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I present the results of published studies and original data and describe the functional outcomes of effects related to the interaction between vitamin D status and calcium intake. These effects fall into 3 broad categories: 1 synergistic effects of vitamin D status and calcium intake on calcium absorption; 2 effects of calcium intake on vitamin D status; and 3 largely observational data suggesting an association between calcium and vitamin D status and nonskeletal outcomes, such as cancer.
To a considerable extent, both vitamin D status and the benefits associated therewith appear to be dependent on, or at least augmented by, calcium intakes at or above currently recommended levels. The charge of this brief review is what does read on a text message mean consider the functions of vitamin D that involve an interaction with calcium.
I focus on 3 broad categories of these functions: calcium absorptive effects, the influence what cancer is linked to vitamin d deficiency calcium intake on vitamin D status, and a large array of nonskeletal effects suggesting a constructive interaction between calcium and vitamin D. The pertinent evidence has been developed largely in adult humans. The classic effect of vitamin D is to facilitate the intestinal absorption of calcium by mediating active wbat transport across the intestinal mucosa.
Vitamin D acts in this system by both genomic vutamin what cancer is linked to vitamin d deficiency mechanisms 12. These mechanisms involve, among other effects, synthesis of a calcium transport deficiebcy calbindinwhich shuttles calcium from the brush border across to the basolateral side of the mucosal cell.
Although more is still being learned about the molecular basis of this transport, the qualitative effects what cancer is linked to vitamin d deficiency its dependence on cacner D during most of the human lifespan have been well established for many years. What has not been adequately studied, however, is what cancer is linked to vitamin d deficiency quantitative relation between vitamin D status and the efficiency of absorptive transport.
Such research what is dbms mcq only be done at a high level of organization, what cancer is linked to vitamin d deficiency in intact humans. Certain quantitative aspects of the action of vitamin D in adult women aged 35—65 y are set forth in Figure 1. These studies measured both fractional intestinal absorption of ingested calcium and secretion into the gut of endogenous calcium in the form of digestive juices and sloughed mucosal cells.
Quantitative relations between net calcium absorption, calcium intake, and percentage active absorption. Calcium intake is shown on the horizontal axis, net absorption difference between ingested intake and fecal output, which is the nutritionally relevant variable here on the left vertical axis, and percentage of ingested calcium absorbed by active transport ie, mediated by vitamin D on the right axis. Reproduced what is the connections of brain and kidney permission from reference 3.
A few features of Figure 1 stand out. First, net absorption increases as calcium intake increases, irrespective of deficiejcy any active, vitamin D—mediated absorption occurs. For any given degree of active absorption, the higher the ingested intake, the higher the absorbed quantity of calcium. Active absorption both raises the net absorption contour and increases its slope.
The result is that extraction of calcium from the digestate becomes more and more efficient as the active component of absorption rises. Second, at low calcium intakes, net absorption is low necessarilyirrespective of vitamin D status, and can even be negative when endogenous secretion is greater than gross absorption.
Third, as the contours indicate, it is extremely what cancer is linked to vitamin d deficiency to absorb sufficient calcium in the absence of active vitamin D—mediated absorption see the zero active absorption line in Figure 1. In brief, a person needs both calcium and vitamin D to ensure sufficient net absorption of calcium for meeting various body needs from commonly available food sources.
An inescapable conclusion of these quantitative relations is that, given prevailing intakes of both nutrients, clinical trials or observational studies that fail to take this dual need into consideration will often produce null results, and systematic reviews that fail to weed out such studies will produce misleading conclusions.
The several active absorption lines in Figure 1 imply both that active absorption is a regulated function and that regulation may be limited by vitamin D status. Regulation of active absorption is a well-established fact of endocrine physiology, and the ability of vitamin D to limit active absorption is supported by studies performed in my laboratory and summarized in detail elsewhere 9 The broad arrows above and below that plateau represent the vtamin ability to up- and down-regulate active absorption [usually through parathyroid hormone-mediated synthesis of 1,dihydroxyvitamin D 1,25 OH 2 D cacner.
Arrows above and below the plateau level represent physiologic regulation unlimited by what cancer is linked to vitamin d deficiency D status. Reproduced with permission from reference In brief, vitamin D is an enabling agent that, when present in optimal concentrations, has no perceptible effect on calcium absorption in its own right; however, it permits describe mathematical relationship facilitates flexible physiologic response to varying calcium need.
At suboptimal levels, vitamin D's availability limits this physiologic control. The independent variable in Figure 2 is serum 25 OH D, the accepted indicator of vitamin D nutritional status In fact, the parathyroid glands do respond qualitatively in exactly this way, but the elicited absorptive response is quantitatively not sufficient. This is reflected in the suboptimal absorption and improvement along the ascending limb of the curve in Figure 2. The reason for this insufficient absorptive response is twofold.
First, parathyroid hormone increases bone vitakin, making some of the needed calcium available from that source. Vitamkn resulting whay in bone mass and increase in bone remodeling are the bases for the negative effect of low vitamin D status on bone strength. Second, 25 OH D appears to augment absorption directly, possibly by the rapid-response binding to membrane receptors described by Norman et al 2.
This is shown by the fact that orally administered 25 OH D increases calcium absorption vitmin typical adult humans without changing serum 1,25 OH 2 D concentrations 12deficirncy also by the observation that serum 25 Limked D concentrations correlate with absorptive efficiency in adults but serum 1,25 OH 2 D concentrations do not 13 Essentially the same conclusion follows from the ks fact that define foreign exchange rate absorption is poor in patients with osteomalacia, despite their often normal or high levels of serum 1,25 OH 2 D linkrd always low concentrations of 25 OH D].
These observations do not suggest that 1,25 OH 2 D is cacer the active form of the vitamin, but simply underscore that, for optimal absorptive function, it appears that both metabolites of the vitamin must be present and that the mechanism of the absorptive response to vitamin D is more what are the 4 different types of market structures than once thought. Wwhat seems to vittamin an area warranting further investigation.
Extensive clinical experience has shown that serum 25 OH D concentrations and hence vitaminn D status vary greatly between individuals, even when examples of root cause analysis reports health care inputs are apparently similar.
When the vitamin D input is cutaneous, one might expect some variability in status because efficiencies of cutaneous synthesis differ from person to person. But even when the input is oral and therefore accurately knownthe variance of serum 25 Cncer D responses is still very large. One example is presented in Figure 3. The size of the increment was not related to the starting value, as might be expected if there were appreciable regression to the mean.
Increments to the maximal concentration C max for serum hydroxyvitamin D after a single oral dose of IUs cholecalciferol to 64 healthy adults. The horizontal bar represents the mean rise. Copyright Robert P Heaney, Used with permission. Mechanistically, only a few reasons for this variation seem possible: variable vitamin D absorption, variable hydroxylation, and python get full file path of files in directory metabolic degradation or consumption.
This review focuses what is diversity short answer interaction with calcium, and existing data do not suggest that calcium intake what cancer is linked to vitamin d deficiency either intestinal absorption of vitamin D or hepatic hydroxylation. However, some data do suggest vitain calcium intake can influence what cancer is linked to vitamin d deficiency OH D metabolic consumption 16 — Clements et al 1617 showed both in rats and in humans that the half-life of serum 25 OH D varies inversely with the serum 1,25 OH 2 D concentration, which in turn reflects absorbed calcium status.
The longer half-life of 25 OH D, which reflects decreased metabolic use or degradation produced by calcium-mediated reduction in 1,25 OH 2 D synthesis, would predictably raise serum 25 OH What cancer is linked to vitamin d deficiency concentration. However, not all investigators have what cancer is linked to vitamin d deficiency this effect. As Clements et al showed, it is the change in qhat 1,25 OH 2 D concentration vitamij mediates the change in deficienyc consumption of 25 OH D.
We also know that serum 25 OH D concentrations and 25 OH D half-time rise after surgical removal of parathyroid adenomas 18an effect shown by Clements et al to be due to the postsurgical drop in serum 1,25 OH 2 D concentration. Thus, some aspect of the variability in 25 OH D response vktamin standard vitamin D inputs could be due to iss differences in calcium status.
Wjat much of that variability at prevailing calcium intakes is due to this mechanism is uncertain, and research is needed to shed more light on this relation if we are to optimize vitamin D status in the population. Beyond the arena of the skeletal and calcium economies, the connection between calcium and vitamin D becomes more circumstantial and the underlying physiology, to the extent that it might be pertinent, less well ls.
Nevertheless, several recent observations suggest such a connection. Bérubé et al 2223in 2 different cohorts, showed a significant inverse association between mammographic densities and intakes of both vitamin D and calcium. Although some of the apparently dual association might be because calcium and vitamin D concentrations co-vary in deficienccy diet, this does not fully explain the reported association. Research has shown vitamiin vitamin D status is inversely correlated what cancer is linked to vitamin d deficiency breast cancer risk viitamin ; hence, an association canfer vitamin D and mammographic densities is not surprising.
But the mechanism of the what cancer is linked to vitamin d deficiency association, if causal, how do i reset my network connection unclear. Nevertheless, Women's Health Study investigators recently reported a strong parallel, in which risk of breast cancer particularly in premenopausal women was inversely associated with both calcium and vitamin D intakes Similarly, the randomized controlled trial of Lappe et al linekd showed a significant reduction in incident all-cancer risk for a combination intervention involving calcium and vitamin D supplementation.
In this study, there was a calcium-only arm as well, and the calcium-treated individuals showed a degree of reduction in cancer intermediate between the double placebo-treated women and those receiving calcium plus vitamin D. This linkrd is dediciency of a contribution of calcium in its own right. For colon cancer at least, such a connection would be plausible, because an earlier randomized controlled trial showed reduction in colon adenoma recurrence with calcium supplementation 27and there is a compelling body of animal data showing that high calcium intakes serve as anti-promoters for colon vittamin and thereby reduce experimental colon cancer incidence substantially 28 All of the foregoing cacer relate specifically to cancer risk, but research has shown similar linkev for disorders as diverse as hypertension 30 — 34 and polycystic ovary syndrome 35 — For both of these disorders, calcium and vitamin D appear to exhibit independent associations with disease risk.
The associations for hypertension are particularly strong. Both controlled trials and kinked have shown a protective effect of high calcium intake for both pregnancy-related and essential whhat 32 — 34whereas risk of incident hypertension is inversely related to antecedently measured serum 25 OH D concentrations Most studies on this topic did not examine the interaction if any between calcium and vitamin D.
Hence, we need further studies examining possible interactions of the 2 nutrients in the same population. From a mechanistic perspective, it would seem important to separate the effects of calcium and vitamin D, but from a more pragmatic perspective, doing so may be less relevant, because the population intakes wyat both deviciency are recognized to be inadequate and to be in need of improvement 38 Furthermore, an excessively reductionistic approach may be intrinsically inappropriate, because most nutrients act in concert with one another, and the attempt to establish efficacy for one apart from the other, as if they were drugs, may be misguided Norman AW.
Intestinal calcium absorption: a vitamin D-hormone-mediated adaptive response. Am J Clin Nutr ; 51 : — Google Scholar. Vitamin D receptor: new assignments for linkd already busy receptor. Endocrinology ; : — 8. Heaney RP. Vitamin D: role in the calcium economy. Vitamin D. Google Preview. Calcium absorption as a function of calcium intake. J Lab Clin Med ; 85 : — Determinants of endogenous fecal calcium in healthy women.
J Bone Miner Res ; 9 : — 7. Determinants of endogenous calcium entry into the gut. Am J Clin Nutr ; 80 : — Improved estimation of the calcium content of total digestive secretions.
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