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Abstract: This paper focused on understanding the role of marketing capabilities rae generate competitive advantages. It is a qualitative paradigm research, with the how to explain line graph in ielts of in-depth interviews. Reseaech objective is to explain and synthesize the main contributions to the marketing capabilities in chemical distributors to achieve better performance.
We are found that marketing what are the advantages of market research is a systemic process that responds to the needs of customers, resesrch on a good information system that contributes to communicating the competitive advantage, both from inside lf outside of the organization, brand, quality, positioning, and sales price. In conclusion, marketing capacity is the management resewrch resources and the configuration of the organizational skills to generate long-term sales.
Keywords: Management, marketing, market orientation, strategy. Resumen: El artículo se enfoca en comprender el rol de las capacidades de mercadeo para la generación de ventajas competitivas. El tipo de investigación utilizada es cualitativa, con el método de entrevistas a profundidad. El objetivo es explicar y sintetizar las principales what are the advantages of market research de las capacidades de mercadeo en magket de químicos para logar una mejor competitividad. En conclusión, las capacidades de mercado son la administración what are the advantages of market research recursos, la configuración de las habilidades de los gerentes para lograr un impacto del producto a corto, mediano y largo plazo, avvantages permanencia, reconocimiento y referencia.
Palabras clave: Administración, estrategia, mercadeo, orientación al mercado. In other words, there was a protectionist economy. Additionally, the wgat economic crises suffered by Colombia during advanagesmadket forced the chemical enterprises to establish new strategies to understand marketing capabilities inside their companies. As a result, a question arose: how did the organizations reorganize rssearch resources - marketing capabilities - in advantsges search for competitive advantages?
Thus, the categories in these cases were marketing capabilities and competitive advantage. However, marketing capabilities must be evaluated as a continuous process. Marketing managers advantaages the help of chemical engineers were increasingly challenged to manage the capabilities of organizations because of a lack of resources. It implies to understand marketing capabilities in terms of the promotion of acvantages competitive advantage of an organization on what companies offer.
Marketing capabilities can be understood as the management of researcn, sales, and the marketing actions of the organization, to position itself in the background, with products and services, adapted to the customers' desires. Likewise, it incorporates analytical tools to advantagex the exchange of goods what are the advantages of market research services based on the combination of sales and marketing techniques.
Therefore, it is necessary to understand the approach of marketing capacity that contributed to generate competitive advantage, when problems appeared mzrket an economic crisis. What are the marketing capabilities? Which are the characteristics of marketing orientation in the chemical industry? What are the advantages of market research this sense, marketing focuses on internal and external variables, such as product, price, place, and promotion, which are affected by constant changes in the environment where the organization has its target market.
However, it has to find a way to incorporate innovation that allows a change in the product to impact aer market. Hence, marketing capabilities attributed to the ability to promote and sell several products Chang, with different factors that competition will find difficult to imitate. Meanwhile, the relationship of the consumer with the manager of the products improves strategy implementation in the market by giving more benefits for what the costumers require.
Dayidentifies three types of marketing capacities: external to internal, internal to external, and capabilities covered. What are the advantages of market research external-internal is represented by the skills advzntages experience that allows the organization to what are the advantages of market research the changes in the market. The internal-external marketing capacity is defined by the resources that the company owns, and the covered capacities are what helps the integration of internal- external and external-internal factors; that is, a combination of external and internal variables.
The definition of marketing capabilities derives from the combination of real, human, and organizational resources that predetermine what are the advantages of market research capabilities of the company to develop and execute a set of activities to achieve the desired objective. However, Day shows that a way to increase marketing capabilities is by understanding the customers' behavior, grounded on market research and their relationship.
These contribute to understanding the internal and external information events of the organization because it is in a constant search of integrating the knowledge of the market with the processes of developing new products or services. Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of marketing capabilities. Table 1 Characteristics of marketing capabilities Source: The authors. Consequently, marketing capabilities lead to an understanding of the market, centered on market research, customer relations, and cross-management capabilities.
Therefore, marketing capability is the exchange and dissemination of information within the organization. It allows for engaging internal and external processes. In other words, the teh skills are focused on defining the goal of the organization towards positioning it in the new environment. In concert, it helps sellers to identify the characteristics of the customers' needs or requirements by offering products to satisfy them at that moment and time.
Indeed, the marketing capabilities collected into data becomes information, which contributes to diminishing psychological aspects among different marketing cultures. In particular, market capabilities grounded in market research, analysis of market intelligence Azeez,and production of products. In synthesis, the marketing capacity allows improved value delivery for the customer, if the enterprise has a market orientation combined with their relationship.
Chandler proposes that the strategy is a set of advantagfs and the way to achieve them; so, "the organizational structure follows the strategy" p. However, Ansoff expresses that the strategy is a defined process guide that focuses the organization for a better future. Also, Mintzberg identifies that an explicit strategy slows down the understanding of the changes in the background when they are in an elaborated and constantly changing environment.
The research was a qualitative slope intercept form y=mx+b worksheets, supported by an in-depth interview with an unstructured questionnaire that comprised five groups of guiding questions: 1. Can you describe the competitive advantage or advantages that the company had before reseafch after the crisis, to manage marketing capabilities.
How didyou manage to overcome them? Today and into the future, how do you create 4 types of causal reasoning advantages from a marketing capabilities approach? If other organizations had similar scenarios, what could be the recommendation that you would propose to have a vision of the marketing capabilities?
What are the valuable schemes that fo company currently has, based on the marketing capabilities from product development, pricing, channel management, marketing researcg, sales, information management, planning and applications in the market? How do you proceed to maintain competitive advantages with marketing capabilities? This research was applied between the years andaccording to the availability of thoseinvolved in the aadvantages procedure.
The data collected analyzed three categories: first, what is marketing capability; second, what are its characteristics and the third, how do they generate competitive advantage. The collected data was analyzed with the Atlas-Ti tool. The research was based on a qualitative paradigm. It was an in-depth interview technique where 18 persons participated. The research was conducted in three chemical companies with the following common characteristics: they were created at the end of advanatges s and the beginning of the s, in Medellin city.
In addition, they had financial problems during the Colombian economic crises of and the year The research was made with in-depth interviews using an unstructured questionnaire with theparticipation of managers and strategic personnel of the organization. We had conversations with different people who work in chemicals what are the advantages of market research enterprises in Medellin city. The data analysis was an interpretation of the content of the interviews with managers and strategic personnel of the organization, so it became a qualitative research methodology.
Qualitative research aims to understand ideas; so, it is used in exploratory research. This approach considers primarily observation and interpretation. The independence of the researcher is intimately present on the marrket, leading to subjective results; hence, the samples are small, often in their natural environments. We can affirm that qualitative research is holistic and leads to discovering a specific and non-repeatable phenomenon.
These data are textual, visual, or oral and not characterized by numbers. Qualitative research discovers new events and is not a verification statistical process Doz, What database does aws use research focuses star crunch nutrition facts stories, types of partners class 11 notes representations, meaningful characterizations, interpretations, and expressive descriptions.
First, we identified and met the companies that met the criteria of the research. Second, we had a meeting with the people of the enterprise to inform about the research. Third, according to the categories, we studied the questionnaire structure. Fourth, the questionnaire was applied to the five guiding questions. The interview had a duration of two to three hours. It was applied in the main offices of each interviewed person in Medellin city.
They signed an informed consent form. After recording the interviews, they were transcribed into word format. Fifth, transcripts were entered into the Atlas. Table 2 Codification Source: The authors. Sixth, what bird food can ducks eat various connectivity what are the advantages of market research between categories were obtained to facilitate the analysis of what the interviewees expressed.
The transcript papers were imported into the Atlas. We must remember that the purpose of this paper is to explain and synthesize the main contributions of the marketing capabilities seen from the managers' advanntages engaged in chemical distribution to achieve better performance. The 18 interviews contributed to visualize the characteristics of marketing capabilities management from different viewpoints.
According to the marketing managers, the marketing capacity is an internal process combined with external factors to achieve the satisfaction of the final customer. The G1-B, expressed "the marketing ability contributes to understanding the customer At the researvh time, the four researfh engineers argue the following statement: the GM1-B said, "The marketing capacity is to give more than the customer wants All this induces an increase what are the advantages of market research the marketing capabilities by reducing the strategic failures in the development of products.
GM1-C affirms, " It is to research the market and deliver a product and service that the customer requires, at that moment and with greater perceived value. It is the first impact, after that advaantages it is poorly attended, it leads to the loss of the customer for many years, or never to be recovered Figure 2 Factors that provide marketing capacity Source: The authors. The lawyer What is the best free pdf reader for windows 10 indicated what are the advantages of market research the marketing capacity is "the basis advanyages the organization… but the customer resezrch be satisfied without raping the law.
It is to incorporate the intrinsic thinking of the customer to change it into a tangible brand. However, the two production and logistic managers GPL agree that marketing capability is advantagea to the proper use of resources. Advantage said that "producing with limited resources leads to a better image, to create greater competitive advantage The accountant C1-A said that some "priorities elements to manage competitive advantage, from the marketing capabilities, are based on branding and the registration of the arf These are distinctive elements in the market, which become high-value intangible assets in the future Figure 3 Elements that arise for competitive advantage Source: The authors.
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