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Manag Innov. Technological Capability's Predictor Variables. Rua Floriano Peixoto, Rua Washington Luiz, The aim of this study was to identify the factors that influence in configuration of the technological capability of companies in sectors with medium-low technological intensity. To achieve the goal proposed in this article a survey was carried out. Based on the framework developed by Lall which classifies firms in basic, intermediate and advanced level of technological capability; it was found that the predominant technological capability is intermediate, with Keywords: Brazil; technological capability; predictor variables; plastics and rubber sector.
The development of what is the use of independent variable in research and the search for technological capability are factors that differentiate the various types of companies and simultaneously affect their economic performances. The simultaneous analysis and study of these and other variables can collaborate towards adding value to the activities of each enterprise. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD,which classifies industrial sectors by their technological intensity, classifies the plastics and rubber sector as having medium-low technological intensity.
This sector may be representative of the profile of Brazilian companies, with respect to technological capability, since in the studied region the industrial production is predominantly of low and medium-low intensity. In this what is the use of independent variable in research, Bell and Pavitt classify firms according to the technology applied within their sector, in which a sector does not necessarily have or require the same level of technological capability as others.
Thus, the traditional manufacturing industries are considered reactive companies, in which technological changes originate from the suppliers' inputs in the case of plastics, especially resins, additives and pigments and equipment which influence the processes. Given this "imposition", it remains for the plastic processing companies to focus on improvements and changes in production methods, and occasionally in product design Bell and Pavitt, Given this scenario, the aim of the current what is the use of independent variable in research was to identify factors that influence the technological capability of medium-low technological intense companies, specifically within the Brazilian plastics industry.
To this end, data were collected and analyzed in the light of the framework proposed by Lall This study is justified by the identification of predictors of technological capability in the industry that can provide managers with relevant information for decision making. Moreover, it is distinguished by the fact that technological capability tends to be linked to the context of the company, region or country where it is developed Coriat and Dosi, ; Vedovello and Figueiredo, Therefore, this study is structured into six parts, including this introduction.
The what is the use of independent variable in research section discusses the literature on innovation and technological capability and the third is dedicated to structure of the technological capability framework. The fourth relational database in dbms tutorial presents the study method, subsequently the fifth consists of a review of the findings and what is the use of independent variable in research, the sixth section is devoted to the implications and contributions of the study.
The importance of innovation for economic development, either by offering new products, new production processes, or activities in new markets, was pointed out by Schumpeter in In line with Schumpeter, Dosi describes innovation as the research, discovery, experimentation, development, imitation and adoption of new products, new processes and ways of organizing resources. Coriat and Dosip. The authors add that both incremental and radical definition in nepali language made by companies aiming to achieve their strategic objectives are considered innovations.
According to these authors, the relationship between technology and organizational innovation is a widely researched and important factor in analyzing the capability of organizations. Hence, technological innovation is linked to what is the use of independent variable in research process of gathering sufficient knowledge and resources in order to bring about organizational change.
Ellonen, Wikstrom and Jantunen point out that success in innovation is influenced by the relationship between the market experience and technological expertise accumulated by a firm. Technology and innovation can be seen to have a significant relationship with the study of technological capability of a firm. In this sense, several definitions of technological capability can be found what is the use of independent variable in research the studies on the subject.
Among the concepts of particular note is that from Panda and Ramanathanp. Garcfa-Muina and Navas-Lopezp. Extending these concepts, Bell and Pavitt define technological capabilities as the resources needed to what is the use of independent variable in research and manage technological change. For the authors, these capabilities can be classified as routine related to production capacity, that is, they are the resources needed to efficiently produce goods or services and innovative which are related to the resources needed to generate and manage technological changes.
Thus, Augier and Teece suggest that a company's performance is impacted by its ability to continually build, combine, integrate and reconfigure resources and competencies. Bell and Pavitt categorize the technological level of enterprises according to the sector to which they belong. In this classification the traditional manufacturing industries are typically dependent on their suppliers in relation to technological change.
According to the authors, industries of this type more often make improvements and changes in production methods and product design rather than radical changes, since technological transfer occurs easily because it arises from equipment suppliers. Accordingly, Freeman and Soeterecognizing that competition is increasingly based on innovation, argue that a major challenge to the technological capability in developing countries Brazil is among those mentioned is the dislocation of their knowledge systems.
That is, the policy of endogenous innovation in these nations plays a crucial role in debates on science, technology and innovation in their production processes. Therefore, knowingthe sectors of a country ora region can contribute towards adequately addressing obstacles. The innovative potential of a business can be characterized by using a framework to analyze its technological capability.
These activities are seen to be related to the three levels of technological capability proposed by Lallwhich are: basic, intermediate and advanced. By completing the first five activities described above, a minimum of knowledge can be acquired regarding the technology in use. In order to maintain and adapt technologies to competitive conditions, companies gain and generate knowledge by making small innovations necessary for their operation and development.
These activities are linked to what Lall calls the basic technological capability. That is, the ability to what is the use of independent variable in research technology in order to maintain the efficiency of a process, grounded in empirical informal learning, so as to solve problems that impede the routine operation of the firm's production. In turn, an intermediate technological capability aims not only to ensure the operation of the production system, but principally includes the ability to improve the technology in use through scientific knowledge and professional expertise.
Thus, it is necessary to have a structure capable of handling, controlling and preventing problems. Finally, when firms invest in basic research, targeting more complex innovations through the use of high technology, they are considered to have an advanced technological capability, which is their capacity for innovation. According to Lallthe three levels of technological capability are related to different dimensions, namely: investment, production, and linkages with the economy, as shown in Table I.
Pre-investment and project execution are the steps that comprise the so-called corporate investment dimension. Lall shows that these steps involve the ability to prepare for the identification and acquisition of design technology, equipment, management, and to build a new plant or expand the current one. This initial stage appears to be crucial for defining the goals and objectives, i.
The production dimension is comprised of the following steps, process engineering, product engineering and industrial engineering Lall, It can be said then, that the firm's production capacity is related to various skills to develop the adopted technology quality control, operation and maintenance by means of research, design and innovation. In other words, this dimension fulfills the functions of monitoring and controlling the technology involved in the process and product. Linkages within the economy appear to be necessary to develop the ability to transmit and receive knowledge, skills and technologies, whether it be suppliers of components and raw materials, consultants, service companies in general or technological institutions Lall, Based on the analysis of these three dimensions investment, production and linkages within the economy Sanjaya Lall developed a categorization of companies according to which they are classified as having basic, intermediate or advanced technological capability.
It was decided to apply Lall's framework because of the degree to which is consolidated and recognized amongst academics, which is demonstrated by the existence of numerous variations and applications that of the original model Bell and Pavitt, ; Figueiredo,; Garcia-Muina and Navas-Lopez, To achieve the goal proposed in this article it was decided to carry out a survey. This facilitated the assessment, description and analysis of a population based on a sample obtained from the why is my internet not connecting to my roku tv in the plastics sector within a state in Brazil.
Thus, due to the nature of the problem under study, a descriptive study was made based on a quantitative approach. According to the publication Industria RSthe main centers of the industry in Rio Grande do Sul are in the metropolitan area, with the production of packaging and footwear components being particularly important. The data collection instrument used consisted of a questionnaire prepared from that on technological capability proposed by Lall and presented in Table 2which was designed to obtain information to enable the mapping of why is tinder so hard for guys technological capability of companies in the plastics industry in the region.
While the contents of the questionnaire followed the original, with the insertion of one question, the sequence of presentation was changed. The first block consists of questions related to the company profile. A diagram of the constructs and 17 variables can be seen in Table 2. It should be noted that the statements labeled with the letters abc refer respectively to the basic, intermediate and advanced technological activities.
The questionnaire was structured into web format so that it could made available for completion via the Internet, where it could be accessed through an email containing a link to it. In the period from June to Julyelectronic messages e-mails were sent to the companies registered in the Sinplast database.
Once collected, the data were treated statistically using the ANOVA and chi-square statistical tests. Correlation analysis was made, which involved measuring the strength of the relationships between the variables 'time in existence of the company' and 'number of patents' Aaker, Kumar and Day, In order to map the level of technological capability the following procedure was adopted: firstly a the arithmetic mean, per company, of the variables that represent each of the three levels of technological capability was calculated basic, intermediate and advancedb then, the weighted average of the means of each level of technological capability per company were evaluated, in which basic capability received weight I, intermediate capability weight 3, and advanced capability weight 5, after which; c the level of technological capability of each firm was classified according to the value obtained, where a classification of was basic, 2.
Finally, regression analysis was made, which represents a powerful and what is the use of independent variable in research process for the verification of associative relationships between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables Malhotra, What is a linear regression model in statistics assumptions tested by the estimated regression model were normality, autocorrelation and multicollinearity.
The Kolmogorov-Smirnov KS test, under the null hypothesis that the distribution of the tested series is normal, was used to verify the normality of the error. Autocorrelation was found between residuals from the regression using the Durbin Watson test that, for Gujaratiis the appropriate test for testing serial correlation. In this section, we seek, firstly, to provide a profile of the plastics companies surveyed in region of Brazil under study, subsequently, to map their technological capability and finally carry out tests of mean differences and correlation.
With regards to the profile of the respondents, the results show that, according to the classification of SEBRAEfor which the criterion is the number of employees, Only 1. Regarding length of time in existence of the companies, Among the latter, four had been in existence more than 50 years, including what is the use of independent variable in research that notably had survived more than 62 years.
With respect to patents, it is surprising to note that Only three companies had 10 or more patents registered in the last five years, one of which had registered 60 patents. When are chips bad for liver the geographic concentration of plastics companies in the region under consideration, one can see that With regards the main product or activity, the highest concentration is in products related to the production of plastic containers The findings, relating to the region and main product, corroborate the how to change photo in aadhar card online in tamil from the publication Industria RS Asked about the existence of a department or professionals in charge of activities related to research and development, it was found that Once the profile of companies in the plastics sector is established, it is necessary to map their technological capability.
Cronbach's Alpha, which according to Malhotra must have a value above 0. In this research, the alpha of the 17 variables was 0. Table 4 shows the concentration of companies in the technological capability levels in the plastics sector in the region. This classification was made based on the weighted average of responses from 17 variables in the questionnaire, as described in the methods section above. It can be seen that the predominant technological capability is intermediate, with This what is the use of independent variable in research that, in the plastics companies in this region of Brazil the concern is to improve the technology in use not to develop new technology.
Based on this mapping, significance tests were performed to identify possible relationships between some profile variables of the firms and the technological capability level. The latter was found to be the only variable with a significant difference in what is the use of independent variable in research classification of technological capability of the company Table 5.
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