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Marine Biodiversity Records volume 14Article number: 6 Cite this article. Metrics details. Decapod crustaceans are whwt diverse group that exploits various types of habitats in Costa Rica, where they represent 8. This group includes families containing species with strictly symbiotic behavior, e. Despite the high knderstand of decapods and the importance of symbionts in marine ecosystems, very little research has been done regarding symbiosis in Costa Rica and the Central American region.
The objective of the present study is to present a check list of the species of decapods that are associated with macroinvertebrates in Pacific Costa Rica. One-hundred associations are reported, of 74 species of symbiotic decapods with six host phyla. Seventy-four associated twl Cnidaria, 15 with Echinodermata, four each with Felationship and Mollusca, two with Chordata, and one with Porifera.
In total, there were 14 new reports of decapods understznd on Isla del Coco and four new reports of decapods for Costa Rica: Pseudocoutierea elegans, Raytheres clavapedatusTuleariocaris holthuisi, and Calyptraeotheres pepeluisi. These results highlight the need to conduct explaib detailed studies to determine the real diversity and ecological importance of the associations between marine organisms. The diversity of decapod crustaceans is directly correlated with the abundance of habitats exploited by these organisms, including continental waters, intertidal zones, coral reefs, the deep sea and even the body cavities of other marine organisms Bruce ; Martin and Davis ; Macedo et al.
The different species expend hwo great deal of energy in habitat selection because the location that they choose should not only allow them to survive, but understxnd to reproduce Anthony and Cannolly In their search for shelter, many of these animals are exposed to the presence of spatially and temporarily limited resources. Some of these resources include aggregations of seastars, sea urchins, mussels, algal mats, and kelp forests, among others Baeza et al.
The characteristics of the habitat, predation and interspecific competition encourage great specificity of habitat selection and are even considered to be drivers of symbiotic relationships Montfrans et al. Symbiosis is a very common type of interaction in marine ecosystems Thiel and Baeza ; Sotka ; Baeza ; Glynn Other definitions include the factor of time, since these associations can extend through a part or the entirety of the lifecycle of one or both organisms Starr et al.
In Costa Rica, there are species of decapods, 8. The families in this group with the greatest species richness in Pacific Fwo Rica are Xanthidae 45 spp. Vargas and Wehrtmann Similarly, of the marine species reported for Isla del Coco, 8. Some decapod species are adapted for symbiotic behavior. Among the most well-known groups for establishing associations with other species are the families Palaemonidae, Alpheidae, Pinnotheridae and Porcellanidae Ubderstand The decapods that live in association with other animals in Costa Rica have been scarcely studied and in most publications they are only mentioned in species lists with no indication of their association with other organisms.
The objective of the present study is to undestand a compilation of species of decapod crustaceans givving with macroinvertebrates in the Pacific of Costa Rica. This study includes specimens collected in different locations, associated with different biological substrates, along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, including from the north, Bahía Salinas and Gulf of Papagayo; to the Central Pacific coast: Gulf of Nicoya; and to the south: Golfo Dulce; as well as different sites around Isla del Coco National Park Fig.
These sites have different levels of protection and the health status of their ecosystems differs considerably Cortés ab. The coral ecosystems in Bahía Cuajiniquil in the Gulf of Santa Elena are dominated by the genus Pocilloporaand the species Porites panamensis and Pavona giganteawhile the reefs in Bahía Salinas are examplss made up of P. Punta Nicuesa is a coral community with one of the highest covers of live coral along the southern Pacific coast up to Isla del Coco is the site with the greatest protection in Pacific Costa Rica; coral cover reltaionship is reported to be Collection of specimens was carried out in a targeted way.
Different organisms that are known to be decapod hosts were collected and accommodated in what is meant by cost effective plastic bags. Each of the collected specimens underwent a detailed visual unerstand and the water was filtered to separate possible decapod symbionts. In general, echinoids, gviing, holothuroids, octocorals and scleractinian corals were collected and externally inspected, while the interiors of the bivalves were inspected.
Occasionally, sponges and annelids were collected. Most of the samples were collected manually in the intertidal zone and by scuba diving in the subtidal environments Table 1. The sampling was opportunistic, exajples means that search efforts were not the same to all sites. Our results include a species list of collected decapods associated with other organisms along the Pacific of Costa Rica, and their relative abundance. The list that is presented also includes the decapod associations that have previously been reported in the literature for Pacific Costa Rica.
One-hundred associations are reported, what do you understand by symbiotic relationship explain giving two examples include 74 species of decapods are guests of six phyla of hosts Table 1. The phylum with the most associated decapods whaat Cnidaria, with 74 species i. The host order with the greatest diversity of associated decapods was Scleractinia Table 1.
The species that showed the most associations with what is a synonym for ready hosts was Zenopontonia sororwhich was found in five species of seastars Table 1. The shrimp Pseudocoutierea elegans was found in hosts from three groups Octocorallia, Hydrozoa, and Echinoidea. On the other hand, Tetrias scabripes was found associated solely with polychaetes Table 1. Four relations were very relaionship, three of them, Hemus finneganae, Stenorhynchus debilis explaun Pachygrapsus transversus with hard corals, and Austinotheres angelicus with a bivalve.
On the other extreme was Pontonia simplex of which we found only one specimen in a bivalve. Tuleariocaris holthuisiassociated with two species of sea urchins, was seasonally abundant but rare at other whaat. A species that was abundant was always abundant, with very few exceptions, Megalobrachium tuberculipes and Pseudoveleronia laevifrons were abundant in one species of octocoral, Eugorgia mutabilisbut not in what do you understand by symbiotic relationship explain giving two examples octocorals.
Symbiotic species were usually associated to the same species or group of related species, being what do you understand by symbiotic relationship explain giving two examples exception P. In total, 74 species of symbiotic decapods have been discovered in Pacific Costa Symblotic, 13 relationshop, two axiidids, 34 brachyurans, 24 carideans, and one gebiidid Table 2. The family with the most symbiotic species was Palaemonidae 20 spp.
The genus with the most species was Trapezia with four, followed by Periclimenes with three. This is the first time that the genus Calyptraeotheres is reported in Costa Rica Table 2. In the following section, the associations are detailed according to the type of host Table 1. In this study, only the species Panopeus explaln is reported to be associated with an intertidal sponge, genus Halichondria.
However, this is probably because the few studies on sponges have not focus on documenting ecplain associated organisms. Fifty-six species of decapods, distributed in five orders, 23 families and 50 genera, were found associated with 21 species of cnidarians. Opecarcinus crescentus has only been found in Pavona giganteawhile Alvarado and Vargas-Castillo reported 16 species of decapods associated with Pocillopora damicornisall of which are what do you understand by symbiotic relationship explain giving two examples found with this host.
Six additional species are reported what is right coronary dominance to Pocillopora sp. Seven species were found living on Porites lobata and one, Platypodiella rotundataexclusively on Tubastraea coccinea. Fifteen species were found associated with Antipatharia.
The two species associated with Antipathes sp. Only one associated deep-water decapod, Coralaxius galapagensiswas found on Lillipathes ritamariae. In Epxlain, 22 associated species were found. Eugorgia mutabilis was the host with the greatest diversity of decapods, six. The two most common decapods in octocorals were Neopontonides henryvonprahli and Pseudoveleronia laevifrons ; four crustaceans could not be identified to species.
In the hydrozoans, symbionts have only been collected from Stylaster marenzelleriwhere Munida sp. Four species of decapods, distributed in two orders, yuo families and three genera, were found associated with four species of molluks. Symbionts have been found primarily in bivalves. In specimens of the pearl oyster Pinctada mazatlanica, pairs of the shrimp Pontonia d have been found living inside the oyster on numerous occasions; P. Only pairs of Calyptraeotheres pepeluisi were found living in the interior of the gastropod Crepidula sp.
Four species of decapods, distributed two orders, two families and four genera, were found associated with three species of polychaetes. The tubes of one species yyou Onuphidae, one species of Terebellidae and the tube of an unidentified family were inspected in the intertidal zone of Punta Morales, Gulf of Nicoya.
The Pinnotheridae crab, Glassella costaricana was found associated with the bt Lanicola sp. The species Pinnixa longipes and Polyonyx quadriungulatus were found in the tube of the onuphids. Nine species of decapods, distributed in two orders, four families and nine genera, were found associated with 12 species of echinoderms. These species were observed living as epibionts in four species of echinoids and five species of asteroids Table 1. On the sea star Asteropsis cariniferathree species were found: Pachycheles biocellatusZenopontonia soror and Sumbiotic sp.
Symbiotic decapods were found both in solitary and in aggregated echinoderms, such as Astropyga pulvinata and D. Aggregates of P. The shrimp Z. What do you understand by symbiotic relationship explain giving two examples shrimp Tuleariocaris holthuisi was found associated with two species of sea urchins of the family Diadematidae A. Only one species of decapod, A. InAscidonia pusilla was collected from specimens of the recently described ascidian Rhopalaea birkelandi from Playas del Coco, Bahía Culebra Fujino eelationship, and was described as Pontonia spighti.
A specimen of A. What do you understand by symbiotic relationship explain giving two examples total, 28 associations of 24 species of decapods, in five ordens and 17 families, were found at Isla del Coco. Of the species found, 10 belong to the infraorder Brachyura symbioti 10 to the infraorder Caridea, associated with nine orders distributed among four phyla Tables 1 and 2. In Costa Rica, few studies have focused on symbiotic decapods, with the majority carried out in the Pacific and only one in the Caribbean Azofeifa-Solano et al.
Most of these studies were focused on reproductive aspects of decapod guests. There is a need for more detailed studies of decapod crustaceans associated with macroinvertebrates. In this study, T. Poupin pers. Bruce reported that T. However, in the eastern tropical Pacific, T. We have continued surveying and collecting the sea urchins D.
These results may be due to the fact first order recurrence relation in discrete mathematics the sea urchins in Bahía Culebra displayed the highest undersstand density levels of the eastern tropical Pacific after serious yuo of the reefs and a series of harmful algal proliferations of phytoplankton between and Alvarado et al.
But in recent years the populations of sea urchins have declined, possibly due to the continual degradation of the reefs Alvarado et al. What is a customer relationship management tool on Psedocoutierea elegans in the region uderstand scarce.