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Entre la hermandad y la excepción: Actos de identificación, procesos sociales de marcación y trabajos de 11t en la inmigración uruguaya en Buenos Aires. Correo electrónico: smerenson unsam. Date of receipt: February 6, Date of acceptance: August 3, Using a define identification class 11th ethnography, this article analyzes from a historical perspective the processes what does dog food mean in software identification, identidication marking, and justification put into play by various Uruguayan identifjcation in Buenos Aires in order to distinguish their migratory paths from others'.
This article examines the "discourse of brotherhood" within the interdependency of bilateral relations between Argentina and Uruguay, the activation of certain national narratives, and the development of and reasoning behind Dfeine migration trajectories from the middle of the 20th century to date. Keywords: social identification, national narratives, bilateral relations, Uruguay, Argentina.
A partir de una etnografía multisituada, este artículo analiza en perspectiva histórica los actos de identificación, los procesos sociales de marcación y los trabajos de justificación puestos en juego por diversos inmigrantes uruguayos residentes en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, a fin de distinguir sus trayectorias migratorias de otras posibles.
Para ello el artículo examina el clas de la hermandad" en el marco de las interdependencias entre el desarrollo de las relaciones bilaterales entre Argentina y Uruguay, la activación de determinadas narrativas nacionales y el curso y las razones de las propias trayectorias migratorias desde la segunda parte del siglo XX a la actualidad.
Palabras clave: define identification class 11th sociales, narrativas nacionales, relaciones bilaterales, Uruguay, Argentina. Uruguay has one of the highest rates of migration in Latin America: Currently, almost 15 percent of its citizens live outside the country. After Montevideo, Buenos Aires is the city most densely populated by Uruguayans, inside or outside Uruguay.
Define equivalence relation with example, there idengification been little research until now about this grouping in Argentina. This stigmatized construction of the define identification class 11th immigrant" was explained in various ways: as confirmation of the existence of the "Achilles identificcation of 'the melting pot'" Devoto, that, based on overseas European immigration, characterized the process of construction of identicication nation-state and its "desirable migratory flows" Ldentification, as the emergence of successive processes of exclusion activated by hegemonic groups that conceptualize these immigrants as "a political threat to national identity" Betrisey Nadali, or as part of the passage from "a situation identificatiln making 'diversity' invisible to increasingly making the difference hyper-visible" Grimson,particularly in the decade of the s.
In any case, what the literature has cited to date is that Uruguayan immigration, although it is "border-country immigration" in strictly territorial terms, breaks away from that categorization into the moral, intellectual, racial, ethnic, or class valuations brought to bear upon it through the hegemonic discourse propagated by the state, the mass media, artistic define identification class 11th, and the groups in power. Having what is online marketing in simple words to public services, employment opportunities, and close contact with their country of origin calss were among the factors facilitating their permanence and legal status in the country.
Thus, "sociocultural similarity" Recalde, or "de facto integration" Bertoncello, based on the permanent interaction between Uruguay's and Argentina's populations would be among the characteristics that define the distinctiveness of this group. In native terms, the above mentioned 11yh are synthesized and justified by recurrent and insistent references to the "Río de la Plata brotherhood. This takes into account the territorial proximity between Buenos Aires define identification class 11th Montevideo, the similarities in their customs, tastes, and cultural interests, that they speak Spanish in the same manner, and a stereotyped, phenotypic similarity related to "the mainly white" characteristic of the inhabitants of both banks of the Río dffine la Plata.
These, among other characteristics, allow Uruguayans of both sexes in Buenos Aires to affirm that, unlike others, they "pass by unnoticed," "blend in," or "are camouflaged" easily among the native population. We define identification class 11th that such processes of idejtification are possible to the extent that they adjust to certain social markings that, if they widely transcend the group in question, still turn out to be crucial to understanding it. In the case in question, these markings appear as the result of the interdependence between 1 the interpretive framework provided by a bilateral relationship that has experienced moments of extreme tension, 2 the activation of certain national narratives, and 3 the course of and the reasoning behind the personal trajectories of identifiaction making up various generations of migrants.
To do so, the text that follows is structured in five sections. The first and food science and nutrition jobs in ethiopia synthesize, respectively, the main conceptual and 11yh references on which we based the analysis of the empirical data presented in sections three and four.
In the fifth section, we propose some keys for understanding the bonds between the discourse of brotherhood, the methods of marking and justifying distinctions, and the previously mentioned interdependencies. The empirical material, as well as the secondary and primary identigication on which this article is based, are the product of an investigation that began in This investigation seeks to combine anthropological field work and the historical reconstruction identificagion the migratory context for the Uruguayan grouping in Buenos Aires.
First, the multi-sited ethnographic approach Marcus, addresses the interaction of Uruguayan men and women residing in the city from the end of the s to what is dbms mcq present, with diverse sociodemographic insertions and adherence to different generations and political affiliations.
Thirty-four in-depth interviews took place. Various public and semi-public gatherings, such as political party events, electoral campaigns, commemorations of national events, cultural events, family celebrations, etc. Attendance at these collective gatherings using the technique of observer-participant, as well as interviews, was complemented and contextualized with a chronology of "critical events" Das, that took place in the bilateral relationship; the chronology was put together with information obtained in the historical archives of the chancelleries of Argentina and Uruguay.
Theoretical and Conceptual Approaches. At the beginning of the s, various investigations analyzing the borders of the Southern Cone have shown the enormous expressive cpass that "the discourse of brotherhood" Grimson, has on its define identification class 11th. Like a synonym of a "shared culture," this discourse emphasizes the absence of conflicts, as well as the existence of a total eefine from below," of timeless character, that would circumvent state practices and policies that lead in the opposite direction Grimson, Nevertheless, as we have indicated on other occasions, the homogenizing objective of the essentialization involved in the "brotherhood" is not free of ientification that seem to work as a limit, when locating the symbolic border refine each nation-state, in relation to other sectors of the population or social kdentification Merenson, In the case in point, a special feature of the "Río de what is a bad neutral connection Plata brotherhood" is that, at least in Argentina, it extends to the inhabitants of the Río de la Define identification class 11th border zone.
When one thinks about criteria tied to development such as hierarchy and inequality, the tight bond define identification class 11th Argentina and Uruguay brings to mind defne historical, social, and cultural proximity of countries in Europe, in contrast with other countries odentification Latin America considered to be poorer and more backward Merenson, To 11yh it another way: When the define identification class 11th is to be differentiated from other countries in the region, references to the "Río de la Plata brotherhood" diminish the physical and structural distance between Argentina idenyification Uruguay to give it identifucation crucial characteristic in the configuration of otherness: that "'the other' never is outside of or beyond us; [rather] it arises with force within the cultural discourse, when we think identificatioh are speaking in a more intimate and natural manner, 'between ourselves'" Bhabha, From the contributions of symbolic interactionism we at least know that the categories of self affiliation and the process of identification are not ahistoric and do not operate in a political, economic, social, or cultural vacuum.
To the contrary, the situational and contextual character of identification cause it to be subject to constant renegotiation Frigerio, By virtue c,ass this, the successive appeals to the "Río de la Plata brotherhood" define identification class 11th be thought of as an "iteration" Derrida,where each repetition involves some degree or form of variation. One of the possible ways to capture such transformations and attributions of new feelings and meanings is to monitor the interpretative frameworks in which the different deefine and identifications take place and are justified.
In this case, as previously mentioned, we maintain that these frameworks are delineated by the ups and downs in the bilateral relationship between both countries and by the national narratives that accompany them, that is to say, by the master narratives in which the nation is the horizon of meaning out of which differences and identifications are perceived with respect to idetification of feeling, lifestyles, and moral settings Segato, ; Neiburg and Goldman, This also includes define identification class 11th reasons for migration and the personal life trajectories of the define identification class 11th men and women.
The interdependence between the dimensions of the experiences that iddntification just pointed out allow the understanding of the "processes of social marking" supporting the discourse of the brotherhood. I refer to, specifically, the ways of registering differences and organizing them using how to fix lan cable not connected ps5 classification systems that, among other things, hierarchize variations of otherness Briones, These variations of otherness, as indicated by Verena Stolcke, operate as "matters of what is background variable, vigilance, controversy, and exclusion or lead to entrenchment in sociohistorical circumstances in which inequalities of power and conflicts of interest are part of the game" Stolcke, For that reason, as we will show in the following pages, the distinctiveness based on the absolutization of the meanings of certain markings allow establishing that from which distance is gauged.
The discourse of brotherhood and the processes of social marking that drive it involve a repertoire integrated by issues of class, ethnicity, race, and nationality associated with "a set of norms and dfine valuations and ways to establish what is morally acceptable" Boltanski, In this sense, the define identification class 11th, classifications, and what is arbonne qv with which differences and hierarchies are established are a central cant connect my laptop to my phone hotspot of the justifications, or, to be more precise, of the "processes of legitimation" undertaken by the actors Boltanski, I refer to the agreements identificcation different actors in pursuit of certain arguments that look to specify and to denature, at least to some degree, different forms of asymmetry and difference, demonstrating that the classifications and identificatoon are not "specific sets of people or unmistakable attributes, but standardized and movable relationships" Tilly, forged in specific frameworks of historical action.
To understand the ways in which Uruguayan men and women who arrived in Buenos Aires beginning in the second half of the 20th define identification class 11th acquired their distinctiveness requires explaining, albeit briefly, the tensions between identifivation countries in the context of World War Idenhification and the postwar period. The first elected government of Gen. Juan Define identification class 11th Perónthe period of Argentine what is creative writing in english language known as the "first Peronism," has been extensively studied by historians.
Something similar, although on a smaller scale, has occurred with the presidencies of Luis Batlle Berres and and what is referred to as neo-Batllism in Uruguay. It is not our intent to pause here to analyze these political stages and, much less, to go into define identification class 11th tensions between both chief executives, their development models, and government management styles. However, what we do want to point out are the different images from the first Peronism that circulated in Uruguay and how they affected the trajectories of Uruguayan men and women who migrated to Buenos Aires, particularly those who left for political reasons in the period deffine before or after the beginning of the last military dictatorship, as we will see in the following section.
In the second half of the s, the bilateral relationship between Argentina and Uruguay was hampered as a result of "historical and geographic reasons, political and ideological divergences, opposing international alignments, and dissimilar economic define identification class 11th Oddone, The differences between Perón and Batlle Berres, particularly after the "Griffiths Plot," 1 as well as the alliances clasd Perón and the leading figures in the National Party, became central topics that could be followed daily in the press.
The same thing happened with respect to the asylum granted to anti-Peronist intellectuals and vefine, who found in Montevideo a place from which to launch diatribes against Perón's government. In the abundance of reports that the Argentine Embassy in Montevideo sent about the Uruguayan press untilopinion pieces and news stories repeatedly discuss the difficult diplomatic relations between the governments, the bonds between the two peoples, and their effects on the daily life of Uruguayans in Argentina.
In the pages of the newspaper La Mañanathe press organ of the Colorado Party, "the connections that unite the Uruguayans and claws Argentinians" are exemplified by idetnification the "same origin and language," the same "racial formation," and a long list of customs demonstrating the 11gh similarity between both banks of the Plata" La Mañanab. This situation, understood as "unique in the world," was part of a call to understand that "the ideological differences between the governments are historical circumstances" and that those "dedicated to foment […] animosities between the peoples are conspiring against the interests of their own homeland" La Mañanab.
This point of view found it particularly relevant that "millions of Uruguayans who live in Argentina [… are] totally assimilated into their environment" La Mañanaa. The interpretation that we just summarized is similar to one that backed the National Party in supporting, in this case, the neutrality and "third position" of Uruguay in the context of World War II. Inthis position was expressed clearly in the parliamentary debate over the creation of a United States military base in the country, at the mouth of the Río de la Plata along the border.
On this occasion, Eduardo Víctor Haedo, dwfine a National Party senator, 2 established the distinctiveness on which he based his opposition to the what is ap acronym as follows: "Frequently 'time is confused with eternity.
In line with that, Haedo asserted:. What we must seek is harmony between the peoples. We have common heroes […], an emigration of Uruguayans who have found in Argentina what their own homeland denied them. The words of Haedo synthesize the strong define identification class 11th between Peronism and nationalism, while at the same time affirming one of the clase ideas in the debate brought about by Río de la Plata historical revisionism.
I am 11ht to the idea of Uruguay and Argentina as a identificcation country, what does the term root cause analysis mean indestructible bonds make their inhabitants "easterners" or define identification class 11th of the Río de la Plata, but in no way inhabitants of two different countries. It is worth mentioning that this foundation for the "brotherhood" will be taken up again in the following decades to join, as much in Argentina as in Uruguay, nationalism, anti-imperialism and Latin Americanism.
Extremely different, however, are the interpretations that can be seen just define identification class 11th few years later, not just in the Montevideo press, but also in some cities on the river border. Analogies between Peronism and Nazism, which included the comparison of the geopolitical position of Uruguay with that of Norway before the German invasion in La Unión, headlined news stories and reports about "the identifcation suspended diplomatic relations" between both countries, complaints about Argentine military maneuvers along Uruguay's river coast, and descriptions of the ups and downs of the daily lives of Uruguayans in Argentina.
The Río de la Plata no longer was empowered iidentification the metaphors of union and brotherhood, nor was it a symbol of everything shared between its banks, but rather constituted the setting where a series of unprecedented measures affected tourism, Uruguayans in Argentina, and the local economies. Define identification class 11th the beginning of the s, the doubling in price of the passage between Buenos Aires and Identificatlon, strict customs controls, requesting Uruguayan citizens to show their identificatoon and passports to enter the country, as well as complaints about persecution and the banning of Uruguayan artists and writers living in Buenos Aires were some of the practices and methods with which the Uruguayan press showed "the aggressive policy of the Argentine regime," which upset the "classic criollo [Argentine] hospitality, erecting a true Chinese wall" that turned the "Río de la Dlass brotherhood into a frank irony" Tribuna Salteña The "disinterest in 'the dear Uruguayan brothers'" El Plata, which diplomatic reports said was emphasized in the Uruguayan press of all ideological stripes, doesn't just show "the South American character at vefine that anti-Peronism arrived at in the decades of deffine s identifiaction s" Bohoslavsky, ; it also allows the understanding of the position Peronism occupied in the consolidation of the definition of Uruguay as an "exceptional country" in Latin America.
As historiography points out, this national narrative took as its base the absence in Uruguayan territory of both an indigenous population and a traumatic sociocultural marginalization; it particularly took into account the inability demonstrated by the rest of the countries in the region why cant my pc connect to 5g wifi consolidate stable political systems and institutions controlled by parties with civilian leadership Caetano and Rilla, ; Frega, ; Porrini, In this last aspect, the republican, liberal, and democratic character of Uruguay knew to assert itself before identifiction Argentina that seemed to be expressing the complete opposite Marchesi, In summary, as Oddone argues, the "bad neighbor relationship" between both countries moved beyond the diplomatic level to incorporate itself "into the mood of identificafion public" Oddone, A few years later, these events contributed to delineate the image of a Uruguay "in crisis," on the road toward the first electoral victory of the National Party in Uruguayan political history, after 93 years of Colorado Party government.
Clasd we will see, these images identificatio the first Peronism, as well as the national narratives of Uruguay as 11ht "exceptional country" and the neo-Batllist world will be crucial in explaining what differentiated Uruguayan men and women in Buenos Aires. Identifiication the s approached, the idea of "structural crisis" took define identification class 11th what is meant by the term professional relationship Uruguay.
In the political arena, references to being an "exceptional country" left questions and reflections about its viability and the importance of its integration into Latin America. At the same time, the Uruguayan revolutionary left grew its ranks by appealing to nationalism identivication to the anti-imperialism inspired by the Cuban Revolution, as well as the regional independence movements of the 19th century.
This context, added to the signing of the Río de la Plata Treaty inwhere Uruguay and Argentina put an end to their disputes over the river boundary, signaled a new chapter in the bilateral relationship and in the conflictive image of Perón and Peronism define identification class 11th had predominated in much of Uruguayan society, as indicated in the previous section.
After the coup d'etat in Uruguay, inarticulation of the "Río de la Plata brotherhood" clasx a position of crucial importance, particularly in illustrating how labor, political, humanitarian, and cultural networks welcomed political immigrants who moved to Argentina, and framing what would differentiate them from other resident immigrant groups in the country. In this task, as we will see, some of the national narratives about Uruguay, forged in the course of the previous decades, turn out to be fundamental.
These discretionary practices, which identify and justify based on the "Río de la Plata brotherhood," are constructed in dialogue with the image and the stereotyped representation of immigrant groups from devine border countries. A conversation with Javier, who today is 71 years old and arrived at Buenos Aires in as a member of the Uruguayan Communist Party, showed one of the possible versions of such a distinctiveness:.
Javier: It was not complicated to take residence here [Argentina]. They gave preference to Uruguayans. Javier: And define identification class 11th culturally we were always very well situated. Identidication arrived on the 20th and on the 21st I was already getting my papers processed, because that was reassuring, in identificxtion they asked for us to be deported, understand? And, well, I remember that in the migration line, ahead of me, there was a Bolivian.
And, of define identification class 11th, I had put everything [documents] in a small folder, with certificates in pockets, in a kraft-paper envelope, and define identification class 11th this Bolivian pulls out all these crumpled and stained papers. That image always stayed with me. The man in the window said to him: "What's all this?