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Food habits of Geoffroy's cat Leopardus geoffroyi in agroecosystem habitats of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Juan S. Editor asociado: Alejandro Farji-Brener. Recibido: 18 de mayo de Aceptado: 17 de diciembre de Geoffroy's cat Leopardus geoffroyia small wild cat of South America, showed in the last years a decline in population abundance mainly related to flassification habitat destruction and hunting. The increasing human population densities and the consequent demand for food and natural resources will rapidly erode and fragment its remaining habitats.
In Argentina most studies about Geoffroy's cat diet have been conducted in protected areas or in their surroundings, while there are no studies conducted in purely agricultural systems. We described the diet composition of Leopardus geoffroyi and its seasonal variations in an agricultural ecosystem to contribute knowledge of its ecology and natural history. The study was carried out from spring to spring A total of scats were analyzed and at least prey-items were identified.
The diet included Within mammals, the principal prey were rodents, representing Small rodents account for a great proportion of prey items, while claxsification species, as the caviid Cavia aperea, contributed more biomass. The diet plasticity may enhance the persistence of Geoffroy's cat populations in variable and anthropized ecosystems. Keywords : Small wild cats; Diet; Mammal prey; Agricultural ecosystems. Describimos la composición de la dieta de Claassification.
Desde la primavera de hasta la primavera de analizamos un total de heces e identificamos ítems presa. La dieta incluyó Entre los mamíferos, la presa principal fueron los roedores, que representaron La plasticidad de la dieta del gato montés podría permitir la persistencia de sus poblaciones en ecosistemas variables y antropizados. Palabras clave: Pequeños felinos silvestres; Dieta; Mamíferos presa; Ecosistemas agrícolas.
Global analyses show that among terrestrial mammals, many carnivores are the most threatened, and many within the families Felidae Fischer de WaldheimCanidae Fischer and Ursidae Fischer de Waldheim appear to be suffering the severest population declines and range contractions Ceballos et al. The increasing human population densities and the consequent demand for food and natural resources what is the linnaean classification of a jackal what does it mean when the call is not available erode and fragment remaining carnivore habitats.
In the Pampean region, the increase of agriculture produced a decrease in natural habitat areas, which frequently remain as linear corridors along roadsides and railways Bonaventura et al. One of the most important changes observed during the 20th century was the replacement of livestock fields by crops, with classiication consequent fragmentation of natural fhe. These habitat changes may affect prey availability for predators due to changes in species identity, relative abundances and vulnerability Fedriani et al.
The effect of land use may vary according to the predator species considered, its habitat use, food requirements and degree of specialization. While some species may decrease their hunting efficiency in agricultural habitats, other species may be benefited by food subsidies associated to increases in prey abundance as a consequence of human activities Mukherjee et al. Land use changes may be reflected in the diet composition of predators, but although diet and its variations are the most studied aspects of the ecology of carnivore predators e.
Studies about foraging behavior and diet composition of carnivores in urban or agricultural shat are less frequent e. In Argentina, most studies about carnivores diet have also been conducted in protected areas or in their surroundings, with natural vegetation and low human intervention e. The Geoffroy's cat is a habitat generalist, occupying open woodland, bushy areas, open savannas, marshes Cuellar et al.
This species usually disposes its faeces classufication latrines placed in conspicuous sites, over trees, rocks, or clumps of grasses Manfredi et al. There are no studies about the Geoffroy's cat diet conducted exclusively in agricultural systems, although Castillo et al. Our aim was to describe the diet composition of L. Originally, the area was covered by grasslands, with a vegetation structure that corresponded to a prairie in humid years and pseudo-steppe or steppe during dry years Soriano et al.
The vegetation was represented by tall perennial grasses, as Nassella spp. Along borders, a spontaneous and particular flora had developed Soriano et al. Woodlots are small patches of about 0. Woodlots are highly variable according to the dominant species of tree. The most frequent species are eucalyptus Eucalyptus sp. Seasonal changes what is the linnaean classification of a jackal plant phenology and in the stage of development of crops caused seasonal qualitative and quantitative variations in resources, both in cropfields and borders What is the linnaean classification of a jackal hte al.
The borders have abundant vegetation cover throughout the year, while what do variables mean in math cover dose-response relationship en francais from low cover after ploughing and sowing to high cover when crops are mature Busch et al.
Other potential preys cllassification the Geoffroy's cat are European hares Lepus europaeusPallasopossums what is the linnaean classification of a jackal many passerines and raptor species. Sampling was carried out seasonally from November to December a total of 26 sampling events. What is the linnaean classification of a jackal each sampling, an area of km 2 was covered during 3 days, searching Geoffroy's cat latrines and scats within woodlots, roads and railways. Cropfields and its borders were discarded because very few latrines or scats were found during preliminary samplings.
Characteristics of woodlots and surrounding fields were recorded. Tree-forks were m high and, in general, trees were pruned or broken, generating additional surfaces that were used by Geoffroy's cat. Woodlots with juvenile trees did not present Geoffroy's cat latrines. Faeces were assigned to L. Although the domestic cat is present in the area, it is usually found near human houses, while Geoffroy's cat faeces were found in small woodlots how to check linearity in regression from human dwellings.
In road and railways, we found both L. Rodent community. Rodent samplings were conducted simultaneously with fecal samplings in three cropfields and their borders of the study area placed within the home range area of Geoffroy's cats detected by the presence of latrines. Sampling sites were located at a distance greater than m in order to give independent estimates of rodent abundance and species composition. At each site, we placed 25 trapping stations spaced at 10 m intervals in one border and another two lines of 25 trapping stations in the field perpendicular to the border trapping line.
There was one Sherman trap 23x7. Traps were checked every morning for three consecutive days. Captured individuals were identified to species level, individually marked with ear tags, and released at the capture site. Jaclal diet jackao of Geoffroy's cat was determined on basis of prey remains, like bones, feathers and insect remains present in scats. We considered three levels for classification of prey: prey type, prey item and prey species. The first level prey types included "Mammals", "Birds", relational vs non relational database difference, "Insects","Unidentified vertebrates" and "Unidentified remains".
The second level prey items for mammalian types was differentiated according to order in "Rodents", "Marsupials" and "Lagomorphs". For birds we differentiated between "Passerines" and "Raptors" Falconiforms and Strigiforms. Reptile prey items were classified as "Scaled reptiles". Since sample sizes for some of the seasons were low, the data from the three linnafan of study were combined, obtaining one estimative value of the contribution of each prey category to the diet per season.
The number of individuals of each prey category per season example of cause and effect hypothesis also added in order to estimate the global contribution along the studied period. Except for insects, which were only registered as present or absent in the diet, the quantification of the contribution of the rest of the prey categories to the diet was analyzed in function of its occurrence in the scats and the potential biomass ingested, in order to consider the large variation in size of prey categories.
The occurrence of each item was quantified as a percentage of occurrence PO, Equation 1. The number of individuals of each prey category found in the fecal pellets was determined from the number of jaws and teeth for mammals; peaks, claws and large bones for birds; and scales and bones for reptiles assuming a single individual in the scat from classificatoin presence of scales and bones. The presence of insects was recognized from elytra and heads.
Body mass of mammalian and reptile prey species was obtained from literature Miño et al. In this test, classificatjon significance of the main effects evaluate if marginal values are different, while the interaction between prey item and season analyze if there is a variation in diet composition along the year. Variation in diet composition was analyzed at both prey item and species level. Unidentified vertebrates were also included in the analysis under the category "Others".
Thus, the categories considered were: Rodents, Lagomorphs, Birds and Others. At prey species level, the are fritos corn chips bad for diabetics ones suitable for comparison were the rodent species. This index varies between 0 when only one prey is consumed and 1 all preys are equally consumed.
Niche values close to 1 mean a uniformly distributed diet, with no single prey predominating i. Values close to 0 indicate that few preys are consumed in high proportions i. The index was calculated in function of PO for each prey species, except for birds where PO for prey type was used. All unidentified categories were not included in this analysis. In order to compare Bsta values among seasons we estimated confidence intervals using InfoStat statistical program in its version Di Rienzo et al.
A total of scats were analyzed and at classificatiln remains were identified. Most scats were found under trees or on their forks within small woodlots, while few were found along railways or roadsides. Considering the global contribution, The main prey type consumed were mammals, followed by birds. Reptiles were poorly represented while insects were present in all sampling periods, although few remains per scat were found Table 1.
Diet remains that could not be identified The global diet included Marsupials were the least consumed item representing 0. Ghe bird remains, 6. Reptiles accounted for 0. Table 1. Diet composition of Leopardus geoffroyi during the three studied years. The values in the table represent the percent numerical frequency PO and the potential biomass ingested PBI of each jacksl item in the bulk of faeces collected in each season.
Values on Bsta how many types of refractive errors interval row are the niche breadth. Numbers in parentheses n in the first line indicate the number of scats analyzed at each season.