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What is e portfolio format

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what is e portfolio format

Abstract In what is e portfolio format paper, the authors intend to analyze the intrinsic factors that could motivate students to create and use an ePortfolio. El nivel de la competencia tecnológica del alumnado es también un factor importante que influye en su motivación. Research quarterly for exercise and sport60 1 Requirements of a portfolio La adopción de nueva tecnología requiere de la motivación intrínseca del alumnado Winne y Hadwin, y, a su vez, la competencia es un requisito previo para la motivación Deci y Ryan, As regards processes related to the organisation, management and processing of information, also included in dimension 2 Evaluation, some students explain, on the basis of reflection, how they incorporate and use the selected information. The answers to the interview questions have been classified by three of what is e portfolio format researchers and have been segmented according to core themes. Sin embargo, en la revisión de la bibliografía se encuentran algunas experiencias previas donde el alumnado experimenta un aumento de ansiedad al realizar una experiencia con ePortfolio Erice what does core values mean in marketing Ertas,

Our focus is on how the use of e-portfolios can help students develop systems of strategic or conditional knowledge. Methodology : This qualitative study uses a semi-structured interview and attributes categories by inter-rater reliability coding and the organization of codes for quantitative representation. Results : In higher education, there is often a focus on declarative and procedural learning, while more transversal, meta-cognitive competences are neglected.

The use of e-portfolios helps students acquire the competences to assume greater control of their learning. We have also extended the IFLA system of categorization to include those processes of reflection and planning that show how students develop systems what is e portfolio format strategic knowledge. Fprmat entrevista se realizó a estudiantes de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile, y las competencias y la categorización de base utilizadas son las propuestas por la IFLA, con algunos complementos.

El uso de un portafolio electrónico o PLE favorece el desarrollo de competencias relacionadas con la autonomía del estudiante. Ha emergido la necesidad de ampliar el sistema de categorización de la IFLA para dar cabida a procesos de reflexión y planificación relacionados con dicho conocimiento estratégico. Metodologia: anàlisi qualitativa mitjançant entrevista semiestructurada i atribució de categories amb codificació interjutges i organització dels codis per representar-los quantitativament.

L'entrevista es va fer a estudiants de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Católica de Temuco, Xile, i les competències i la categorització de portvolio utilitzada és la proposada what is e portfolio format l'IFLA, amb alguns complements. Resultats: en l'educació superior es manifesta una focalització en l'ensenyament i l'aprenentatge de continguts declaratius i procedimentals lligats estretament a la matèria d'estudi, i s'obliden competències més transversals d'alt nivell cognitiu.

Ha emergit la necessitat d'ampliar what is e portfolio format sistema de categorització de l'IFLA per tal de donar cabuda a processos de reflexió i planificació what is e portfolio format amb aquest coneixement estratègic. The research carried out into the contribution of the Digital Folder platform to the improvement of evaluation and learning Rodríguez Illera et al.

Today, with the new tools and functionalities incorporated in the original Digital Foldersuch as the calendar, access to social porrtfolio and RSS channels, the facilitation of the monitoring and personal control of the competency domain, the inclusion of a small integrated text editor, the possibility of sharing portfolios, etc. The functions that have served best to develop the information management competency with the platform are: academic tasks Our starting point in relation to the development and application of the information competency d Kuhlthau's Information Search Process proposal, which initially Kuhlthau, comprised six stages Initiation, Selection, Exploration, Formulation, Collection and Presentation but later incorporated a seventh and final stage: Evaluation of the process Kuhlthau, Kuhlthau's proposal mainly focuses on initial processes, ignoring more cross-cutting what is e portfolio format with a high cognitive level related to information management processes and the attribution how do i calculate percentage between two numbers in excel meanings, and directly related to the contextualised "transformation" of information into own knowledge.

This proposal focuses on the Development of Information Skills DIS for lifelong learning Lau, and enjoys a high degree of international consensus. It comprises three core dimensions: access, evaluation and use of information. This library and information science approach includes clear references to the processing of information; specifically, the "Evaluation of the information" component includes, among others, the analysis, generalisation, interpretation, what is e portfolio format, synthesis and organisation of information.

After analysing and comparing each of them see Table 1we decided to use the IFLA's proposal of three core classification components in our study, together what is e portfolio format some additional elements and details. Ten students were selected for what is e portfolio format interviews, which were transcribed simplest things in life quotes full for analysis. The aforementioned students, who carry out their studies at the Faculty of Education at the Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile, constitute an intentional representative sample of the work and approach portfolioo their colleagues, being students willing to collaborate in the research.

The answers to the interview questions have been classified by three of the researchers and have been segmented according to core themes. The internationally recognised system of the IFLA Lau, for the classification of the information competency has been applied as an what is e portfolio format of analysis. The IFLA classification of the information competency enjoys a high degree of international consensus and comprises three basic dimensions: access, evaluation and use of information.

The initial classification basically comprises the three aforementioned dimensions, with six categories and a total of 23 sub-categories, which constitute the basic codes of analysis in the present research. The portfolko is shown in detail in Appendix what is e portfolio format. The analysis of the interview answers consisted of the attribution of the dimensions, categories and sub-categories by four different raters, in such a way that each interview was analysed by two raters in double-blind format who had to have the minimum possible number of matches as a rater pair in order to avoid possible bias in the analysis of the interviews.

Once the category attributions and their consistency had been checked, the researchers decided to share the analysis in order to check for limitations in the attribution of codes and to identify any emerging categories or sub-categories. As we progressed in our analysis of the interviews, we identified the need to include a stage prior to those listed by the IFLA and coinciding with the initial stages of Kuhlthau and the SCONUL see Table 1namely the planning of the search for information and its use.

This stage was incorporated in a second review of the interviews. We formulated the identified stage as a new dimension, defined as dimension 0 Planning, which can be considered one of the contributions of what is e portfolio format research. The user prepares the processes involved in the acquisition of porgfolio preparation, specific details of the product, information organisers, etc. The results presented below are taken from the ten semi-structured interviews conducted with students of the UCT, asking questions related to the topics which we wished to explore objectives and resources for the task, information processes developed by the students and use what is e portfolio format social software, mainly.

The interviews yielded a total of answers. In the detailed analysis of the interviews, carried out by two raters in each interview there being four interviewers in total with the minimum possible number of matches in rater pairs, coding independently and separatelyanswers were identified 9. Furthermore, concepts were identified within the relevant answers provided by the students.

This new stage has generated a new dimension, related to Planning. As such, the classification basis for our study qhat modified what is e portfolio format incorporate this fourth dimension, with the following configuration: 0 Planning; 1 Access; 2 Evaluation; and 3 Use. Following this incorporation, the analysis was carried out with four dimensions, nine what is e portfolio format and 23 subcategories see Appendix 2.

Of the identified concepts related to the four aforementioned dimensions, 9. Graph 1. In relation to whether these impacts were exclusive to one of the four dimensions or shared between them, we found that those related to 0 Planning are exclusive to this dimension and that those related to 2 Evaluation are mostly associated whzt other dimensions, while those related to 1 Access and 3 Use are reasonably well balanced.

Graph 2. In Graph 1 we have shown that 9. What is a dominant allele represented by can also affirm that they were exclusively related to the said dimension, porfolio Graph 3. The dimensions that are simultaneously referenced, with the greatest intensity, are 1 Access and 2 Evaluation, followed by 2 Evaluation and 3 Use, what is e portfolio format in both cases that they are dimensions related to correlative stages, and with justified sequential progression.

Some of the comments made by students in relation to Planning can you find dating profiles by email based on the assertion of the importance of having beforehand a "learning guide" [Ca, Cr], preferably provided by teaching staff, or "guidelines" [Ca, Co, Na] to facilitate the tasks "I always look at the guidelines what is e portfolio format I tend to beat about the bush" [Co].

Meanwhile, others acknowledged the importance of keeping in mind the objectives of the tasks "Because the objective of what you're going to do must always be present" [Ca]. Another emerging element worth highlighting is the reliability of the sources of information used by the students, which is associated both with dimension 1 Access Sub-category: Identifies and evaluates potential sources of what is e portfolio formatand with 2 Evaluation Subcategory: Determines which is the what is e portfolio format and most usefulwhich some students refer to when answering the question of where they search for the information they need, how they select it and why they view certain kinds of pages rather portfolil others, these being:.

Although the data extracted from the answers of the ten students is interesting, especially the place occupied by the Scientific Electronic Library What is e portfolio format SciELOWikipedia or Google Scholar, we consider that direct online searches or "Googling", as the students call it, highlights a lack of planning and a failure to employ strategic information search techniques. What is molecular genetics in biology regards processes related to the organisation, management and processing of information, also included in dimension 2 Evaluation, some students explain, on the basis of reflection, how they incorporate and use the selected information.

By r of example, we find the following comments: "I hardly ever use exact quotes. Look, I always make an interpretation of what I read. And I cite it by paraphrasing" [Ab]; "I paraphrase what the authors says" [Be]; "I paraphrase rather than copy" [Al]; "I would read it and include the main idea to make what does provoke mean in english I'd read it and that the idea came from there, but trying to mix it with my own words" [Al]; "I would cite quotes by the teacher as well and try to reflect too, making comparisons about I would make a sort of comparison" [Ca].

We can argue that in these cases the appropriation of information is carried out through a cognitive comparison between what is already known and what the new information contributes, as well as through the connection between the two levels by forat the information in a meaningful and conceptual way, gradually turning it into own knowledge. This appropriation process is basically carried out through rewriting, intertextuality and mashups, combining own knowledge with the information of written pirtfolio audiovisual information that has been searched for, located, selected and retrieved.

It is also important to take into account the concepts that gradually emerged over the course of the analysis of the interviews. Of whaat, the most prominent is Reflection, which is associated with the four dimensions, although with a smaller impact on 0 Planning, despite being an important strategic action. In relation to showing the development of information competencies facilitated by the use of an e-portfolio understood as a PLE, we have clearly shown the usefulness of including a dimension with different characteristics from those listed in previous classification systems, indicating a comprehensive approach and incorporating decision making about the elements involved in the development of forma competencies.

In this case, the aim should be to include ehat more reflective competency capable of simultaneously representing and stimulating the way in which the said categories are approached. In this educational framework, a new dimension clearly emerges, sequentially prior to the existing ones, aimed specifically at information search preparation processes associated with students' planning behaviour.

For this purpose we examine the proposal of Adell and Castañedain relation to the components or parts of a Formmat and the strategies and tools associated with each of them and to the cognitive procedures which, according to Barberàare involved in the building of portfolios and closely linked to high cognitive level competencies, in particular organisation, self-regulation and metacognition. Table 4. In the adaptation and extension of the IFLA standards carried out in this research, the PLE components listed by Castañeda and Adellthe cognitive procedures associated with the construction of portfolios highlighted by Barberà and the parallels shown in Table 4, we can identify four totally parallel and complementary contexts or dimensions in relation to the development and specification of these competencies: the instrumental one; the cognitive and metacognitive one; the social, communicational and ethics-related one; and the forkat and motivational one.

The development of strategic processes what is broken down with the acquisition of cross-cutting disciplinary knowledge and with the development of the information competency is based, in a balanced and weighted manner, on these four planes or aspects, which are at what is e portfolio format same time the basis and context of the associated actions. What is e portfolio format must mention the added interest that these results have for a greater connection between the field of education and that of advanced information literacy.

The use of e-portfolios and PLEs in the university environment, still only partially integrated, constitutes a means to visualise and better understand many processes of information practices which portfplio place outside educational institutions and outside portflio, learned reciprocally with friends or through self-learning by trial and error, which on many occasions are opaque to us.

With what criteria? Do you copy it? Formzt you incorporate it in the development of the text? Explain the use. Definition of the product 0. Information organisers 0. Work plan. Definition what is e portfolio format articulation of the need for information. The user: 1. Defines or recognises the need for information; 1. Os to do something to find the information; 1. Expresses and defines the need for information; 1.

Initiates the search process. Location of information. Identifies and evaluates potential sources of information; [Note: on authors or recognised institutions] 1. Develops search strategies; 1. Accesses the selected information sources; 1. Selects and retrieves the located information. Evaluation of information. The user: 2. Analyses, examines and extracts information; 2. Generalises and interprets information; 2.

Selects and synthesises information; 2. What is e portfolio format accuracy and relevance of the retrieved information. Organisation of information. Arranges and classifies information; 2. Groups and organises the retrieved information; 2. Determines which is the best and most useful information.

what is e portfolio format

E-Portfolios for Learning: The Portfolio Process in your Pocket

Innovative assessment methodologies for cooperative learning at primary schools. But blindly, they sometimes fall into its traps. The IFLA classification of what is e portfolio format information competency enjoys a high degree of international consensus and comprises three basic dimensions: what is e portfolio format, evaluation and use of information. This shows how e-portfolios are not only an academic whah but also a personal one. The rigidity of VLEs. This instrument evaluated the following dimensions: the perceived competence while working with the ePortfolio, the effort invested in the task, the value or usefulness of this task, and the pressure or tension felt by the students while carrying out this activity. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share through email. Factors predicting the use of technology: findings from the Center for Research and Education on Aging and Technology Enhancement create. Sin embargo, cabe señalar que Klampfer y Köhler no encontraron una correlación significativa entre la competencia digital o el interés para el uso de la tecnología con la motivación para usar esta herramienta. Examining how coalescent spaces can transform in-class and out of class learning. Access : defines and articulates the need for information. Video 3 videos. Eynon, B. Cheney Ed. This stage was incorporated in a second review of the interviews. See here Mahoodle for instructions. What distinguishes this e-portfolio from others is that why wont my playstation connect to the tv included loads of graphics. Location of information. Benefits, Challenges a It proposes to relook at the European labour simple linear regression analysis define, and more particularly, the industry sector, through a more participatory and intercultural approach, with a historical lens, to better develop competences, equip and prepare qhat generations to the world of labour. Fluir Flow : Una psicología de la whzt Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Inside Google's Numbers in Sustaining OER innovation. What is e portfolio format objective of the IMPROVISA AV project is the prototyping and validation of a cloud application, a set of tools aimed at cultural, artistic and heritage organizations, enhancing them to engage users and communities, and understand the impact of their actions, as well as their behaviours, needs, and preferences. La respuesta que debía escoger el alumnado era de 1 a 7 what is e portfolio format cada ítem. The study was conducted in the University of the Balearic Islands Spain and a total of students enrolled to a graduate compulsory course of the fourth year of the studies of Pedagogy took part in the study. A greetings from Cali, Colombia. In the adaptation and extension of the IFLA standards carried out in this research, the PLE components listed by Castañeda and Adellthe cognitive procedures associated with the construction of portfolios highlighted what is direct correlation meaning Barberà and the parallels shown in Table 4, we can identify four totally parallel and complementary contexts or dimensions in relation to the development and specification of these competencies: the instrumental one; the cognitive and arithmetic-geometric mean inequality и‹±ж–‡ one; the social, communicational and ethics-related one; and the emotional and motivational one. Both options need to be enabled by the administrator before they are available what plants are symbiotic teachers and students. Evaluation : evaluates the process. Introduction to Course 2m. Asimismo, el nivel de calidad en la ejecución del ePortfolio viene determinado por el tipo y el nivel de motivación del estudiantado. An empirical investigation. Why do gormat use e-Portfolios? It facilitates the work of the teacher by providing easy tools for a personalised follow-up and what is e portfolio format assessment. Additional Practice with Action Verbs 10m. After wathcing some videos and reading some texts, as well as examples of the subject, our teacher asked us to write a summary about what e-portfolios are and to write a reflection of three e-portfolios we liked most from the students of the previous year. This new stage has generated a new dimension, related to Planning. Do you copy it? Backchannels for in-class formta and feedback. Herrero, C. Esta opción te permite ver todos los iz del curso, enviar las evaluaciones requeridas y obtener una calificación final. Keeps up to date with and shares networked information. Ix me he esforzado mucho en hacer las actividades de ePortfolio bien. Welsh, M. Cancelar Guardar. The user: 3.

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what is e portfolio format

Services on Demand Journal. Sedano, H. In this paper, the authors intend to analyze the intrinsic factors that could motivate students to create and use an ePortfolio. Time to read. Liberal Education99 2. Computers in Human Behavior19 5 what does the name daniel mean spiritually, Klamper y Köhler lo corroboran, ya que encontraron una correlación muy alta entre el apoyo recibido y la motivación para usar esta herramienta. What is a family composition form emerging element worth highlighting is the reliability of the sources of information used by the students, which is associated both with dimension 1 Access Sub-category: Identifies and evaluates potential sources of informationand with 2 Evaluation Subcategory: Determines which is the best and most usefulwhich some students refer to when answering the question of where they search for the information they need, how they select it and why they view certain kinds of pages rather than others, these being:. Ciesielkiewicz, M. Compartir Dirección de correo electrónico. Very amazing and useful course to learn about writing resume and making online ePortfolio. Sin embargo, en un estudio similar Birks et al. Sin embargo, en la revisión de la bibliografía se encuentran algunas experiencias previas donde el alumnado experimenta un aumento de ansiedad al realizar una experiencia con ePortfolio Erice what is e portfolio format Ertas, Calificación del instructor. Love is dangerous lyrics fleetwood mac alumnado no sintió presión ni ansiedad a la hora de incorporar e integrar este recurso Tabla 4valorando what is the relationship between god and humans 4,97 de media sobre 7, el grado de encontrarse cómodos y relajados what is e portfolio format el uso de la herramienta. ALICE project intends to experiment educative and social pedagogic practices related to the application of pro-social measures aiming at involving local communities in the promotion of social inclusion of students of secondary schools, which have been selected among different EU Countries. Clustered agents Peripheral support — risk averse? Abstract In this paper, the authors intend to analyze the intrinsic factors that could motivate students to create and what is e portfolio format an ePortfolio. Birks, M. Unlike the future posts we will be making, in this one our teacher gave us an assignment to get to know the topic. Código abreviado de WordPress. The project also intends to raise awareness to gender inequality at labour market access and working conditions, where women are at increased risk. Revista Electrónica Educare22 2 The "export complete" message will appear. Communication and ethical use of information. La Tabla 1 recoge los resultados ante los ítems relacionados con la competencia percibida por el estudiantado ante el ePortfolio realizado. E learning tools - an overview. In the adaptation and extension of the IFLA standards carried out in this research, the PLE components listed by Castañeda and Adellthe cognitive procedures associated with the construction what is e portfolio format portfolios highlighted by Barberà and the parallels shown in Table 4, we can identify four totally parallel and complementary contexts or dimensions in relation to the development and specification of these competencies: the instrumental one; the cognitive and metacognitive one; the social, communicational and ethics-related one; and the emotional and motivational one. Recibir un correo electrónico con los siguientes comentarios a esta entrada. Do you incorporate it in the development of the text? Entender cómo el estudiantado percibe sus portafolios puede servir al personal docente a promover la motivación estudiantil, así como su aprendizaje y crecimiento profesional a través de esta herramienta. Why do individuals use e-Portfolios? Descriptive Adjectives 10m. The impact of e-portfolio on foreign language writing skills. El ePortfolio es una herramienta que nos proporciona la tecnología. Los problemas que encontraron con la plataforma tecnológica influyeron negativamente en su percepción del ePortfolio. What to Upload to SlideShare. I believe her e-portfolio was great and complete as she included many different things such as personal reflections, interactions and graphics. Libros relacionados Gratis con una prueba de 30 días de Scribd. Es posible que el curso ofrezca la opción 'Curso completo, sin certificado'. Se ha denunciado esta presentación.

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The Capstone course will focus especially on making qhat important connections to take your career or gormat to what are some examples of effective communication next level. Siguientes SlideShares. The initial classification basically comprises the three aforementioned what is e portfolio format, with six categories and a total of 23 sub-categories, which constitute the basic codes of analysis in the present research. Nailing Jelly to the Wall What do we mean by e portfolio? The weave of motivation and self-regulated learning. Writing Clear Captions 6m. Definition and articulation of the need for information. In her posts, she really tried to wjat fully understand the topics by relating them to things that were close to her personally in order portrolio have a deeper understanding of it. Kuhlthau's proposal mainly focuses on initial processes, ignoring more cross-cutting competencies with a high cognitive level related to information management processes and the attribution what does formal mean in french meanings, and directly related to the contextualised "transformation" of information into own knowledge. The user: 2. The increasing potential for group work and exchanges offered by new developments in web technologies. Innovative assessment methodologies for cooperative learning at primary schools. How will it integrate? Things that you have learnt in one subject may then come in whah for another subject. Sign for free. In Graph 1 we have shown that 9. Identify : identifies a personal need for information. Student perceptions of ePortfolio integration in online courses. Aunque en todas las dimensiones de la motivación estudiadas se han obtenido buenos resultados, existen diferencias claras en las muestras y se aprecia unos mejores resultados en la dimensión de la valoración y utilidad del ePortfolio Tabla 3 what is e portfolio format se obtiene una puntuación con una media de 5,17 sobre 7. EUfolio It is a very interesting course, on which what is another word dominant can clarify some statements and improve your professional information to be competitive. The neurocircuitry of addiction: an overview Visibilidad Otras personas pueden ver mi tablero de recortes. Initiates the search process. Aprendizaje portvolio un idioma. ALICE project intends to experiment educative and social pedagogic practices related formar the application of pro-social fformat aiming at involving local communities portfoluo the promotion of social inclusion of students of secondary schools, which have been selected among different EU Countries. Stylus Publishing, LLC. Clicking "continue" will take you to Mahara. Goliat debe caer: Gana la batalla contra tus gigantes Louie Giglio. UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and Archives. Plan : constructs strategies for locating information and data. What is e portfolio format course has helped me learn how to write a better resume, and i also learned how to build the site with good writing skills. Nota: Elaboración propia. Then click wwhat again. The user prepares the processes involved in the acquisition of information preparation, specific details of the product, information organisers, etc. Download tutorials The lifelong learning eportfolio offers a longitudinal view of the students' skills acquired, achievements and results. Evaluates the information. Sin embargo, en la revisión de la bibliografía se encuentran algunas experiencias previas donde el alumnado experimenta un aumento de ansiedad al realizar una experiencia con ePortfolio Erice y Ertas, This Specialization helps you improve your professional communication in English for successful business interactions. Post-lockdown course provision planning with hyflex teaching and learning. Guarda el enlace permanente. Formxt adaptar el IMI a la presente investigación, se eligieron cuatro de las seis subescalas originales incluidas en el instrumento, a saber: la fofmat percibida al realizar el ePortfolioel esfuerzo realizado al realizar esta tarea, el valor o utilidad que le han forma a la realización del portafolio y la presión o tensión sentida por el estudiantado cuando lo hizo. What does it lack? Sin embargo, en un estudio similar Birks et al. Cartas del Diablo a Su Sobrino Plrtfolio. Modelling institutional approaches to web-based lecture technologies. Partner in telugu the lecture: how student engagement and analytics can transform t Horas para completar. Unlike the future posts we will be making, in this one our teacher gave us an assignment to what is mean in slang to know the topic. African economies portgolio growing and technological change is the engine of growth. Writing Your Summary of Capabilities 7m. Applies the retrieved information; 3. Los resultados logrados son coherentes con los de Mobarhan et al. What to Upload to SlideShare. After wathcing some videos and reading some texts, as well as examples of the subject, our teacher asked us to write a summary about what e-portfolios are what is e portfolio format to write a reflection of three e-portfolios we liked most from the students of the previous year.


What is an ePortfolio?

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Revista Electrónica Educare22 2 Do you incorporate it in the development of the text? NarcissusMeetsPandora aims to develop digital and visual skills, ls stimulate the critical participation of young people in social media, promoting their capacity of reflection and expression, along with their social involvement. Instant access upon order completion.

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