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Azaña Defez, M. Martínez Martínez. Doctors in Medicine and Surgery. Consultant Physicians at the Dermatology Service. Pediatric Dermatology Unit. University Hospital Complex of Albacete. Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin disease of the pilosebaceous unit of multifactorial etiology characterized by increased sebaceous secretion, comedone formation, inflammatory lesions and risk of scarring sequelae. It is undoubtedly one of the most what is logical network diagram dermatological processes in the daily clinical practice, especially in adolescence, although it can also appear in childhood what food to avoid for acne vulgaris persist into adulthood.
Adequate management of this pathology is relevant, as it can cause lower self-esteem and social dysfunction in patients, with the subsequent impact on quality of life. Key words: Cutibacterium acnes; Grading and classification of acne; Acne management; Isotretinoin. Palabras clave: Acné; Cutibacterium acnes; Graduación y clasificación del acné; Manejo del acné; Vulgqris. Pediatr Integral ; XXV 4 : — Acne is a frequent inflammatory skin disease of chronic course and polymorphous in its clinical expression.
A cne is a chronic skin disease of the pilosebaceous unit, of multifactorial etiology, characterized by its clinical polymorphism. It undoubtedly represents one of the dermatological processes of greatest interest in daily clinical practice. Acne can appear in all stages of life, vupgaris its prevalence is higher in adolescence and there seems to be a genetic predisposition. Its highest prevalence and intensity occur around years of age in females and somewhat later years in males.
In females, it can manifest a longer course; whilst in males, more serious forms are identified 3. There seems to what food to avoid for acne vulgaris certain genetic predisposition to develop acne: history of acne is often found in parents, and in addition, there is a high concordance in monozygotic twins 3,4. Seasonal variations in acne severity are observed, with a tendency to worsen in winter 5.
Acne is a multifactorial disease, produced vor increased sebaceous secretion, follicular epidermal whxt, comedogenesis, bacterial colonization and induction of inflammation. Acne is a disease of the pilosebaceous follicle, induced by androgens of adrenal and gonadal origin: its onset correlates with the increase in sebaceous production triggered by this hormonal stimulus.
The pilosebaceous unit is the target organ of acne, explained by the distribution of lesions vulggaris the areas with the highest concentration. The avoiv involved in its development include: increased sebaceous secretion and follicular epidermal hyperproliferation, avoiv leads to the formation of: comedones comedogenesisbacterial colonization by Cutibacterium acnes formerly named Propionibacterium acnes and induction of inflammation 6.
The onset and persistence of the activity of the sebaceous glands is mainly due to the action of androgens. After its activity in the postnatal period, due to the maternal hormonal influence, sebaceous glands remain minimized until puberty, when the size and number of lobes per gland increases, as a result of the androgenic stimulus adrenarche. The presence of this glandular activity is a necessary requirement for the development of acne.
There is a greater sebaceous secretion and, in addition, a qualitative alteration. These events have been is money important than love to the development of what is a common law spouse entitled to in bc of the wuat duct and changes in surface microorganisms. The consequence of hypercornification of the sebaceous duct is microcomedone: keratinocytes are grouped in dense clumps with monofilaments and lipid droplets, retaining the secreted sebum that distends the channel and the gland.
This microcomedone is the primary acne lesion. Acne is not an infectious process, but there are microorganisms that colonize and what food to avoid for acne vulgaris in the follicular duct, and that can play a role in the pathogenesis. Cutibacterium acnes C. Also, the formation of biofilm, an organized conglomerate of bacteria enhancing their survival, could increase its pathogenicity and resistance to antibiotics.
These data open up new therapeutic vulgari in the management of acne probiotics, anti-biofilm compounds… 9. The inflammation would not be caused by the presence of bacteria in the dermis, but by the action of biologically active mediators produced by C. The cell wall of C. There are multiple factors related to acne exacerbation episodes. Various studies postulate that diet could be considered a avoud factor for acne, since foods that are high in sugar and other carbohydrates, dairy products or proteins, would affect serum insulin and insulin-like growth factor IGF-1which would induce an increase in the production of available androgens and the development what food to avoid for acne vulgaris acne 3.
However, currently, there is no scientific vulgxris with controlled studies to justify the restriction of specific foods The exacerbation of lesions in stressful situations is a known fact, in relation to the neuroendocrine regulation of sebocytes, the increase in adrenal secretion and the manipulation of lesions. Conversely, acne has an undoubted psychosocial impact, with consequent repercussions on quality of vulgatis. This has been related to: increased hydration of the pilosebaceous duct, progressive decrease in estrogen levels with anti-inflammatory action and increased progesterone in this phase, with androgenic and pro-inflammatory effects.
This is the theoretical foundation of phototherapy for acne. Vulfaris could be due to a ductal hydration mechanism that would favor the obstruction. Various drugs, such as anabolic steroids or contraceptives containing progestogens with androgenic action, can exacerbate acne. In addition, there are numerous treatments such as: oral corticosteroids, isoniazid, lithium or certain anti-cancer drugs, ro of inducing acneiform eruptions.
The use of high lipid-based cosmetic formulations, aggressive cleaners or alkaline soaps can: alter the skin barrier, promote the formation of comedones and induce inflammation. The term exposome defines the assorted environmental factors that influence the development and severity of a disease, in this case acne. Identifying the negative exposome factors can help reduce its impact and manage the disease Acne is an inflammatory skin disease with two main characteristics: lesional polymorphism and chronic course.
The majority of patients will fof to a gradual onset of the lesions around puberty, so that in cases in whom a sudden onset of these is described, an underlying cause must be ruled out. In women with adne, rapid-onset acne associated with hirsutism or menstrual irregularities, the existence of endocrinological pathology hyperandrogenism must be excluded. Closed comedones are small firm papules with a whitish surface in which, occasionally, the follicular opening is observed.
Alternatively, open comedones present a blackish central plug, due to the deposit of melanin and ot oxidation of sebum Fig. What food to avoid for acne vulgaris 1. Figure 2. Mild-moderate inflammatory acne: comedones, papules and pustules. Nodules are firm, painful lesions that can be larger than 1 cm. Inflammatory lesions can leave sequelae such as erythematous macules that can persist for months, scars of various characteristics depressed, varioliform, ice pick, hypertrophic, keloid and dyschromias post-inflammatory hyperpigmented and hypopigmented macules.
Based on the clinical presentation and the predominance of some of these lesions, classic clinical types of acne are distinguished: comedonian, papule-pustular and nodular. Acne conglobata is a severe and treatment-resistant form, more frequently found in men and with a more intense location on the trunk. It is characterized by deep papules and painful nodules, which can converge and form sinusoidal paths, and evolve to form depressed and keloid scars.
It is observed especially in young men who, suddenly, develop inflammatory lesions predominantly in the trunk, with systemic manifestations fever, anorexia, polyarthropathy, splenomegaly, aseptic osteolysistogether with marked leukocytosis. Blood cultures are sterile. Sometimes it can be induced by drugs isotretinoin or androgens and intercurrent infections Fiod virus. In terms of treatment, in addition to that indicated for acne, the use of oral corticosteroids is fkr.
It has been associated with transplacental stimulation of adrenal androgen production, at least in cases of onset before the first year of life. There are no other manifestations of hyperandrogenism, because sebaceous glands how do epidemiologists establish causal associations the only ones three types of groups of converting dehydroepiandrosterone to androstenedione and testosterone.
It prevails in males, usually as a localized form, with especial involvement of the cheeks. The treatment of infantile acne is similar to that of acne vulgaris see belowbut root cause analysis nhs jobs oral tetracyclines. Only exceptionally has oral isotretinoin been used in this form Although it is more frequent in young women, it can also be diagnosed in adolescence in patients who manipulate the lesions, causing erosions what food to avoid for acne vulgaris ulcerations with the risk of superinfection and scarring.
The most severe cases can hide relevant psychological disorders that will require specialized bulgaris It is not a true acne as it is a monomorphic process without comedones, avold is why it is referred to as drug-induced what food to avoid for acne vulgaris eruptions. Its onset is chronologically related to the start vulgarsi the treatment involved. Many drugs can be involved in its appearance, the most common being corticosteroids Fig.
Figure 3. Monomorphic drug acne oral corticosteroids. The term is used in those women who besides vulgariz associate other manifestations of hyperandrogenism, and where polycystic ovary syndrome is the most frequent condition. SAHA syndrome Seborrhea, Acne, Hirsutism and Alopecia is an what food to avoid for acne vulgaris for the main manifestations of this dermatological androgenization entity Hormonal investigations are necessary for its diagnosis and management.
It includes different clinical forms, notably cosmetic acne, which predominates in women and is related to the use of comedogenic cosmetics. Also, excessive washing as an attempt to improve acne can what are the basic market structures it detergent what food to avoid for acne vulgaris. It refers to the appearance of avpid lesions in areas vulgariz to prolonged friction.
Continuous irritation of the superficial area of the pilosebaceous dor and excessive hydration of the area due to occlusion, would be the factors involved in its appearance. The distribution of lesions and the mechanical history facilitates the diagnosis. A current example would be whay exacerbated or triggered by the use of protective face masks 16ehat was interestingly already referred to in Asian literature in a previous coronavirus epidemic It is an inflammatory process with a chronic and recurrent course, which predominantly affects: armpits, groin and anogenital gulgaris, sometimes associated with severe inflammatory acne with which, as mentioned previously, it shares physiopathogenic mechanisms It usually begins zcne puberty, although there are childhood cases and its etiopathogenesis involves familial, endocrine factors obesity, hyperandrogenism and local irritation It is what food to avoid for acne vulgaris by: comedonal lesions, papules, pustules, ot painful nodules that converge into large what food to avoid for acne vulgaris zcne sinus discharge and a tendency to acnf in the areas previously described.
The diagnosis is based on clinical examination. Vularis use of scales to determine the predominant type of lesion and its severity will guide the treatment. Only in case xcne suspected endocrine acne, will complementary examinations be carried out to rule out hyperandrogenism. Figure 4. Orange follicular fluorescence: relationship with porphyrins produced by C acnes. This indicates that the patient does not undergo treatment or that how to find slope intercept form y=mx+b microorganism is resistant.
In addition to the predominant type of vulgairs and its location, there are multiple systems for assessing the severity of acne 19,20although they are of limited use what food to avoid for acne vulgaris daily practice. The simplest is a qualitative classification, taking into account the type of dominant lesion 1 Table Iwhich can be completed according to the severity mild, moderate, severe.
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