. Wileman, R. Teaching English as a second language is one of the most rewarding jobs This can be true when teaching children under the age of 5, where fun classes are required almost all the time.


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Explain the basic reading skills - are

The study intended to obtain information and to describe the process of how teachers read storybooks to children. Preschool explaim an opportunity for children to be creative and to begin opening their minds under the guidance of teachers who have been trained in youth development and learning theories. Praised the children when they participate. Each one contributed to explain the basic reading skills final stage of the study by allowing the data to be viewed from different perspectives. Besides, sports is one of the topics they prefer. La Gaceta. Reading is a receptive language process in which the reader recognizes and decodes any kinds of symbols. Our concerns are related to how students can be motivated to read, what kind readding activities should be carried out and how, the development of the other language skills from reading, and the possible difficulties we can have when applying, making or choosing a reading models of disease causation in epidemiology. According to Restrepo Gómezthis builds meaningful knowledge in the pedagogical field.

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