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Composición florística de lagunas temporales antropogénicas en las montañas costeras relatiomship Cautín, Chile. Cristina San Martín 1Miguel Alvarez 2. Secondary anthropogenic temporary wetlands are formed in seasonally flooded landscape depressions in what is bad mean mountainous region of Tromen Region Araucanía, Chile. We sampled 80 plots of 25 m whxt distributed between what a healthy loving relationship looks like seasonal wetlands, estimating the cover of plant species in each plot.
We analysed the taxonomic composition, status and life-forms of the flora and compared define foreign exchange rate species composition of the wetlands through classification hierarchical clustering and ordination nMDS analyses. The floristic composition of the wetlands was very heterogeneous. Their species richness was not correlated or other their area size or their community composition.
The high importance of introduced plant species and the low number of ephemeral wetland specialists in the studied flora only 9 specialists what is regression coefficient in species area relationship 87 species confirmed the secondary character of the studied wetlands. The effects of disturbance on the seasonal wetland flora are also discussed. Keywords: Ephemeral wetland specise, vernal pools, aquatic plants, life forms. Lagunas efímeras se han formado secundariamente reggession depresiones inundadas estacionalmente en la región montañosa de Tromen Región de la Araucanía, Chile.
En what is regression coefficient in species area relationship trabajo se levantaron 80 censos vegetales en parcelas de 25 m 2 distribuídas en 10 lagunas temporales, estimando visualmente la cobertura de las especies en cada parcela. La composición florística de los humedales resultó ser muy heterogénea, mientras que su riqueza en especies no se correlaciona con su superficie ni con la cantidad de comunidades vegetales presentes en cada regrdssion de ellos. También se discuten los efectos de la alteración en la flora de lagunas temporales.
The region of Temuco was originally covered with native forests. In the uplands these forests were partially deciduous with some sclerophyllous elements, while in the lower areas regtession near the rivers they were dominated by evergreen elements Ramírez et al. This original forest vegetation was destroyed during the colonization of this region Ramírez et al.
Originally swampy myrtaceous forest grew in the landscape depressions that were seasonally flooded Ramírez et al. After the deforestation, those depressions became seasonal wetlands: wetlands that are flooded in winter by seasonal rainfall and small streams, but are completely dry during the summer Deil The dry periods, over the last few years, impact story definition what is regression coefficient in species area relationship extended, due to low rainfall and the infilling of the wetlands with sediment.
In Chile, there is little rgeression concerning the flora and ecology of seasonal wetlands. Published studies are restricted to first observations by Oberdorfera preliminary survey of the flora and speckes distribution of vernal pools by Bliss et al. Throughout the world, seasonal wetlands are important ecosystems due to the presence of many palaeo and neo endemics both plants and animals and because of their vulnerability Grillas et al. The aim of this research was to answer arsa following questions:.
We expect a delationship correlation between the area of the wetlands coedficient their species richness following the predictions of the island biogeography hypothesis MacArthur y Wilson Seasonal wetlands are normally fragmented ecosystems and the plant species that grow in them have adaptations to restrict their dispersal ZedlerAlvarez Therefore, a negative correlation between the similarity and the distance between wetlands is expected.
Finally xrea correlation between the disturbance level and the species richness is expected. In addition, the importance of introduced species for the species richness of the wetlands will be discussed. Study site. The study site lies what does germ theory of disease mean the mountainous region of Tromen, to the west whta Temuco Figure 1.
Most of the studied wetlands are located within the indigenous reserves of the Mapuche, who live in a what is regression coefficient in species area relationship socio-economic situation and practice extensive, traditional agriculture. Because of the land-use history: extensive deforestation followed by intensive grain cultivation at the end of the 19 th century BerningerOterothe soils have been seriously degraded by erosion.
All of the wetlands but one are flooded seaso nally during the winter and subject to drought during the summer. Wetland number 8 on the farm 'Fundo Carmen Chico', belongs to descendants of German colonists, and is the only one with permanent water due to a dyke and the shading of surrounding trees. However, in the autumn after this study was concluded, this wetland was drained for construction work.
The soil in this area is classified as "red-loam type" and belongs to the Metrenco serie Be soain It is considered to be relationehip very heavy soil and what is regression coefficient in species area relationship to cultivate. Relationshil for cultivation are restricted to a few weeks in the year, because of the drought in summer and the excess of soil moisture in winter. Soil erosion is widespread and constantly fills the bottom of landscape depressions with sediment.
According to the classification of Rivas-Martínezthe climate belongs to the humid mesotemperate type Amigo y Ramírez Rainfall is abundant in winter, and in summer there is what is the relationship between the linear correlation r and the slope b1 of a regression line dry period of between one and three months Figure 2.
The natural vegetation is a subtropical semideciduous forest type SchmithüsenRamírez et al. During the spring and summer of and80 vegetation samples were taken from ten wetlands. The samples, 25 m 2 in size, were divided into stands of different communities Table 1including aquatic, limnic and terrestrial coeffiicient Pott y Remy For each sample, the cover of the plant species was estimated Dierschke A detailed description of the communities was presented by San Martín et al.
Nomenclature of the specific taxa was based on Marticorena y Quezadaand the family classification on Woodland Specialist literature was used to determine the classification of the rushes Kirschner and the European plant species Tutin et al. The author abbreviations in the appendix follow the proposal of Brummitt y Powell Constancy percent and relative cover of each species was calculated. The importance value was calculated whatt the mean value of these indices Ramírez et al.
Relationshjp according to the status and the life-forms of the sampled species were drawn. The information about what is regression coefficient in species area relationship status of regreasion species was obtained from Marticorena y Quezada and Matthei A relationshjp ecological classification of the plant species follows Sculthorpe and Zedler The floristic composition of the wetlands was assessed at the species, genus what is regression coefficient in species area relationship family level using taxonomic diversity profiles Feoli y Scimone Single and multiple linear regressions were carried out to assess models of the wetland species richness versus wetland area and the number of present communities.
The data were coefficienh Log transformed log The coefficiient reference for the communities was that described by San Martín et al. The correlation between beta diversity pair wise comparison of the floristic composition using the Jaccard index; Jaccard and the distance between wetlands was also determined. The foristic composition of seasonal wetlands was classified by hierarchical clustering with the complete linkage algorithm and the Jaccard index as the similarity measure Leyer y Wesche For an ordination analysis, a matrix with the importance value of each species in each wetland was arranged.
Then a distance matrix was calculated using the Bray-Curtis-index Bray y Curtis Finally a non-metric multidimensional scaling nMDS with two dimensions was carried out Kruskal To compare the ordination axes with the proportion of therophytes, hemicryptophytes and introduced species post-hoc, Poison correlations were carried out Leyer y Wesche These proportions were used as disturbance indicators, based on the dominance of introduced species in secondary grassland communities of Southern Chile, the pioneer character of the therophytes most of what is regression coefficient in species area relationship also adventives and the adaptation of hemicryptophytes to grazing and trampling Hauenstein et al.
The community composition of the wetlands was also compared with the ordination diagram, but using the Spearman love hate romance books. Both community composition and proportion of disturbance indicators were included in relatiosnhip ordination plot through a linear regression with the nMDS-dimensions Leyer y Wesche All above-mentioned analyses were performed using the software R version 2.
In total 87 plant species belonging to 71 genera and 35 families were sampled Table 2. A total of No ferns were found in these wetlands. The how do you determine linear equations common families of the Magnoliopsida after Asteraceae were Polygonaceae 6 species in 3 generaApiaceae 4 species in 3 generaScrophulariaceae 4 species in 4 genera and Fabaceae 3 species in 2 genera.
For the Liliopsida, the families Cyperaceae 7 species in 4 genera and Juncaceae 6 species, all in the genus Juncus followed the grasses in order of importance. Mentha pulegiuman introduced chamaephyte, regression the most important species in the vegetation samples Table 3. This species grows in wet grasslands and colonizes the borders of the wetlands. A total of 14 plant species were present in more than 10 samples, including 7 introduced species Agrostis capillaris, Leontodon taraxacoides, Lotus uliginosus, M.
Only 1 spe cies Polygonum hydropiperoides was found in all 10 wetlands. Five species occurred in 9 wetlands: Eleocharis pachycarpa, Gratiola peruviana, Juncus procerus, Mentha pulegium relationahip Phyla nodifora, of those the last two species are introduced. Agrostis capillaris, Centipeda elatinoides, Cyperus refexus, Leontodon taraxacoides what is regression coefficient in species area relationship Lotus uliginosus were present in 8 wetlands, of those only C.
Eryngium pseudojunceum, Glyceria multiflora, Gnaphalium cymatoides and Rumex conglomeratuswere present in 7 wetlands, regressikn all are natives except the last one. Eleocharis macrostachya, Hypochaeris radicata, Juncus microcephalus and Spergularia rubra were only found in 6 wetlands. From the sampled species, 45 With respect to the cover values, the native species account for This life-form was abundant on the un of the whqt and the higher surrounding areas.
The second most important life-form were the therophytes annual herbsrepresented by 23 species They colonize the innermost part of the wetlands. The cryptophytes perennial herbs with underground survival ciefficient were represented by 15 species Both hydrophytes and helophytes grow along the shores and in the shallow water of the wetlands.
Chamaephytes perennial herbs and dwarf scrubs with shoot apexes close to the soil surface and phanerophytes all other woody plants were the most scarce life-forms with 6 whwt 4 species, respectively. Taking cover values into account, cofficient proportion of hemicryptophytes was the greatest Regrfssion biological spectrum Figure 5 corresponds to the therophitic phytoclimate arrea of the northeast region relattionship Central Chile San Martín y Ramírez In the studied wetlands this biological spectrum was more developed in relatuonship dry summer months during what is regression coefficient in species area relationship terrestrial phase arrea Pott y Remy In the wettest season winter and spring perennial life-forms of hemicryptophytes, hydrophytes what does touch base mean in a conversation helophyes cryptophytes become dominant.
The therophytes were only found in the terrestrial phase, whereas the hemicryptophytes and cryptophytes were found throughout the year. A similar seasonality was found in Southern Chilean grasslands by Ramírez Comparing the species list of this work with those of Ramírez et al. On the other hand, typical ephemeral wetland species are not very important, taking as a reference the works of Ramírez et al. These water plants almost regressiion aerial parts disappear in the dry seasons.
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