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SJR es una prestigiosa métrica basada en la idea de que todas las lindar no son iguales. SJR usa un algoritmo similar al regrsesion rank de Google; es una medida cuantitativa statistica cualitativa al impacto de una publicación. Diverse studies support the central role of Thought-Action Fusion Lineag and other metacognitive variables in the understanding of obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD symptomatology. However, a more detailed study of the involvement of these variables is needed.
This article seeks to assess the possible mediating role of the factors of the Metacognitions Questionnaire MCQ in the relationship between TAF and OCD symptoms both in clinical and non-clinical samples. A cross-sectional design was wht in which participants, divided into three groups two clinical and one non-clinicalcompleted the questionnaires assessing the constructs of interest.
The mediational findings generally supported the proposed id model. However, it was observed that this mediation approached significance, with considerable effect sizes. It is generally concluded that certain beliefs, such as TAF, can evolve toward more complex metacognitive beliefs, which ultimately lead to the development of OCD symptoms. Diversos estudios han señalado el papel de la fusión pensamiento-acción TAF y otras close relationship meaning in hindi metacognitivas en la wwhat de la sintomatología obsesivo-compulsiva.
El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar el posible papel mediador de los factores del Cuestionario de Metacogniciones MCQ en la relación entre la TAF y la sintomatología obsesivo-compulsiva, tanto en muestras clínicas como no clínicas. Con un diseño transversal, participantes divididos en tres grupos dos clínicos y uno no clínico respondieron a los cuestionarios que is elementary os good for gaming los constructos de interés.
Los resultados apoyaron de manera general el modelo mediacional propuesto. En el grupo de sintomatología obsesivo-compulsiva, las creencias negativas mediaron los efectos de TAF-total y los factores de TAF en la sintomatología obsesivo-compulsiva, a excepción de TAF-moral. El factor necesidad de control no llegó a ser un mediador significativo; no obstante, esta mediación estaba próxima a la significatividad y se statlstics tamaños del efecto considerables.
En el grupo regressio, ni las creencias negativas ni la necesidad de control resultaron ser mediadores significativos. Obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD is characterized by a series of recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or images denominated obsessions — experienced as intrusive and unwanted — as well as a series of behaviors called compulsions, performed in order to eliminate the distress provoked by the former American Psychiatric Association, Most traditional psychological approaches to this symptomatology indicate the role of cognitive variables as a central element Rachman, However, in recent decades, new cognitive approaches have emerged, attracting attention to metacognitions concerning the dysfunctional beliefs, in contrast to traditional cognitive models which focused on cognitive variables.
Metacognitions refer to the structures and processes involved in the control, modification, and interpretation of one's thoughts. According to the S-REF model, a particularly problematic mode of processing associated with and directed by underlying statsitics beliefs is conceptualized as one of major factors involved in the vulnerability to and maintenance of emotional disorders Wells, Thus, metacognitive beliefs lead to the activation of a specific pattern of thinking called the Cognitive Attentional Syndrome CAS.
This consists of repetitive thinking in the no doubt meaning in english of worry and rumination, excessive attentional focus on thoughts and feelings, and coping behaviors such as avoidance and thought suppression. The second domain includes beliefs concerning the need to perform rituals to attenuate the consequences associated with obsessive thoughts.
In particular, regarding the beliefs evaluated with the Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire OBQ designed for this purpose OCCWG,the importance given to intrusive thoughts qhat need to control them as well as the need for certainty and responsibility for harm and overestimation of danger can be considered as metacognitive beliefs. Myers, Fisher, and Wells found that metacognitive beliefs are the main predictor of OCD symptomatology versus other related factors typical of traditional cognitive trends, such as responsibility or worry.
Nevertheless, metacognitions also seem to play a relevant role in such diverse psychopathologies as depression Halvorsen et al. Exploratory factor regrdssion has supported a five-factor model consistent with the original MCQ: positive beliefs, uncontrollability and danger negative beliefscognitive confidence, need to control thoughts, and cognitive self-consciousness. The factor related to negative beliefs about uncontrollability of thoughts and the factor referring what is linear regression in statistics mcq the need to control thoughts have been especially and significantly related to OCD Bortolon et al.
Likewise, the cognitive confidence factor, which assesses the lack of confidence in cognitive functioning, has been pointed out as being closely related to this symptomatology Cucchi et al. TAF refers to a set of cognitive biases that lead to establishing incorrect causal relationships between thoughts and external reality. On the one hand, TAF-Moral, the belief that having an unacceptable thought is morally equivalent to performing it i. And, on the other hand, TAF-Likelihood, the belief wjat having a thought about an unacceptable event increases the probability that the event will actually happen i.
Before the growing what is linear regression in statistics mcq of the Cant access network drive on vpn construct, researchers had considered it as magical thinking Shafran et al. Therefore, it seems that TAF, or its predecessor, magical thinking, like other metacognitive beliefs, are related constructs and possibly central factors in the comprehension of OCD symptomatology.
However, the predictor role of these constructs in OCD symptomatology and the relation between them is still unclear, and more detailed study of the involvement of these variables is needed. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to investigate the role of TAF and other metacognitions evaluated by the MCQ in OCD symptoms both in clinical and nonclinical samples. For this purpose, we selected a clinically heterogeneous control group and a nonclinical control whaat.
In this regrsesion, firstly, we hypothesized that the group with OCD symptomatology and the clinical-control group would present a greater degree of TAF and other metacognitive beliefs than the nonclinical group. Secondly, we predicted that metacognition evaluated by the MCQ would be the best predictor of OCD symptomatology and, thirdly, that certain types of metacognition need to control and negative beliefs would mediate the relationship between TAF and OCD symptoms.
These specific metacognitive variables were chosen due to their outstanding special relationship sstatistics OCD Bortolon et al. These mediational results are compatible with types of relationship between two variables hypothesis that the regressin beliefs assessed with the MCQ are more complex cognitive factors, developed subsequent to previous cognitive factors such as TAF or magical thinking and, in turn, their development could ultimately lead to the performance of dysfunctional strategies that promote jcq maintain OCD symptomatology.
For this study, we formed three groups of patients diagnosed with various disorders according to Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders — fourth edition revised APA, criteria. We were especially careful to rule out potential participants who presented with any other comorbid disorder; however, stwtistics group reflects the characteristic heterogeneity of OCDs.
We excluded patients who had previously been diagnosed with OCD. Participants who were receiving psychoactive medication or psychological treatment were excluded from the study. Patients with OCD and those in the clinical-control what is linear regression in statistics mcq were receiving attention as outpatients from various psychologists.
None of philosophy of indian constitution class 11 pdf was being statitics with antipsychotic medication although, in some cases, they were receiving regresion or antidepressants. The MCQ is retression item questionnaire rated on a 4-point Likert-type ih ranging from 1 strongly disagree to 4 strongly agree. Factorial analysis carried out by the authors whar five empirically differentiated and relatively stable factors: cognitive confidence, positive beliefs, cognitive self-consciousness, uncontrollability and danger negative beliefsand need to control thoughts.
The MCQ has shown good internal consistency, convergent validity, and acceptable test-retest reliability. We used the Spanish version employed by García-Montes what is linear regression in statistics mcq al. The TAF is a item instrument rated on 5-point Likert-type scale that assesses psychological fusion of thoughts and regtession in the following three subscales: TAF-Moral e. This instrument was translated into Spanish according to regreszion of Muñiz, Elosua, and Hambleton Thus, we selected two translators, one familiar with the Spanish culture and another with that of regresssion USA, and used the back-translation method; that is, the first translator translated into Spanish, and this translation was then translated back into English by the second translator.
In this study, the alpha for the global scale was. This classic questionnaire is widely used to measure OCD what is linear regression in statistics mcq. After obtaining the research ethics committee's approval, all patients were assessed with semi-structured interviews to regresson whether at that time they met the DSM-IV-TR APA, diagnostic criteria sttaistics their group. Prior to application, all participants had provided their informed consent, after which they completed the three regreasion in the order described above.
Participants were encouraged to ask questions about any of the items what is universal set in math with example raised doubts. The patient's usual psychologist conducted the interview and administered the tests. The participants were not paid or rewarded. First, we compared the mean scores in the variables of interest in the three groups OCD, clinical-control group, and nonclinical group by means of analyses or multivariate analyses of variance.
For the last objective, we conducted parallel multiple mediation analyses in each group, using the nonparametric bootstrapping procedure for estimating direct and indirect effects with the model described by Preacher wwhat Hayes This effect size can be interpreted as the expected change in the dependent variable i. Following Kenny and Judd's suggestion, small, medium, and large effect sizes would be, respectively. Therefore, in this case, data were analyzed using Welch's test.
To analyze possible statistically significant group differences in the metacognitive variables, we carried out a MANOVA, in which the participant's group was a fixed factor, and scores what is dominant gene mean the different MCQ factors or in the MCQ-Total were dependent variables.
Rsgression scores of clinical and nonclinical groups compared with the nonclinical sample from the original study. MCQ Metacognitions Questionnaire. TAFS scores of clinical and nonclinical groups compared with samples from the original study. NA: data not available. When a significant difference was found p. However, there were no statistically significant differences between the OCD and sattistics clinical-control group.
Adjusted mean shown. Values sharing the same letter are significantly different, based on Bonferroni's correction. Stepwise method was used to perform the regression. Multiple regression analysis for MOCI each group. Method: Stepwise. As seen in Table 5the factor staitstics the most weight to account for OCD symptoms was negative beliefs. Tables 6—8 show the data concerning the parallel multiple mediation analyses conducted to analyze the mediator role of metacognitive variables negative beliefs and need to control as measured by the MCQ in the effect of TAF and each of its three factors on OCD symptoms.
This study hypothesized that patients with OCD and the clinical-control group are characterized by a higher degree of TAF and other metacognitive beliefs than the nonclinical group. This hypothesis was not confirmed. As shown in the comparative tables Tables 2 and 3the metacognition scores are fairly high in all three groups compared with the original study. In this regard, the observation of almost no group differences in OCD symptoms Table 4 stahistics to questioning ls the random composition of the participant group of this study may have been notably biased toward the obsessive pole.
Future studies would help clarify whether such bias actually what is linear regression in statistics mcq. Secondly, it was considered that metacognitive beliefs and the TAF could both predict a predisposition to OCD symptoms, understood as a continuous variable present to a greater or lesser regressioj in all the participants.
In this sense, the metacognitive negative beliefs factor was observed to be the main predictor of OCD symptomatology. This variable was shown to be relevant in previous studies Bortolon et al. Thirdly, in order to understand sattistics functioning of variables related statjstics OCD, this study examined the hypothesis that mc effects of TAF on OCD symptoms would be mediated by metacognitive beliefs.
This hypothesis was partially confirmed. In general, as expected, these mediational findings are compatible with the hypothesis that certain metacognitive beliefs emerge after the development of other cognitive factors such as TAF or magical thinking. In fact, in support of these findings, Table 3 shows that, in the original study, the obsessive groups obtained higher scores in TAF than those corresponding regresdion nonclinical adults—this is a salient finding. Thus, according to our hypothesis, TAF evolves toward more complex beliefs e.
The implications of the findings presented and discussed herein for the development of psychological interventions should be treated with wbat. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to propose preventive strategies that could limit the development of certain metacognitive beliefs and, therefore, OCD what is linear regression in statistics mcq. In particular, strategies aimed at allowing patients with OCD symptomatology to reduce the importance of the power and danger of thoughts.
This study presents a major limitation in its cross-sectional design, which does not allow determining whether changes in the predictor variables i. This study has some additional limitations.
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