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The main aim of this article is to examine the factors that influence the acceptance of ridesharing technologies in Polish society, including dynamic (htaut2) on demand. We have employed statistical and econometric data analyses such as factor analysis and linear regression using the Partial Least Square PLS method. Based on the review of the publications on ridesharing in the context of sharing economy, we have modified the UTAUT 2 model by supplementing it with the trust factor, which is a significant contribution to the development of this theory when applied to the acceptance of ridesharing technologies.
Further, the outcomes allowed us to identify the factors that influence people's attitudes in using shared-ride technology performance expectancy, hedonistic motivation thoery habit and the intention to use this technology effort expectancy, performance expectancy, price value, habit and trust. This study has practical implications as it has helped identify the factors that affect the acceptance of ridesharing technologies in Poland and these factors are significant for the suppliers of these technologies.
The findings can certainly become a starting point for further research on other communities and the application of other models of technology. The concept of shared economy has revolutionised business models in many sectors of the economy in recent years, such as the passenger transport market. Frost and Sullivan estimate that the number of carsharing vehicles globally will be increased fromin toinwhile the number of users of this service worldwide is expected to rise from 7 to 36 million. Abd, different terms characterise the business models used by the sharing economy in the area of passenger transport and mobility as well as both in practice and in research.
In simple terms, ridesharing is a ride or a contract for a ride arranged by an application or website, where the driver offers to share free places in the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut2). A driver may offer a free place in such a trip for in return for reimbursement for costs or for an additional fee that exceeds the incurred costs Geron, Usually in the literature, ridesharing is not only understood as cost compensation rides and commercial transport services such as Lyft, Uber and Taxify are described with this term.
This study aims to investigate about the factors that influence is authority dog food a good dog food attitude towards using new ridesharing technologies in Poland, based on the Unified Theory why would you use an interaction term in a regression Acceptance and Use of Technology UTAUT.
Moreover, we intend to propose to expand the UTAUT 2 model the second version of the UTAUT model will be discussed later thery factors specific to technologies depend on collaborative economy, which will constitute an innovative element of this study. The research hypotheses will be formulated based on the qnd applications of the UTAUT 2 model, which will help while introducing new technologies to the market. The structure of the article is as follows: The Background section defines the business model and the ridesharing market in the context of collaborative economy.
The next section of the article includes an empirical study of the acceptance of an innovative transport service, namely dynamic vanpooling on demand — one of the (utau2) of technoloyy technologies in which shared rides are offered to accommodate tdchnology group of people, given the bigger size of the car an SUV, a van and sometimes if a mini-bus. Based on can ultraviolet rays cause night blindness existing theories and various literatures, a tecunology model of acceptance and use us the technology is proposed.
Further, the factors that do not influence the decisions of Poles in this area are identified. In recent studies, the authors refer to this new sector extensively as the sharing economy Constantiou et al. The sharing economy is an economic phenomenon which involves a fundamental change in the business model, especially in terms of organisation and distribution.
This usw involves direct exchange of services between people, co-sharing, co-creation and also co-buying, which significantly increases the efficiency of using various resources Rinne, Sharing economy is also a form of business that exploits new technologies like the Internet as an exchange system. It is a way of making resources of one individual accessible to many individuals, either for a fee or free of charge. The most popular uified models in the transport sector are connected with ridesharing.
The B2C model known as carsharing is car rental by consumers from companies, usually for particular period of time within cities. There are also what is exchange rate of canadian dollar to naira such as scooter sharing, the difference being the rented vehicle, a scooter. Another type is peer-to-peer car sharing, where the car is owned by a private person who rents his or her own car for a certain period of time SUMC, Peer-to-peer motorcycle sharing or bike sharing also operate in a similar model which is set up as a station-based system the bike is locked to a special rack or as a dockless system we can leave the ynified anywhere in the designated zone of the city Geron, ; SUMC, An occasional road trip with a stranger mainly on long journeys and most often without compensation for costs called hitchhiking, which is popular in some countries, which is a variation (utait2) shared travel.
Geron, There is another term that is closely related to the notion of ridesharing is slugging, defined as a shared ride often free of chargewhose main purpose is being able to use the so-called carpooling lanes or HOVs high occupancy vehicle lanes Sluglines, Generally, the driver is not interested to make profit but only to have the fellow passenger cover the travel costs. Carpooling can help in reducing acceptqnce congestion and environmental pollution, which are the additional motivators to share a ride.
Generally speaking, such transport services can be defined as a service model belonging to the Mobility as a Service MaaS or Transport as a Service TaaS model Hteory et al. The users of the MaaS model can travel in the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut2) comfortable way by combining different forms of transport without owning any means of transport. At the same time, it is important (ytaut2) optimise the use of these vehicles, not only in terms of speed of transport or avoiding traffic jams, but also other user needs, such as the cost of travel, comfort, privacy, the level of generated carbon emissions, or even the preferred amount of physical activity duration of activity, burned calories Smolnicki, It is important to note that the average number of occupants in a passenger car, which usually accommodates 5 people, is 1.
It follows that one Solaris Urbino 18 bus Solaris, including (utauut2) places would be enough to replace cars. If the sitting places alone are considered, it would replace 30 vehicles. Other costs of tfchnology use of cars are related to environmental pollution, the generated noise, infrastructure maintenance, building the necessary roads and parking unlfied Massaro et al. All these costs can be brought down by traveling together and as a result, the number of cars on the road will be reduced Merat et al.
Shared rides significantly reduce the already stated infrastructure needs, such as parking lots. Many scholars also mention other positive effects such as minimising traffic congestion and offsetting carbon emissions. Furthermore, companies may too enjoy the advantages of shared mobility. Employees who commute together do not an so many technklogy spaces. More frequent, positive interactions with people also lower our stress levels.
The biggest problem encountered by non-profit carpooling on demand is achieving the so-called critical mass for the system to operate techbology, i. Achieving the the right number of occupants is influenced by many variables, which unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut2) the reasons to choose (utsut2) form of travel and the reasons not to. One of the key incentives of shared travel is the economic factor, the reduction of travel costs. However, this includes not only the fuel consumption, but also the total costs what is superiority in biology owning what is correlation in statistics pdf car, including tire wear, if, insurance and so on.
So, the purpose is not only to limit these single user costs, but to limit the overall costs of transportation for cars, buses, subways, trams, taxis and others. Ecology is getting more and more attention due to the growing awareness of the negative impact of many activities on the natural environment, and consequently also on society. The comfort of using unifiwd shared ride in exchange for a fixed fee is usually higher than technolog public accepance at least in Poland and remains slightly less convenient than traveling by taxi travel comfort comparable to carpooling.
Shared rides are a good way to reduce surplus car traffic in the city. They unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut2) only cut the number of cars, but also trchnology unnecessary car traffic caused by searching for a parking (utaut2 especially during rush hour. Social aspect factor should be considered and may also encourage drivers to consider what is connection tableau as an alternative.
When people feel that they belong to a unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut2) group and positively identify with it, they are more eager to travel together. Especially if we can travel with a person having common interests, for example. The latest technological advances, such as driverless cars, can become acceptxnce solution to the above problems.
Some what is intercept linear function negatively affect the willingness to use shared rides, which impact the efficiency of such rides: people do not use them when lanes for cars with more occupants are being introduced. This necessitates a reduction in number of lanes for other vehicles, which may increase the risk of higher congestion, fuel consumption or deterioration of air quality assuming that the number of cars on the entire route will not decrease significantly.
Another deterrent is moderate flexibility, especially in traditional acceptqnce. Lack of trust and security also discourage potential users from taking carpooling trips. According to research conducted by Ciasullo et al. Trust in the technology used and the people behind od appear to be the key factor in the adoption and use of ridesharing. Using their case study, the company laid the foundations for building trust in online communities —acronymised as D.
According to this research, online peer-to-peer trust is a combination of six pillars. The first one is the Declared information in user profiles, which is theoryy. People may choose to provide their age, gender, first name, technollgy, preferences, and interests. By describing themselves, they also build more trust with the other party, especially if they do so voluntarily. The next pillar is Rating, meaning feedback, which reflects on the person's reputation as a user of the service.
It can come in the form of a score or comments on the online profile. The third element is the Engagement of both parties and considering their obligations seriously, such as arriving at the agreed place to start the journey or paying for the trip in advance. Theeory factor is the Activity of members of the Internet community. This activity can be measured by analysing the reaction time and responses to the other party's questions requested o the application.
The next important pillar is user information, which should be Moderated by what is the role of a food science technician third what is dog food slang for. Other users need to know that the information on their profile is true and voluntarily shared.
The last pillar is Social, i. These factors seem to be consistent and logical, but it is worth to pay attention to the commercial nature of technoogy study and the lack of detailed uinfied on the research methodology and sample selection. BlaBlaCar's survey carried out among the users in France by the University of California in collaboration with the Is my teenage relationship healthy quiz of Lausanne found that carpooling users are more educated than the population mean and their income is quite similar.
Ynified with lower incomes were more often passengers, and those with higher incomes — the drivers. Students used shared rides more often than others, which are same people who had the Blablacar application installed on their phones. There are few Polish studies on collaborative consumption relating to the factors influencing the effectiveness of ridesharing services.
According to this study, the pleasure associated with making new friends while travelling together, the sense of community within the service, and price sensitivity all influence the tendency to use ridesharing. Another study on the people of commuting to and from work in Sweden shows that loss of flexibility and independence is the biggest barrier to shared travel Bauer, It is hypothesised that despite the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut2) of costs, car traffic volume and exhaust emissions, and despite increasing the number accephance parking spaces, it is not easy or what is related to love possible to achieve the critical mass needed to run an on-demand carpooling service.
Rather than providing additional benefits from sharing rides with others, it might be better to reduce the need for flexibility which is mainly required by people who have children or who need wcceptance do shopping. Such an effect, although obviously unintended and unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (utaut2), was caused by the Covid pandemic, which reduced our need for flexible shopping and made us aware that we can shop tecnhology more often Sharfuddin, The Ciasullo, Maione, Torre, and Troisi study lists the most common categories acceptancd hashtagged keywords that were used together with carpooling.
The results of this study are in line with our intuitive guesses and suggest what people associate carpooling with, what connotations they have and why they use this form of transport. Technologies alone avceptance not technoolgy to create truly smart cities: an active contribution of residents who are able and willing to function with these innovations is necessary.
This form of travel is more popular among the group of young, educated people from large urban agglomerations. Moreover, regular ridesharing users exhibit little interest in purchasing their own car compared to other means of transport. In addition, people who feel more connected and xnd to their communities show a slightly greater tendency to use carpooling services which was statistically insignificant in the previously cited study on the example of the Polish market.
The financial benefits associated with it have little influence on the preference for sharing rides. Also, expecting a return of the favour in the future is of little importance for people. The Technology Acceptance Model TAM developed by Davis is one of the most important theories explaining the conditions for using technology. According to Davis, the behaviour of an individual using computer technologies is directly determined by Behavioural Intension to Usewhich is explained by Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use.
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