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SJME publishes every year two regular issues and a Special Issue on a topic of particular interest for the journal audience. The journal is published by Elsevier since and it is published fully in English since Expected manuscript profile SJME is especially interested in submissions that include unique and novel contributions on the frontier of knowledge, focused on emerging areas relevant to academic research in marketing or even opening new research niches.
New methodologies and techniques are particularly appreciated. SJME welcomes a wide array of original contributions quantitative or qualitative empirical analysis, critical literature reviews, meta-analysis, theoretical papers, agenda for future research, etc. Submitted manuscripts can be focused on Spanish, Latin-American, but also any other relevant market. SJME has a very rigorous evaluation process and its main objective is to encourage debate and to promote the publication of the latest trends in research in the area of marketing.
Works submitted must be prepared in accordance with the highest standards of quality. Manuscripts must be clear, concise, and logical. The use of professional editing services is highly recommended for non-native English speakers. Agenda for Future Research Considering the interest of how to read a phylogenetic tree nodes SJME for unique and novel contributions on the frontier of knowledge, this section aims to create a space for critical reflection of new directions in which future specialized research in the marketing field should advance.
The Agenda for Future Research section welcomes contributions outlining emerging opportunities in the marketing discipline derived, for example, from changes in consumers' behavior. New challenges in this evolving field might be also addressed. In sum, this section aims to propose new research avenues for marketing academics in order to inspire future research agendas. Leading researchers in the marketing discipline, either alone or in collaboration, are highly encouraged to contribute to this Agenda for Future Research section.
Due to the particularities of this type what is the number one food that causes cancer contributions, no restrictions on manuscript structure and length apply. Audience The journal audience includes academics, students and professionals active in research in marketing worldwide interested in the aforementioned contributions. SRJ is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same.
SJR uses a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and qualitative measure of the journal's impact. SNIP measures contextual citation impact by wighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field. The results lead to a better comprehension of Internet tools in the political arena.
Political blogs provide insights which connect online with offline environments. The findings shed light on new ways of political marketing of great potential. Internet has elicited a new decision making process in the area of political marketing thanks to the emergence of new communication tools. This paper focuses on weblogs as pioneer players on Web 2.
Focusing on the case of weblogs and assuming a wide and integrative theoretical approach, a hybrid model is impact the same as influence merges marketing, technology and political science is proposed and tested using a sample of 39 weblogs and blog users in an innovative attempt to shed light on these virtual-physical dynamics.
The results are promising and open the door to the comprehension of a new, emerging framework where Internet tools are intended for a major, critical role in the political arena. Internet ha favorecido un nuevo proceso de toma de decisiones en marketing político gracias al surgimiento de nuevas herramientas de comunicación. El presente artículo se centra en los blogs como agentes pioneros en el contexto de la web 2.
Nevertheless, research on how political activism is formed and its antecedents have scarcely been studied and, to a lesser extent, in an online setting. This paper attempts to gain a deeper insight into this line of research by proposing an integrative model including innovative constructs such as political activism and subjective political knowledge where blogs occupy a central position. Hence, the objective here is to assess the influence of blogs on political activism by emphasizing on website factors, such as perceived usefulness, perceived trustfulness and perceived information quality.
Thus, a structural setting of factors in which blog usage and political activism are lastly connected has been proposed to foster a solid relationship between online and offline contexts and to increase the importance of a relationship marketing approach in the political field. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. First, a theoretical framework is developed and the derived hypotheses are proposed.
A special emphasis will be given to the theoretical framework section, beyond the specific theoretical support of each hypothesis, aiming to anchor this new communication tool and the type of interactions into established conceptual frameworks. The second part describes the methodology used and then the discussion of the results is presented, which addresses the questions and outlines the managerial implications, limitations and directions is impact the same as influence future research.
Relationship marketing has particularly been strengthened by the impact of new knowledge technologies Sheth, However, in the graphing a line given its equation in slope-intercept form worksheet of political marketing, the application of this relational paradigm is new, as long-term relationships are created between voters and politicians in order to make public policies sustainable in times of crisis or uncertainty Lees-Marshment, In turn, key topics of relational paradigms such as collaboration, trust and commitment or value addition seem to have been consistently transferred to the Internet scenario, where users constantly interact and blogs become an information source for a range of fields, such as political issues.
This interaction orientation is becoming increasingly important in marketing according to Vargo and Lusch'sservice-dominant logic, in which the customer is always a co-creator of value. In our context, this means that blog users could get involved with the political blog in a wide range of interactive processes which might result in cognitive or behavioural experiences. Is impact the same as influence the political market is ideologically biased, many political blogs reinforce social cleavages and, as a result, groups of people become virtually linked and reinforced in virtual communities.
Weblogs are also good examples of the drastic change in the way information is spread to the audience: political blog authors act as those leaders who filter information or give their opinion, so their influence becomes significant to their readers. As a result, as blogs emerge as a new and complex class of information system, factors such as information quality or perceived usefulness remain theoretically unavoidable.
Thus, the proposed model is also fostered by the Technology Acceptance Model TAM Davis,which constitutes one of the easiest, widespread and tested schemes to predict technological usage in a good number of applications, including websites. Indeed, in the case of this study, TAM is considered the most relevant theory which helps to explain why a blog is first considered a valid source of information and, eventually, fully adopted by an individual. Specifically, there is direct contribution from these three theoretical approaches to the factors proposed in our model in the following manner: political involvement and political activism are used to establish a parallelism between behavioural intention and actual behaviour, a critical model sequence considered by TAM and TRA.
Regarding our trigger factors-blog perceived information quality and blog perceived reputation- both are developed by TRA in the sense of opinions of referent others, while Hsu and Lin's model also considered blog perceived reputation as one of its knowledge sharing factors. Subjective political knowledge could undoubtedly be linked to the subjective norm present in TRA. In addition, TAM and Hsu and Lin's theory of causation aristotle usage acceptance model is impact the same as influence major references to explain blog perceived is impact the same as influence and blog perceived trustfulness in the context of our proposal.
This becomes feasible because these variables are delimited by two theoretical depictions: while TAM examines perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, Hsu and Lin include perceived usefulness and ease of use as technological acceptance factors and love is famous quotes as knowledge sharing factor. This entire theoretical scheme is shown in full in Fig.
The traditional understanding of information quality has definitely been altered by the emergence of a new, heterogeneous technological framework which has been used to trigger our model, depicted in Fig. This logic is analogous for the political field: a political blog whose information quality may be perceived as high will have loyal readers and, eventually, will be able to develop a positive image. Knight and Burn compiled up to twenty formative dimensions e. The latter emphasizes a feasible shift towards a virtual context is impact the same as influence usefulness, trustfulness or reputation gain key importance.
In offline and online buying behaviour, and also in political contexts where citizens are often interested in minimizing uncertainty, information search is regarded as a way of reducing risk in decision making Zaichkowsky, Social communities of mutual interests — such is impact the same as influence political blogs — have become increasingly influential sources for their users due to the addition of value that long-term interaction creates define phylogenetic tree in biology terms of is impact the same as influence and reliability.
Indeed, information quality has been identified as one of the most can you use a fake picture on tinder variables to promote trustfulness in online interactions Filieri, ; Yi et al. Therefore: H2 Blog perceived information quality will positively affect blog perceived trustfulness.
It is a complex construct whose meaning has been explored from different approaches and also, specifically, in the online environment Dholakia, We posit this relationship can also be applied to the online political environment: H3 Blog perceived information quality will positively how hard is love blog perceived reputation.
There is an inferred similarity between corporate reputation and the political blogosphere. Based on Gotsi and Wilson's analysis, the perceived reputation of a political blog and corporate reputation 1 are both dynamic concepts which may fluctuate through the time; 2 are built and managed focusing on the long term, just as Dellarocas also pointed out for websites; 3 are closely related to the concept of corporate image, which utterly depends on symbolism and communication patterns, just as it happens with the political discourse; and 4 include specific rankings where both companies and blogs are compared to others.
Positive reputation has also been associated with performance, since the credibility of the messages of a website enhances the perception of trustfulness. Prior literature highlights the relationship between trust and reputation, but the two constructs show differences. Therefore, in our context it could be hypothesized that: H4 Blog perceived reputation will positively affect blog perceived trustfulness. Subjective knowledge is defined as a subjective rather than a technological trait, related to self confidence in cognitive judgement Brucks, Although the relationship between subjective knowledge and involvement has been thoroughly studied, there seem to be no univocal results.
This latter view is the one taken by this paper: the more political information a blog user seeks, the more knowledgeable about politics he becomes, and therefore an increasing involvement with this matter may arise. The perspective of the relationship between media usage and involvement also reinforces this reasoning, especially on Internet.
Several works have highlighted a stronger involvement in individuals who used digital sources of information or participated in open discussions on political matters online Rojas et al. This implies that individuals exposed to political information on Is impact the same as influence do acquire subjective knowledge as a natural part of this process, which ends up with a deeper involvement with the issues being discussed.
Therefore: H5 Subjective political knowledge will positively affect political involvement. Given that political opinion leadership lives in the heart of political blog usage, we could state that none of its traits could be feasible without the existence of subjective knowledge. Hence, becoming more knowledgeable in the online context would definitely depend on the usefulness of the systems an individual uses as his information sources. This is why our model proposes the following hypothesis: H6 Blog perceived usefulness will positively affect subjective political knowledge.
Our field of study is not an exception: a political blog whose contents become useful will naturally lead to a more involved and eventually abundant community of readers. Our model proposes this relationship works just the opposite way: initially, an individual seeks information for personal purposes — minimizing the perceived political risk, for instance — and it is the very usefulness of the source, a political blog in our case, which makes the difference and turns a functional need into a more emotional and intense issue such as an emerging, global and deeper involvement with political matters.
Therefore: H7 Blog perceived usefulness will define tamil translation affect political involvement. It could be argued, therefore, is impact the same as influence the more useful websites are perceived, the more a user might trust their contents. If we extrapolate these reasoning to the context of the political blogosphere, we could set the following hypothesis: H8 Blog perceived usefulness will positively affect blog perceived trustfulness.
When it comes to political information and opinion, the process seems to be analogous, as users is impact the same as influence trust several weblogs which meet their requirements. Wakefield, Stocks, and Wilder adapted McKnight, Choudhury, and Kacmar trust building model to the case of websites and concluded that structural assurance — such as the WebTrust certificate, i. Considering these references, we posit that political blogs which credit a decent level of trustfulness do foster user interaction with their contents or with other users and, therefore, this dynamic can lead to an increase in the involvement an individual develops with political matters trough the time.
Thus: H9 Blog perceived trustfulness will positively affect political involvement. Significant academic attempts to explore the construct of involvement have been made Krugman, ; Zaichkowsky, is impact the same as influence no agreement on its definition has been reached. Involvement basically class c cost estimate canada both to consumer concern or uncertainty and, in general terms, to opinion leadership.
Personal characteristics of users, lifestyle, perception of needs and situation have been pointed out as antecedents of involvement on the Internet Wu,and these traits seem to be fully extendable to public affairs. Since consumer concern is an antecedent of involvement, political blogs seem to be excellent showcase for reducing uncertainty and ultimately, to help to address consumer behaviour.
In the Internet context, weblogs provide users who may be involved with certain issues database users in dbms pdf the opportunity to interact directly by sharing information and mixing with other users. The consequences of these virtual interactions could have real effects transferring from intention to actual behaviour. According to Inglehart's sociological theory of post-materialism, Western democratic societies are abandoning individual values for a new set of values which emphasize on autonomy and self-expression as means of reaching social and collective goals.
Political blog culture pdffiller by airslate constitutes a new way of increasing participation of individuals in their societies by creating new communication channels with other voters, and candidates why wont my xbox series s connect to wifi political parties. Participation has been studied from different approaches and, according to Nie and Verbaa total of four types of participative behaviour were identified: 1 voting; 2 participation in electoral campaigns; 3 participation in community activities and 4 contacting political representatives.
Later, Dalton added a new dimension, political protest, which reflects the adaptive nature of this concept to social changes. In contemporary democracies, exchange between system agents e. The more individuals use these tools, the more activist a society may become.
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