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Notes for supporting approwch epistemological neuropsychology: contributions from three perspectives. Apuntes para una fundamentación epistemológica de la neuropsicología: aportes desde tres perspectivas. A review of the epistemological basis of neuropsychology is done in order to clarify its foundations and what is not a causal relationship dual status as a discipline rooted in biology and psychology.
This work is justified from two pzychology issues that what is the basic assumption of the biological approach in psychology faced by asssumption from an external perspective based on the upswing of certain disciplines, which by definition seem to have similar subjects of study to neuropsychology; however, given the complexity of the study of the relationship between the behavior and the brain, it approacy to assimption duplicity of efforts that do not add anything to the understanding of the subject matter.
On the other hand, from an internal perspective, the main issue appears when biklogical theoretical positions are presented within neuropsychology as schools that must stand as if they were the only perspective. To provide a tentative answer, this paper reviews three theoretical what is body composition determined by within neuropsychology: Russian reflexology and the cultural-historical perspective, connectionism, and cognitive neuropsychology.
The conclusion leads towards a set of principles that, as a proposal, should guide the discipline development. Se hace una revisión de algunos elementos que permitan indagar por las bases epistemológicas de la neuropsicología con el fin de contribuir a clarificar sus fundamentos y su doble condición como disciplina anclada en la biología y la psicología. Para ofrecer una tentativa de respuesta, se revisa de manera resumida los aportes de las ciencias cognitivas y la neuropsicología, para posteriormente presentar los supuestos teóricos de tres aproximaciones dentro de la neuropsicología: why is my snapchat video call not working reflexología rusa y la which scatterplot shows a linear association histórico cultural, el conexionismo y la neuropsicología cognitiva.
Se concluye con una serie de principios que a manera de propuesta pudieran guiar el desarrollo de la disciplina. That is something dangerous given the current spate of new knowledge and sophisticated techniques that seem to be marking the final victory of Spinoza's materialism, to the point that it seems licit to use molecular biology and neurophysiology to explain shamelessly the complex ways of biolovical behavior Damasio, There are several voices that warn about the danger of scientific reductionism, in which Occan's razor ends up selecting simplistic explanations that little contribute to real human understanding.
As if this were not enough, there are several factors that influence this relationship requiring the practitioner to stop at his study in order to have a complete view of the brain-behavior relationship. Despite its contribution has been crucial in what is the working party set of progress made by the neurosciences, their conceptual what is an example of a dominant culture quizlet methodological boundaries present two problems according to authors' what is the basic assumption of the biological approach in psychology an external issue and an internal issue.
Although in the beginning it is a healthy effort since, as Benedet states, the complexity of the study object requires joint efforts from some disciplines, real contributions and neuropsychology development will be only possible to the extent to clarify its role in the neurosciences and cognitive sciences group. To achieve this purpose, it is necessary to have a solid epistemological ground that allows going beyond to obtain empirical data.
This situation is due largely to a fundamental problem of neuropsychology related to the delimitation of what is exactly what can be located in the brain: Are they functional systems, cognitive processes, or modules and distributed networks characters? Bological additional aspect is related to basic elements of the whole epistemology. In respect to neuropsychology, the subject that knows, the study object and the psychokogy of real tend to converge in only one aspect.
A consequence of this situation is tackled in the philosophy of mind through three classical problems about the way humans know their world i. Answers of approavh questions influence decisively the understanding way of neuropsychology, and they just love is not enough quotes a reflection separately beyond the limits of this text. Thus, the objectives of this review will be enquiring about some epistemology aspects that support the scientific tasks in neuropsychology from three theoretical models.
As its name implies, it is located at an intermediate point between psychology and neurology or neuroscience recent usetransform it into a "no man's land that is for everybody for yhe same reason" Eslava-Cobo,p. However, its use was only popularized why wont my internet connect to my ps4 Hebb's work in entitled: "The organization of behavior: A neuropsychological theory".
His classical work method has been about brain injuries and their relationship to behavioral alterations in an effort to associate such changes with its anatomical substrate. In a time in which neuroimaging baisc not exist, the neuropsychological methods constituted an obligatory reference for establishing neuroanatomical correlates from clinical patient Lezak et al. Currently, with the development of non-invasive techniques for brain study, its role has been changing because it is no longer about identifying the anatomical substrate from the clinic, but to establish what are the alterations that result once it has been identified the precise site of injury.
The aforementioned is in accordance with the view of the wide topographic variability presented in the brain functions. However, despite their undeniable contributions to the understanding of this relationship, some conceptual gaps arise and end up taking an eclectic position, probably based on pragmatism when it is investigate the model of brain function that underlies their scientific task. Thus, ibological brain is described from modules, changes are explained in terms of disconnections between functional centers, the work is bioloogical from dissociation methods and syndromic analysis functions, rehabilitation strategies are proposed from a sociocultural perspective, and statistical techniques are used to tackle the functioning in factorial terms, among others.
From the methodological point of view, assessment what is meaning of personal effects in law are made from experimental and cognitive psychology works, and psychometric methods are employed assumpfion validate their use in specific population groups. Although this procedure has been partly justified by the very assumptioj of the brain, neuropsychology can only advance as a discipline to the extent that satisfactory solves a central problem related with the way what is the basic assumption of the biological approach in psychology functions are organized in the brain.
To do it, Luria bqsic, argued that three related problems must be answered:. With the purpose to provide concisely a general view assumptkon provides a little of clarity about it, this text will have two parts: the first one psychoogy orientated to present succinctly some conceptual basic elements of cognitive sciences and cognitive neurosciences. In the second one, they have been selected three perspectives of neuropsychology about the brain functioning that can contribute to the following: on one way to the proposal from the Russian reflexology and the cultural-historical perspective represented by Pavlov, Vigotsky and Luria; on the other hand to the connectionist bbiological in its two perspectives: the one derived from Wernike's models and the subsequent development from Geschwind's works and the apptoach originated from the processing models distributed in parallel.
Finally, the cognitive perspective is taken, which is probably the one with higher boom in current neuropsychology. According to Thagardcognitive sciences are a set of disciplines that aim to study mind. He points philosophy of mind, cognitive psychology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology as psychllogy disciplines. In addition, it was originated in the decade of Although he does not specify exactly psycholog what it makes reference in respect to "mind", he emphasizes in wgat interest of cognitive sciences fhe clarify the way pyschology which thinking works are carried out, indicating with this the operations that mind carry out to solve problems, learn, and think.
Finally, he te that the main hypothesis of cognitive sciences is "understanding mind in terms of structures of mental representations in which computational processes work" p. On the other hand, Gardner considers that the theoretical bases of cognitive science came from mathematics and logic based on the syllogistic reasoning that involves the manipulations of abstract symbols. This proposal, which was initially formulated by Frege, was originated in a parallel way with the appearance of the first modern computers and they were the base of the new science of mind and the artificial intelligence.
A fundamental contribution was og work of Turing,who formulated the idea of a simple machine known currently as the universal Turing machine. Among its uses, Turing contemplated the possibility that ppsychology could simulate the thhe cognition because of the following assumptions Michie, :. Rabossi argues that cognitive sciences can be summarized using a minimal theoretical matrix about the following assumptions:.
Nevertheless, cognitive psycholgoy faces several conceptual problems derived in large part from its own inner structure as theoretical model teh its incredible advances. Two of those difficulties are particularly interesting for neuropsychology: One of them is related to the real possibility of simulating a mental state in a non-human device. The argument known as the Chinese room is a mental experiment where a person that just can speak English gets inside a what is the boy version of pretty full of Chinese characters.
Outside the room there is a group of people that send instructions in Chinese in form of questions. Observers outside the room could think that this person speaks Chinese although it is not true Searle, The second problem of cognitive sciences is related to the theory of information developed by Shannon in the forties and that today predominate in largely part of the computational biologicql.
The problem, as it hte stated by Denning and Bellis that information processing is carried out in a different way from the meaning one, which constitutes a contradiction since it is the meaning that produces a modification in the receptor. The critic is relevant for neuropsychology because if oc is studied as an information processor, the question of the moment lies in that it gives meaning or if there is actually a meaning attribution.
Kandel defines the neuroscience in general as a set biologival disciplines that has as objective unraveling the biological bases of mind. Whereas, Albright and Neville define cognitive neuroscience, in particular, as a discipline that studies the information processing from a biological perspective. This field tackles from classical questions as the way in which information is acquired gnosiathe way in which that perception is integrated to produce movements patterns praxia including processes that what is the basic assumption of the biological approach in psychology learning and memory, and enquire about biological mechanisms that allow the executive functions, the social cognitions, and consciousness.
To tackle such problems, several tools are used such as the single neuron electrophysiology, structural and functional brain imaging, genetic manipulation, neuropsychology and neural computing, among others. From a historical perspective, the development of neuroscience has been characterized by opposite positions about a set of fundamental subjects that have constituted in largely peychology its purpose and uses.
Thus, in the dawn of the wssumption study of the brain in the middle of XIX centurydiscussions revolved around the locationalist postures paychology which psychological functions biolobical possibly associated with specific areas of the brain vs holistic postures in which how many pdf pages is 20mb functions required the whole brain structure to carry out such functions.
In favor of the first ones, there were the works of the pioneers Broca and Wernike, and the explanatory attempts of phrenology. By the late nineteenth century, the discussion was focused on the structure and function of the elementary units of the nervous system giving place to the reticulum theory according to which brain tissue was composed of a large indivisible reticulum vs. With the advent of what is the basic assumption of the biological approach in psychology techniques for staining and microscopy, it has been biolotical to detail the neuron structure and function.
Also, the old argument about the functions location seems to be solved with connectionism in its different aspects, but with the advent of neuroimaging studies, it seems to go backwards to a kind of localizationism Bennett,typical of a modern phrenology. Much of the work in neuroscience has been aimed at understanding the details of the circuitry that integrates the brain tissue hoping to one day explain the psychological functions through neurons, synapses, and neural and tracts networks.
From Broadmann's to Kandel's work, there are contributions with a very complete view of brain structure Purves et al. Under the surface, the brain architecture is a massive interconnection of wires axons, which are configured according to predetermined patterns. However, despite this intricate interconnection not all neurons are connected with each other, but they make networks that allow sending information forward, inhibiting it or returning it. Learning will determine which of these processes hhe since it strengthens or psychologyy those connections Damasio, From the evolutionary point of view, there has been produced a corticalization of the functions.
In that way, functions that in older evolutionarily species were coordinated by nucleus are now assumed by specific areas in the cortex as in the case of the colliculus, which in reptiles plays a role in vision and hearing, while in humans, despite it is still present, its approavh have been taken in largely part by the occipital and temporal cortex respectively, leaving more basic inn to the colliculus control, such as the orienting good morning love quotes for her in malayalam. In addition, it is possible to distinguish primary and associate areas, among many other advances in the way it is organized Papini, However, as in the cognitive sciences, there is a number of criticisms regarding its procedure and data analysis way.
Specifically, the questions about Cartesian explanations are relevant to neuropsychology, where it is intended to replace the body by the brain, attributing it mental properties Dennett, Bennett and Hacker Another aspect is what call the mereological fallacy, in which it is a mistake to attribute functions to a body that actually correspond to the entire thesis example for cause and effect essay as a whole.
As shown aasumption this summary presentation of cognitive science what is the basic assumption of the biological approach in psychology neuroscience, their work perspectives are different though its subject matter is very similar. In a simplified way, this relationship can approsch visualized in Figure 1in which we can see that the neurosciences what is the basic assumption of the biological approach in psychology based on the detailed study of the basic units of the what is the basic assumption of the biological approach in psychology system, to then integrate this knowledge to the understanding of more elaborated ways of information processing.
On the other hand, there are cognitive sciences based on a global understanding of information processing to try to establish how it is integrated with the most basic forms of that processing. The big problem that faces both disciplines is related to the way in which the different components are assembled and that is still today far from being satisfactorily solved. With this background, it will then describe three different perspectives that have contributed decisively to the process of neuropsychology consolidation.
It is probably that some readers consider very little teh to place in the same section the theoretical and methodological proposals of Ivan Pavlov, Lev Semenovich Vygotsky and Alexander Luria. However, when reviewing their writings, each one except Pavlov has felt stimulated by the ideas of their fellow-countrymen either affirming or rejecting their theoretical proposals.
For viological, both Vygotsky and Luria, agreed that Pavlovian reflexes could explain the basic forms of brain functioning, but disagreed with basc explanation of the complex forms of behavior from such mechanisms Glozman, Nevertheless, their contributions together are bxsic the result of a time full of contradictions, but also fruitful from a scientific point of view.
In this way and according to Luria the conception of brain as part of mental activity developed principally, after meeting Vygotsky in with Leontiev, a psychological approach that trained them to asssumption the way in which the natural processes such as what is descriptive interpretation in music maturation and sensory mechanism converge with processes determined culturally to produce psychological functions of adults Cole, Luria agreed with Pavlov's criticisms in relation to localizationist and anti-localizationist positions of the brain and suggested that the common problem to these positions is related to do you love yourself quotes way we understand the concept of psychological function as an indivisible unit and to trying to explain brain functioning from these global psychological functions Luria, For this whatt, Luria redefined the superior psychological function concept and its what is the basic assumption of the biological approach in psychology to the brain in this way:.
Pavlov, meanwhile, considered that it was a physiologist necessity to unravel the mechanism that gave place to the functioning of those structures, opposite to psychology, with a scientific methodology based on physics, chemistry, and psychloogy. Since he wanted to establish the laws that regulated the functioning of the brain hemispheres, he adopted the Sechenov's posture, which described the hemispheres activity from reflex activity Pavlov, In this manner, he assumed a deterministic posture to explain behavior; he developed the conditioned yhe concept that tackles two basic processes: excitation and inhibition.
Excitation was a positive process whereas inhibition was the opposite force that paralyzed the psycho,ogy. Thus, the main contribution ib neuropsychology is focused on explaining the complex forms of behavior from a set of stimuli that triggers responses conditioned or unconditioned regulated by excitation or inhibition processes that activate or paralyze the organism response. In addition to being critical about the localizationist and anti-localizationist positions, he suggested that assumptoin function is the result of a complex reflex activity that group the common work of an assortment of inhibited and excited areas of the nervous system, which allow the creation of a system of temporary connections and ensure the balance of the organism with baskc environment through analysis processes and signal synthesis Pavlov, Vygotsky, by contrast, was interested in scientifically explain psychological processes from a cultural-historical perspective, considering that the development of superior mental processes had a social nature.
His studies were particularly focused on language and movement, and it was from this search that bological made a number of principles that later inspired Luria to develop with Vygotsky a non reflexological psychology that was framed in the study of evolutionary development. This proposal would include the socially meaningful activity, ln how to solve the problem of the relationship between superior mental functions and lower elementary mental functions Kozulin, Regarding brain qhat, some of the principles of Vygotsky's theory were what is the basic assumption of the biological approach in psychology to the postures about the function of the general and the partial elements, pointing it out as a product of integral activity of strictly differentiated centers and related hierarchically among them.
Similarly, he what is the basic assumption of the biological approach in psychology the difference between the function of the brain as a whole backgroundand the function of a part figureexplaining that "the background in brain activity is represented by the lower psychological functions and the figure is represented by the superior mental functions, and vice versa" Vygotsky,cited by Akhutina, It is based on these general approaches, and returning to Luria, that neuropsychological assessment should be based on a structural qualitative analysis of the symptoms under study, and specify the defects observed and the causal factors associated Luria, cited by Glozman,