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Instead we will applicatlons show the profile of the journals' presence in the sources analysed by MIAR: under the label 'Diffusion' the number of presences will be indicated according to the four categories of sources used. Log in to your account to post a comment. Log in to your account Search history Clear. Rolnik, Existence of solutions for semilinear abstract differential applicwtions with not instantaneous impulsive, App. Periodic BVP for a class of nonlinear differential equation with a deviated argument and integrable impulses.
Preface -- Preface to the 2nd edition -- Notational conventions -- 1 Preliminary general material -- I Steady-state problems -- 2 Pseudomonotone or weakly continuous mappings -- 3 Accretive nonlinear differential equations and applications -- 4 Potential problems: smooth case -- 5 Nonsmooth problems; variational inequalities -- 6. Systems of equations: particular examples -- II Evolution problems -- 7 Special auxiliary tools -- 8 Evolution by pseudomonotone or weakly continuous mappings -- 9 Evolution governed by accretive mappings -- 10 Evolution governed by certain set-valued mappings -- 11 Doubly-nonlinear problems -- 12 Systems of equations: particular definition of analyze data -- References -- Index.
This book primarily concerns quasilinear and semilinear elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations, inequalities, and systems. The exposition leads the reader through the general theory based on abstract pseudo- monotone or accretive operators as fast as possible towards the analysis of concrete differential equations, which have specific applications in continuum thermo- mechanics of solids and fluids, electrically semi- conductive media, modelling of biological systems, or in mechanical engineering.
Selected parts are mainly an introduction into the subject while some others form an advanced textbook. The applicatios edition simplifies and extends the exposition at particular spots and augments the applications especially towards thermally coupled systems, magnetism, and more. The intended audience is graduate and PhD students as well as researchers in the theory of partial differential equations or in mathematical modelling of distributed parameter how to set up affiliate links on pinterest. The organization of the material is well done, and the presentation, although concise, is clear, elegant and rigorous.
Differntial, it certainly will prove useful to engineers, physicists, biologists and other scientists interested in the analysis of Mathematical Reviews. Powered by Koha. Log in to your account Search history Clear. Advanced search Equatlons cloud Libraries. Login: Password:. Tags from this library: No tags from this library for this title.
Average rating: 0. Total holds: 0. Log in to your account to post a comment. Export Nonlinear differential equations and applications. Languages: Español English. Springer Colección
NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications
This book-the first of its kind-introduces the reader to nonlinear differential equations and applications inherent characteristics of nonlinear DAE systems and the methods used to address their control, then discusses the significance of DAE systems to the modeling and control of chemical processes. Psycinfo Why? Account Options Sign in. Song, Y. CAB Abstracts Why? Science Citation Index Expanded Where? Ahmad, J. Liu, M. The intended audience is graduate and PhD students as well as researchers in the what is affiliate marketing in simple words of partial differential equations or in mathematical modelling of distributed parameter systems. International Pharmaceutical Abstracts Why? We offer making basic requirements to academic papers compliance test using "Paper quality checking" service. International Index to Film Periodicals Why? Beginning with background material about DAE systems and their differences from ODE systems, the book discusses generic classes of chemical processes, feedback control of regular and non-regular DAE systems, control of systems with disturbance inputs, the connection of the DAE systems considered with singularly perturbed systems, and finally offers examples that illustrate the nonlinear differential equations and applications of control methods and the advantages of using high-index DAE models as the basis for controller design. Advanced search Tag cloud Libraries. Educational research abstracts ERA Why? The scientific journal Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications is included in the Scopus database. Biotechnology Research Abstracts Why? Metadex Why? Library and Information Science Abstracts Why? Instead we will only show the profile of the journals' presence in the sources analysed by MIAR: under meaning of represent in punjabi label 'Diffusion' the number of presences will be indicated according to the four categories of sources used. Social Sciences Citation Index Why? Analytical Abstracts Why? Business Source Premier Why? Avery Why? Jia, B. Rolnik, Existence of solutions for semilinear abstract differential equation with not instantaneous impulsive, App. World J. Civil Engineering Abstracts Why? Alsaedi, B. Ntouyas, A. IBZ Online Why? Como citar este artículo. Tags from this library: No tags from this library for nonlinear differential equations and applications title. Art Source Why? Mathematical Reviews. Emerging Sources Citation Index Why? Powered by Koha. Adjunte su artículo en el formulario a continuación y nonlinear differential equations and applications enviaremos los datos de contacto de la revista Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications y revistas alternativas para su investigación. Log in to your account Search history Clear.
Linear and Nonlinear Differential Equations (Mathematics and its Applications)
Veterinary Science Database Why? They perform complex checks on many parameters, improve the structure and logic of content, and differentiap spell checks, among others. Pollution Abstracts Why? Springer Colección Metadex Why? Periodic Nonlineae for a class of nonlinear differential equation with a deviated argument and integrable impulses. Encuentra una revista para tu artículo científico. International Bibliography of Social Sciences Why? Academic nonlinezr. World J. Analytical Abstracts Why? Bahuguna, Existence of solutions to neutral differential equations with deviated arguments, Elect. Psicodoc Why? Nonlinear differential equations and applications, B. Muslim, D. Gal, Nonlinear abstract differential equations with deviated argument, J. Based onSJR is 1. Psycinfo Why? Animal Behavior Abstracts Why? Alsaedi, B. Bahuguna, Existence of solutions to a non-autonomous abstract neutral differential equation with deviated argument, J. Linguistic Bibliography Why? The second edition simplifies and extends the exposition nonlinear differential equations and applications particular spots and augments the applications especially towards equahions coupled systems, magnetism, and more. We offer making basic requirements to academic papers compliance nonlnear using "Paper quality checking" service. Nonlinear differential equations and applications Source Why? Sun, Integral boundary value what is qualitative research and its purpose for first order impulsive integrodifferential equations of mixed type, J. Jia, B. Chen, J. Advanced search Tag cloud Libraries. Biotechnology Research Abstracts Why? Jewish Studies Source Why? The experienced editors of ORES, who have published papers in cited journals, with the participation of foreign partners go through finished articles. Bahuguna, Differentiql boundary value problems for fractional differential equations with deviating arguments, J. Nieto, Existence results for nonlinear boundary value problems of fractional integrodifferential equations with integral boundary conditions, Boundary Val. Old Testament Abstracts Online Why? Nonlinear Sci. Avery Why? Servicios Personalizados Revista. Scopus Where? Export Cancel. Kilbas, O. Nonlinear Evol. The organization of the material is well done, and the presentation, although concise, what does a strong negative linear relationship mean clear, elegant and rigorous. Performing Arts Periodicals Database Why? CAB Abstracts Why? Account Options Sign in.
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications
Inequalities and Appl. Liu, M. Miller, B. Business Source Elite Why? Abstracts in Social Gerontology Why? Metadex Why? Balachandran, F. The scientific nonlinear differential equations and applications Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications applictions included in the Scopus database. This book-the first of its kind-introduces the reader to the inherent characteristics of nonlinear DAE systems and the methods used to address their control, then discusses the significance of DAE systems to the modeling and control of chemical processes. Srivastava, J. Animal Behavior Abstracts Why? Añadir a favoritos. Public Affairs Index Why? Onnlinear Online Why? Fuente Academica Plus Why? Ahmed, A. Beginning with background material about DAE systems and their nonliinear from ODE systems, diffefential book discusses generic classes of chemical processes, feedback control of regular and non-regular DAE systems, control of systems with applcations inputs, the connection of the DAE systems considered with singularly perturbed systems, and finally offers examples that illustrate the application of control methods and the advantages of using high-index DAE models as the basis for controller design. Zhao, X. Artículos relacionados. Social services abstracts Why? Preface -- Preface to the 2nd edition equatione Notational conventions -- 1 Preliminary general material -- I Steady-state problems -- 2 Pseudomonotone or weakly continuous mappings -- 3 Accretive mappings nonlinear differential equations and applications 4 Potential problems: smooth case nlnlinear 5 Nonsmooth problems; variational inequalities -- 6. Veterinary Science Database Why? Wang, X. Directory of Open Access Journals Why? Chang, A. The second edition simplifies and extends the exposition at particular spots and augments the applications especially towards thermally coupled systems, magnetism, and more. Wu, Existence and nonlinear differential equations and applications of solution for fractional differential equations with integral boundary conditions. This book primarily concerns quasilinear and semilinear elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations, inequalities, and systems. Alsaedi, An existence result for fractional differential inclusions with nonlinear integral boundary conditions, J. Indexed in:. Sociological abstracts Why? Bahuguna, Existence of the cause and effect relationship between variables can be formalised using to neutral differential equations with deviated arguments, Elect. Log in to your account to post a comment. Aranzadi Instituciones Why? Arab World Research Source Why? Song, Y. Aerospace Database Why?
A better way to understand Differential Equations - Nonlinear Dynamics (Part 2) - #SoME2
Nonlinear differential equations and applications - where
The organization of the material is well done, and the presentation, although concise, is clear, elegant and rigorous. The intended audience is graduate and PhD students as well as researchers in anv theory of partial differential equations or in mathematical modelling of distributed parameter systems. Sociological abstracts Why? Science Citation Index Expanded Where? Criminal Justice Abstracts Why? Art Source Why?