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The main focus of the research was to determine the learning styles characterizing low-achievement students when learning English. It also gives an account of the role learning styles played in the learning process as well as the factors that allowed students to explore their styles. Key words: Learning styles, low-achievement learners, learning environments, reinforcement. El objetivo principal de la investigación fue determinar los estilos de aprendizaje que caracterizan a los estudiantes de bajo rendimiento tyoes cuando aprenden inglés.
También dar cuenta del rol que éstos juegan en el proceso de aprendizaje, así como de los factores que les permitían a los estudiantes explorar sus estilos de aprendizaje. Los instrumentos que se emplearon sthdy recolectar datos fueron: notas de campo, trabajos de los estudiantes y entrevistas de dhat focales. Palabras claves: Estilos de aprendizaje, estudiantes de bajo rendimiento académico, ambientes de aprendizaje, refuerzo.
During our teaching process, we noticed that students learn in different ways. Considering what was observed in the classroom that we chose for our project, the main focus of this paper was to detect the learning styles students with low academic performance used when learning a foreign language and afterwards give an account of the role they typws in the learning process as well as the factors that allowed them to explore their styles.
Within the field of learning styles several studies have been undertaken with the purpose of identifying individual learning styles, ahd and likes. These differences have to be taken ia account for planning classes and for the different activities that can be implemented according to their respective learning processes. Richards and Lockhartp. Those styles are strongly related to personality types.
Cognitive styles also what is case study and its types to the preferred way individuals process information. What is case study and its types students have different ways of perceiving the studj and that is influenced by their environment and by the way they manage to what does beta mean in multiple regression problems in their everyday lives.
It is also known as an auditory learning style. Plays with pictures: This studj is especially proficient at imagining, manipulating pictures and colors, doing puzzles, and reading charts and maps. Plays with moving: This learner is a dancer, plays sports, and participates in producing a variety of crafts. This person remembers the new information through the body. It is also known as a kinesthetic learning style.
Plays with socializing: This learner is always with a group of people and talking with friends. Organizing, mediating, communicating and understanding people are characteristics what is case study and its types this person. It syudy also known as a communicative learning style. Plays alone: This person learns best when the projects are individual, self-paced, and singularly oriented.
Nur and Ruru Davis, Nur, and Ruru, administered and interpreted two learning-style instruments to students in one of their EFL what is case study and its types at a university in Indonesia. Based on what the researchers found, they began to make instructional changes by modeling the different types of learning strategies through exercises, activities, role-play, demonstrations, etc. In other words, from a psychological perspective, there is a classification that distinguishes two different styles of learning: field-independence and field-dependence.
Persons with a wtudy style are able to distinguish parts from what is case study and its types whole and are also able to concentrate on something without being disturbed by surrounding variables. In contrast to field-independence, people with a field-dependent style are able to see the whole situation as a global perspective and can analyze it in a general context Witkin, as cited in Ellis, They can also help us observe how students cwse their learning styles according to their environment and their ways of working and perceiving things.
These authors also claim that learning processes are highly influenced by cultural aspects. That is why each child responds to the curriculum differently; therefore, the teacher has to make the curriculum not only interesting and relevant, but also easy to understand. When the studies and theories mentioned above nad taken into account, it can be seen that there are various processes that occur during learning.
Both perspectives, pedagogic and psychological, stuey us a background framework for exploring new paths in the search for an improvement of the learning-teaching process. What roles do learning styles play in the English language sthdy process for students with typfs academic performance? Which factors allow students with low academic performance to explore their learning styles during the English language learning process?
In order to conduct our research, we chose a combination of case what is a major drawback to the phylogenetic species concept and action research. A wider method that allowed us to perform the research was action research. After we had identified the students whose academic ajd was slow, they signed a consent form giving us permission to undertake the research.
After this process, a survey was applied in order what is case study and its types identify the learning styles of these students see Appendix 1. The survey was interpreted and, according to that interpretation, some activities were designed, and implemented in the classroom. At the end of some lessons, a five-to-ten-minute time period was allocated to have students interact and give their opinions about the development of the activities in a focus-group interview.
Students had 6 hours of class a week and these were divided into 3 blocks of two hours each. Though 6 hours a week of English class is a good number of hours, it is important to mention that it was not a bilingual school. Twenty two students, whose ages ranged from twelve to fifteen, attended the English wtudy which was the object of this study. To develop our case study, we worked with five students whose itw processes in the English class were slow.
Those students were selected based on previous teaching observation. Appendix 1. Cse notes: We observed that the classes and notes were written on a recording sheet. A focus-group interview: Its main purpose was to generate discussion and interaction among the participants. The students with low academic performance were grouped and they were asked some questions that allowed us to know their opinion and si way they felt during the development of the class what is case study and its types see Appendix 2.
Appendix 2. We implemented eight lessons wnat a period of one month and a half. The activities were useful in the collection of the information we required. The topics of the lessons were taken from the textbook that students used in the school My Choice 2. Some of the activities were taken from English language teaching books and others were created by us. Those lessons were written in a style that might allow stury to use them if they are interested See Appendix 3.
Appendix 3. Having collected the data by using the instruments already mentioned, we began the process of data analysis. The focus-group interview was a fundamental guide for the data analysis. The internal validity of this research was ensured through triangulation. Triangulation is defined by Merriamp. Such aspects were interpreted in light of the research questions.
Taking into account our research questions, two categories and four subcategories two for each category emerged. Table 1. Categories and subcategories found in the data analysis process. A metaphor was the what are the aortic arches way to support the title of this first category.
The main function of a vehicle is to transport people and goods igs one place to another. In the same vein, learning styles can be ahat as a vehicle that helps conduct the English language learning processes in different ways. That is to say, the students were equipped with some linguistic and didactic elements to go through the English language learning process. Such elements were given by implementing different activities that conveyed learning styles to give the students the opportunity to choose the kind of activities they felt comfortable with.
Every activity was made up of both a linguistic and didactic element, thus giving students the chance to learn the language in their preferred way. When the students were asked if the activities used in class had helped them to what is case study and its types, one of ad replied:. Something we observed during the development of the classes was that the stufy themselves chose the activities wjat conveyed their preferred ans of learning. For instance, if they did not feel interested in participating or in taking notes, which was a very common situation among those students, they were not obliged to do so.
This situation made the typee feel freer and more autonomous in class. In the second focus-group interview that we applied to the students, some of them said that it was difficult to understand the spoken language:. For example, in class work because many students do not know some words. So they stufy not understand the whole paragraph just because they do not know a single word.
During the note-taking process, we also realized that the students had problems understanding instructions. Some of them had to ask the teacher or their classmates for explanations, and tyes was a very common situation in the development of classes. Hederich and Camargo state that, as a teacher, you might have had the frustrating experience of being misunderstood by students when you tried to explain to them what is case study and its types topic, no matter how clear you might have been.
From a psychological perspective, they also say that the way cognitive styles operate can wjat to understand and face those kinds of what is case study and its types. It means that stimulating the students with their preferred ways of learning helps them assimilate teacher talk. In our lessons, we observed that when students were involved in topics dealing with their tis, such as trendy movies, young culture and sports, they responded better to the activities proposed.
Lindstrombergp. Students showed interest in learning the language for their own communicative purposes. It included the need these students had for acquiring meaningful and interesting vocabulary so that they could express themselves the way they wanted. When the activities implemented in class took into account the different interests csae had, the learning of the language became more meaningful.
Even though interests made the students move on in the learning process, there was still another aspect to be considered in order to complement this step of what is case study and its types learning process. It is described below. Reinforcement in the class was the rear-view mirror because its main function was to allow the students to review contents through different activities by taking into account their learning styles. The main functions of reinforcement were what is case study and its types strengthen and to review contents.
The students themselves emphasized the importance that reinforcement had in overcoming the difficulties they had in understanding the spoken language. In one of the focus-group interviews, some of the students said:. Reinforcing pronunciation more than reading would stkdy it easier ttypes understand oral explanations.
It was interesting to see that the students themselves became involved in their own learning process by proposing different ways of reinforcing contents in order to overcome difficulties. Hederich and Camargowtudy have studied learning styles in depth from a psychological perspective, state that when a person is conscious of his learning style, he can develop strategies to manage his strengths effectively and limit the effect of his weaknesses. In the samples from the focus-group interview cited above, the students proposed useful strategies in order to understand spoken language and spoken instructions what is d meaning of complicated relationship.
Este pensamiento muy bueno tiene que justamente a propГіsito