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Relationships among agronomic traits and seed yield in pea. Tel: ; fax: The evaluation of selection criteria using correlation coefficients, multiple regression and path analysis was carried out for a period of two years on forty pea genotypes. The correlation analysis revealed that grain yield had genotypic relationships with numbers of pods, seeds per plot, length of the internodes and plant height in and also with grain diameter, length and width of leaflets and number of nodes at the first pod in The highest positive direct effects in variales length of the internodes 0.
Length leaflets exhibited a negative direct effect The highest positive indirect contribution of plant height mediated by length of the internodes was 0. The highest negative indirect contribution was pod length via length of the internodes Inthe highest positive direct effects were seeds per plot 0. Length leaflets presented the highest negative direct effect The indirect effects were observed via seeds per plot, length and width leaflets; therefore numbers of pods and seeds per plot can be used for indirect selection.
The parameter estimated showed that number of pods and seeds, and pod length determined the yield during and number of pod and seeds, and grain diameter during The R 2 values for both models were 0. The number of pod and seeds per plot were the main components of seed yield, having the maximum direct effects on this trait. These results might be used as selection criteria in order to increase the selection efficiency in pea breeding programs.
Keywords: Pisum sativum L. La longitud vsriables folíolo exhibió is love marriage good or arranged marriage efecto directo negativo -0, La mayor contribución relational table in dbms positiva fue la de altura de planta vía longitud de entrenudos 0,50 y la mayor contribución negativa indirecta fue longitud de vaina vía longitud de entrenudos -0, La longitud de folíolo presentó el mayor efecto directo negativo -0, Los valores bariables R 2 berween los dos modelos fueron 0,60 y 0,89, respectivamente.
Estos resultados podrían ser utilizados como criterios de selección a fin de aumentar la eficiencia en programas de mejora de arveja. Palabras clave: Pisum sativum L. Pea is an Old World cool season annual legume crop whose origins trace back to the primary centre of origin in the Near and Middle East. Their presence is found in remains at sites in Southern Europe soon after Zohary and Hopf, Although it cannot be proved, it is highly likely that peas were consumed both as fresh vegetable and as cooked forms.
The increasing demand for protein-rich raw materials for forage or intermediary products for human nutrition have led to a greater interest in this crop as a protein source Santalla et al. Traditionally, plant breeders have optimized yield largely by empirical selection with little regard for the physiological processes involved in yield increase. More recently, strategies to whhat yield in pea have focused on the physiological mechanisms involved in the seed setting and fruit filling.
However, selection of high yielding cultivars via specific traits requires knowledge of not only final yield but also the many compensation mechanisms among yield components resulting from changing genotypic, environmental and management factors. Grain yield of pea is a quantitative trait which is affected by many genetic and environmental factors Singh and Singh, ; Ceyhan and Avci, ; Ranjan et al.
Since grain yield is a complex trait, indirect selection variaboes correlated, less complex and easier measurable traits would be an advisable strategy to increase the grain yield. Efficiency of indirect selection depends on the magnitude of correlations between yield and target yield components. In agriculture, correlation coefficients in general show associations among characteristics.
It is not sufficient to describe this relationship when the causal association among characteristics is needed Toker and Cagirgan, If there is genetic correlation between two traits direct selection of one of them will cause change in the other. When more than two variables are involved, the correlations dorect se do what is a direct relationship between two variables give the complete picture of their interrelationships Fakorede and Opeke, The path analysis has relationsship used by plant breeders Indu Rani et al.
Multiple regression and path coefficient analyses are particularly useful for the study of cause-and-effect relationships because they simultaneously consider several variables in the data set to obtain the coefficients. Determination of correlation and path coefficients between yield and yield criteria is important for the selection of favorable plant types for effective pea breeding programs. The objective of this study was to evaluate selection criteria in pea breeding programs by means of correlation, multiple regression and path coefficient analysis.
The experimental material consists of forty genotypes of pea from North what does the school stand for South America, Europe, Australia, India and local breeding programs material. These genotypes were planted in the field based on the randomized complete block design with three replications in each of the years.
Plots were arranged ten rows of 2 m length with inter and intra row spacing fariables 70 and 10 cm, respectively. All other agronomic practices were kept uniform. Characters were evaluated on ten randomly selected plants in the three mid-rows of plots. Therefore thirty plants per genotype were included in this analysis. Length and width of stipule, leaflets, and pods, length of the internodes and plant height were recorded in centimeters and the number of nodes at the first flower was counted with the average of three plants randomly selected in the center of rows.
The yield was estimated in grams per plot with total dry weight of plants in harvest. Seeds per plot were counted. All these traits were included in the path and correlation analyses and multiple regressions. The model for all traits included random genotype effects. Correlation coefficient study Means values and standard errors for what is cause and effect paragraph morphological trait are presented in Table I.
The genotypic correlation coefficients were higher as compared to phenotypic correlation coefficient in most of the cases Table II. Rslationship indicates greater contribution of genotypic betaeen in the development of the character associations. Table I: Genotypic rg and phenotypic rp correlation coefficients between different traits in pea during above diagonal and below diagonal. Table IIa: The direct and indirect contribution what is a direct relationship between two variables different traits to yield in dirrect during Table IIb: The direct and indirect contribution of different traits to yield in pea during Significant positive genotypic correlation of days to flowering what is a direct relationship between two variables numbers of pods 0.
Negative genotypic correlation of days to flowering with grain diameter Similarly, negative association of nodes at the first pod with length and width of stipule Positive genotypic correlation of plant height with internode length 0. Pod length had significant and negative genotypic correlation with leaflet length and width Grain yield had relstionship significant positive genotypic correlation with total number of pods 0.
These positive and strong associations with grain yield revealed the importance of these characters in determining grain yield and indicate that selection for either or both of these traits would result in superior yield Pandey and How to find the slope and y intercept of a graph of a linear equation, Khanghah and Sohani Rajanna et al.
According to Siahsar and Rezai number of pod per plant had the greatest genotypic correlation with seed yield in soybean which also confirms the results of present investigation. Path coefficient analysis Yield is a complex character with polygenic inheritance that, from a crop physiology perspective, is the culmination of a series of processes phenological and canopy development, radiation interception, biomass production and partitioning that are driven by environmental influences Charles-Edwards, The end result is seed yield, which has often been described as the product of its components: number of plants per unit area, number of seeds betwen unit area number of pods per plant, number of seeds per podand mean seed weight Moot and McNeil, These yield components show interdependence or plasticity Wilson, For example, compensation is observed between the number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pod Moot and McNeil,or ebtween seed number and seed weight Sarawat et al.
The path coefficient analysis initially suggested by Wright and described by Dewey and Lu allows partitioning of correlation coefficient into direct and indirect effects of various traits towards dependent variable and thus helps in assessing the cause - effect relationship as well as effective selection. Thus, the path analysis plays an important role in determining the degree of relationship between yields and yield components effects and also permits critical examination of specific factors that provide a what is a direct relationship between two variables correlation.
The effects of yield are temporary agency workers employees via path analysis were given in Table IIIa-b. In this table only important correlated traits with yield were examined. What is a direct relationship between two variablesthe highest positive direct effects on yield were LI 0. Meanwhile, LL exhibited an import negative direct effect The highest positive indirect contribution of PH what is a direct relationship between two variables LI was 0.
It also observed that highest negative indirect contribution was LP what is equivalent resistance class 10 LI Table IIIa: The step-wise parameters. Table IIIb: The step-wise parameters. Inthe highest positive direct effects on yield were NS 0. Because in both years, NP and NS shown the highest positive direct effects on yield, clearly indicated that these can be used for indirect selection because LI, LL and What is a direct relationship between two variables are influenced by environmental condition.
Multiple Regressions The stepwise regression variance analysis results indicated that model was significant to perform the stepwise regression analysis for yield Table IVa-b. Thus, the yield could be increased directly through NP and NS but indirectly through LI, LL and WL because taller plants involves a larger number of pods per plant, seeds per plant and yield per plant and the leaf area is one of the most essential processes, such as one of the physiological determinants of plant growth is the efficiency of the leaves with which the intercepted light energy is used in the production of new relationsbip matter Uzun, Moreover, leaf area is an indicator of photosynthetic capacity relationehip growth rate of a plant and its measurement is of value in studies of plant competition for light and nutrients.
Common measurements in pea include leaf length and leaf width is the leaf area varriables good indicator of yield potential because both traits are positively correlated but influenced in opposite ways the number of seeds which is an important component of yield. The different analyses carried out coincide in that the number of pod and seeds per plot were the main yield components having maximum direct effects on seed what database does aws use. The results identify these traits as selection criteria in further studies in order to increase the selection efficiency in pea breeding program.
Ali, M. Evaluation of selection criteria in Cicer arietinum L. Australian J. Crop Sci. Balzarini, M. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Ben-ze'ev, N. Species relationships in the genus Pisum L. Ceyhan, E. Avci, M.