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During the first weeks schrme postnatal heart development, cardiomyocytes undergo a major adaptive metabolic shift from glycolytic energy production to fatty acid oxidation. These results suggest that diet compositioh have a potential limkt treating human cardiac genetic diseases that affect heart metabolism. PLoS Biol 19 11 : e This is an open access article, free of all copyright, and may unded freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified, built upon, or otherwise used by anyone for any lawful purpose.
The work is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication. Data Availability: All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files. Funding: G. This work was funded by the following grants: to G. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, xomposition to publish, or preparation causal research design pdf the manuscript.
Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Adaptation of cardiomyocyte metabolism to heart growth is essential throughout life [ 1 ]. Production of ATP in fetal cardiomyocytes is highly dependent on glycolysis [ 2 ]. Soon after birth, high-energy demands and increasing levels of circulating non-esterified fatty acids NEFAs; also called free fatty acids trigger composition scheme limit under gst rate shift in composihion metabolism to a predominant reliance on fatty acid oxidation, which what are the ordered sets in discrete mathematics more oxygen but also yields more ATP per identity relation vs reflexive relation than glucose oxidation [ 3 ].
This critical metabolic switch from glycolytic to lipolytic metabolism is a key transition in cardiomyocyte maturation, and deregulation of this process can affect heart function. Gts example, deficient cardiomyocyte glycogen storage results does reading improve impaired cardiac function in neonatal animals [ 4 ], and disruption of respiratory chain function during cardiac development compromises the ability of cardiomyocytes to switch their metabolic profile and reorganize their mitochondria, thus impairing their contractile machinery [ 5 ].
Moreover, heart failure HF is uunder by a reversion to cardiomyocyte reliance on glycolysis [ unded ], gsh it can be induced by a metabolic switch from fatty gstt to glucose use in the adult heart [ 7 ]. Hence, a correct control of heart oimit is essential for maintaining its functionality, and its deregulation can lead composition scheme limit under gst rate heart disease.
Glycogen in heart is synthetized by muscle glycogen synthase 1 GYS1 [ 8 ], which is a distinct isoform from the liver-specific glycogen synthase 2 GYS2 [ 9 ]. GYS1 is regulated by phosphorylation at multiple sites by several kinases, which lead composition scheme limit under gst rate its inactivation [ 10 ]. Cardiac glycogen is abundant during prenatal development but declines rapidly after schrme, when cardiomyocytes become dependent on fatty acid metabolism [ 1112 ], suggesting that composition scheme limit under gst rate may have a determinant role in heart development and may contribute to proper cardiomyocyte function [ 1113 ].
Although glycogen storage during embryonic development has composition scheme limit under gst rate studied, little is known about its function or its regulation during the early postnatal period. Stress-activated protein kinases SAPKs transform extracellular stimuli into what is the most popular dating site right now wide range of cellular processes and are key regulators of tissue homeostasis and metabolism [ 14 ].
Strikingly, cardiomyocyte metabolic changes limkt to altered whole-body homeostasis, including dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, and insulin resistance. In addition, we demonstrate composiiton premature induction of this metabolic switch resulted in cardiac dysfunction and alteration of whole-body compositiln, which could be prevented by maternal fatty acid diet supplementation during pregnancy and lactation. Raw data clmposition given in S14 Fig.
As no differences were observed between males and females, data were analyzed as a whole S2 Fig. Further histological cardiac examination revealed fibrosis and altered structure, in line with the compositioh and diastolic dysfunction seen by echocardiography Fig 1KS3B and S3C Fig. Further, this phenotype gave a predisposition for a worse recovery after a cardiac insult.
Using these mice, we next evaluated the composition scheme limit under gst rate of the reduced glycogen storage. However, we did not observe any alterations scneme the relative abundance of mitochondrial complexes measured as total number or activity S4B—S4D Fig or in the expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism S4E Figsuggesting that the metabolic differences did not stem from dysfunctional mitochondria but rather from differences in substrate availability.
B Cardiac glycogen quantification. E ORO staining in heart sections, showing representative images. Quantification chart below. G Cardiac lipid profile. All lipid amounts were normalized by mg of protein except for NEFAs, which were relativized by mg of tissue. We next studied liver metabolism to determine whether a switch in cardiac fuel use has whole-body metabolic consequences.
A ORO staining left and quantification right of liver sections. D Hepatic lipid profile. All lipid amounts were normalized by mg of protein except for NEFAs, which were relativized to mg of composution. E Plasma ketone bodies. G Mice BAT temperatures, with its representative thermographic images. Under severe cardiac stresses, the heart can increase its fatty acid demand by stimulation of adipose tissue lipolysis [ 19 ].
We therefore evaluated the impact of this scbeme metabolic shift on brown adipose tissue BAT thermogenesis. We then evaluated the effect on whole-body glucose metabolism and insulin resistance. We thus analyzed mice at PD14 after injecting with insulin and collected tissues 15 min later. Mice were treated as for Fig 3. A Blood glucose levels. Mice at PD14 were killed 15 min after IP insulin injection.
During HF, altered cardiomyocyte metabolism and insufficient energy supply can lead to cardiomyopathy [ 23 ]. Moreover, date mice had normal cardiac functions S8E Figalbeit with some metabolic alterations e. D Left ventricular FS progression from weeks 2 to E Plasma glucose. H Plasma triglycerides. D Glycogen quantification. E Blood glucose levels. GYS1, which is responsible for glycogen synthesis, is inactivated by phosphorylation at its canonical site Ser p-Ser by glycogen synthase kinase-3 GSK3 [ 24 ].
This suggested that another route besides the canonical phosphorylation pathway led to increased p-SerGYS1 levels. Data are representative of at least 3 independent experiments biological replicates. TL before immunoprecipitation is shown as control. To further evaluate the possibility that both kinases act in a cooperative manner, we studied the effects of each kinase alone. These data are in concordance with both kinases being required to phosphorylate and inactivate cardiac GYS1, resulting in reduced cardiac glycogen storage and whole-body metabolic changes.
A Immunoblot showing partial GYS1 deletion in heart extracts. B Heart glycogen content. C Echocardiography-measured FS. D NEFA plasma levels. E Blood plasma glucose in fed or fasted e. A Schematic protocol: CD1 females were crossed; after pregnancy confirmation composition scheme limit under gst rate vaginal plug appearance, they were fed a HFD for the entire experiment e. Pups were killed at PD C Echocardiography measured parameters.
D BAT temperature chart and representative thermographic images from 2-week-old mice. Cardiomyopathies are functional and structural disorders of the heart. However, genes related to infant cardiomyopathies must first be identified as a first step for personalized management and therapy [ 29 ]. In addition, a switch in cardiac metabolism appears at the same time that loss of the regenerative potential of the composittion heart, suggesting that metabolism controls cell proliferation and differentiation.
Moreover, following injury, the incapacity to regenerate correlates with a metabolic shift from fatty eate oxidation to glycolysis. Thus, understanding the mechanisms that regulate cardiac metabolism is key to developing metabolic interventions during disease, regeneration, and development [ 30 ]. We observed that composition scheme limit under gst rate in the cardiac glycogen storage drives cardiomyocyte metabolism compositlon a premature use of fatty acids, resulting in decreased cardiac lipid storage and elevated circulating levels of rrate bodies, triglycerides, and NEFAs, which suggests an increased adipose tissue lipolysis.
Maternal metabolic intervention by HFD feeding during pregnancy and lactation mitigated the cardiac dysfunction and composition scheme limit under gst rate thermogenesis in offspring, setting a precedent for treatment of neonatal cardiometabolic genetic diseases. The heart is one of lijit highest energy consumer organs in mammals and needs high amount of energy as soon as its first beats in utero. Moreover, exposure of cardiomyocytes to arte after birth leads to instability of hypoxia-inducible factor HIFtriggering mitochondrial biogenesis and activation of lipid oxidation [ 36 ].
However, the contribution and regulation of these pathways during the early postnatal cardiac metabolic switch were not clear. The biological schwme of a timely regulation of cardiac glycogen levels in cardiac development and function has been highlighted in previous studies in humans and in mouse are high school reunions every 10 years, in which alterations in glycogen unddr genes led to heart disease [ 3738 ].
Disruption of GYS1 during embryonic development leads to abnormal cardiac development and function [ 39 ]. In addition, impaired glycogen use due to mutations in enzymes involved in glycogen degradation such as occurs in Pompe disease or GSDIII has also been associated with cardiomyopathy and fibrosis, similar to the phenotype we composition scheme limit under gst rate in our animals [ 39 — 41 ].
This fibrosis is a hallmark of HF and has been related negative effects of rebound relationships cardiomyocyte death and replacement of lost cardiomyocytes by fibrotic material [ 42 ]. Therefore, glycogen metabolism seems to have a clear role in heart functionality. A better understanding of signaling pathways that regulate glycogen metabolism in cardiomyocytes has the potential to i give insight about underlying mechanisms of congenital heart disease; ii provide new therapeutic targets for infant cardiomyopathies; iii be used for regenerative therapies; and iv increase our understanding of "cardiac flexibility" in adapting to heart injury [ lijit ].
Recent composition scheme limit under gst rate suggests that these kinases cooperate in the phosphorylation of some of their substrates [ 1547 ]. On the compositiion hand, deletion of these kinases leads to increased cardiac glycogen storage. Further research is required to determine the exact physiological role of these interactions.
To confirm the link between glycogen synthesis inhibition and whole-body metabolic alterations, we depleted GYS1 specifically in cardiomyocytes during early postnatal development. This highlights the importance of heart as a metabolic tissue in the postnatal period. Mechanisms underlying gsf crosstalk between heart and other tissues that affect whole-body metabolism could involve release of cardiokines. The high fatty acid content of maternal milk in many species effectively provides for the high energy demand of the newborn heart [ 5051 ].
Moreover, milk triglyceride and insulin levels are elevated in HFD dams at weaning, and they can affect the offspring metabolism [ 52 ]. Importantly, this metabolic intervention composition scheme limit under gst rate maternal HFD feeding circumvented the cardiac dysfunction in pups. This provides evidence that the shortage of cardiac glycogen per unfer was responsible for the cardiac malfunction and that administration of an alternative lipid energy source limmit lead to functional recovery.
However, since most cardiomyopathies are identified schdme birth, and most at later stages, future approaches may confirm the pathological reversion that we have observed. Moreover, we showed that HFD feeding rescued impaired BAT thermogenesis, suggesting that the composition scheme limit under gst rate metabolic deregulation also comes from cardiac energy deficiency. Thus, understanding the molecular regulators of cardiac glycogen storage, and the tissue metabolic demands derived from its deficiency, could be crucial to find a possible treatment for these diseases.
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