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Evidence for a protective role of physical activity against development of stomach cancer is yet inconclusive. We studied the association of domain-specific physical activity and the risk of gastric adenocarcinoma GACby site and histology, in the MCC-Spain case-control study. Cases were recruited in hospitals from 10 different Spanish regions, whereas population controls were randomly selected within the respective hospitals' catchment areas.
Participants also reported the intensity of working PA and daily sitting time. Questionnaire data on diet, lifestyles and clinical variables including Helicobacter pylori serology were available. Adjusted odds ratios OR of GAC were estimated for domains of physical activity, stratifying by sex, site cardia vs. Household physical activity HPA showed a strong inverse association with GAC, observed for both cardia and non-cardia tumours. The protective effect of RPA was strongest for non-cardia tumours.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licensewhich permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The raw individual data of the study cannot be made freely available in a public repository because of restrictions on individual data sharing imposed by the Ethical Committees and the national legislation BOE no.
The release of the database in whole or in part would require prior approval by the Caueation of each associatino providing the data and by the Steering Committee of the MCC-Spain study. Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Regular physical activity PA has been shown to reduce the risk of gastric cancer in observational studies. Variations in risk estimates have been reported by sex largest effect in women [ 1 — 3 ], body mass index weaker association at higher BMI [ 2 ], smoking association and causation in epidemiology ppt download protection in smokers [ 2 ], or tumour location [ 1 — 3 association and causation in epidemiology ppt download, 5 ].
However, these results are based on a limited number of observational studies, and the evidence to claim a preventive effect for PA against stomach cancer is still judged as insufficient epiddemiology 5 — 8 ]. Overall gastric cancer incidence has been decreasing for decades [ 9 — 11 ]. However, tumours of the cardia region are on a steady rise [ 11 ], and stomach cancer still represents the fifth most common cancer worldwide and the third leading cause of cancer-related mortality [ 12 ].
Epideemiology, survival of gastric cancer patients is poor [ 1314 associayion. It is thus important to improve our knowledge of factors, such as PA, that may be effective in the primary prevention of the disease. However, it is yet unclear whether such recommended levels of PA could be effective in the prevention of gastric cancer, and the importance of domain-specific PA effects on health at different combinations of frequency and intensity should be further investigated [ 15 ].
The aim of this study was to gain insight into the association of domain-specific physical activity and gastric cancer risk by sex, tumour site, and histological type, in the MCC-Spain case-control association and causation in epidemiology ppt download. The MCC-Spain project is a population multicase-control study carried out between September and December in 12 Spanish regions.
Details on the study design, methods, and population characteristics have already been published [ 16 ]. Specifically, the sample for the present analysis included newly diagnosed cases of stomach adenocarcinoma and population controls between 20 and 85 years old, recruited in 10 geographically dispersed provinces throughout Spain Asturias, Barcelona, Cantabria, Granada, Huelva, León, Madrid, Murcia, Navarra, and Valencia. Eligible patients were all gastric cancer cases with histological confirmation and no prior history of the disease, diagnosed within im study period — in the participating hospitals.
The identification of cases was performed by active search through periodical visits to relevant hospital departments i. Simultaneously, common population controls were selected within the same hospitals' catchment areas of the cancer cases included in the MCC-Spain anr. Control participants were randomly selected from the general practitioners lists, and frequency-matched to the pool of cancer cases prostate, breast, oesophagus, stomach, and colon and rectum by age, sex, and region.
Assocaition controls were not directly matched to gastric cancer cases but axsociation all cancer cases included in the MCC-Spain studythe analysis was not conditional on the matching. Controls from regions not contributing gastric cancer cases and those with previous history of the disease were not included in the analysis. A structured computerized epidemiological questionnaire was administered by trained personnel in a face-to-face interview.
As for physical activity, detailed information on regular recreational activities was gathered for all participants in an open-ended manner. The questionnaire inquired about the type and historical causality examples in hours per week of activities carried out for at least 6 months during the life course, registering the age at starting and if applicable the age at quitting the practice of each activity.
Additionally, participants were also asked to report the number of weekly time dedicated to linear differential equation with constant coefficient mcqs pdf activities of light intensity e. For occupational activity, participants were requested to report and classify every job they had had as: sedentary almost exclusively sitting, without physical demandlow active some physical demand, such as standing occupations or walking short distancesmoderately active manual work without manual handling of loadsquite active physically demanding standing or walking occupationsor very active vigorous occupations involving heavy energy expenditure.
Volume of household activities was computed likewise by assigning MET values of 2. To minimise the potential of a reverse causation bias, occupational and recreational physical activity variables were defined to cover a ten-year exposure window up to the year previous to study entry years to -1, with recruitment being time 0whenever possible. For occupational activity, participants were assigned the intensity category of their longest-lasting job within the exposure time frame, or the closest to the present, in case of a tie.
When the sum dowmload working years of a participant within the evaluated period was less than five, the participant was coded as 'not working'. The questionnaire further included questions on socio-demographic data, height, weight of the previous yearfamily and personal medical history, drug use, reproductive history, smoking one-year previous to cancer diagnosis or recruitment, in controlsand lifestyle habits.
A socio-economic status score was developed as a combination of education, occupational social class, and self-reported association and causation in epidemiology ppt download socio-economic position. Diet of the previous year was assessed by means of a epidemioology, validated, semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire adapted for the MCC study by including additional items for regional products and cross-check questions [ 18 ]. Waist and hip circumferences were measured with an inelastic tape following standard procedures.
Seroreactivity against a set of 15 H. Participants with reactivity for at least 4 out of the 15 H. By site, there were non-cardia GAC, 92 GAC of the donwload junction, 14 adenocarcinoma of the lower third of the esophagus, and 13 cases with unspecified site or overlapping lesions. Physical activity variables were analysed according to specific domains: work, household, and recreational, plus sedentariness. For the recreational domain, a priori defined cut-offs were used based on general physical activity guidelines[ 20 ].
Descriptive statistics performed were based on median values and inter-quartile ranges, for continuous variables, and frequencies numbers and what is symbionts in biology for categorical ones. Tests for trend across physical activity categories were performed by assigning the median value to each level of household, recreational and sitting time variables, and including the variable as continuous in the regression model.
For occupational activity, the trend was estimated by introducing the five-category variable as an ordinal predictor in the model, excluding non-workers. Heterogeneity in OR estimates for combinations of sedentariness and recreational physical activity across levels of selected factors sex, age groups, socio-economic status, smoking, BMI, and infection by H.
The database was registered in the Is benjamin moore base 1 white Agency for Data Protection no. Median age at diagnosis was higher in cases than controls Cases were predominantly men, had lower socio-economic status, were more likely overweight, and more association and causation in epidemiology ppt download reported a family history of gastric cancer, and lower use of aseociation anti-inflammatory medication.
For physical activity variables, significant differences by case status were found when comparing the proportion of participants regularly engaging in household MCC-Spain study. Multivariate logistic regression models of total GAC by physical activity domains showed highly significant inverse associations for household and recreational PA categories Table 2. On the other hand, associations were null for occupational activity and sedentary time.
The significant database administrator role in dbms found were independent of all potential confounders considered model 3and each PA domain was further independent of all other domains evaluated model 4.
The strength of the association with RPA was slightly attenuated after accounting for BMI and dietary variables but remained, nonetheless, highly significant. The relationship of different variables for causatioon household and association and causation in epidemiology ppt download domains according to pre-specified levels of PA is presented in Table 4. Significant inverse linear trends were found for HPA or recreational walking at any pace.
Results revealed that recommended amounts of RPA were effectively associated with lower GAC risk, but only among non-sedentary participants. There was no evidence of effect modification by socio-demographic factors, smoking, BMI categories or H. The associations found were independent of a wide set of potential confounders and other physical activity domains. In stratified analysis, associations were highly consistent for non-cardia tumours, and mainly among men, what is knowledge mcq interactions with sex associqtion not significant.
On the other hand, sedentary time was not found to be a risk factor for dwonload cancer in this study. The promotion of physical activity is acknowledged as one of the hallmarks of chronic disease prevention, and an important contributor to wellbeing and healthy ageing [ 6721 ]. While guidelines encourage people to remain active in all domains of everyday life, many times practical association and causation in epidemiology ppt download or specific recommendations to the population are formulated in terms of recreational outdoor activities.
However, in the epidemiological literature there is also why isnt my device connecting to the internet for a protective effect of non-recreational PA as determinant of chronic disease risk. The strong inverse association of HPA with chronic disease adds to the accruing epidemiological evidence showing decreased risks of cancer and overall mortality at increasing levels of HPA[ 22 — 24 ].
In a more recent dose-response meta-analysis of HPA and cancer risk, Shi et al. Shi et al. However, such association was mainly dominated by studies on PA and breast cancer. Unfortunately, only two studies on gastric cancer were available for meta-analysis 1 cohort [ 25 ] and 1 case-control [ 26 ]both reporting null results. Thus, this is the first study to provide specific quantitative estimates of the association of HPA of different intensities and gastric cancer risk, with extensive adjustment for relevant confounders demographics, diet, lifestyles, family history, medication, or H.
Further studies are needed to corroborate our results. Household PA comprises a plethora casuation indoor and outdoor activities of light, moderate, or intense effort that actually represents the largest PA domain for different population groups. Such heterogeneity in HPA allowed for more powerful comparisions across exposure categories which could partly explain the larger epidemiooogy estimates found for HPA as compared to recreational activities.
Thus, sex-specific tertiles were defined to preclude a severe imbalance of the sex ratio among HPA groups. The lack of an appropriate reference group of women not engaging in HPA, and the reduced statistical power due to the fewer number what is the meaning of causality in tagalog cases, would mostly explain the null associations found in this group, as very few women had HPA levels low enough as to allow for powered statistical comparisons.
Rather, the accumulation of data supporting a protective effect of HPA on association and causation in epidemiology ppt download and chronic disease risk in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, advocates not to neglect the household dimension of physical activity either when conducting epidemiological research or when translating study results into recommendations epixemiology interventions for the population. Previous meta-analyses of case-control studies found slightly lower OR for sufficient vs.
Our results suggest that acusation of GAC through RPA should mainly rely on the promotion of moderate-intensity activities such as walking, bicycling, swimming, or home exercise rather than on RPA of higher intensity, for which we found null results. Of note, Behrens et al. Thus, while our data support moderating the intensity of RPA to get the maximal benefit, others have suggested moderating the frequency of PA for optimal prevention of gastric cancer.
The question as to whether PA effects would differ by tumour site or histological type of GAC remains elusive. Our data support previous results from large-scale aand studies [ 2527 ] showing larger effects of RPA on distal non-cardia tumours. However, a recent report by Moore et al. Even fewer investigations have considered a potential heterogeneity by histology of GAC. We have found the effect of HPA to be only significantly associated with tumours of intestinal type, while for recreational PA, similarly borderline associations were found for intestinal or diffuse types among participants in the upper vs.
The paper by Moore et al. In a previous paper with prospective data from the EPIC study [ 25 ], no significant associations in GAC risk by histological sub-types were reported, although the number of cases was also low for sub-group analyses, limiting the statistical power. To our knowledge, no other epidemiological study has addressed this association. Due to the scarcity of data, further studies with a similar words for messy room number of cases are needed that analyse the specific effect of PA by histological sub-types of GAC.
Sitting time was not associated with GAC overall or in sub-group analyses by site or histology. Associations were null also dowhload considering working days and weekends separately data not shown. There is only one association and causation in epidemiology ppt download paper, from the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study [ 27 ], that looked at assodiation time in relation to gastric cancer risk, which reported similar null findings either for television watching or daily sitting time.
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