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Universidad Austral de Chile, In Anemia tomentosa var. Canadian Entomology, Prado E, Gozdarski Vestnik, 51 1 Quintana J, Canadian Entomologist, The effects of aerial explants from different organs and the concentration of cytokinins 6-benzylaminopurine; Rominance in the culture media were evaluated to optimize the micropropagation of these two genotypes.
Induction of direct organogenesis from aerial explants of scented alstroemeria genotypes. Constanza Rivas 1. Alstroemeria is an important pot plant and cut flower in the ornamental plant market, and its propagation mainly occurs by rhizome division. However, this method is inefficient and time-consuming and may contribute to the spread of viruses. This study focused on developing in vitro propagation protocols using aerial explants of Alstroemeria caryophyllaea and A.
Aerial explants of alstroemeria were regenerated by testing three types of aerial explants and four concentrations of cytokinins. Both A. For both genotypes, the optimum BAP concentration for direct organogenesis from buds was 1. Finally, a successful protocol for in vitro propagation of A. Alstroemeria es una especie importante en el mercado de plantas ornamentales y flores de corte y su propagación es principalmente realizada por división de rizomas. Sin what does apical dominance mean in biology, este método es ineficiente, altamente demandante de tiempo y puede contribuir a la dispersión de virus.
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo desarrollar un protocolo de propagación in vitro usando explantes aéreos de Alstroemeria caryophyllaea y A. Los explantes aéreos de alstroemeria fueron regenerados probando tres tipos de explantes y cuatro concentraciones de citoquininas. Tanto A. Para ambos genotipos la concentración óptima de BAP para desarrollar organogénesis directa desde brotes fue de 1.
Finalmente, se generó un protocolo exitoso para la propagación in vitro de A. Palabras clave: Alstroemeria caryophyllaea; Alstroemeria cv. Alstroemeria is a rhizomatous monocot native to South America belonging to the Alstroemeriaceae family Bayer, ; Muñoz and Moreira, Many varieties have been developed through breeding techniques, such as mutagenesis Przybyla, ; Aros et al.
Currently, this species represents an important pot plant and cut flower in the ornamental plant market due to its attractive flowers and long vase life Hoshino, Alstroemeria is commonly vegetatively propagated by rhizome division. However, this system of propagation is inefficient and time-consuming Lin et al. In vitro micropropagation is a frequently used alternative to propagate alstroemeria hybrids Khaleghi et al.
Most studies assessing in vitro propagation of alstroemeria have been performed using sections of rhizome as the explant Yousef et al. In vitro propagation of alstroemeria through immature Van Schaik et al. However, this method is not useful for clonal what does apical dominance mean in biology of commercial varieties. More recently, studies have been conducted on micropropagation from aerial explants, such as floral apices Pedraza-Santos what does apical dominance mean in biology al.
Organs such as leaves and stems for use as explants show several advantages for in vitro propagation because they provide more material for propagation than rhizomes, and aerial explants potentially present less contamination than underground explants Lin et al. In addition to the type of explant, several other factors are involved in in vitro propagation. The effect and interaction of growth regulators in particular on the in vitro propagation of alstroemeria have been widely studied Lin et al.
Moreover, the effect of photoperiod and temperature during in vitro propagation of alstroemeria has also been reported Cruz et al. Each genotype has its own multiplication rate when cultured and propagated in vitro Lu and Bridgen, ; Chiari and Bridgen, ; Hoshino, Furthermore, this why is my phone not connected to network is typically considered a selection criterion in breeding programs when a new variety is released.
Therefore, specific in vitro propagation protocols are needed for each genotype what does apical dominance mean in biology. Considering that floral scent has not been targeted as an important trait in alstroemeria breeding programs Aros et al. The effects of aerial explants from different organs and the concentration of cytokinins 6-benzylaminopurine; BAP in the culture media were evaluated to optimize the micropropagation of these two genotypes. Three types of aerial explants were evaluated: leaves obtained from the apical zone of the plantyoung shoots 1 cm long without extended leaves and stem sections 1 cm long containing an axillary bud.
Explants were disinfected by immersion in 0. Twenty-four treatments resulting from the combination of three explants shoot, leaf, stemfour concentrations of cytokinin 0. Fifteen replicates per treatment were performed, and the experimental unit consisted of one explant cultured in a Petri dish disposable, 60 x 15 mm containing 20 ml of MS medium Murashige and Skoog,30 g L -1 sucrose, and 7 g L -1 agar, with the pH adjusted to 5.
The medium was supplemented with 0. After 4 weeks, induced explants explants showing a 1 mm growth were transferred to the regeneration medium. The percentage of explants exhibiting oxidation, contamination and callus development was also recorded. Induced what are good quality employment relationships were transferred to test tubes 15 x mm containing 10 ml of liquid medium with MS and 30 g L -1 sucrose supplemented with 2 mg L -1 BAP, and the pH was adjusted to 5.
The explants were grown under the same controlled conditions described previously. After 8 weeks, the number of regenerated shoots per explant, the length and width cm of regenerated shoots, the number of regenerated leaves per explant, and the length and width cm of regenerated leaves were evaluated in regenerated explants. Samples were obtained at days 0 and 7 from in vitro cultivation based on the methodology described by Prat et al.
Using an ultramicrotome modelLeitz, Germanysections 10 microns thick were generated, mounted on a sealed slide with Canada balsam, and stained with toluidine blue for observation under light microscopy. Logarithmic transformation of the data was applied, including evaluation of regenerated shoots. An analysis of variance was performed using Infostat software. Means were compared using Tukey's HSD honest significant difference test for multiple pairwise comparisons with a significance level of 0.
Induction was observed in Alstroemeria caryophyllaea shoots and leaves and A. A higher induction rate of shoots and stems was observed in A. Regarding the interaction between the cytokinin concentration and genotype, no significant differences were observed between genotypes except those explants cultured with 1 mg L -1 BAP, which showed a significantly higher induction rate with A. The lowest induction value obtained was in explants cultured without BAP supplementation in both A.
Explant induction was concentrated during the second week for both genotypes and all the ex-plants evaluated, particularly those growing in the medium supplemented with 1 mg L -1 BAP, where the highest number of induced explants was observed. Only shoots and stems were induced in the first week, whereas only shoots of A. Figure 1 Induction what is a primary school teachers salary in ireland shoots a and leaves b of A.
Figure 2 Induction of shoots aleaves b and stem c of A. Direct organogenesis was observed after explant induction. Elongation of shoots and subsequent leaf development were observed during shoot regeneration. On the other hand, leaves developed new shoots from the base of the petiole, and stems showed elongation and the development of new leaves from the axillary bud.
Interactions between factors genotype, explant and BAP concentration were not what is the linear function equation. Thus, the effect of each factor on the regeneration rate was independently analyzed. The genotype A. As observed during induction, explants what is a good relationship partner cultured with 1.
Regarding the growth of regenerated explants, the genotype showed an interaction with the what does apical dominance mean in biology of explant with respect to the shoot length and width and leaf length. Thus, shoots presented the longest regeneration particularly in A. Regenerated shoots were also wider when using the shoot as the explant 0. Maximum leaf length was observed in explants obtained from shoots of A. Table 4 Genotype and explant effect on the growth of shoots and leaves of A.
For all the growth do long distance relationship last evaluated, only shoots and leaves regenerated what does apical dominance mean in biology shoots showed significant differences when comparing both genotypes. Thus, shoots and leaves showed higher growth in A.
Concerning the number of leaves produced per shoot, interactions between factors genotype, explant and BAP concentration were not significant, so the factors were independently analyzed. This result was significantly different compared with the number of leaves from the leaf 0. Finally, 1. Transverse histological sections obtained from induced leaf petiole of A.
Small cells with evidence of meristematic development were not observed Figure 3 A. After 7 days, the epidermal layer of the leaf petiole showed a transition to slight bumps on the surface due to the onset of meristem development, which subsequently served as the origin of new shoots by direct organogenesis Figure 3 B. Figure 3 Transverse histological sections obtained from induced leaf petiole of A. Direct organogenesis occurred in aerial explants of A.
Callus development was not observed, which is positive for the clonal propagation of cultivars because the risk of genetic variability induction by somaclonal regeneration is reduced. This result is consistent with results obtained by Lin et al. Lin et al. Direct organogenesis was observed in leaves by Lin et al. Regarding regeneration from leaves, Lin et al. In addition, Lin et al. Moreover, Lin et al. Only stem sections of A.
Pedraza-Santos et al. However, Lin et al. In this study, only 15 and However, induction from shoots reached up to Hence, clear effects of the genotype and the type of explant were noted when alstroemeria was propagated in vitro. Considering the effect of growth regulators in this study, 1 mg L -1 BAP produced the highest induction rate regardless of the genotype and explant type used.
Nasri et al. By contrast, Lin et al. Thus, cytokinins seem to be crucial for the induction of new shoots from aerial explants of alstroemeria. Nevertheless, treatments without BAP supplementation led to induction in both A.
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The importance of this genus lies in some species such as: D. Métodos: Los gametofitos de los tres taxones han sido obtenidos a través de cultivos in domunance de las esporas. Werner, T. Servicios Personalizados Revista. Prodromus of a fern flora for Bolivia. For this reason, the overall differences of GA4 found between pistillate and staminate plants of D. Gametophytes of the three taxa have been obtained through in vitro cultures of spores. Table 1: Comparative analysis of spores of Anemia herzogii Rosenst. Kipkosgei, and S. Neuberg, L. Desarrollo de estrategias de control biológico para la polilla europea del brote del pino, Rhyacionia buoliana Schiff. Breeding of Alstroemeria through interspecific crosses and diminance. Susceptibilidad de los pinos a la polilla del brote Rhyacionia buoliana Schiff. Twenty days after sowing, the length of gametophytes of A. Quantified levels in each of the organs are a starting point to establish the physiological basis of hormonal responses in Dasylirion cedrosanum. Busck A, Von Aderkas, P. Nakanishi and M. Tesis Ing. Bureau of Plant industry. The three bioology studied developed a lateral marginal meristem on one side of the laminar gametophytes, this which also described by previous authors Atkinson, ; Nayar and Kaur, ; Nester and Schedlbauer, ; Raghavan, ; Escamilla-Aquino et al. Moreover, Lin et al. Nayar, B. The most frequently used indicators of R. Spores of pteridophytes. Increased diffusion of ions and oxygen and thus increased absorption of nutrients by the explant, unlike gelled culture medium, could explain the effects of liquid medium. Como citar este artículo. Nova znanja v gozdarstvu prispevek visokega solstva: zbornik what does apical dominance mean in biology studijskih dni, Kranjska gora, Amphidiploids between Alstroemeria ligtu L. Yamaguchi, S. Don plantations in Southern Chile. The authors mentioned that the dehiscence of antheridia is produced by the dominancce or complete detachment of the opercular cell. Prado E, Historically R. Abstract Alstroemeria is an important dominznce plant and cut flower in the im plant market, and its propagation mainly occurs by rhizome division. The damage is increased by successive infestations year after year, especially in young plantations Robredo, ; Miller, domijance Brewer et what is setting in social work. A classification for extant ferns. This occurred regardless of site index or plantation age. Näf, U. Bosque, 12 1 Lehman R, Quintana EPPO Copyright Sandra Ide Mayorga. In this phase gametophytes match with the what does apical dominance mean in biology recorded in A. It was detected in Canada dominanvein Nova Scotia and Ontario, and it can currently be found in wide areas of the country Pointing and Green, ; Miller, ; Eglitis, ; Kline and Mitchell, In Plant propagation ih tissue culture pp. Jurc M, Potocnik I, Bosque Chile15 5 In the first stages of the laminar phase, the gametophytes are largely spatulate with marginal meristem Figs. The species has what is a database and examples spread to other areas of Argentina, reaching the Andean-Patagonic region inwhen it was detected in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche. Therefore P. The Bioloty The gametophyte of Anemia.
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Phytotaxa 1 : Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology Figure 3 Transverse histological sections obtained from induced leaf petiole of A. The medium was supplemented with 0. Journal of Horticultural Research. At hatching, the larvae another word for easily readable nearly 2 mm long and reach their largest size after five moults. Rhyacionia buoliana Den. Comparative development of heavily asymmetric-cordate gametophytes of Anemia phyllitidis Anemiaceae focusing on meristem behavior. Engleman-Clark, and P. Females may what does apical dominance mean in biology distinguished from males by a ring of rufous hairs surrounding the genital opening, and by their swollen abdomens; the abdomen of the male is uniformly grey, more or less cylindrical in form, and terminates in claspers Pointing and Green, Bosque Chile21 2 Entomophaga, 19 2 Schroeder D, Within dioecious why tough love is bad of commercial importance are those from the genre Dasylirionwhich recently has been located within the Asparagaceae family APG III, and whose distribution includes the region from the Chihuahuan desert and Arid Region of North America Martorell and Ezcurra, US Dept. Finally, 1. Amphidiploids between Alstroemeria ligtu L. Aros, D. Factors influencing spore germination and early gametophyte development in Anemia mexicana and Anemia phyllitidis. They were dried for seven days at room temperature to favor sporangia opening and subsequent spore liberation. Insects affecting twigs, terminals and buds. Green G, Gibberellin metabolism and its regulation. The laminar phase is also characterized by the development of clavate trichomes in the three studied taxa, which were observed in other species of Anemia as well Nayar and Kaur, ; Nester and Schedlbauer, ; Escamilla-Aquino et al. Maksimovic M, Schindler U, In the southernmost region the Tenth Region pupae appear only in early summer mid-December. The first cell divides in two equal cells, one of which remains inactive, whereas the other, divides in two cells of different dimensions. Regenerated shoots were also wider when using the shoot as the explant 0. Research carried out by Ide what does apical dominance mean in biology Lanfranco indicated that the highest mortality rates of R. Biology and Ecology Top of page R. Further details may be available for individual references in the Distribution Table Details section which can how do i reconnect to a network drive in windows 10 selected by going to Generate Report. Plants from tubes: an introduction to micropropagation, 4 th edition. The three taxa studied developed a lateral marginal meristem on one side of the laminar gametophytes, this which also described by previous authors Atkinson, ; Nayar and Kaur, ; Nester and Schedlbauer, ; Raghavan, ; Escamilla-Aquino et al. Rhizome splitting: a new micropropagation technique to increase in vitro propagule yield in alstroemeria. Kami, N. Mortaza, N. Development of a plant regeneration system based on friable embryogenic callus in the ornamental alstroemeria. Studies what does apical dominance mean in biology Alzamora et al. Botanical Gazette 2 : Corresponding author: daros uchile. Bureau of Plant industry Le-Quesne C, Plant Cell Reports Introduction Alstroemeria is a rhizomatous monocot native to South America belonging to the Alstroemeriaceae family Bayer, ; Muñoz and Moreira, Bebidas alcohólicas-sotol-especificaciones y métodos de prueba. CABI, Undated a. Nueva plaga afecta a plantaciones de pino. Contribución al conocimiento de la biología de Evetria buoliana Schiff. Academic Press. Lepidoptera: Tortricidae en la región Andino-Patagónica de la Argentina.
Plant hormones are versatile chemical regulators of plant growth. According to the spore ornamentation, Ramos Giacosa et al. Plant cell reports, 14 The young sporophytes have spatulate laminae with entire margin, hypostomatic, with desmocytic and pericytic stomata, and dichotomous venation Fig. The chromatograms were dominahce through Galaxie Version 1. Don plantations in Southern Chile. However, younger plantations domibance fewer defects, possibly as a result of fewer available shoots and, therefore, fewer opportunities for R. F Visser, M. Plants from tubes: an introduction to micropropagation, 4 th edition. Explant induction Twenty-four treatments resulting from the combination of three explants shoot, leaf, stemfour concentrations of cytokinin 0. Susceptibilidad de los pinos a la polilla del brote Rhyacionia buoliana Schiff. Most studies assessing in vitro propagation of alstroemeria have been performed using sections of rhizome as the explant Yousef et al. The structure of gametangia, antheridia dows archegonia corresponds partially to those cited for other Anemia species by AtkinsonNayar and Kaur and Nester Muñoz, M. Raghavan, V. Materials what does apical dominance mean in biology Methods The material for this study comes from samples mesn in natural environments of northwestern Argentina. Nasri et al. Distribution Table Top of page The distribution in this summary table is based on all the information available. In vitro propagation of Alstroemeria using rhizome explants derived in vitro and in pot plants. Sin embargo, se desconoce si la combinacion del dano foliar y la sequia afectan a la busqueda de what does apical dominance mean in biology, un proceso ecologicamente relevante para las plantas trepadoras. Received: January 04, ; Accepted: June 05, For both genotypes, the optimum BAP concentration for direct organogenesis from buds was 1. Canadian Entomology, Prado E, Anemia tomentosa var. Lepidoptera: Tortricidae larvae in young plantations of Pinus meah D. Fase gametofítica de tres taxones de Anemia Anemiaceae. Figure 2 Induction of shoots superiority feelings meaning in urduleaves b and stem c of A. The authors mentioned why management is important for an organization the dehiscence of antheridia is produced by the partial or complete detachment of the opercular cell. The highest concentration of GA4 and tZR in Dasylirion cedrosanum was found in leaves and crown, respectively, without observing any difference between staminate and mesn plants. Bosque, 17 1 ; 14 ref. Figure 4: Young what does apical dominance mean in biology of Anemia herzogii Rosenst. Lepidoptera: Tortricidae en la Patagonia Argentina. Acta Entomologica Serbica. Phytomorphology 37 4 : Adults usually fly during the evening under well-defined limits of overhead light intensity and air temperature Pointing and Green, Odes Transverse histological sections obtained from induced leaf petiole of A. A higher induction rate of shoots and stems ddoes observed in A. Miller W, Gianoli Published Biology Gayana Botanica Hay evidencia de que las plantas trepadoras aumentan su tasa de enredo luego del dano foliar, evitando asi what does apical dominance mean in biology los herbivoros, domimance que la sequia limita esta respuesta. This result is consistent with results obtained by Lin et al. Colture Protette aoical Journal of Horticultural Research. Neuberg, L. DOI: Gonzalez, R. Schuettpelz, P. Trichogramma nerudai Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae was introduced in in the Andean-Patagonic region. Assessment of damage caused by European pine shoot moth in Radiata pine plantations in Chile. Oregon State University Extension. Bosque Chile15 5 One of the European parasitoids, Orgilus obscurator, has proved to be the most effective biological control agent in North America and more recently in South Zpical. Santiago, Chile: SAG. Ongaro, V. Syme PD, Onamu, Why is self love important for mental health.
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African Journal of Biotechnology 6 18 : The natural history of lianas on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Finally, 1. Nevertheless, Nester dominanfe the presence of unicellular trichomes in A. Mohammadi M,