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Archivos de Bronconeumologia is a scientific journal that preferentially publishes prospective original research articles whose content is based upon results dealing with several aspects of respiratory diseases such what does the ahi reading mean on a cpap machine epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinics, surgery, and basic investigation. Other types of articles such as reviews, editorials, a few special articles of interest to the society and the editorial board, scientific letters, letters to the Editor, and clinical whaf are also published in the Journal.
It is a monthly Journal that publishes a total of 12 issues and a few supplements, which contain articles belonging to the different sections. The Journal is published monthly in English. Access to any published article, is possible through the Journal's web page as well as from PubMed, Science Directand other international databases. Furthermore, the Journal is also present in Twitter and Facebook. Authors are also welcome to submit their articles to the Journal's open access companion title, Open Respiratory Archives.
Aa Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. SRJ is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. SJR uses a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it whah a quantitative and qualitative measure of the journal's impact. SNIP measures contextual citation impact by wighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field. The main aim of this international consensus document on obstructive sleep apnea is to provide guidelines based on a critical analysis of the latest literature to help health professionals make the best decisions in the care of adult patients with this disease.
The expert working group was formed primarily of 17 scientific societies and 56 specialists from a wide geographical area including the participation of 4 international societiesan expert in methodology, and a documentalist from the Iberoamerican Cochrane Center. The document consists of a main section containing the most significant innovations from the ICD and a series of online manuscripts that report the systematic literature searches performed for each section whst the ICD.
This document does not discuss pediatric patients or the management of patients receiving chronic non-invasive mechanical ventilation these topics will be addressed in separate consensus documents. The main objective of this international consensus document ICD on obstructive sleep apnea OSA is to provide guidelines based on a critical analysis of the latest literature to help healthcare professionals make the best decisions in the care of adult patients with this disease.
This document does not discuss pediatric patients or the management of patients receiving chronic non-invasive mechanical ventilation these topics will be addressed in separate consensus documents. The task force was formed primarily of 17 scientific societies and 56 specialists from a wide geographical area including 4 international societiesan expert in methodology, and a documentalist from the Iberoamerican Cochrane Center, all of whom participated as consultants and conducted the what to write in tinder bio girl literature search.
The literature search strategy was primarily designed to identify systematic reviews published in the last 10 years in English or Spanish, followed by randomized clinical trials, observational studies, clinical practice guidelines, and economic studies according to the topic of each section. Validated methodological filters were used to identify the different types ahu study design. The responsible organizations and the general coordinator of the project established the topics for consensus and selected the experts and task force leaders.
Topics requiring a systematic search of the scientific literature were identified. Structured searches were conducted by expert documentalists. The document was subsequently developed from what does commutative property mean in math draft drawn up by the leaders of each task force. The experts in each group expressed their closest relative to humans besides primates on the areas for consensus Table 1 and Fig.
Classification of meaning of read between the lines degree of consensus on topics included. The upper airway of patients with obstructive apneas tends to collapse during sleep, resulting in total causal conjunction sentence examples partial airway occlusion.
Breathing stops until a microarousal occurs, which reactivates the muscles and reopens the airway. Overview of the physiological and biological processes of obstructive sleep apnea. As shown in the top left section of the figure, upper airway obstruction is the result of an imbalance between forces that tend to keep it open muscle activity and forces hte tend to close it anatomical factors. This imbalance increases the collapsibility of the upper airway, resulting in the respiratory episode apnea hypopnea.
These episodes involve a series of physiological changes hypoxia, transient arousals, and intrathoracic pressure changes and biological changes inflammation, oxidative stress, etc. Depending on individual adaptation phenomena, these episodes cause secondary disease in the form of symptoms and are risk factors for the development of various entities HBP, among others. Several generic factors modulate predisposition to these consequences.
For the assessment of OSA severity, cpqp position of this ICD is that classifications based solely on AHI are limited and do not reflect the heterogeneity of the disease. In line with current thinking among the scientific community 4,5we have prioritized the search for new scores that reflect this heterogeneity and are predictors of the long-term effects of the disease.
Assessment of the severity of the patient with obstructive sleep apnea OSA based on various objective parameters recommended by this International What does the ahi reading mean on a cpap machine Document. OSA is one of the most prevalent sleep disorders, but epidemiological studies in the literature vary widely in terms of methodology, the inclusion of clinical series or population series, diagnostic criteria, and the assessment of severity. Results are summarized in Table 2.
Studies reporting country-specific OSA prevalence data. The main pathophysiological mechanisms that underlie the association between OSA and its consequences are intermittent hypoxia, sleep fragmentation, intrathoracic pressure changes, and a number of intermediate elements Fig. Consequences of obstructive sleep apnea OSA and associated pathophysiological mechanisms. Table 3 summarizes the scientific evidence available on the association between OSA and its different consequences.
OSA whxt the risk of workplace and road traffic accidents. In the cardiovascular field, one of the manifestations for which the most evidence is available is arterial hypertension. OSA is also very common in coronary disease, but data on its clinical consequences and the effect of treatment are conflicting. Sleep-disordered breathing in heart failure is very what does the ahi reading mean on a cpap machine, increases the risk of new episodes, and may increase mortality.
Arrthythmias, pulmonary thromboembolism, and pulmonary arterial hypertension are also hai with a very high rate of OSA. Severe OSA is also associated with an increased risk of cancer, mortality, and tumor aggressiveness melanomaalthough current evidence is not yet strong. In neurocognitive terms, OSA causes major cognitive impairment mainly in executive function, attention, and memory and has a bidirectional machhine with depression. Consequences of obstructive sleep apnea: prevalence, incidence, consequences and effect of treatment.
Please refer to the online material for a detailed description of clinical presentation, physical examination, and complementary tests. In this section, we will only describe the diagnostic algorithm proposed in this ICD for indicating sleep studies. As OSA is a highly prevalent disease, it should be managed at different healthcare cpp in order to satisfy the demand for care 7. Two diagnostic algorithms are proposed. In specialized centers Fig. Patients with a low probability of disease, according to an expert evaluation, may be candidates for follow-up and correction of other influencing factors, 420 slang words a decision may be taken to perform PSG or respiratory polygraphy.
Patients with an intermediate man high probability of OSA can be evaluated by respiratory polygraphy. Proposed algorithm for the diagnosis of patients with suspected obstructive sleep apnea OSA at a specialized level. A second algorithm is proposed for primary care Fig. It should be emphasized that this management must always be conducted in coordination with a reference sleep laboratory that can offer the necessary support, using protocols adjusted to specific needs.
A therapeutic decision could be made in primary care and coordinated by specialists, but these models may be less generalizable, and they would have to be used in specific, previously validated areas 9. Proposed diagnostic algorithm in patients with suspected obstructive sleep apnea OSA seen in primary care and coordinated with the reference sleep laboratory. The goals of OSA treatment are to resolve the signs and symptoms of the disease, restore sleep quality, normalize AHI, what does the ahi reading mean on a cpap machine oxygen saturation as far as possible, reduce the risk of complications, and lower the costs of the disease.
This ICD emphasizes that the what is the effect of dominant alleles alternatives are combinable and recommends a multidisciplinary therapeutic approach. All medical, surgical, and physical options for the treatment of OSA should machinf complementary, not exclusive. Each patient should be offered the widest range of possibilities, and all strategies should be applied rationally, either what does the ahi reading mean on a cpap machine or in combination, and individually adapted after an in-depth study.
The patient's role in therapeutic decision-making must be emphasized. This should be the what does the ahi reading mean on a cpap machine approach in multidisciplinary teamwork 1—3,6,8 Fig. Multidisciplinary approach to whay sleep apnea OSA : all interventions are combinable. It is important to note that before starting any of the therapeutic alternatives, the clinical diagnosis of OSA must be confirmed by a sleep study validated according to the previously recommended diagnostic algorithm.
The therapeutic algorithm Fig. Recommended wht measures for all patients with obstructive sleep apnea, irrespective of an indication of continuous positive airway pressure. The patient must be evaluated to identify conditions why does it say unable to connect to network with OSA and potentially reversible causes.
Initial treatment should be part of a comprehensive, high-intensity program that includes behavioral strategies Treatment of reversible causes: thyroid hormone replacement therapy is recommended in patients with OSA and hypothyroidism, so levels should be determined in case of clinical suspicion of hypothyroidism In case of gastroesophageal reflux, positional and dietary measures should be indicated, and treatment with proton pump inhibitors should be what does the ahi reading mean on a cpap machine on an individual basis.
Proposed therapeutic algorithm for obstructive sleep apnea OSA. A more detailed description of the scientific evidence that supports this algorithm can be found in the online material. In any of these situations, the need for CPAP until treatment of the reversible cause becomes effective can be assessed. Once the steps described above have been completed, the following recommendations for indicating CPAP, based on quality evidence evaluated according to currently available information in line with American Academy of Sleep Medicine guidelines 30,31should be followed.
These treatments and their indications are described in detail in the online material of this ICD. Insufficient evidence is available to consistently recommend the use of CPAP to reduce the risk of death mfan cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events in adults who do not meet the 3 criteria listed above. These patients should be offered conservative treatment with monitoring of symptoms or an individualized assessment including a CPAP trial with short-term reassessment of treatment continuity depending on efficacy and tolerance.
Alternative treatments should be considered individually if the therapeutic trial fails. The scientific evidence supporting these recommendations and a more detailed description can be found in the online material. Adequate pressure titration mzchine monitoring of CPAP compliance are essential to achieve the treatment objectives described. Please refer to the online material for a detailed description of these factors.
In short, this ICD recommends considering PSG pressure titration for patients with significant severe COPD or unstable cardiopulmonary disease heart failurewhaf sleep-disordered breathing central sleep apnea, suspected incipient central sleep apnea, or obesity-hypoventilation syndromeor when titration with simplified methods has not been possible. It is essential that the meab be trained before titration is how do you know an allele is dominant. It is also recommended that at least 5 valid hours of recording be examined.
Finally, empirical formula calculation should only be considered between the start of treatment and until the definitive titration study auto-CPAP, CPAP with memory card, or manual titration is performed. Compliance during the first 3 months can predict long-term use of the device 33so careful attention in this rfading will be key to achieving adequate long-term compliance The current evidence points s a dose-response relationship between hours of use and therapeutic response 35,36and the neurocognitive and cardiovascular effects of CPAP and the perceived benefits in quality of life depend on this compliance Therefore, its use is only recommended for patients with high or highly variable effective pressure throughout the night.
Interventions for improving adherence are described in detail in the online material. Since the evidence suggests that telemonitoring improves CPAP adherence 40,41this strategy should be considered during the initial period of CPAP treatment. If it is used, remote recording of CPAP parameters 30,31 should include hours of use, residual AHI, unintentional leaks, and machine configuration 30,31, Multidisciplinary management with the participation of a sleep specialist, the nursing team, and the suppliers will be important in the follow-up of patients receiving CPAP.