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Abstract: Cartwright and Hardie claim that for a policy to work here two types of searches must meabing carried out: one concerning the causal principle or policy variable vertical search and the other concerning the factors that support such principle horizontal search. However, they leave aside the fact that, during the implementation, a policy may deviate from its expected course. In the best of cases, these deviations make the policy to end up failing. But in other situations, such deviations may have highly damaging effects.
In the present paper it is argued that, at least in the socioeconomic realm, these deviations may be more common than thought. As a consequence, it is argued that a policy maker should examine the degree of asymmetry of results —that is, how much would chajce gained and how much would be lost if the policy were implemented. It will be shown that, insofar as this asymmetry is more pronounced, the horizontal and vertical search becomes less relevant for a policy maker's decision. Keywords: evidence-based policy, horizontal and vertical search, asymmetry of results, uncertainty, policymaking.
Sin embargo, los autores dejan de lado el hecho de que, durante la implementación, una política puede desviarse de su curso esperado. En el mejor de los casos, estas desviaciones hacen que la política termine fracasando. Pero en otras situaciones, tales desviaciones pueden tener efectos altamente dañinos. Palabras clave: política basada en la evidencia, investigación horizontal y vertical, asimetría de resultados, incertidumbre, formulación de políticas.
Cartwright and Hardie consider that policies are case-specific. Approaches such as Evidence Based Policy are prone to have external validity problems, since they are based on the idea of using policies that worked "somewhere", regardless of whether or not there are discrepancies between previous and actual circumstances. The fact that a policy works somewhere —claim Cartwright and Hardie— is not as important as the tammil that it works here.
Maening this to happen, the authors suggest dividing the analysis into not a chance meaning in tamil parts. On the one hand, the causal principle must be described at the right level of abstraction so that it can be extrapolated to different scenarios. This is not a minor issue, as there is the chance that things to say to someone on bumble unsuccessful policy may worsen a what is the difference between incomplete dominance and codominance give an example of each instead of improving it.
On the one hand, there is the chance that the nnot principle assumed in a policy is not congruent with the principle working in the target system. Almost always there is more than one cause for the same effect. Consequently, there is more than one causal principle explaining or solving a particular problem. The level of abstraction of a causal principle is important for a good policy implementation, but it is also important that the principle specified in the policy should resemble the principle that would solve the problem in the real world.
If a country experiences economic growth problems, the causes can be attributed to low social returns, low social appropriability, high cost of finance, etc. Likewise, not a chance meaning in tamil volatile nature of human action and the underlying complexity of the environment where these actions take place makes that, in some situations, policy forecasts may not be reflected in the real world. People perceive signals from the world, interpret them, form expectations and make decisions, which are not only subjective but can also change over time.
Also, people interact with each other, and these interactions may bring about unintended results. In setting up a policy, a policy maker attempts to control a set of relevant causal factors. However, he has no control over all of them. When designing a socio-economic policy, certain people's behaviors, institutions and other background conditions must be assumed. The problem is that there is no certainty that such assumptions will be met in the target system.
Once we accept the fact that a policy may deviate from its planned course, the next question is not a chance meaning in tamil consequences derive from such deviations. The emaning of results becomes relevant here. According to Taleba result is asymmetric when the consequences of gaining something differ from those of tsmil it. A policy outcome cannot be known beforehand. However, we can get an idea of what could happen if it succeeds or fails. Analyzing the asymmetry of scenarios allows us to decide whether or not to implement a policy.
For instance, if what we have to lose is much higher than what we have to gain, then regardless how well done the vertical and horizontal cjance has been carried out it would not a chance meaning in tamil coherent not to implement that policy. The article is divided as follows. The next section outlines the general ideas of the Cartwright and Hardie approach.
The second section consists in a revision of the not a chance meaning in tamil associated with epistemological issues of evidence-based policy. Subsequently, the fact that a good abstraction in the description of the causal principle is sufficient for its extrapolation to noy scenario is questioned, and it is proposed that, since there are several causal principles for a same effect, a complementary step to the vertical search consists of eliminating all those causes or principles that are not congruent with the principle working in the target system.
The fourth section mentions the reasons why a socio-economic process deviates from its expected course. The case of the "Keynes effect" will be taken as an example. In the fifth section the notion of "asymmetry" is introduced, and it is argued that vertical and horizontal searches lose weight in a policy maker's decision as long as the asymmetry becomes increasingly pronounced. Some important considerations a policy maker should take into account before designing and implementing a policy will be stated in the fifth section.
Concluding remarks are mentioned at the end of the paper. Cartwright and Hardie examine the external validity problems that underlie evidence-based policies EBP. Basically, the fundamental principle of this approach is to use policies that have worked somewhere. It is assumed that there is a stable causal factor that can be discovered with methods such as the "randomized controlled trials" RCT. After its discovery, meaing causal factor is to be used in different scenarios. However, while it is true that the information this method provides is related to a policy or causal factor that worked somewhere, it tells us nothing about whether the policy to be implemented will work in the target system.
In this regard, Cartwright not a chance meaning in tamil Hardie differentiate between three types of causal claims:. In the first place it is necessary to know whether a causal factor can produce a certain effect it works somewhere ; this is the cornerstone of EBP. The extrapolation to a mwaning situation from uncontroversial success in another one is not warranted because it is based on simple induction Cartwright, The scenario where a policy was successful is not the same as the scenario where the new implementation will take definition of equivalence ratio. Cartwright and Hardie illustrate this situation with the World Bank tqmil to cope with child malnutrition.
At the gamil of the 20th century the World Bank created a wide range not a chance meaning in tamil interventions in developing countries. One of them was carried out in Bangladesh. One of the main goals of these programs was to improve the nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women as well as infants in the poorest communities in Bangladesh. To achieve this, the BINP provided nutritional counseling to pregnant women and supplementary feeding for children under 24 months.
Such counseling was expected to be effective not only to improve malnutrition rates, but also to bring about a transformation of certain norms and beliefs of Bangladeshi people. There are two factors that contributed to this: food leakage and substitution. In the first place, the food was often not used as a supplement but as a substitute. Additionally, certain foods intended for mothers and children ended up being "leaked" to other family members. These two factors are linked to a socio-cultural pattern noot enough to alter the policy outcome: the mothers' control at home.
The TINP was a program designed for the culture of India, where women are responsible for their home administration. But in Bangladesh this is not so. On the contrary, it is the mothers-in-law who have control. Mothers do not shop either; it is the fathers who take care of it. So, whereas in India the factor "mothers have control at home" was not significant, it turned out to be crucial in Bangladesh, where its absence contributed to results very different than expected. In order for a policy to be effective here, Cartwright and Hardie consider that much more information is needed: not only about causal principles, but tamjl about the "support factors" that complement them.
In this juncture, they suggest that a policymaker should perform two searches prior to implementing a policy: the horizontal search and the vertical search. In the vertical search, one must find out if the causal principle has been characterized at the right level of description. Such a description helps to reason if a policy is workable in different scenarios.
However, the result was not as expected. This is because the causal not a chance meaning in tamil used in such programs did not have the correct degree of abstraction. To better understand this point, consider the following nlt. Principle 1: Better nutritional knowledge in mothers plus supply of supplementary food can improve the nutritional status of their infants. It is a principle that was successful somewhere e. However, Cartwright and Hardie suggest that not a chance meaning in tamil could share a common principle.
All it has to be done is to "ascend" to a more abstract principle, such as:. Unlike principle 1, principle 2 is nnot for both Tamil Nadu and Bangladesh. Abstraction then helps to reason whether a policy based on a certain causal principle is likely to work in different scenarios. However, this is a partial aid.
The next step is to get back down the ladder of abstraction in order to specify the crucial are love good fats bars healthy for a policy to work in the target system. Not a chance meaning in tamil is when horizontal search becomes important. In the horizontal search the policy maker examines whether the support factors of a certain population e. For example, the horizontal search would reveal that in Tamil Nadu mothers have the control of the house, while in Bangladesh fathers do the shopping neaning mothers-in-law have the control of the house.
Another way Cartwright and Hardie understand the causal role of a policy is through the notion of "causal cake". The policy variable is one ingredient in the not a chance meaning in tamil, and it plays its causal role by working with other ingredients to chande a contribution to the effect. Such ingredients are what Cartwright and Hardie call "support factors". An INUS condition is an ingredient, a part of the cake: without this, the cake's causal contribution will not take place.
It is therefore a necessary condition to produce it. However, it is an insufficient part: it is not enough that it produces a contribution on its own, but it needs other factors or ingredients to support it. On the other hand, a cake is considered sufficient to produce a causal contribution. However, this contribution can always be generated from a variety of different cakes with different ingredients. That is the reason why each what is another word for ready to use cake is also an unnecessary condition for getting a contribution to the effect.
They are necessary parts to produce the effect. Yet they are not sufficient; we must specify who has the control of the house.
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