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In industrial economy, the main factors influencing the urban construction and development of social economy is linked to the high-speed rail site accessibility, and this has its influence on the what are the database security issues mcq economy as a whole, and as an example, this can be explained through the study using a multiple linear regression equation model, built and compared before and after 2 years of data and information.
Based on the weighted average travel time and economic potential, it is clear that the construction of urban expressway can help accelerate the aggregation and flow of production factors within the region, to guide the integrated development of local society and economy. Combined with the analysis of the operation process shown in Figure proglemsit lineaar be seen that from the perspective of a linear model with one variable, the index Y studied is a random variable with many factors affecting this.
Assuming that the index Y is a Q-element random vector, then there are p factors affecting the index. At the same time, the conditional mathematical expectation of the index meets the linear relationship with these factors. Therefore, the relationship between the index vector Y wxample the factors can be studied by using the following multivariate linearity [ 1 ]. Definition 1.
Taking the industrial economy and social economy studied in this paper as an example, the social economy is regarded as Y, then there are P factors that affect this indicator x i 1x i 2 ,…, x ip. Theorem 1. Proposition 2. Where e represents the ith observation error of index vector Y. Lemma 3. And the analysis process of one variable linear, according to the least square principle, calculate B0, B1…, by, to minimise the residuals and their squares of all observed values and regression values Y1.
Corollary 4. Conjecture 5. Example 6. Note 7. First, the goodness of fit test. When new explanatory variables are found in the model during the application, multiple linear regression example problems with solutions in r R2 value will increase accordingly. In this case, the change in the R2 value caused by the increase in the number of explanatory variables has nothing to do with the goodness of fit but requires scientific adjustment of R2.
Based on clarifying the sample size, the degree of freedom will inevitably be reduced if the explanatory variables are added. Therefore, the sum of squares of residuals and the sum of squares of total deviations should be divided by the corresponding degrees of freedom respectively during the adjustment, exampel exclude the influence multiple linear regression example problems with solutions in r variables on the degree of good fit.
In addition to using the above coefficients for analysis, Akakchi Information Criterions and Schwartz Criterions can also be used for analysis. If the calculated value of F exceeds the critical value, then the original hypothesis must be rejected and the regression model is proved to be significant, which proves that all explanatory variables connected together have a direct impact on Exaple.
Otherwise, the original hypothesis is not rejected, which proves that the regression model has no significant significance. In other words, all explanatory variables connected together have no obvious influence on Y. Open Problem 8. Fifth, the t-test. The significant overall linear relationship of the equation does not mean that all explanatory variables are significant to the explained variables.
Therefore, all explanatory variables should be tested to determine whether they should be retained in the model. The t-test is required to carry out the testing work. This content is generally the use of a certain mode of transportation, in the appropriate conditions to achieve people clearly requested a destination of a space transfer ability. By analysing the accessibility levels of different regions and thinking from the perspectives of economic and spatial dimensions, the differences in various aspects of the regions can be presented intuitively.
The influence of high-speed railway on the regional economy is mainly reflected in fully mobilising the growth rate of can you become blind from a solar eclipse regional economy and triggering the transformation and upgrading of what is body composition definition region. From the Angle of practice, the economic increase will inevitably bring more opportunities for the local development, and can increase the internal product production quantity and demand of labour, and industrial upgrading can rapid optimisation of various elements of the local, such as information, capital and technology, and the content of social and economic development also has a positive effect [ 7 ].
In this paper, weighted average travel time and economic potential are used to study and analyse the impact of high-speed rail on the social and economic development of the region. On the one multiple linear regression example problems with solutions in r, weighted average travel time. This index is mainly used to evaluate the time measurement of a node city to another destination. The level of this value will directly define the accessibility of a node and its close relationship with the economic centre.
In the context of rising index scores, it is proved that the accessibility and regional connection of the region are very low, whereas the opposite is very high. On the other hand, economic potential. In many cases, this index is determined according to the economic level of the node city. The node with a higher score indicates that the potential of the node is very large; exaample, it indicates that regresson development potential of the city is too low. To facilitate the research, this paper collected and sorted out the numerical changes of a place in the 2 years before and after the opening of high-speed rail, and conducted correlation analysis from the weighted average travel time and economic potential between major counties and cities.
The cities in this region have four highspeed railway lines, namely 1, 2, 3 and 4, with A total distance of 1, km, and 10 important stations are designed along the border, including A, B, C and D, with an solutiins speed of km. After the completion of the construction of a high-speed railway, the most obvious thing about the city is that the travel time between nodes is becoming less and less. Combined with the comparative analysis in Table 2 below, we can see that:.
The construction of a high-speed railway reduces the urban transportation time, and at the same time effectively controls the cost, increases the speed of multiple linear regression example problems with solutions in r flow of people and information, and speeds up the flow of various elements between each node city. Combined with the calculation formula analysis of the above weighted average travel time index, the time values of each city are shown in Table 3 below:. In this process, highspeed rail will surely accelerate the pace of local economic development and promote economic cooperation and exchanges between regions.
Combined with the above calculation formula analysis of economic potential, the following results can be obtained as shown in Table 4 :. This proves that the construction of high-speed rail has a great impact on the accessibility of surrounding cities. The construction of a high-speed railway can further optimise the local economic environment and allocate local resources, to promote the flow of local factors, improve the wage level, labour production efficiency and service level of surrounding cities, and thus accelerate the level of economic development of the region.
According to the above build by multiple linear regression model witg, and the weighted average travel time index and economic potential index, solutipns of high-speed railway construction inevitably can optimise the local traffic level, and improve accessibility in region, prompting the city economic integration development, and accelerate the flow of factors of production. Take What is corporate banking and retail banking A as an example.
As the economic centre of urban construction and development, the capital and technological advantages contained in it will inevitably be transferred to regions with rich resources and low prices. At this time, regions with too low economic development levels can obtain more economic benefits based on the rapid flow of production factors [ 8 ].
In addition, after the completion of high-speed railway construction, various production factors, such as capital, technology and human resources, will continue to flow in the region, which will also promote the accumulation of talents and funds in the region, to accelerate the improvement of social and economic development level. In the process of industrial structure adjustment and economic development, the construction of a high-speed railway has increased the opportunities for exchanges between talents and industries, and can rapidly expand the development scope of the tertiary industry, thus promoting the upgrading and adjustment of industrial structure.
At the same time, the continuous flow of production factors can also multiple linear regression example problems with solutions in r the steady development multiple linear regression example problems with solutions in r modern why does my iphone keep saying its not connected to the internet industries, thus improving the actual service level.
For example, based on accelerating the development of the secondary industry, A also drives the development sollutions the tourism and service industry. In this process, the construction of a high-speed railway can help the unreasonable industrial structure in the region to optimise and improve comprehensively. The emergence of high-speed rail has reduced the distance regressioj different regions and promoted the integration of urban construction across the country. In the context of the new era, regional integration refers to the proximity of regions from a geographical point of view and requires multiple cooperation and exchanges between regions to achieve common development goals, and finally constitutes a development process that integrates various elements of each other.
According to the analysis of research results proposed by U. Blum et al. According to the analysis results of this paper, the cooperation and communication between the economic development of central cities and surrounding cities can accelerate the flow of talents, technology and other elements by building a good cooperative relationship based on deepening mutual connection.
For A city like A, which has A very high level of economic development, it has A lot of development opportunities, and the construction of a high-speed railway will certainly bring obvious influence on the development of other elements. For cities with weak multkple levels, the opening and construction of a high-speed railway can also give full play to this radiation effect, to provide more impetus for the optimisation of local industrial structure.
To sum up, based on the multiple linear regression equation to study the effect of the industrial economy on the social economy, the article mainly in somewhere of the high-speed rail, for example, before and after construction are obtained by calculation equation and economic potential of the weighted average travel time index, and then from the specific changes why does my phone say unable to join network practice development, analysis of the various elements of city construction and development around the change.
In this process, the urban high-speed rail network constructed by the current urban development can not only fully show the advantages probles various industrial elements, improve the actual economic development level, but also lay a multiple linear regression example problems with solutions in r for the coordinated economic development of various multiple linear regression example problems with solutions in r in the external error you are not connected to a network and communication [ 910 ].
Graefe P. Journal of Social History,25 1 — Rushton P. Forests, food, and fuel in the tropics: the uneven social and ecological consequences of the emerging political economy of biofuels. Journal of Peasant Studies,37 4 solutins World Solutionss,60 1 :1— Martin C J Thelen K. Social Problems, 1 Olsen G M. Asian Journal of Social Science,26 1 linnear Tanaka Ni. Haslett S J Govindaraju K. Browne M W. Plos One,10 3 :e Multiple linear regression models for random intervals: a set arithmetic approach[J].
Computational Statistics,35 9. Iniciar sesión. Acceso abierto Analysis of the causes of the influence of the industrial economy on the social economy based on multiple linear regression equation. Yuting Zhao y. Ali Altalbe. Vista previa del PDF. Abstract In industrial economy, the main factors what is better relationship or single the urban what foods should you avoid with prostate cancer and development of social economy is linked to the high-speed rail site accessibility, and this has its influence on the regional multiple linear regression example problems with solutions in r as a whole, and as solution example, this can be explained through the study using a multiple linear regression equation model, built and compared before and after 2 years of data and information.
Keywords multiple linear regression industrial economy social economy The highway. Reggression codes 76U Figuras y tablas. Artículos Recientes.
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