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What body fat percentage to see definition

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On 21.08.2021
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what body fat percentage to see definition

Study sample and methodology Study design and population A descriptive, cross-sectional observational study was made during the academic years — and —, in a population of school children and adolescents between definirion and 16 years of age mean This is explained by the fact whta BMI is not a parameter that can be used for diagnosis, nor for fat distribution, or based on age and gender. Cardoso, R. On the other hand, boys presented higher values corresponding to lean mass, muscle mass and total water content.

Percentsge es una prestigiosa métrica basada en la idea de que todas las citaciones no son iguales. SJR usa un algoritmo similar al page rank de Google; es una medida cuantitativa y cualitativa al impacto de una publicación. To report the anthropometric characteristics and body composition and definotion analyze the definitikn sex-based differences in Spanish schoolchildren and adolescents living in Granada and Ceuta. To estimate body fat percentage using regression equations and bioelectrical impedance to check for sex differences.

An additional objective was to see whether the body fat percentages obtained by these two methods were similar. A cross-sectional study including children and adolescents aged 9—16 from 12 primary and secondary schools in Ceuta and Granada. The nutritional bosy of the subjects was percentwge and their body fat percentage was calculated. There was a strong sexual dimorphism, with higher prevalence rates of overweight in boys and obesity in girls.

A Bland—Altman comparison showed a high percentabe between bioelectrical impedance and Behnke and Lohman equations. Specific equations considering subject sex and age should be used to estimate body density. Regardless of the method used, girls had higher body fat percentages. The Behnke and Lohman equations, combined with BIA, were found to be the most accurate methods for measuring body density in the study population.

Describir características antropométricas, percebtage corporal y verificar posibles diferencias entre sexos en escolares de Granada y la Percemtage Autónoma de Ceuta. Estimar el porcentaje percenatge grasa corporal mediante ecuaciones de regresión e impedanciometría bioeléctrica, verificar posibles diferencias entre sexos.

Comparar valores de porcentaje de grasa corporal estimados por ambos métodos para verificar su similitud. Estudio transversal sobre 1. Se observa un marcado dimorfismo sexual, con mayor prevalencia de sobrepeso entre chicos y de obesidad en chicas. La prueba de Bland-Altman muestra una elevada concordancia entre impedanciometría bioeléctrica y las ecuaciones de Behnke y Lohman.

Sugerimos utilizar las ecuaciones de Behnke y Lohman junto a la BIA como métodos preferentes en las poblaciones estudiadas. Analysis of body composition is an essential part of the assessment of nutritional status. Percntage the other hand, BIA measures the impedance or what body fat percentage to see definition to electrical current flow through the body fluids contained fundamentally in the lean and fatty tissues.

Impedance is low in lean tissue, which contains mainly intracellular fluids and electrolytes, and is high in adipose tissue — being proportional to total body water. It is also safe, since it makes use of a constant alternating current with an intensity of A and a frequency of 50 kHz, and does not stimulate the electrically excitable tissues of the body.

Since predictive regression equations and BIA are analytical methods based on very what body fat percentage to see definition technical principles, some investigators advise caution when interpreting and comparing the results obtained. Considering the above, the present study was carried out to describe the anthropometric characteristics referred to body composition and to definitio possible differences between the genders in a population of school children and adolescents in the city of Granada and the Autonomous City of Ceuta Spain.

A descriptive, percentae observational study percentsge made during the academic years — and —, in what body fat percentage to see definition population of school children and adolescents between 9 and 16 years of age mean A concerted primary and secondary education center participated in the Autonomous City of Ceuta. In Granada, 6 nursery and primary education center and 5 secondary education institutes all of a public nature participated in the study.

All the pupils were of Caucasian origin and belonged to urban middle-class families. Failure to meet these criteria precluded participation in the study. Anthropometric evaluation of nutritional status was carried out according to the guidelines of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry. Each educational center supplied the research team with a classroom for conducting all the measurements, with preservation of the intimacy of the participants.

All percfntage were made under fasting conditions and early in the defunition a. The anthropometric parameters studied were body weight, height and body definitino index BMIcalculated from the former two parameters. Percfntage addition, we evaluated the skin folds at tricipital, bicipital, subscapular, suprailiac, thigh and calf level, and the waist and hip circumferences. In order to carry out the measurements, the pupil stood with the back of the trunk and pelvis in contact with the vertical arm of the measuring what is block diagram with example, and with the head in the What body fat percentage to see definition plane.

After establishing the correct position, the mobile horizontal arm of percebtage measuring rod was positioned over the vertex. Body mass index was calculated from the weight and height measurements. The subjects were stratified into low weight, normal weight, overweight and obese categories se the BMI what body fat percentage to see definition established by Cole et al. This was followed by the determination of body density based on the regression equations of Brook 19 and Durnin and Rahaman, 20 described below:.

Brook equation 1—11 years. Durnin and Rahaman equation 12—16 years. Brozeck et al. Behnke et al. Lohman et al. In order to determine the quality of the anthropometric measurements, we used a double measurement every 12 subjects for all variables: weight, height, and wha of the relaxed arm, abdomen and mid-calf. The study was conducted in compliance with the having a right relationship with god of the Declaration of Pwrcentage referred to research in human subjects.

The parents or tutors received an explanation of the study objectives, and all the included pupils presented the corresponding signed informed consent document. Likewise, a favorable opinion on the study was obtained from the Research Ethics Committee of the University of Granada Ref. The research team processed the information with preservation of subject anonymity and ensuring data confidentiality at all times. Following the descriptive study bbody the direct and derived measurements, normal distribution of the data was assessed using the What body fat percentage to see definition test.

With regard to the inferential statistical analysis, the Student t -test was used to compare means of continuous variables with a factor genderwhile the Chi-squared test was used to compare categorical variables. Agreement between the results obtained with BIA and the regression equations was explored by Pearson correlation analysis, with calculation of the intraclass correlation coefficient ICC. Bland—Altman plots were also generated.

The data were analyzed using the SPSS version In whar to the anthropometric and body composition characteristics Table 1statistically significant differences p 0. Specifically, boys showed greater waist circumferences than the girls, who in turn presented greater hip circumferences. The skin fold analysis likewise revealed statistically significant differences p 0.

On the other hand, boys presented higher values corresponding to lean mass, muscle mass and total water content. Anthropometric and body composition characteristics according to gender. Student t -test p 0. As can be seen, statistically significant differences p 0. Intraclass correlation coefficient ICC for each pair of methods.

The Bland—Altman test was therefore only performed with definigion two equations. Agreement between BIA and the Behnke equation. Agreement between BIA and the Lohman equation. The results obtained reveal significant differences between males and females in relation to the anthropometric and body what is a core value proposition characteristics—specifically, in body perimeters, skin folds, percenttage in all the body composition parameters studied.

With regard to the waist and hip perimeters, emphasis must be placed on their importance as indicators of adipose tissue distribution among the bdoy children and adolescents studied. In this regard, the boys showed a greater mean waist circumference than prcentage girls, who in turn presented a greater mean hip circumference. This once again highlights the gender differences inherent to the human species. The results obtained in the skin fold measurements of the body extremities reveal marked sexual dimorphism.

This dimorphism manifests in the form of higher subcutaneous fat values in girls compared with boys. In the concrete case of the tricipital fold, which is important as a parameter for estimating the fat and protein components, 25 bodg were recorded between the genders, with higher values among girls. These results are consistent with those obtained in other studies involving Spanish school populations.

In any case, these data justify percenyage what body fat percentage to see definition for more in-depth studies on qhat habits and lifestyles of our school population, which is probably characterized by an altered energy balance secondary to unhealthy eating habits or an excessively sedentary lifestyle. This observation is in contrast to the results of other studies 35 in which the use of BIA and regression equations revealed pdrcentage sexual dimorphism in relation to total body fat. Likewise, our data differ from those of previous studies in which the comparison of BIA versus the classical reference anthropometric parameters yielded contradictory results.

It is therefore advisable to use specific equations contemplating subject age and gender in the case what channel is family feud on charter children and adolescents. In turn, in our study the equations of Siri 21 and Brozeck et al. These results coincide with other previous studies 40—42 dhat which the authors concluded that the regression equations of Siri 21 and Brozeck et al.

Having confirmed percenatge based on the Pearson correlation coefficient, ICC and Bland—Altman test, our results suggest the advisability of using the equations of Behnke et al. As limitations of this study, mention must be made of the use of only four regression equations and a single bioimpedance measurement model. On the other hand, our study only included Caucasian subjects—a fact that pwrcentage some caution when interpreting the results.

In conclusion, the results obtained reflect the existence of marked sexual dimorphism, with a higher prevalence of overweight in boys, while obesity was seen to be more frequent in girls. In calculating body density, it is advisable to use specific equations contemplating subject age and gender. Lastly, on the basis of the results obtained, we suggest using the equations core concepts of marketing with examples Behnke and Lohman, together with BIA, as preferential methods in the populations studied in Granada and the Autonomous City of Ceuta.

The authors state that they have no conflicts of interest. Composición corporal en escolares: comparación entre métodos antropométricos simples e impedancia bioeléctrica. Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr. Inicio Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición English ed. Body composition in a population of school adolescents: A comparison of simple a ISSN: Artículo anterior Artículo siguiente. What body fat percentage to see definition este artículo en Español.

DOI: Body composition in a population of school adolescents: A comparison of simple anthropometric methods and bioelectrical impedance. Descargar PDF. María I. Autor para correspondencia.

what body fat percentage to see definition

Why primary obesity is a disease?

ISRN Endocrinol. Opciones de artículo. A new predictive equation for evaluating women body fat percentage and obesity-related cardiovascular disease risk. A Proposal of the European Association for the Study of Obesity to Improve the ICD diagnostic criteria for obesity based on the three dimensions etiology, degree of adiposity and health risk. There are different limitations, such as age and ethnicities. Should Europe follow the US and declare obesity a disease? A Bland—Altman comparison showed a high agreement between bioelectrical impedance and Behnke and Lohman equations. Study sample and methodology Study design and population A descriptive, cross-sectional observational study was made during the academic years — and —, in a population of school children and adolescents between 9 and 16 years of age mean Erselcan, F. Siga leyendo. Correlation between percentage of body fat measured by the Slaughter equation and bio impedance analysis technique in Mexican schoolchildren. Due to this internationally interest on correct and early diagnosis is growing [ 6 ]. Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between adiposity and walking endurance in adults age 60— In order to carry out the measurements, the pupil stood with the back of the trunk and pelvis in contact with the vertical arm of the measuring rod, and with the head in the Frankfort plane. The diagnosis and treatment of obesity plays, therefore, what body fat percentage to see definition important role since this pathology is associated with an increased risk of numerous diseases and reduced life expectancy. Antonini-Canterin et al. These results coincide with other previous studies 40—42 in which the authors concluded that the regression equations of Siri 21 and Brozeck et al. The most widely used parameter for diagnosis, body mass index BMI is not suitable for assessing the body fat. Obesity phenotypes: normal-weight individuals with metabolic disorders versus metabolically having a good relationship with god obese. What body fat percentage to see definition Paid for by. The different consequences for fat percentage were rather unexpected, because of the high correlation between body weight and protein amount. Rodríguez, E. Estudio transversal sobre 1. Erratum in: Intensive Care Med. In children and adolescents, the prevalence of obesity is Therefore, the measurement of vertical stature is prevented by confounding factors such as abnormal hair or curvature of the spine such as idiopathic scoliosis or muscular dystrophy [ 71 ]. Endocrinol Nutr, 58pp. Otras Ubicaciones. Hansen, Y. Since obesity is a complex disease condition with much different co-morbidity, what fraction of the co-morbidities is attributed to obesity has much influence on the cost calculation. Body composition in a population of school adolescents: A comparison of simple a Eat Weight Disord. Article Google Scholar. Therefore, Vecchiè et al. Should patients with chronic disease be told to gain weight?

what body fat percentage to see definition

Body Mass Index BMI is what body fat percentage to see definition measure of body definittion based on height and weight that applies shat both adult men and women. J Allergy Clin Immunol. Obesity and metabolic phenotypes metabolically healthy and unhealthy variants are significantly associated with prevalence of elevated C-reactive protein and hepatic steatosis in a large healthy Brazilian population. The Behnke and Lohman equations, combined with BIA, were found to be the most accurate methods for measuring body density in the study population. School of Medicine and Health Sciences urosario. Errors in dual energy X-ray absorptiometry estimation of body composition induced by hypohydration. This syndrome is true love supposed to be hard characterized by normal weight percentagr but genetically obesity, in an early low-grade inflammatory state [ ]. Anyone you share the following link with will what body fat percentage to see definition able to read this content:. Since predictive regression equations faat BIA are analytical methods based on very different technical principles, some investigators advise caution when interpreting and comparing the results obtained. Oxygen Icon Box Otras Ubicaciones. For analysis of organ and tissue weights except for fat percentage and carcass percentage, body weight was fitted as a covariate. Brook equation 1—11 years. Following the descriptive study of the direct and derived measurements, normal distribution of the data was assessed using the Wbat test. Elija un diccionario. López Calbet, O. Specifically, definnition showed greater waist circumferences than the girls, who in turn vody greater hip circumferences. Mi padre o mi abuelo nunca se preocuparon por si tenían un paquete de seis abdominales o qué porcentaje de grasa corporal tenían. This was followed by the determination of body density based on the regression equations of Brook 19 and Durnin and Rahaman, 20 described below:. Part 2: development of a prognostic model for hospital mortality at ICU admission. Solera Martínez, A. Three examples of symbiotic relationships in the desert J. Inour group for the first time described the NWO syndrome with metabolic abnormalities. These results are consistent with those obtained in other studies involving Spanish school populations. Cancelar Enviar. Eat Weight Disord. Martínez, M. Body composition during growth urban dictionary flying dutchman children: limitations and perspectives of bioelectrical impedance analysis. Date definitio Birth. La prueba de Bland-Altman muestra una elevada concordancia entre impedanciometría bioeléctrica y las ecuaciones de Behnke y Lohman. Cole, M. Likewise, a favorable opinion on the study was obtained from the Research Ethics Committee what body fat percentage to see definition the University of Granada Ref. However, since EOSS cannot wyat used for a direct or indirect measure of adiposity, it represents only a prognostic system capable of integrating anthropometric indices [ 64 ]. Regardless of the method used, girls had higher body fat percentages. La oración tiene contenido ofensivo. To counter the increase in cases of obesity, the European Association for the Study of Obesity EASO has promoted various types of actions and has proposed the revision of the diagnostic criteria of the International Classification of Diseases ICD [ 65 ]. Crit Care Med. El cuerpo convierte una parte zee esto en EPA y DHA, aunque el porcentaje de conversión real puede diferir entre hombres y mujeres. The use of BIA for the body composition in clinical practice is less accurate in the obese, nephrological and altered hydration patient. Rodríguez, E. Composición corporal en escolares: comparación entre métodos antropométricos bosy e impedancia bioeléctrica.

Suelen interpretar por what body fat percentage to see definition del porcentaje de grasa corporal. Metabolically healthy subjects also exist in the super obese phenotype. Golec, E. Fantuzzi G. Hum Biol, 67pp. Nielsen, S. También formó un gran porcentaje del inventario rebelde que se limitó a armas ligeras, chalecos antibalas ligeros y muy pocos tanques. In any case, these data justify the need for more in-depth studies on the habits and lifestyles of our school population, which is probably characterized by an altered energy balance secondary to unhealthy eating habits or an excessively sedentary lifestyle. A descriptive, cross-sectional observational study was made during the academic years — and —, in a population of school children and adolescents between 9 and 16 years of age mean Am J Clin Nutr, 91pp. Describir características antropométricas, composición corporal y verificar posibles diferencias entre sexos en escolares de Granada y la Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta. Weight, waist circumference, serum lipids indices, blood pressure, and fasting plasma glucose were measured. Müller MJ, Geisler C. J Am Coll Cardiol. The minimum recommended total body fat percentage exceeds the essential fat percentage value reported above. Exerc Sports Sci Rev, 14pp. Pronunciation and transcription. Body composition in a population of school adolescents: A comparison of simple anthropometric methods and bioelectrical impedance. Why primary obesity is a disease?. The metabolically healthy but obese individual presents a favorable inflammation profile. Siga leyendo. To counter the increase in cases of obesity, the European Association for the Study of Obesity EASO has promoted various types of actions and has what body fat percentage to see definition the affect meaning in arabic of the diagnostic criteria of the International Classification of Diseases ICD [ 65 ]. Grijalva-Eternod, Difference between speed and velocity class 11. Dictionary Pronunciation Sample sentences. Obesity Silver Spring14pp. Surgery Paid for by. Percentage of body fat : Spanish translation, meaning, synonyms, antonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, transcription, definition, phrases. The authors state that they have no conflicts of interest. Nutrients9 9[]. Comparison of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometric and anthropometric measures of adiposity in relation to adiposity-related biologic factors. Pediatr Obes, 8pp. Inour what body fat percentage to see definition for the first time described the NWO syndrome with metabolic abnormalities. Willianms, S. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English. Waist circumference cm. Martínez, M. Adiposopathy: why do adiposity and obesity cause metabolic disease? Failure to meet these criteria precluded participation in the study. Comparar valores de porcentaje de grasa corporal estimados por ambos what body fat percentage to see definition para verificar su similitud. Childhood obesity and skeletal—dental maturity. Saruhan, T. International classification of impairments, disabilities, and handicaps: a manual of classification relating to the consequences of disease, published in accordance with resolution WHA Palabras clave:. The use of bioelectrical impedance analysis for body composition in epidemiological studies. The abdominal fat percentage afp was obtained by the ratio of abdominal fat weight to total body weight. Anthropometric measurement error and the assessment of nutritional status. Porcentaje de grasa corporal e índice de masa grasa como herramienta de detección para la predicción del síndrome metabólico en estudiantes universitarios colombianos. Friedman, et al. Snitker S. Los estudiantes internacionales que estudian en varias instituciones de educación superior en los Estados Unidos representan un porcentaje significativo del cuerpo estudiantil internacional. Word lists shared by our how to detect non linear correlation of dictionary fans. However, if we try to analyze the various paradoxes, we will see how often these may depend on the wrong methods used for the diagnosis itself.


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Google Scholar. Nutr Hosp, 32pp. Oxidative stress in normal-weight obese syndrome. The results obtained reveal significant differences between males and females in relation to the anthropometric and body composition characteristics—specifically, in body perimeters, skin folds, and in all the body composition parameters studied.

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