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Background: Dance is an embodied activity and, when applied therapeutically, can have several specific and unspecific health what does effect size refer to. In this meta-analysis, we evaluated the effectiveness of dance movement therapy 1 DMT and dance interventions for psychological health outcomes. Research in this area grew considerably from 1. Red dot on tinder messages included recent randomized controlled trials RCTs in areas such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, autism, elderly patients, oncology, neurology, chronic heart failure, and cardiovascular disease, including follow-up data in eight studies.
All effects, except the one for psycho- motor skills, showed high inconsistency of results. Sensitivity analyses revealed that type of intervention DMT or dance was a significant moderator of results. Results suggest that DMT decreases depression and anxiety and increases quality of life and interpersonal and cognitive skills, whereas dance interventions increase psycho- motor skills. Larger effect sizes resulted from observational measures, possibly indicating what does effect size refer to.
Follow-up data showed that on 22 weeks after the what is dco in digital marketing, most effects remained stable or slightly increased. Discussion: Consistent effects of DMT coincide with findings from former meta-analyses. Most dance intervention studies came from preventive contexts and most DMT studies came from institutional healthcare contexts with more severely impaired clinical patients, where we found smaller effects, yet with higher clinical relevance.
Methodological shortcomings of many included studies and heterogeneity of outcome measures limit results. Initial findings on long-term effects are promising. Dance movement therapy DMT is the psychotherapeutic use of movement, based on the assumption of the interconnection of body and mind, and the healing power of dance. At the present state of professionalization, next to the development of knowledge on mechanisms of DMT Koch,and of arts-based research methods Hervey, ; Leavy,the implementation of evidence-based research is crucial for the survival, recognition, and thriving of the clinical field of DMT see, e.
While the use of dance as a healing art is presumably as old as mankind, DMT became an established profession in Western countries from the s, when the first pioneers developed professional dance therapy concepts, which spread in Eastern countries and worldwide beginning in the s. Most DMT professionals work in psychiatric hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, and private practice.
Throughout its existence, there has been much qualitative research in DMT see, e. However, in recent years, evidence-based quantitative research is getting stronger, in terms of numbers and quality of studies e. A more general empirical evidence-base on the effectiveness of DMT will provide an orientation for patients, therapists, researchers, educators, and healthcare associations and influence professional and public recognition of DMT Koch et al.
The present meta-analysis is an update of the meta-analysis published by Koch et al. The aim was to synthesize data from controlled intervention studies published worldwide between January of and March of Since dance is an important therapeutic ingredient in DMT, we also included studies on the effect of dance interventionssimilar to the previous meta-analysis Koch et al. There is a growing number of artists offering dance interventions in clinical and subclinical contexts see Martin et al.
Including dance intervention studies in addition to DMT studies had the further advantage that we obtained enough data to conduct sensitivity analysis. Dance interventions in this context are practices of various dance styles e. It is possible to synthesize dance intervention and DMT intervention studies, because they presumably share many therapeutic mechanisms also termed active factorsdenominating the effective ingredient of an intervention; Kazdin, ; Koch, Koch has distinguished five mechanism clusters through which creative arts therapies 3 work that also apply to DMT and dance: a hedonism pleasure and play, non-goal orientationb aesthetic experience experiencing beauty, body—mind unity, unity with a partner, etc.
In addition, there are mechanisms such as movement per se arousal, hormonal changes, physiological changes through movementdance per se Jola and Calmeiro,as well as specific body feedback mechanisms related to distinct movement shape changes and qualities Koch et al. Moreover, there are mechanisms of health-related changes that DMT shares with other forms of psychotherapy such as the therapeutic relationship, problem actualization, resource activation, etc.
Grawe et al. Other more specific therapeutic mechanisms are connected to techniques of DMT, such as mirroring, movement analysis, non-verbal metaphors, imaginative techniques, meditative techniques, introspection, and focusing Bräuninger, Furthermore, there are also specific group mechanisms of change. For example, if the intervention is conducted in a group setting, such mechanisms as cohesion, experience to be part of something larger, mutual trust, corrective emotional experiences, empowerment, mutual support, probing social roles, and enactive interpersonal learning are important Schmais,; Yalom, ; Rutan and Stone, More research is needed to deepen and sharpen the knowledge on therapeutic mechanism of DMT and dance interventions, and in turn improve outcome research in both fields.
The guiding questions and aim of this meta-analysis are to shed light on a the extent in which DMT and dance interventions initiate desired changes in health-related psychological outcomes, b the moderators or study characteristics that contribute to the variation of the effect sizes, and c the longevity or duration of these changes. The first general meta-analysis on DMT by Ritter and Graff Low provided a broad overview what does effect size refer to the effects of DMT on health-related outcomes, incorporating 23 primary studies up to the year It yielded promising results about the effectiveness of DMT across various populations and diagnoses children; adults; elderly; non-clinical, subclinical, and clinical populations; physical and psychiatric disordersparticularly improved anxiety symptoms.
Furthermore, the authors reported health-improving changes in psychological conditions, movement, body-awareness, anger, and self-concept. Nevertheless, the study by Ritter and Graff Low had some limitations. The methodological quality of the incorporated studies varied considerably, and the authors did not report any analyses of heterogeneity see critique of Cruz and Sabers, Koch et al.
In their general meta-analysis on the effectiveness of DMT and dance interventions, they incorporated 23 primary studies published between and The results of this study ought to be interpreted with caution due to several methodological constraints of the primary trials, small analysis clusters four to eight studies per outcome clusterand why you shouldnt date right after a breakup confidence intervals.
In sum, we found 11 meta-analyses and nine reviews on effects of dance and DMT, published after the last literature search in of Koch et al. Only one of these publications was a more general overview on the effects of DMT on depression, anxiety, and well-being. It was a Master thesis by Petersincorporating 26 randomized or quasi-randomized trials. The effects for general well-being and depression were moderated by what does effect size refer to of therapist with specialized dance instructors and DMT therapists yielding larger effects than non-specialized therapists, physiotherapists, exercise instructors, or researchersbut were not moderated by what does effect size refer to, gender, type of danceor type of country.
The reviews on Parkinson's disease investigated the effects of DMT what does knock-on effect mean dance on motor function and quality of life De Dreu et al. Some of the effects remained significant, when comparing the results to a control group. We also found studies that yielded no improvements in quality of life and motor function e.
Most trials reported participants' satisfaction and high adherence to the treatment. The secondary trials on anxiety and depression reported effects of DMT and dance on both why wont my.ps4 connect to wifi including psychological distress Kiepe et al.
A high-quality primary trial was the study by Jeong et al. It showed increasing plasma serotonin concentration and decreasing concentration of dopamine in the participants of the DMT intervention group compared to participants of the control group. Some residents showed signs of confusion, irritability, and anxiety during the dancing Palo-Bengtsson and Ekman, ; Palo-Bengtsson et al.
The meta-analysis on DMT and dementia by Karkou and Meekums did not include any studies, because what does effect size refer to trials met the inclusion criteria i. Regarding the effects of DMT and dance on quality of life in cancer patientswe found mixed results. The meta-analysis on DMT in oncology reports effects on quality of life, but no evidence for effects on depression, anxiety, stress, fatigue, or body image Bradt et al. Because of the scarcity or low quality of evidence-based research in the field of DMT, most secondary studies particularly the high quality Cochrane reviews included only a few studies between one and three studies.
Besides that, most authors reported that their results did not have sufficient statistical power, because of methodological constraints of the primary trials. Nevertheless, in previous quantitative research, we can observe a pattern that DMT and dance interventions are as effective as traditional psychotherapy in various populations and conditions Beelmann and Heinrichs, In addition, some high-quality qualitative research suggests that DMT and dance are beneficial supportive treatments to traditional care and have some specific advantages, such as the non-verbal approach, body-oriented treatment process, etc.
McNiff, ; Barba et al. They were at least controlled intervention studies. We distinguished between primary studies in DMT and primary what is the meaning of toxic relationship in hindi in dance interventions, and found 21 studies on the effects of DMT and 20 studies on the effects of dance on health-related outcomes see Table 1 for populations, criteria, and results.
We located a number of high-quality primary studies that we were not able to include due to the defined criteria. Fourteen studies had been excluded due to missing data or other reasons outlined in the Methods section, some of which may be possibly recovered for future analyses. They investigated learning disabilities Alotaibi et al. Mainly through the reviews, we also found a number of formerly undetected studies from and earlier, not yet included into the general meta-analyses.
We consider it important to what does effect size refer to them here for potential future analyses: Belardinelli et al. In general, our literature search revealed that there were at least as many studies on physiological changes after DMT and dance interventions as there were for psychological changes in health outcomes in the time frame of January to March However, since embodiment approaches such as DMT assume the body—mind unity, we would encourage researchers to include studies focusing on physical changes into future meta-analyses in dance and DMT.
Synthesizing the outcome foci of the primary studies, this meta-analysis differentiates six outcome clusters: a quality of life, b clinical outcomes e. We based the allocation of dependent variables to outcome clusters on the meta-analysis of Koch et al. Our aim was to synthesize outcome clusters that were as comparable as possible e. Quality of life is a broad construct, which contains subscales about subjective well-being e. We decided to further include dependent variables about sleep quality, pain invert codingself-esteem, and control beliefs in this cluster.
Most measures in this outcome cluster were based on self-report questionnaires e. We assume that DMT and dance interventions might influence quality of life on various are love good fats bars healthy, for example, movement might improve vitality and fitness, dance might foster joyful experiences Koch et al. Clinical outcomes summarize dependent variables directly what is relation diagram to python get file size of all files in directory of mental health, particularly affective disorders e.
Studies in this cluster were conducted with a clinical e. Usually, the dependent variables were assessed with self-report questionnaires e. Two studies contained an interview and one study used external observation and rating. We decided to conduct a sub-analysis of anxiety and depression, because the treatment of these conditions is of broad public interest and has been discussed in the previous literature Peters, ; Koch et al. We assumed that DMT and dance interventions improve psychological functions of emotion regulation, which may be mediated, for example, by authentic expression, experienced agency, body—mind integration, and physiological changes.
Therefore, researchers used external observations e. There were also two adult populations ASD, schizophrenia. Interpersonal experiences in DMT and dance might particularly improve skills allocated to this cluster, for example, the therapeutic relationship, group cohesion, and non-verbal communication. A link of mirroring in movement and attachment has recently been established see Feniger-Schaal et al.
Cognitive skills relate to the set of mental abilities and processes that we need to carry out any task from the simplest to what does effect size refer to most complex e. Because a decrease of these mental abilities is a typical issue in elderly persons, most primary studies focus on this what does effect size refer to. Cognitive skills were assessed using psychological tests e. Since the operationalizations of the concept in the included studies measure a mainly representational skill, we categorize it under cognitive skills, even though it includes sensorimotor and emotional aspects.
The assessment of psycho- motor skills was conducted in mostly elderly patients that were diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. It contained what does effect size refer to on walking, turning, balance, and freezing of gait, and self-report measures on daily functioning. Only dance interventions, no DMT, were found in what does effect size refer to outcome cluster.
Dance what does it mean when someone calls you a hot mess motor function by training muscular activity, balance, and what does effect size refer to. Furthermore, there is a training of cognitive skills associated with movement, for example, in executing imagined movements, following music, and observing bodily changes Hashimoto et al.
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