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Suma Psicológica is a journal that is published twice a years, and contains articles of general interest for psychology conceived as a science and, thus, accepts reports on both basic and applied empirical research; theoretical, philosophical or conceptual discussions on the discipline, as well as re-interpretations of previously published data.
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SJR uses a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and qualitative measure of the journal's impact. SNIP measures contextual citation impact by wighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field. However, research on multidimensional life satisfaction in older students, such as those good morning love quotes in hindi text university, is still scarce.
The goodness-of-fit values obtained from confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the data fit better to the items and five-factor structure than to the item structure. The convergent, concurrent and discriminant validity of the item version was demonstrated. La Escala Multidimensional de Satisfacción con la Vida en Estudiantes mide la satisfacción con la vida en la niñez y adolescencia en cinco dominios de la vida.
La investigación sobre satisfacción multidimensional con la vida es escasa en estudiantes de mayor edad, como aquellos que asisten a la Universidad. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala Multidimensional de Satisfacción con multidimensional assessment social work example Vida en Estudiantes multidimensional assessment social work example una muestra de estudiantes de cinco universidades estatales de Chile.
La Escala Multidimensional de Satisfacción con la Vida en Estudiantes y la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida fueron respondidas por participantes. Los valores de bondad de ajuste obtenidos revelaron que los datos se ajustaron mejor a la escala de 30 multidimensional assessment social work example y a la estructura de cinco factores. La validez convergente, concurrente y discriminante de esta versión fue demostrada.
La versión de 30 ítems de la Escala Multidimensional de Satisfacción con la Vida en Estudiantes puede constituir una alternativa prometedora para medir la satisfacción de estudiantes universitarios en distintos dominios de la vida, así como una herramienta valiosa para la evaluación diferencial que guíe la investigación e intervención en esta población. Much of its research has relied upon global measures, and while this one-dimensional perspective provides useful information, multidimensional assessment social work example may mask distinctions between life domains Casas et al.
The self-domain entails the respondent's level of satisfaction with himself or herself and multidimensional assessment social work example people's opinion in that regard. In light of interpretability problems regarding 10 negatively worded items, Huebner, Zullig, and Saha proposed an abbreviated item version of the MSLSS that does not compromise multidimensional assessment social work example five-factor original structure Huebner et al. The CFA conducted by Zappulla et al.
The MSLSS may be useful for differential assessments that guide research on and intervention with university students, since enrollment in college involves approaching new experiences and environments multidimensional assessment social work example different life domains Schnettler et al. In parallel, according to Arnettundergraduate students are in the phase of their lifespan called emerging adulthood, which describes young adults who do not have children, do not live in their own home, or do not have sufficient income to become fully independent in their early whats considered a healthy relationship late 20s.
This author suggests that emerging adulthood is the distinct period between 18 and 25 years of age where adolescents become multidimensional assessment social work example independent from their family and explore various life possibilities Arnett, Therefore, the life domains included in the MSLSS are still important to the university student's life. Although the MSLSS has been validated in Spanish-speaking adolescent populations, to our knowledge, its psychometric properties have not been assessed with university students.
Thus, the aim of this study was to test the factor structure of the MSLSS on a sample of Chilean university students, and evaluate its psychometric properties using confirmatory factor analysis CFAfor the long version Huebner, and the abbreviated one Huebner et al. We expected to demonstrate that the abbreviated version of the scale 30 items has more robust psychometric properties than the long version 40 items does. A convenience sample of students participated in the study, with a mean age of Most of the sample was of Multidimensional assessment social work example origin According to the education level of the head of the household, The sample comprised mainly students living with their parents all year This is a item self-report scale designed for children aged 8 to It is a 6-point Likert-type response scale, ranging from completely disagree to completely agree.
Therefore, two bilingual translators translated the 40 items from English to Spanish. Subsequently, a third bilingual translator back-translated the Spanish version of the scale into English. The differences found were resolved by discussion, with all the translators multidimensional assessment social work example on the final versions of the scale. It was developed by Diener et al.
This scale consists of five items grouped into a single factor to evaluate overall cognitive judgments about a person's own life. The respondents must indicate their degree of agreement with each statement using a 6-point Likert scale 1: disagree completely6: agree completely. This study used the Spanish-language version of the SWLS which has shown good internal consistency in previous studies with university students in Chile Schnettler et al.
Finally, the students were asked to indicate their age, gender, area of residence, ethnic origin, domicile during the semester, and the education level and occupation of the head of the household. The last two variables are used to determine the socioeconomic status Adimark,categorized as high, upper middle, middle-middle, lower middle, low, and very low. A pilot test of the questionnaire was conducted with 30 students from Universidad de La Frontera with similar characteristics as the sample and no problems were detected.
Program directors from the universities chosen were contacted and asked for permission to apply the instrument. The inclusion criterion for the present study was being a student enrolled in first year started in or third year started in at their respective universities. The multidimensional assessment social work example were invited to answer the multidimensional assessment social work example online through a link sent to their e-mails and distributed by the university online platform.
The site displayed introduced to the description and aims of the study, and they were also provided with the informed consent available for download that contained the ethical guidelines of the study and the conditions of participation. After confirming their consent, they proceeded to answer the instrument. The survey was administered through QuestionPro Inc. Descriptive analyses were conducted using SPSS v.
The CFA was carried out first with the complete scale and then with what is foreign exchange risk exposure the non-reversal items. Chicago, The parameters were estimated by robust maximum likelihood. These indices are regarded as indicative of a good fit when GFI is greater than 0. Convergent validity and discriminant validity were evaluated by composite reliability and average variance extracted AVE.
Item reliability indicates the amount of variance in an item due to the underlying construct rather than to error. Item reliability of at least 0. The composite reliability was obtained by an adaptation of Fornell and Larcker's formula, which calculates the proportion between the what is right dominance of the standardized factor loadings of the items of a factor squared, and the same amount plus the error variances associated with the items.
A value for acceptable composite reliability is 0. The AVE measures the amount of variance captured by the construct in relation to the amount of variance due to measurement error. When the AVE is less than 0. In this study, discriminant validity was tested following Fornell and Larcker'swho compared the squared correlations between two constructs with their respective AVE. Discriminant validity is demonstrated if the AVE of both constructs is greater than its squared correlation. The results related to the model fit are summarized in Table 2.
The CFA representing the item five-factor model revealed minimally acceptable fit to the data. AGFI: adjusted goodness-of-fit index. RMSEA: root mean square error of approximations. The CFA representing the item five-factor model, which excludes the reverse-keyed items Huebner et al. Can non verbal autism read that reason, convergent, discriminant and concurrent validity were tested in the item model.
As seen in Fig. Item reliability corresponds to the square of standardized weight. The composite reliability values for each subscale of the item five-factor model MSLSS were calculated, and as seen in Table 3all of them were over 0. In the case of AVE values, the convergent validity of the construct was questionable. AVE values were calculated for all five dimensions, but only the value for the subscale Friends was greater than 0. The levels of relationships between the subscales were moderate, the highest correlation being between Family and Friends, and between Self and Friends.
Calculated squared correlations are given in Table 3. According to the results, the AVE of each pair of constructs was greater than its squared correlation, therefore discriminant validities were demonstrated in all the subscales. Composite reliabilities, average variance extracted AVEsquared correlations between constructs and correlations between subscales, item model.
The values over diagonal indicate squared correlations between constructs. The values under diagonal indicate Pearson correlation coefficients between subscales. Pearson's r : Pearson correlation coefficient. Few studies have focused on multidimensional life satisfaction in late adolescents and young or emerging adults that maintain the student status.
This is a group of interest given that, while the person what is easier to read black on white in the multidimensional assessment social work example role, attending university is a turning point that often entails significant changes in most life domains: living conditions, self-image, relationships with others and the pace and demands of academic processes.
Therefore, this study may help provide information to institutions of higher education to conduct specific strategies according to the domains where less satisfaction is reported, thus contributing to improve the general well-being of the students. By contrast, How to tell if its a linear function et al. However, in the last two studies the CFI values were lower than 0.
Nonetheless, our fit index values are lower than in the study conducted by Zappulla et al. They concluded that the model showed a good fit to the data. One difference between the study by Zappulla et al. The CFA was carried out first with the complete multidimensional assessment social work example and then with multidimensional assessment social work example the non-reversal items, which could have affected the results obtained in the item model, and this is one of the main limitations of this study.
Internal consistency indices of the five domains of the abbreviated form were acceptable and similar to those reported in previous studies Huebner et al. A discriminant validity analysis showed an adequate degree of divergence between the dimensions of the MSLSS, as found by Jovanovic and Zuljevic In this regard, Irmak and Kuruüzüm did not demonstrate discriminant validity between Family and Living Environment, because there is a strong relationship between these two dimensions in the collectivistic Turkish society, where their study was conducted.
This is less feasible in the case of university students, who must in many cases leave home and multidimensional assessment social work example to attend university. Casual meaning in gujarati, the items that make up this domain describe relationships among family members, and although a high proportion of students in the sample are living with their parents, it is likely that the demands of the university life decrease their interaction.
But due to the time students must spend in campus, it can be expected that living environment becomes less multidimensional assessment social work example than it is during adolescence. The low correlation between the domain University multidimensional assessment social work example the SWLS is noteworthy, since it has been reported that attending educational institutions may positively relate to well-being, self-esteem, and academic engagement, achievement and adjustment Oberle et al.
Multidimensional assessment social work example, the present investigation provides additional support for the abbreviated version of the MSLSS Zappulla et al. Our results indicate that the item MSLSS may also be a useful instrument to measure life satisfaction in different life domains in university students. One limitation of this study is that it was conducted in only one country; research with university students in other countries is required to confirm these results.
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