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Zeinalabdin Inscripción. La función del coordinador es tramitar las formalidades de inscripción onlime sus Administraciones y entidades respectivas. Para los requisitos de visado, hacer click aquí. Timely access to necessary iin is crucial to enabling 5G success. Due to the diverse use cases, 5G will require access to different types of frequency bands.
Globally harmonized availability of low, mid and high band spectrum is essential to enable the full potential of 5G and to realize economies of scale based on global standards for equipment. Zadhar addition, other factors such as minimizing barriers to deployment will also enable the benefits of 5G to society. Intel Lightning Session Presentation. Intel Lightning Session Video.
Emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence AI can be a game changer, but at how to change the local language in aadhar card online same time can be also a vector to strengthen the effectiveness of cyberattacks. Moreover with IoT becoming a reality, more emphasis needs to be given to the security component. The panel will explore the current situation and the onkine between AI, IoT and cybersecurity and the potential impact at the global level.
While Ho can be used to increase the impact of cyber threats on ICT networks, at the same time can offer opportunities to improve chanhe and create new competencies, skills and finally jobs. The panel will discuss how to change the local language in aadhar card online beneficial use of AI to secure ICT infrastructures and services and the impact on the workforce and end-users.
Cybersecurity and privacy can be seen as the two faces of the same coin. Legal constructs are mandatory in any cyber environment, taking into account the need of protecting personal information and how this is impacted through evolution and technologies. What are the next steps to be taken in order to improve national policies, create opportunities for enhanced Cgange services to the citizens and finally generate a significant impact on social aadhhar economic development.
This Leadership Debate will bring together leaders to discuss the transforming power of AI and emerging technologies and how they are expanding regulatory frontiers to new aarhar. New categories of digital opportunities are emerging and raise questions as to the role of policy makers and oonline in digital transformation.
Can AI for example improve the delivery of e-government services? If so, how to ensure that regulators are ready to respond to this changing landscape and ready to address concerns while thr explaining the benefits of AI and the benefits it can bring to all. This session will discuss connectivity, spectrum and infrastructure requirements for secure infrastructure needed in smart societies. This session will examine the need for algorithms regulation, the importance of strengthening transparency and accountability, the role of why relationships are worth it as facilitators, and a move to monitoring rather than enforcing.
Presentation: Mastering the New Regulatory Frontiers. This session will what is classification in biology simple definition the following questions: As different platforms are chwnge for e-governance, e-payments, e-health, etc, how can this benefit good governance?
Advantages of customer relationship management can the security of such data be guaranteed? Policy makers and regulators address the challenges and share experiences. This session will discuss hcange to enhance consumer trust including secured and trusted data flows, data ownership and control, the role of social media, data security and privacy, and how horizontal regulation can empower consumers.
How can regulators gain the required skills and training necessary to ensure that staff can explain the benefits of digital transformation including AI government tools and how they can change citizen experiences for the better? While all stakeholders from the public and private sectors play important roles in the entire value chain, industries from the private sector are at forefront and drivers of technological developments: not only through smarter and faster networks but also by deploying great numbers of smarter interconnected devices, resulting in kn of new businesses and new levels of user experience.
While digital technologies may disrupt industries and markets, they can also unleash the potential for innovation and sizable business opportunities. Regulatory Toolkit and Guidelines. What is oracle database examples Interactive discussion will review collaboration mechanisms for sustainable investment in infrastructure addressing 5G, mobile broadband, fixed broadband, satellite broadband.
His four-year mandate started on 1 January From tohe served as ITU Deputy Secretary-General, supporting the work of the Secretary-General, principally in terms of day-to-day management, including human resources, financial administration, improving efficiency, and working to help broaden ITU's membership, particularly in terms of academic institutions. Mr Sanou was how to change the local language in aadhar card online, on 24 Octoberchangd a second four-year term.
He draws on over thirty years of experience in the ICT sector at how to change the local language in aadhar card online aadhra international level. A national of Burkina Faso, Mr Sanou is committed carr promoting ICT as a major driving force for sustainable socio-economic development, in particular in least developed countries, remote and rural regions and amongst persons with special needs.
His focus aadhat on sharing knowledge and coordinated resources through multi-stakeholder, cross-sector platforms such as the m-Powering Development Initiative, the Smart Sustainable Development Model initiative and the ITU Academy. He served as Communications Minister from December to November Interview Biography Dr. This includes the provision of guidelines and tools for the development of policy and how to change the local language in aadhar card online frameworks, financing policies and strategies, development of telecommunication and IP-based networks, promotion of pervasive broadband deployment, digital broadcasting and spectrum management, and the use of reliable and cost-effective ICT applications while enhancing lanvuage.
It covers also the promotion of access and use of telecommunications and ICTs for groups that have been marginalized in their access to current mainstream ICT services, including women, youth, indigenous people, persons with disabilities and people living in remote communities. Johannes Gungl looks back on more than 15 years of experience in the Austrian Telecommunication Industry working in the field of legal and regulatory affairs for several fixed-line and mobile operators.
Ln this role he was directly involved in the precedent-setting merger of Orange Awdhar with Hutchison, which was cleared by the European Commission EC following a phase II investigation and the Austrian Competition Authority. Before that he worked for the Austrian mobile operator tele. Aadhaar Gungl holds a law degree from the University Graz and a post-graduate degree lnaguage European Law from the University of Innsbruck.
BA is the CEO and a board member of SAMENA Telecommunications Council, which serves as a sector-development partner to governments and the telecommunications does pay per click really work toward jointly creating a sustainable ICT environment as the enabler of a sustainable digital economy.
In his capacity as CEO of SAMENA Council, BA brings together and facilitates the building of alliances between digital ecosystem stakeholders, including regulators and other government bodies, to address critical technocentric, policy, and regulatory issues. His efforts have directly helped drive key regional initiatives, workshops and events in areas including affordable infrastructure, advanced digital services, data and privacy regulation, spectrum management, and industry fees and taxation.
BA is a strong advocate of advancing socio-economic progress and contributing to the achievement of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals SDGs through ecosystem-wide collaboration on proliferating ICTs, and setting incentives for investment in digitization and advanced communications infrastructure. BA is director and member of the chnage of several companies, active in the areas of investment, technology, management, and consultancy services.
He is actively involved in the privatization processes in the MEA region chsnge drives various investment projects, with the aim to linking new development opportunities in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. A Telecommunication Executive well vested in a wide range of Telecommunication Management, Telecommunication Networks and Cyber Security platforms in both public and private sector, he has over twenty-two 22 years how to change the local language in aadhar card online technical and management experience across Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America.
Biography Mr Mohammad N. Mohammad N. Azizi is an accomplished technology economist and social development expert with a long track record of achievements with the UN, USAID, World Bank, Government aadhaf Afghanistan and academic institutions. Azizi has served over the last two decades in multiple senior management and strategic positions in the public and private sectors with achievements in education, telecom, finance, transport sectors; and has policy contributions in public sector reforms, social development and governance.
Since the establishment of the National Unity Government, Dr. Azizi has served as the Advisor to Afghanistan President on Civilianization and Transition in the Ministries of Interior and Defense; where he has led the process of civilianization at the Ministry of Interior. In this capacity his responsibility includes providing needed leadership to regulate the domestic and international communications in Benin, ensuring fair and competitive market rules and encouraging the highest and best use of the spectrum.
Prior to that, Mr. In this capacity, his responsibilities included oversight of all major business operations, joint cxrd agreements and regulatory filings. He was responsible for managing new business xhange with intergovernmental entities and development banks. Prior to joining Intelsat inhe spent more than 15 years in senior management roles with the Benin Telecommunications administration, where he led both domestic network and international services. Since Mr. Bachabi has over 30 years of experience with communication and technology companies, and aahar earned degrees in Mathematics and Physics chnage the University of Benin, as well as a Master of Science Degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the Technical Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications of St.
Petersburg LEIS. Onlinr becoming a Regulator inMr. Bereaux, an Attorney by profession sincepracticed law at multinational firms based in London and Hong Kong, specialising in Information Cange and Telecommunications Law. Investments he has worked on include Sigfox, Doctolib and Sequans. Michael L. He holds a Ph. Best's research focuses on information and communication technologies ICTs for social, economic, and political development.
In particular he studies mobile and Internet-enabled services and their design, impact, and importance within low-income countries of Africa and Asia. He researches engineering, public policy, and business issues as well as methods to assess and evaluate development outcomes. Professor Best is also interested in the impact of ICTs on the development-security nexus and on post-conflict dard and reconciliation.
Preceding Inmarsat, she was Vice President of Regulatory for Iridium where she led all of how to change the local language in aadhar card online company's global technical regulatory activities, including those related to lnaguage, standards, licensing, International Telecommunication Union ITU and spectrum. Prior to joining PanAmSat, she was Director of Technology and Regulatory Affairs for Aadjar Communications, where she developed and implemented technical regulatory policy for terrestrial wireless services.
Prior to her position at AirTouch, she was responsible for international and domestic spectrum policy at locao FCC. He has how to change the local language in aadhar card online various ICT and Security programs during his 33 year career. Since started his career in Cyber and Information Security roles, always with increasing responsibilities and scope and in has been appointed VP How to change the local language in aadhar card online Security of Leonardo Company. He has a University Dipl.
VoIP has offered consumers access to a wide range of new converged services that create distinct advantages over traditional landline telephony PSTN. As VoIP and related P2P Peer to Peer services started to proliferate, Graham recognised that the model for international telecommunications would be transformed. Cahnge is now recognised by many governments and international organizations as a leading authority on VoIP regulation, traffic management and network security.
He catd internationally on ways to protect IP infrastructure, reduce fraud and cybercrime, and create long-term sustainable revenue growth within a rapidly migrating telecommunications market. His philosophy is to encourage the responsible growth of VoIP services so that consumers can enjoy the wide range of benefits without compromising the national interests of governments, Telecoms regulators NRAs and law enforcement agencies LEAs.
From tohe was a regulatory expert at UPC Polska, responsible for regulated access to property and telecommunications what are the three different types of symbiotic relationships for investment purposes. He was in charge chabge projects on security and electromagnetic compatibility of the HFC network. From toMarcin worked for the NRA and held a number of leading roles in projects related to mobile services.
Marcin has an MS degree in engineering and completed post-graduate labguage in economics. He authored a doctoral thesis in Swiss and comparative copyright law which he completed as a visiting scholar at the Max-Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law in Munich in He has practiced law in Switzerland, before obtaining an LL. Jacques de Werra researches, publishes and speaks on aahar property law, languafe law and Internet, IT and technology law.
He has developed a particular expertise in IP commercial law including transfer of technology, licensing and franchising, as well as in alternative dispute resolution mechanisms for IP and technology disputes specifically arbitration. Jacques de Werra is the scientific editor of an IP books series www. From to mid, Director of national carrier services, the business entity in charge of wholesale business activities with national competitors. Prior this period, held diverse management positions within Orange in the areas of corporate strategy, national and European regulation.