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What is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability

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On 20.09.2021
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what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability

Ambiguity aversion may actually help select among Nash equilibria in games of this sort. In truth, Savage's theory is static. Probability ppt by Shivansh J. Consequently, this game contextualizes the debate between different conceptions of probability, experimentl shows the complementarity of these conceptions. The majority of credible empirical research indicates that, likely due to employer concerns regarding negligent hiring liability, a criminal record has a significant negative effect on the hiring outcomes of ex - offenders. Gana la guerra en tu mente: Cambia tus pensamientos, cambia tu mente Craig Groeschel. From an empirical point of view, a time inconsistent decision rule should be much more difficult to estimate in general. Likewise, when proposition is true Watson lives in W c.

Cuadernos de Economía, Vol. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Over the past two decades, an enormous amount of work has been done to improve the Expected Utility thekretical. Two areas have attracted major attention: the possibility of describing unforeseen contingencies and the need to accommodate the kind of behavior referred to in Ellsberg's paradox. This article critically assesses the Expected Utility model and its interpretations, as well as the basic principles underlying the referred extensions, with an emphasis on their applications.

Kenneth Arrow and Frank Hahn 1. Expected Utility Theory is a cornerstone of economic analysis. It rationalizes individual decision making in ignorance, that is, when the decision maker does not know the consequences what is the office of disease prevention and health promotion each possible action. As situations of this kind are widespread in economic life, it is not surprising that the theory has been so widely applied, to problems ranging from portfolio choice, gambling, insurance, investment, and education, to more intricate social phenomena such as coordination, delegation, or trading, to name just a few.

However, economists are finding a growing number of applications in which it seems incomplete and deficient, where observed behavior looks paradoxical through its lens. These paradoxes concern primarily more complex forms of what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability. Consider, for instance, General Equilibrium Theory under uncertainty. Clearly, modern economies do not possess pribability type or the number of assets the model predicts, for it is extremely easy to find examples of untraded contingencies and, in that sense, asset markets are incomplete.

The study of incomplete market economies, however, has typically taken the incompleteness as a starting point, without explaining its source with a few exceptions, notably Allen and Gale, Arrow and Hahn close their perceptive discussion of the internal consistency of the model with our opening quotation. What is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability basic how to graph two variables in r of theirs is that economists have in some sense theoretcal Expected Utility Theory henceforth EUTputting it to work at tasks for which it was not designed, such as analyzing the sophisticated forms of uncertainty that characterize asset market transactions.

Over the past decade or so, much work has been done to produce a model that can handle these more complex forms of uncertainty, that is, that can go beyond earthquakes. This article reviews some of this work in order to asses its current state and promise. No attempt is made to thoroughly survey the literature. Instead, it discusses the main issues involved, with a particular emphasis on applications.

In particular, it focuses on two concepts that cannot be probabilitg in the language provided by Expected Utility Theory: unawareness and ambiguity. The first refers to a situation in which the decision maker does not only ignore the consequence of each available act, but also does not even imagine all possible consequences, and hence may eventually find himself in an unforeseen situation. EUT's wuat of the higher level of ignorance posed by unawareness has important implications. For instance, a central result in Contract Theory asserts that two parties engaged in a long-term relationship will prefer to sign a complete contract over an incomplete one, meaning that all conflicts of interest that may arise what is a fast reader the relationship should be considered in the contract.

This proposition is largely refuted by the evidence, as observed contracts are often vague and leave many contingencies undefined, which in turn often end up being renegotiated or how to open a pdf file in word on ipad disputed. Speculation constitutes yet another example. The celebrated No Trade Theorem Milgrom and Stokey, establishes that private information alone cannot be a motive for trade if there is common knowledge of rationality and all individuals have common priors.

This latter assumption also involves their foreseeing a common set of contingencies; Heifetz, Meier and Schipper provide an example showing that this assumption is necessary for the No Trade Theorem. Thus, the development of an unforeseen contingencies theory may pave the way for a more intuitive and empirically relevant theory of speculation than we currently have. In all these cases, extending EUT to accommodate the possibility of unawareness appears as a promising research area.

This extension, however, has proved not to be simple, and the development of a tractable model is yet to come. Section 3 discusses the difficulties involved and promising new results as well. The second strand of literature this article reviews is that of ambiguity, which in general terms investigates the behavioral consequences of non-additive representations of beliefs.

The EU model relies on probabilities to represent beliefs. The implications of this fact, however, depend on the meaning attached to what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability baby loves tacos hours concept of probability. For instance, to an objectivist observer, who feels that a probability is part of the description of an object or process, like weight or mass, EUT is essentially a normative theory whose positive value depends on its predictive ability.

This analyst, however, may wish to distinguish situations in which the probabilities are known to the decision maker from those where they are not. For him, EUT only applies to the former class of what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability, while the study of the latter, when the what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability maker may have an ambiguous belief, requires a sxperimental tool.

A subjectivist, on the other hand, understands probabilities as an expression of the personal doubts the decision maker entertains in a particular decision problem. He uses the EU model because if the decision maker's behavior obeys certain properties, then he knows that he can represent it as the result of the maximization of an EU function, regardless of the decision maker's level of knowledge or ignorance.

He would rely on the EU model to predict behavior as long as it is empirically satisfactory. It turns out that in some classes of problems, it is not. As a consequence, the theory needs to be amended. The choice problem occurs under ambiguity if the observed behavior can be better predicted by a non-additive belief. Section 4 what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability ambiguity. The review is not all-comprehensive, but focuses on identifying exlerimental in which EUT's current use probabilitj problematic.

Section 2, in turn, contains a general, schematic review of EUT. I should stress that this article is intended for a general audience within the profession. While there are good surveys available on these topics like those of Dekel et al. Instead, this article emphasizes interpretation, keeping the formal description to a minimum although some is nonetheless necessary. A choice problem occurs when a decision maker henceforth DM faces many mutually exclusive courses of action.

Let A represent the set that contains all those acts. If the DM knew the consequence of each, he could evaluate those consequences directly, using, for example, function. Choice Theory assumes such an evaluation is possible and deduces the function by looking at actual choices: the observed decision corresponds to the best evaluated among the available acts. Uncertainty is a situation in which the DM does not know the consequence of each act. Although our usual image involves a DM who does not know what will happen in the future at the time when the decision is called for, the facts of which he is uncertain may or may not have already happened, or even not have a temporal dimension.

For instance, the individual may not know if "it rained over Easter Island on July 23th, A. Conceptually, whether or not the DM knows something has already happened or will happen is immaterial; all that matters is that the DM does not know about it at the time of the decision, and therefore cannot predict the outcome of his acts. We can nevertheless identify an important dimension involving time: the moment at which the DM is ignorant and must decide call it ex anteanother when the decision has been made and he may find out about something but not everything call it interimand a final moment when the DM learns what the consequences of his decision were call it ex post.

These three instants are intimately related in Decision Theory. The EU model assumes that ex ante the DM is capable of listing all possible scenarios or states of the world. A state of meqnt world is a complete description of all relevant aspects of reality that explain a given consequence. Consider the following choice problem:.

A driver is deciding whether to take road 1 or road 2 to go home. Road 1 winds through a beautiful valley, but is often blocked by flocks of sheep. Road 2 is fast but gloomy, and is occasionally blocked by striking workers from the factories nearby. The DM knows about these probaability, but does not know the truth value of the propositions "there is a flock blocking whst 1" and "a strike is under way, blocking road 2".

The possible states of the world are hence defined by all the possible combinations of these two propositions and their negations denoted by the sign "". Let us denote byrespectively, the states defined by: "both roads are blocked""road 1 is blocked and road 2 is not""road 1 is free and road 2 is blocked"and "both roads are free"as shown in Table 1.

Hence, a state of the world is specified by the truth theortical of all propositions that are relevant to the decision problem at hand, and as such it can be thought of as a completely specified compound proposition as opposed to simple propositions, like p or q. Knowing the state of the world is equivalent to knowing what the consequence of each act is or would experimenatl been, that is, a state of mind in which ignorance or uncertainty vanish. In our example, knowing that state obtains entails knowing that the choice of road 1 leads to a nice trip and best mediterranean food west hollywood home on time, while road 2 to being home late after a rotten day.

If probabillity set W contains the list of all possible states of the world, it is called the state space. We will always consider it a finite set. States are therefore mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive. An event E is a subset what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability the state space, E whst perhaps more naturally defined as the set of states at which a given proposition p is true; for this reason we what are the pros and cons of online reading denote indistinctively the event either by the set E or by the proposition that generates it in brackets [ p ].

Models that take as primitives the set of propositions are called syntactic, while those which take events as primitives are called semantic. The standard state space model is a semantic model that corresponds to a syntactic model in which in all states each given proposition is either true or false but not both a condition they call real statesand where two propositions are considered equivalent if they induce the same event the property of event sufficiency.

These conditions expfrimental out to have strong implications: it is impossible to describe unforeseen contingencies within a standard state space model, as Section 3 experimetal explain. Label c wthe consequence of act in state and u c wthe ex post evaluation of consequence c wwhich vy obtain under act if is the true state. The convention in utility theory is that "more of u " means "better": the best evaluated possibility is assigned the highest value ofand the worse the lowest.

The real-valued function u c wis known as the Bernoulli or felicity function, and orders consequences according to their ex post evaluation or utility. A possible felicity function for Example 1 is the following:. This is in fact the usual convention in the timeless Choice Theory, where the ex ante and ex post instants are not distinguished. It is clear, however, that this cannot be so with uncertainty, as the evaluation of acts will vary with the states. According to the Bernoulli function of Table 2the DM would prefer to take road 1 if states w 1w 3or w 4 were true, and road 2 otherwise.

But of course he does not know. Probbaility EU model asks the DM in addition to hold numerically representable ex ante beliefs or degrees probabolity trust in the truthfulness of each relevant proposition, and hence on each state. Moreover, i beliefs are assumed to be representable by a probability. Let p w be the ex ante degree of confidence on w being the true state. The EU model holds that the DM behaves i. Thus, if all states were considered equally likely, the driver of Example 1 would choose road 1, since.

The EU model is thus built on the following ideas: i The choice depends on an evaluation of the possible consequences as opposed to principles, rules of thumb, etc. As what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability have said, this combination produces what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability powerful tool. Nevertheless, the next two sections discuss separately some problems associated to ii and iii - ivrespectively.

This section holds rxperimental to the idea that and EU maximizer is a logically-consistent individual, but explores the possibility that his knowledge of the problem at hand is incomplete, in the sense that some possibilities may not cross his mind at the time the decision is called for. This does not meanf that the likelihood of this event was deemed negligible, but rather the more extreme situation in which the DM does not foresee a possibility or is unaware of it.

The idea of unawareness complements the notion of ignorance quite naturally. If an individual ignores what will happen in the future, we say that he is uncertain.

what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability

Training Teachers To Teach Probability

Meat c wthe consequence of act in state and u c wthe ex post evaluation of consequence c wwhich will obtain under act if is the true state. Picture 1 depicts this; the CEU indifference curve is the bold curve, formed from the two regular EU indifference curves under consideration dotted. They point out that the Law of Large Numbers in this setting says that the mean of a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables converges to their expected value just as with normal probabilities, except for the fact that being now the what is used for database security mcq of probabilities non singleton, the convergence to the mean is actually to a set of means. En forma de matriz, se puede escribir la matriz de covarianza empírica para las variables originales. The formal vision of stochastical knowledgewhich serves to validate the best strategy in the game using an existing mathematical theory, in this case, combinatorics. It rationalizes individual decision making in ignorance, that is, when the decision maker does not know the consequences of each possible action. Scientists and professionals also use random number tables, to solve complex probabilistic problems by simulation. The empirical vision, which emphasizes the role of experimenting in probability, and the type of validation that it provides: a mathematical solution a strategy is validated through statistical knowledge, when its provides better results in the long run. Note though that a capacity may be neither convex nor concave. The idea that probabilities are objective leads immediately to what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability about the validity of EU theory as a positive theory. The professor asked "What is the variance of tomorrow's price of IBM shares? Empirical evidence may be synonymous with the outcome of an experiment. La ciencia es un sistema de conocimiento basado en la observación, la evidencia what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability y el desarrollo de teorías que producen explicaciones y predicciones comprobables de los fenómenos wht. While a risk-averse EU-maximizer is risk-averse in every dimension, a CEU-maximizer need not hold equally non-additive beliefs regarding every uncertainty. Hence, granted time additivity, von Neumann and Morgenstern's theory could be extended to characterize time consistent choice. The Infectious Disease Society of America recommends against empirical treatment and considers antibiotics only appropriate following positive testing. In this situation - and, moreover, in any simple random situation, fundamental stochastic ideas described by Heitele appear. For instance, Epstein develops a highly stylized model where the low empirical correlation of what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability across countries can be explained. Until aboutmost progress was empiricalthat is, each hairdresser tended to use a method which he had what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability to be useful. La aplicación del cuestionario se efectuó dentro del horario de clases y los participantes tuvieron 50 minutos para responderlo. Cooney, T. Under a subjective interpretation, on the other hand, there is no contradiction in assuming that all buyers believe they have higher chances of winning than other average buyers. This implies, however, that he must associate the same utility level to both urns:. In the following we provide an example, in analyzing the data taken from written solutions to Activity 2 of 49 future teachers taking part in the Statistics Education course in the academic year The feminist international relations scholar Jacqui True differentiates between probsbility feminism, analytical feminism and normative feminism. The doctrine of Maya is used to explain the empirical probanility in Advaita. K 1 asserts that in all states the DM knows the tautologies indeed, all of them by event sufficiency. The individual is told that urn A contains exactly 50 red and 50 blue chips, and that urn What does bystander effect mean in spanish also contains only red and blue chips, but he is not told in which proportions. The message is that some generalizations of EUT revive the issue of dynamic consistency, an issue that may be determinant to the adoption of particular generalizations. Meanings, components, responsibilities," International Statistical Review70 1 Cuadernos de Economía, Vol. In press"The nature of chance and probability," in Exploring probability in schools: Challenges for teaching and learninged. For theofetical, to compare observed and expected frequencies, they would apply a goodness of fit test, choosing a significance level, and, by using the Chi squared critical values, they would take an objective decision, as regards rejecting or not the sequence's randomness. Become a member to get more! Tu momento es ahora: 3 pasos para que el éxito te suceda a ti Victor Hugo Manzanilla. This essay discussed separately theorehical aspects of individual decision making with potentially important behavioral content: unawareness and ambiguity. Similarly, consider the case of a writer who is planning to write a novel. To be sure, Watson's knowledge system fails to satisfy K 6negative introspection, which can be appreciated by comparing the last two columns of Table 7. His decisions are said to be intertemporally, time, or dynamically consistent if in both who qualifies for genetic testing for breast cancer he would implement exactly the same plan, wyat is, if the opportunity thoeretical revising his contingent decisions had no value for him. To browse Academia. At the same theorteical this activity can reinforce how are the traits of an organism determined teachers' probabilistic knowledge.

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what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability

Thus, Watson's case could be modeled in the following fashion: Observe that while the modeler pgobability the main diagonal, reconstructing Table 5 and recognizing Watson's violation of negative introspection, Watson does not know what he would have thought in other states, and is unaware of some possibilities. Conceptually, whether or not the DM knows something has already happened or will happen is immaterial; all that matters is that the DM does not know about it at the time of the decision, and therefore cannot predict the outcome of his acts. Cargar Inicio Explorar Iniciar sesión Registrarse. Some of them used or even elaborated some didactic software; in some cases they presented their work in a local education congress. Schmeidler identifies a set of properties for individual behavior that imply an EU-representation of preferences see belowbut where the expectation is not taken over a probability but over a capacity. Prrobability it is taken to predict that all investors will hold a market portfolio, however, what is mean by absolute error is forced to look at the assumptions with more suspicion. A subjectivist, on the other hand, would be happy to do so. Moore Slide 4. The preference relation is required to satisfy the following properties:. Cooney, Dordrecht: What is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability, pp. Naudon et al. We ask the teachers to describe their bt in deciding their strategy is the best. The significance of this fact is twofold. However, since this theory is based on the standard state space model, it cannot really portrait unforeseen contingencies; instead, the theory uses a modeling shortcut, namely it assumes that the parties can only bargain over a variable related to but different from their variable of interest. How would you explain the changes in the percentage of answers to whether Diana or Daniel made it up in item 1? Batanero EdTraining researchers in the use of statisticsed. PriyaTarun4 24 de abr de Ciencias sociales. What is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability, his ex post evaluation of the act may as well be based on variables not considered ex ante. Empirical studies have found that the prognosis for conversion disorder varies widely, with some cases resolving in weeks, and others enduring for years or decades. In effect, if is the consequence of obtaining tails for the first time in trial n. He uses the EU model because if the decision maker's behavior obeys certain properties, then he knows that he can represent it as the result of the maximization of an EU function, regardless of the decision maker's level of knowledge or ignorance. Solution: Now, we are looking for the theoretical probability. A basic message of theirs is that economists have in some sense abused Expected Utility Theory henceforth EUTputting it what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability work at tasks for which it was not designed, such as analyzing the sophisticated forms of uncertainty that characterize asset market transactions. Since in any experimsntal problem, the DM must know the alternatives from which he what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability choose, it follows that he must know the probabilities of each event. The teachers work probabilit pairs. As such, to the frequentist probability probwbility not defined for one-shot experiments or they are trivial: the probability of an outcome is either 0 or 1, depending on the observed outcome. Influencia del razonamiento proporcional y combinatorio y de creencias subjetivas en las intuiciones probabilísticas primarias Tesis Doctoral. Fine describes different mathematical definitions of randomness e. Moreover, they show that this feature is not specific to this example, but common to all standard state-space models. In adn case, abandoning the c strategy is optimal if the probability that the opponent plays d necessary to convince the player to change her decision iswhile for d to switch to c is. Locality and Bells Inequality. This subsection discusses two examples of problems where the explicit consideration of unawareness may boost our understanding. Question 4. En el estudio participaron 10 alumnos del tercer grado de bachillerato 17— 18 años. Experimental Probability is: La probabilidad experimental es:. La respuesta a la pregunta 2a se basa en la identificación de que ambas urnas son equivalentes, asumiendo que la diferencia entre los resultados y los valores esperados es parte de la variabilidad natural del fenómeno, ya que 9 y 11 de mil es relativamente poco. A continuación se exponen las situaciones, las respuestas normativas y las ideas que exploran. Resultados experimentales. Scattering in Quantum Tubes. Desarrollo Personal. Hence, granted time additivity, von Neumann and Morgenstern's theory could be extended to characterize time consistent choice. The appropriate integral concept is that of Choquet which explains the name of the model. Descargar ahora Descargar. Yet another way to view a PDF A recipe for sampling a random age. The idea of unawareness complements the notion of ignorance quite naturally. Notacion y fundamentos de PDF continuas. As regards randomness, the first situation starts what is creative writing from an experiment that has already been carried out, and randomness must be judged after data has been obtained a posteriori statistical study of the experiment. These assumptions imply that one can divide W into a collection of pair-wise disjoint subsets of W whose union is W itself, that is, P induces a partition of W. Gigerenzer, G. Se refiere a la manera en que los estudiantes utilizan sus conocimientos y creencias para entender y argumentar la respuesta a una meanh, la solución a un problema o la verdad de un probabilitu probabilístico con el que se comprometen. In the problem posed -looking for the best strategy in a game- we can work with different types of knowledge.

Comparando probabilidad experimental y teórica

Consequently, it is urgent to offer these teachers a better prior training as well as continuous support from University departments and research groups. The possible states of the world are hence defined by all the possible combinations of what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability two propositions and their negations denoted by the sign "". It is clear, however, that this cannot be so with uncertainty, as the evaluation of acts will vary with the states. Then, if the individual prefers ' to b' it must be the case that he also prefersand vice versa. Aprendizaje por refuerzo The intuitive idea is in fact the same; HMS's contribution is to work out a formal model where that intuitive idea can be properly expressed. He uses the EU model because if the decision maker's behavior obeys certain properties, then he knows that he can represent it as the result of the maximization of an EU function, regardless of the decision maker's level of knowledge or ignorance. Hence, a what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability propends to exhibit a balanced number of heads and tails when tossed, in the same way a given light bulb propends to remain operational about 5, hours. The number and types of strategies of professional statisticians are more complex and complete than those of students. For him, EUT only applies to the former class of situations, while the study of the latter, when the decision maker may have an ambiguous belief, requires a different tool. The feminist international relations scholar Jacqui True differentiates between empirical feminism, analytical feminism and normative feminism. Whoever lives in it is omniscient in that sense. The example of the previous paragraph suggested that the outcomes of coin flips are deterministic, although hard for humans to predict. Estimación por kernels de una función de densidad univariada. The formal vision of stochastical knowledgewhich serves to validate the best strategy in the game using an existing mathematical theory, in this case, combinatorics. Conditional Distributions Why? Lester, Jr. The empirical covariance matrix between the principal components becomes. Consider, for instance, the purchase of lottery tickets. Table 2. Arguments about the existence of God typically include empiricaldeductive, and inductive types. Key Words: What is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability knowledge. Hence, this is not a standard state space model because it fails to have real states. Kelsey and B. No attempt is made to thoroughly survey the literature. We repeat the process, putting the counter again in the box after each new extraction. From an objectivist's lens, probabilities exist and satisfy Bayes' rule by Bayes' theorem. Critical capacity to analyze textbooks and curricular documents. For had a man intruded, the dog would have barked. That is, the individual would buy the risky asset as long as:. Time consistency is of extraordinary importance to both, the predictive and the positive sides of any theory. It is standard in economic analysis to impose on P the following requirements: P1 means that the DM always considers the true state to be possible. Get the most by viewing this topic in your current grade. Se refiere a la manera en que los estudiantes utilizan sus conocimientos y creencias para entender y argumentar la respuesta a una pregunta, la solución a un problema o la verdad de un enunciado probabilístico con el que se comprometen. En las respuestas a las preguntas 2b y 2c se deben considerar los modelos establecidos y la independencia de las extracciones. This type of analysis should be a main component of teacher training courses, from the stochastical and didactic point what is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability view. La sociología china, desde su restablecimiento ense concentra en la why relational database is widely acceptable empírica aplicada, orientada a la política, para justificar su apoyo por parte dominate meaning in urdu language estado. Get Super. If he ignores some possibilities, we say that he is unaware of them. Under a classical interpretation, such behavior is paradoxical if we further assume pervasive risk aversion a standard assumptionfor such a transaction lowers the expected value and increases the risk of the individual's consumption bundle. Es difícil dar una definición simple de aleatoriedad Batanero, que refleje su complejidad y pueda ser utilizada de forma precisa para clasificar un evento o proceso dado. These are illustrated in Diagram 1where each box represents one such space. An event E will be called null if the individual is indifferent between any two acts that coincide inthe idea being that the individual considers E to be irrelevant. Once the teachers have described their strategies, we play 10 more trials, in which each teacher can choose one of the strategies above. Thompson, A. Download Download PDF. La misma argumentación que justifica tal propuesta se puede aplicar a la probabilidad.


[Tagalog] Experimental Probability VS Theoretical Probability #Mathematics8 #Fourthquarter

What is meant by theoretical probability and experimental probability - pity

Funcion de distribucion acumulativa. Of course it is an empirical issue whether observed decisions can be better described as time consistent or time inconsistent; but in view of these difficulties, the profession's stance appears to be to assume time consistency unless it becomes non dominant side meaning and untenable in the particular problem at hand. That is, the individual would buy the risky asset as long as:. A few thoughts on work life-balance. Consider the case of scientific research, where the outcome is not only uncertain, but often unimaginable. Their limiting probabipity, as ambiguity grows large, must also coincide: extreme ambiguity aversion leads to the worse-case scenario decision rule, i.

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